Do Politicians Even Care That Forced Mask Laws Violate ADA and PAs? Some examples.

The politicization of masks. But why no politicization of hand washing or using hand sanitizers?

That's easy.

Unlike the masks, hand-washing and the use of sanitizer really do help reduce the spread of diseases, including the #CoronaHoax2020 virus..

Perhaps, more importantly, these activities don't produce an obvious, visual sign of submission and compliance, the way masks do. Nobody is washing their hands or using hand sanitizer, to make a show of how stupidly submissive they are. Really, that is the true purpose of the pressure and requirements to wear masks. Nobody who isn't a complete idiot believes that they actually do anything to protect anyone against the #CoronaHoax2020 virus, but it makes a great show of submission and virtue-signalling.
tested every day for a hoax

Europe banned us because of a hoax

I watched Biden the other day very impressive
Takes little to impress you.

I'll be impressed if that shit even dares to show up for the debates. All six of them.

Now impress me and learn how to sign onto Skype.
The politicization of masks. But why no politicization of hand washing or using hand sanitizers?

That's easy.

Unlike the masks, hand-washing and the use of sanitizer really do help reduce the spread of diseases, including the #CoronaHoax2020 virus..

Perhaps, more importantly, these activities don't produce an obvious, visual sign of submission and compliance, the way masks do. Nobody is washing their hands or using hand sanitizer, to make a show of how stupidly submissive they are. Really, that is the true purpose of the pressure and requirements to wear masks. Nobody who isn't a complete idiot believes that they actually do anything to protect anyone against the #CoronaHoax2020 virus, but it makes a great show of submission and virtue-signalling.
Sadly I do believe you are right. If it wasn't so close to the election, and the fact that after all their attempts at destroying Trump has since failed, and they haven't finally succeeded at getting him yet, one can't help but see it as a ploy to build some other kind of consensus that Trump is "orange man bad", so if they don't comply, then they are complicit with Trump in not caring about others, so they are of course bad also.

This bullcrap has been tried with the climate crap and everything else they could come up with, and all in order to sieze power or re-distribute wealth by any means possible, and by any means nessesary.
I haven’t said Much of anything about government force, you inject crap like that because you can’t have an honest argument. It’s ok, I’m used to it as many other trolls on this board use the same tactic.
I think the less government the better which is why I promote people and businesses to act responsibly because when they don’t the government ultimately steps in.

So, you're for freedom from government force, until people exercise that freedom in ways that you don't like, at which point you want government to step in and force them.

It's like being all for free speech, as long as people only exercise it to say what you agree with; and calling for forcible censorship of speech that you don't find agreeable.

Who do you think you're fooling? Someone else's “freedom” to do what you want them to do, and not what they themselves want to do, is no freedom at all.

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It must be nice to just reframe people’s statements and then argue against your warped interpretations. That’s called a strawman tactic. Who do you think you are fooling?
The politicization of masks. But why no politicization of hand washing or using hand sanitizers?

That's easy.

Unlike the masks, hand-washing and the use of sanitizer really do help reduce the spread of diseases, including the #CoronaHoax2020 virus..

Perhaps, more importantly, these activities don't produce an obvious, visual sign of submission and compliance, the way masks do. Nobody is washing their hands or using hand sanitizer, to make a show of how stupidly submissive they are. Really, that is the true purpose of the pressure and requirements to wear masks. Nobody who isn't a complete idiot believes that they actually do anything to protect anyone against the #CoronaHoax2020 virus, but it makes a great show of submission and virtue-signalling.
tested every day for a hoax

Europe banned us because of a hoax

What was the results of the test, and who cares about what any other countries think of us ??? They are responsible for their situations, and not us. Anyone testing positive can be helped better than when it first arrived here, so we aren't backing up, but instead we are moving forward. To deny that is being dishonest and political.
Do you really think I like being told what to do by the government?! Fuck no. I don’t like being told what to do by anybody.

Of course not. You don't want government to tell you what to do. You want government, on your behalf, to tell others what to do. This much is very obvious. You're all for “freedom” as long as others are only allowed to exercise it the way you want them to.

And if cooking up a pack of lies like the #CoronaHoax2020, and using it as an excuse to sabotage the economy, and impose all sorts of useless and burdensome rules on others, allows you to see power exercised as you want it, so much the better.

You are not nearly as clever as you think you are. Most of us are not fooled by your degenerate kind.
i don’t think im clever, just honest and open minded and interested in engaging in constructive debate... none of which I can say the same about you
Wearing a mask is about respect. It shows you stand up when it counts. It shows you have joined the battle. It shows you care about your country. I can’t think of a more patriotic thing
But if a mask doesn't protect ME, how does it protect others?
are you serious?! By now you really still don’t get it? Maybe you don’t possess the intellectual capability to comprehend. In that case how about you just listen to Trumps corona virus task force... the VP and head doctors of our agencies that have lived and breathed this situation for months... all of whom say wearing a mask makes a difference.
Everyone says that the mask doesn’t protect the user. So if everyone is wearing a mask, no one is protected. Get it?
I’ve listed the counter points to this so many times so I’m going to try another approach. Let’s say you’re right and masks are ineffective. If that’s so then why would VP pence and all the experts on the Corona Virus task force lie and say otherwise? Please explain how that makes sense and why you think you know more than they do.
I'm going by what I hear, which is that masks don't protect the user. So the more people wearing masks, the more people aren't protected.
Just think, Taz, what you normally exhale you exhale for a reason. Your body wants to get rid of it. Now all of a sudden, you are wearing a mask all the time collecting and concentrating it on the inside of the mask then breathing it back in.

OSHA recommends that you change out a mask every 15 minutes. Know anyone going through 15-30 masks a day?
Do you spend every minute of every day right next to strangers? No. Take your mask off when you’re distanced and put it on when you’re in proximity. This shit isn’t complicated. Do you cover your mouth when you sneeze on the subway or do you spray it all over people?
That is a great compromise and one that I can live with. At work I am not required to have a mask covering my face when I am working on a piece of equipment where no one else is in close proximity but I do put it on when I have to be around others...not because I fear this bullshit virus but to make my co-workers feel more at ease. The machine operators do not come close to making the kind of wage that I do and there is a temp check-point before they are allowed into the building. So far, one out of 130 employees has been sent home and required to self-quarantine and unless they have sick leave or vacation hours? They would not be paid for that time off. I owe it to them to hedge their bets, as it were.
Don't agree with this cat on anything, because you were already doing the things you needed to do... It's called using your common sense, but because we have many idiots that won't do that, then we have to help them out by doing a little more in order to keep ourselves safe from them. I didn't need Slade or government to tell me that, but here we are. It's the ideology of the leftist to force everyone to accommodate the idiots in society, and this in order to be an inclusive society where if one wants to be an idiot then hey whose stopping them right ???, Then look at what the idiots do, they break ranks with the supposed rational minded, and they start looting, burning, protesting, gathering in large groups basically saying to hell with anything the rich man tells them and us to do. I said rich man because that is who they hate truly, and not the white race only.

Slade is an amature who thinks he has the answers to the problems in this country, when in reality he doesn't have a clue.

I stand by my contention that Slade is a "stand-up" poster here. Do I agree with everything he posts? Probably about as much as he agrees with things I post here. What I have found about Slade is that he is willing to meet someone half-way, hell, he will even be the first to reach across the aisle and offer a hand even knowing that it might be sneered at. I have respect for posters that will do that. In cyberville too few are willing to even attempt at finding common ground. I have been doing this for twenty years and I can detect the flame-warriors that simply want to vent and those that will honestly discuss an issue.

Just when I have come to the conclusion that the chasm that exists between these two warring factions can never be bridged? I will read something from Slade that gives me pause for thought because he is willing to consider the other side...that is, if he isn't being insulted. There are some decent posters here that are on the left-hand side of the equation that will articulately and concisely express with thoughtful reflection on an issue and will give you the respect of reading your rebuttal and the exchanges between those like Slade gives me hope that at the end of the day, we can be united instead of divided. Your opinion of Slade is your own and while I do agree with you 90 plus percent of the time? My opinion of Slade differs greatly from yours.....mileage will always vary.

That being said, I am sure Slade and me will butt heads on certain issues but at the end of the day, I can and will respect him even if I disagree. I wish we had more of that here and Slade inspires me to be a better communicator and less of a "shit-stirrer" because I am angry at what is happening to this country and the world.
Wearing a mask is about respect. It shows you stand up when it counts. It shows you have joined the battle. It shows you care about your country. I can’t think of a more patriotic thing
But if a mask doesn't protect ME, how does it protect others?
are you serious?! By now you really still don’t get it? Maybe you don’t possess the intellectual capability to comprehend. In that case how about you just listen to Trumps corona virus task force... the VP and head doctors of our agencies that have lived and breathed this situation for months... all of whom say wearing a mask makes a difference.
Everyone says that the mask doesn’t protect the user. So if everyone is wearing a mask, no one is protected. Get it?
I’ve listed the counter points to this so many times so I’m going to try another approach. Let’s say you’re right and masks are ineffective. If that’s so then why would VP pence and all the experts on the Corona Virus task force lie and say otherwise? Please explain how that makes sense and why you think you know more than they do.
I'm going by what I hear, which is that masks don't protect the user. So the more people wearing masks, the more people aren't protected.
Just think, Taz, what you normally exhale you exhale for a reason. Your body wants to get rid of it. Now all of a sudden, you are wearing a mask all the time collecting and concentrating it on the inside of the mask then breathing it back in.

OSHA recommends that you change out a mask every 15 minutes. Know anyone going through 15-30 masks a day?
Do you spend every minute of every day right next to strangers? No. Take your mask off when you’re distanced and put it on when you’re in proximity. This shit isn’t complicated. Do you cover your mouth when you sneeze on the subway or do you spray it all over people?
That is a great compromise and one that I can live with. At work I am not required to have a mask covering my face when I am working on a piece of equipment where no one else is in close proximity but I do put it on when I have to be around others...not because I fear this bullshit virus but to make my co-workers feel more at ease. The machine operators do not come close to making the kind of wage that I do and there is a temp check-point before they are allowed into the building. So far, one out of 130 employees has been sent home and required to self-quarantine and unless they have sick leave or vacation hours? They would not be paid for that time off. I owe it to them to hedge their bets, as it were.
Don't agree with this cat on anything, because you were already doing the things you needed to do... It's called using your common sense, but because we have many idiots that won't do that, then we have to help them out by doing a little more in order to keep ourselves safe from them. I didn't need Slade or government to tell me that, but here we are. It's the ideology of the leftist to force everyone to accommodate the idiots in society, and this in order to be an inclusive society where if one wants to be an idiot then hey whose stopping them right ???, Then look at what the idiots do, they break ranks with the supposed rational minded, and they start looting, burning, protesting, gathering in large groups basically saying to hell with anything the rich man tells them and us to do. I said rich man because that is who they hate truly, and not the white race only.

Slade is an amature who thinks he has the answers to the problems in this country, when in reality he doesn't have a clue.

I stand by my contention that Slade is a "stand-up" poster here. Do I agree with everything he posts? Probably about as much as he agrees with things I post here. What I have found about Slade is that he is willing to meet someone half-way, hell, he will even be the first to reach across the aisle and offer a hand even knowing that it might be sneered at. I have respect for posters that will do that. In cyberville too few are willing to even attempt at finding common ground. I have been doing this for twenty years and I can detect the flame-warriors that simply want to vent and those that will honestly discuss an issue.

Just when I have come to the conclusion that the chasm that exists between these two warring factions can never be bridged? I will read something from Slade that gives me pause for thought because he is willing to consider the other side...that is, if he isn't being insulted. There are some decent posters here that are on the left-hand side of the equation that will articulately and concisely express with thoughtful reflection on an issue and will give you the respect of reading your rebuttal and the exchanges between those like Slade gives me hope that at the end of the day, we can be united instead of divided. Your opinion of Slade is your own and while I do agree with you 90 plus percent of the time? My opinion of Slade differs greatly from yours.....mileage will always vary.

That being said, I am sure Slade and me will butt heads on certain issues but at the end of the day, I can and will respect him even if I disagree. I wish we had more of that here and Slade inspires me to be a better communicator and less of a "shit-stirrer" because I am angry at what is happening to this country and the world.
Much love Mr Dale, my brother from another motha. I never understood why it was so taboo to talk politics or religion as I’ve always loved diving into those subjects with people of opposing opinions. And not to get reenforcement of what I believe in an echo chamber but to challenge other people’s beliefs, get my beliefs challenged, and hopefully walk away with a more enriched understanding of the subject matter. This can easily be done if people take ego and emotion out and just engage directly and honestly. Unfortunately I think ego gets in the way of many of the posters on this board and as soon as they get challenged they turn into trolls. I honestly don’t know why I waste my time repeating myself so much, I guess it’s a little like poking a slug with a stick.

Anyways, I appreciate a good opposition and you def bring that, except for it’s been a while since we’ve battled... I think the refreshing change of finding common ground with a political “enemy” draws me to that as it is a rarity now a days. Anyways, happy 4th to you Mr Dale... the rest of you ass munchers can lick my hole! ;-)
What I have found about Slade is that he is willing to meet someone half-way…

When truth meets falsehood half way, the result is half-truth, which, for all intents and purposes, might as well be complete falsehood.

Truth should never compromise with falsehood. Good should never compromise with evil. Reason should never compromise with madness. The result of such compromise is always that falsehood/evil/madness wins. Always.
What I have found about Slade is that he is willing to meet someone half-way…

When truth meets falsehood half way, the result is half-truth, which, for all intents and purposes, might as well be complete falsehood.

Truth should never compromise with falsehood. Good should never compromise with evil. Reason should never compromise with madness. The result of such compromise is always that falsehood/evil/madness wins. Always.
Excellent then stop spreading the falsehoods and I’ll keep bringing the truth... should fix things right up
What I have found about Slade is that he is willing to meet someone half-way…

When truth meets falsehood half way, the result is half-truth, which, for all intents and purposes, might as well be complete falsehood.

Truth should never compromise with falsehood. Good should never compromise with evil. Reason should never compromise with madness. The result of such compromise is always that falsehood/evil/madness wins. Always.

Who here has "absolute truth", Bob? We all have opinions, we all have beliefs and perception is 9/10ths reality. I like and agree with the majority of the posts you make but I will not "distance" myself from Slade because of those like you that share a lot of my values don't like him. If it costs me every "cyber-friend" here? That is something that I can't control.
What I have found about Slade is that he is willing to meet someone half-way…

When truth meets falsehood half way, the result is half-truth, which, for all intents and purposes, might as well be complete falsehood.

Truth should never compromise with falsehood. Good should never compromise with evil. Reason should never compromise with madness. The result of such compromise is always that falsehood/evil/madness wins. Always.

Who here has "absolute truth", Bob? We all have opinions, we all have beliefs and perception is 9/10ths reality. I like and agree with the majority of the posts you make but I will not "distance" myself from Slade because of those like you that share a lot of my values don't like him. If it costs me every "cyber-friend" here? That is something that I can't control.
Well he sure might have you fooled, but it's ok, you can bounce back and forth, it's no big deal. No one will ask you to depart your friendship from ole Slade. Beware of the old saying though "keep your friends close, but keep your enemies closer", and especially if they are formidable opponents.
What I have found about Slade is that he is willing to meet someone half-way…

When truth meets falsehood half way, the result is half-truth, which, for all intents and purposes, might as well be complete falsehood.

Truth should never compromise with falsehood. Good should never compromise with evil. Reason should never compromise with madness. The result of such compromise is always that falsehood/evil/madness wins. Always.

Who here has "absolute truth", Bob? We all have opinions, we all have beliefs and perception is 9/10ths reality. I like and agree with the majority of the posts you make but I will not "distance" myself from Slade because of those like you that share a lot of my values don't like him. If it costs me every "cyber-friend" here? That is something that I can't control.
Well he sure might have you fooled, but it's ok, you can bounce back and forth, it's no big deal. No one will ask you to depart your friendship from ole Slade. Beware of the old saying though "keep your friends close, but keep your enemies closer", and especially if they are formidable opponents.

I am not "bouncing" in the slightest. I am exactly whom I say I am and I don't abandon friends regardless of whether others view that friend as a pariah or not. Me and Slade will differ on more issues than we will agree on but we have a mutual respect.... we can agree to disagree and not hold a grudge and "plot" ways to attack or blindside. Being on the left hand side of the equation (like Slade is) while giving me some props doesn't exactly endear him to those that utterly despise my existence here but yet he doesn't hesitate to stand up for me and I would be a sorry excuse for a human being if I didn't do the same.

BTW, half of the posts that I have written here have been on behalf of like-minded conservatives that were being "dog-piled" by some of the extreme leftists here.

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