Do people not realize that government is slavery?

Government is the biggest threat facing humanity right now, the biggest enemy of peace and freedom.

Governments killed more than 200 million people in the 20th century.

Governments brainwash to the point that completely enslaved citizens will profess how proud they are for living in the freest country in the world.

What do you think about a role of the US Government in this context?
Maybe back away from the radio for a couple of weeks.

"Slavery" is a real word with a real history and real meaning.

It's a matter of equilibrium, finding the right balance.

Well it looks like that brainwashing has worked. I believe there is something like 47% of the people in this country receiving some form of Government (taxpayer) assistance.

That 47% includes your grandparents. You should go kick them in the crotch for sucking on the government tit with their Social Security and Medicare.

And be sure to kick retired and disabled vets in the nuts, too. They are also in that 47%. I'd bring an army with you, though.

You might want to start with the vets who are missing some limbs.

And then you can move on to kids with cancer.

Thank you. You're a great American.

I thought that the older folks paid into Social Security most of their working lives and Medicare from the time it became a mandatory tax. Now that they claim the payment for their mandatory contribution, you diss them.

The VA takes care of vets and,in most cases, do a good job of it.

There are several Cancer centers that care for children as well as adults that are free if they are unable to pay for the treatment.

Stephanie merely quoted what Romney said during his campaign and he was sorry he said it.
Government is the biggest threat facing humanity right now, the biggest enemy of peace and freedom.

Governments killed more than 200 million people in the 20th century.

Governments brainwash to the point that completely enslaved citizens will profess how proud they are for living in the freest country in the world.

What do you think about a role of the US Government in this context?

Progs love government more than their friends or parents

....or their alleged religion.
Well it looks like that brainwashing has worked. I believe there is something like 47% of the people in this country receiving some form of Government (taxpayer) assistance.

That 47% includes your grandparents. You should go kick them in the crotch for sucking on the government tit with their Social Security and Medicare.

And be sure to kick retired and disabled vets in the nuts, too. They are also in that 47%. I'd bring an army with you, though.

You might want to start with the vets who are missing some limbs.

And then you can move on to kids with cancer.

Thank you. You're a great American.

First, my grandmother would cringe if she knew that her benefits are putting this country into further debt. Yes, they made a agreement with her that they must uphold, but as I see it, keeping this promise is putting more straws on the camel's back.

Also, take into account how this government treated our disabled veterans. The VA scandal, remember?

You might want to start in Phoenix, Arizona; where a number of deceased vets went months without being buried. Many vets died waiting for approval to get medical care they needed.

And just for the record g5, when millions of Americans lost their insurance because of Obamacare, there must certainly have been those who had cancer, or those who had children with cancer who lost their benefits.

So before you go questioning the Americanism of someone else, please remember, our government is the most unamerican thing there is; simply because they have done things to these poor disabled vets, children, and generally handicapped that not even Suplex there would dream of doing.

You can be indignant if you wish, but you might want to talk to some of these folks before you start making assumptions.
I see the point went sailing a mile over your head.

Stephanie parroted a stale "47%" meme that lumps everyone who receives a "government handout" into one pile. This is stupidity in the extreme which places vets who lost their limbs in battle with...whoever she thinks is some kind of leech.

That is a disgusting tactic which deserves the bitch slap I gave her for being intellectually lazy and dishonest. There isn't an original thought in her head.

And the fact is, the percentage of Americans who are on the government tit is, for all intents and purposes, 100 percent.

If you ever took a tax deduction, credit, or exemption, you are on that tit. You are causing higher tax rates and deficit spending.

For every finger Stephanie and her ilk point at others, four of their own fingers are pointing back at themselves. In order to have any integrity when they whine about others on the tit, they need to be willing to pop their own government nipple out of their mouths first.
Republican governments promote social stability. Leftist governments do not.

Says the rat with the highest percentage of "government" mooches in the entire country. What the fuck would Florida DO without all those Social Security checks for all those retirees?

But Repubs loving Social Security and the social stability it brings. You are delusional.
Our society was more stable for a hundred years before and after the Philadelphia Convention - when we had republican forms of government - than it is now.
Well it looks like that brainwashing has worked. I believe there is something like 47% of the people in this country receiving some form of Government (taxpayer) assistance.

That 47% includes your grandparents. You should go kick them in the crotch for sucking on the government tit with their Social Security and Medicare.

And be sure to kick retired and disabled vets in the nuts, too. They are also in that 47%. I'd bring an army with you, though.

You might want to start with the vets who are missing some limbs.

And then you can move on to kids with cancer.

Thank you. You're a great American.

I thought that the older folks paid into Social Security most of their working lives and Medicare from the time it became a mandatory tax. Now that they claim the payment for their mandatory contribution, you diss them.

The VA takes care of vets and,in most cases, do a good job of it.

There are several Cancer centers that care for children as well as adults that are free if they are unable to pay for the treatment.

That is exactly my point. Stephanie was whining about all of those people getting government assistance. When she bitched about "the 47%", she was bitching about the vets and the retirees and the cancer kids, because they are in that 47%.

Stephanie merely quoted what Romney said during his campaign and he was sorry he said it.

Yes, we have a lot of brainless parrots around here.
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Our society was more stable for a hundred years before and after the Philadelphia Convention - when we had republican forms of government - than it is now.

You are absolutely clueless about our history.

When was the Civil War, dipshit? How many financial panics were there in the century after the convention? How long did each recession/depression last?

Do the words "Bleeding Kansas" meaning anything to you?

Our country is the picture of stability compared to the first century and a half of our nation.
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Our society was more stable for a hundred years before and after the Philadelphia Convention - when we had republican forms of government - than it is now.

You are absolutely clueless about our history.

When was the Civil War, dipshit? How many financial panics were there in the century after the convention? How long did each recession/depression last?

Do the words "Bleeding Kansas" meaning anything to you?

Our country is the picture of stability compared to the first century and a half of our nation.
Faction destabilizes society. Democracy destabilizes society. Republicanism does not.
Government in our republic (representative democracy, dupes) IS THE PEOPLE (of the people, by the people, and for the people). The New BS GOP, run by the greedy idiot rich, has all kinds of propaganda and bs to distract the chumps from that, so they can rob and cheat us again. Change the channel, functional morons.
Republican governments promote social stability. Leftist governments do not.

Says the rat with the highest percentage of "government" mooches in the entire country. What the fuck would Florida DO without all those Social Security checks for all those retirees?

But Repubs loving Social Security and the social stability it brings. You are delusional.
Our society was more stable for a hundred years before and after the Philadelphia Convention - when we had republican forms of government - than it is now.
Just because you ignorant Reaganist drones are ignorant of all our inequalities, poverty, and suffering doesn't mean they didn't happen. Ay caramba. Read "The Good Old Days-They Were Terrible".
If you ever took a tax deduction, credit, or exemption, you are on that tit. You are causing higher tax rates and deficit spending.


This is one of the most stupid things I have ever seen posted on the Internet.

The government is not entitled to have all your money paid to it. An exemption, credit or deduction is hardly, under any definition, getting something from the government. It is paying the taxes at the required and legal rate.

The idiots that cause higher taxes are the morons that vote for higher taxes or elect scumbags that raise taxes. You know, Democrats.

The idiots that cause deficit spending are the morons in the government that spend more money than the revenue takes in or the idiots that vote for the government officials that spends more than they take in.
I see the point went sailing a mile over your head.

Actually not. Your argument was rather predictable.

That is a disgusting tactic which deserves the bitch slap I gave her for being intellectually lazy and dishonest. There isn't an original thought in her head.

And how would you know what is in her head? Can you read minds? The fact is, when you used a Galilean argument to divert from the actual point of her post, it meant you had no intellectual counterpoint of your own. Calling her a name(s) isn't very intellectually adroit, or honest.

And the fact is, the percentage of Americans who are on the government tit is, for all intents and purposes, 100 percent.

A broad brushing statement. I find that hard to believe.

If you ever took a tax deduction, credit, or exemption, you are on that tit. You are causing higher tax rates and deficit spending.

None of those are government assistance. There are fully self sufficient people out there who don't need government in any part of their lives, they simply pay taxes and move along. That's it. Also, I can't help but notice you are making more of Stephanie's argument than your own.

For every finger Stephanie and her ilk point at others, four of their own fingers are pointing back at themselves. In order to have any integrity when they whine about others on the tit, they need to be willing to pop their own government nipple out of their mouths first.

Ironically, you say 100% of us are on the "tit" but neglect to include yourself in that statement. As the old saying goes, clean up around your own front door first.

Stephanie was whining about all of those people getting government assistance. When she bitched about "the 47%", she was bitching about the vets and the retirees and the cancer kids, because they are in that 47%.

And? An appeal to pity won't win you any arguments. You insinuated that she would deprive these poor people of their benefits, being the 'wonderful American' she is, you basically called her heartless. I know a character assassination when I see one.

Nobody wants to deprive anyone of anything here, but people of good conscience can't put everyone else in debt either. You can't force charity, and this is what all forms of government assistance do. Nobody likes having the proverbial gun pressed against their heads being forced to render charity.
Our society was more stable for a hundred years before and after the Philadelphia Convention - when we had republican forms of government - than it is now.

You are absolutely clueless about our history.

When was the Civil War, dipshit? How many financial panics were there in the century after the convention? How long did each recession/depression last?

Do the words "Bleeding Kansas" meaning anything to you?

Our country is the picture of stability compared to the first century and a half of our nation.
Faction destabilizes society. Democracy destabilizes society. Republicanism does not.

History utterly contradicts your claims about stability. We were not more stable.
Lol I would love to see how long you would last without a government to protect you. You people are all emotion and no logic.
Lol I would love to see how long you would last without a government to protect you. You people are all emotion and no logic.

Nobody has much of a problem with the government doing the basic minimal necessary government services like defense, police, courts etc. It is all that other government bullshit like welfare and entitlements combined with typical government corruption, mismanagement and fiscal irresponsibility that drives up the cost and pisses everybody off.
Lol I would love to see how long you would last without a government to protect you. You people are all emotion and no logic.
On the one hand I HAVE TO agree with you, because the government regulate and normalize our everyday life.
On the other hand how much are you ready to pay for it?
Lol I would love to see how long you would last without a government to protect you. You people are all emotion and no logic.

Nobody has much of a problem with the government doing the basic minimal necessary government services like defense, police, courts etc. It is all that other government bullshit like welfare and entitlements combined with typical government corruption, mismanagement and fiscal irresponsibility that drives up the cost and pisses everybody off.

The anarchists do.
Because they are unwilling to tell it like it is and provide the difficult explanations that are needed. Their jobs would be too hard in that case.

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