Do republican voters even have a solution to healthcare?

We know they hate ACA and the idea of single payer. Does that mean they think our healthcare system was decent before ACA? Are they that stupid? It was definitely a complete joke prior to ACA. It's not like they could point to any objective facts to say otherwise. It makes me wonder what their philosophy is.

Frankly, I don't think they are smart enough to understand healthcare policy, but it would be adorable if they think they have an idea of what's best.

Well, I think you're one stupid mother fucker. We have spent trillions on the maobamacare folly and have just as many uninsured/under insured as we did before and most of the middle class can't afford to use the crap they have now because of high deductibles and copays. Yeah if was much better before regardless of your stupid assed propaganda.

It's really not. It's just basic reason.

Well the basic HISTORY AND PRACTICE of healthcare in modern world show that THIS DOESN'T WORK.

And for that reason, not a single developed country in the world uses it.

HORSESHIT. You've been brainwashed. Do some reading and get back to me.

ok, PROVE IT - what country uses a model consistent with those 8 points?

Ours did, before we fucked it all up with moronic state interference.

??? When was that exactly?

Health insurance in the United States - Wikipedia
Healthcare solution ?
Obama gave us that already no ??

It predictably only needs massive coerced tax increases and obscene premium increases on those forced to pay for others welfare care.

ACA is a hybrid mix of private insurance/providers and government run exchanges, subsidies and regulation.

This solution was spawned by conservatives over a Heritage as an alternative to Clinton single payer plan, it was implemented by Romey in his state (Republican presidential candidate 2012) and finally delivered nationally by Democrats.

So "giving it to us" was a bi-partisan effort, complete with conception, beta-testing and implementation.

It is also certainly not a FINAL solution, but a first major step that has many shortcomings and MUCH to fix and add-on.
Well the basic HISTORY AND PRACTICE of healthcare in modern world show that THIS DOESN'T WORK.

And for that reason, not a single developed country in the world uses it.

HORSESHIT. You've been brainwashed. Do some reading and get back to me.

ok, PROVE IT - what country uses a model consistent with those 8 points?

Ours did, before we fucked it all up with moronic state interference.

??? When was that exactly?

Health insurance in the United States - Wikipedia

Seriously, what years are you talking about? Just answer the question.
HORSESHIT. You've been brainwashed. Do some reading and get back to me.

ok, PROVE IT - what country uses a model consistent with those 8 points?

Ours did, before we fucked it all up with moronic state interference.

??? When was that exactly?

Health insurance in the United States - Wikipedia

Seriously, what years are you talking about? Just answer the question.

Would it make a difference? Seriously, I'm not into typing a bunch of stuff you're not even going to read. It's all there in the Wikipedia article. You can find many other sources that outline the history of health care in the US. Basically it started to go downhill after WWII when Truman first set his sights on nationalizing health care. The Cold War, and paranoia over socialism slowed things down a bit, and forced them to "partner" with corporations in their efforts, but it's always been the same goal.
Healthcare solution ?
Obama gave us that already no ??

It predictably only needs massive coerced tax increases and obscene premium increases on those forced to pay for others welfare care.

ACA is a hybrid mix of private insurance/providers and government run exchanges, subsidies and regulation.

This solution was spawned by conservatives over a Heritage as an alternative to Clinton single payer plan, it was implemented by Romey in his state (Republican presidential candidate 2012) and finally delivered nationally by Democrats.

So "giving it to us" was a bi-partisan effort, complete with conception, beta-testing and implementation.

It is also certainly not a FINAL solution, but a first major step that has many shortcomings and MUCH to fix and add-on.

Tell us about the "FINAL solution to the health care question"!
Obamas commiecare ponzi scheme passed with unanimous republican opposition and the only folks who believed the "care" would be more affordable are dimwitted progressives and parasites.......
ok, PROVE IT - what country uses a model consistent with those 8 points?

Ours did, before we fucked it all up with moronic state interference.

??? When was that exactly?

Health insurance in the United States - Wikipedia

Seriously, what years are you talking about? Just answer the question.

Would it make a difference? Seriously, I'm not into typing a bunch of stuff you're not even going to read. It's all there in the Wikipedia article. You can find many other sources that outline the history of health care in the US. Basically it started to go downhill after WWII when Truman first set his sights on nationalizing health care. The Cold War, and paranoia over socialism slowed things down a bit, and forced them to "partner" with corporations in their efforts, but it's always been the same goal.

YES, because I'm really not clear on what you are referring to.

Go ahead and just say what period you are talking about. Your resistance to this simple ask is telling.
Ours did, before we fucked it all up with moronic state interference.

??? When was that exactly?

Health insurance in the United States - Wikipedia

Seriously, what years are you talking about? Just answer the question.

Would it make a difference? Seriously, I'm not into typing a bunch of stuff you're not even going to read. It's all there in the Wikipedia article. You can find many other sources that outline the history of health care in the US. Basically it started to go downhill after WWII when Truman first set his sights on nationalizing health care. The Cold War, and paranoia over socialism slowed things down a bit, and forced them to "partner" with corporations in their efforts, but it's always been the same goal.

YES, because I'm really not clear on what you are referring to.

Go ahead and just say what period you are talking about. Your resistance to this simple ask is telling.

Remember back in the good old days when America was great and healthcare insurance was part of the employment package?

What happened?

The Liberals found out there were big bucks in getting the welfare queens to vote for them.

They decided to kiss the ass of the welfare queens by making health insurance an entitlement. Despicable, isn't it?

It is not like the welfare queens didn't have free care before. That wasn't good enough for the Democrats. They wanted to take the welfare queens out of the waiting room of the local free clinic and put them in the waiting room of the paying customers. The zeal to establish that entitlement is what screwed up great quality health care in the US.
Healthcare solution ?
Obama gave us that already no ??

It predictably only needs massive coerced tax increases and obscene premium increases on those forced to pay for others welfare care.

ACA is a hybrid mix of private insurance/providers and government run exchanges, subsidies and regulation.

This solution was spawned by conservatives over a Heritage as an alternative to Clinton single payer plan, it was implemented by Romey in his state (Republican presidential candidate 2012) and finally delivered nationally by Democrats.

So "giving it to us" was a bi-partisan effort, complete with conception, beta-testing and implementation.

It is also certainly not a FINAL solution, but a first major step that has many shortcomings and MUCH to fix and add-on.

Tell us about the "FINAL solution to the health care question"!

That is not borne out by theory, but practice - when our system gives ballpark outcomes and costs to other, more successful systems.

ACA needs to better address certain affordability situations to ENSURE that insurance is affordable for everyone, and put real teeth behind the mandate, so people can't abuse the system by skipping coverage until they are sick.

There also needs to be much added on terms of cost containment and pricing transparency throughout healthcare industry to seriously increase competition. Currently there is no way, or extremely difficult to figure out what any given treatment or surgery will cost you and there is no way to "shop around" for consumers in this industry.
1. you cannot search and find anything that I parroted. Just because you are a birdbrain does not prove everyone else is. Some of us think and ask questions. You never do. You parrot one left wing lie after another, and when those get outed as lies, you go right back to the same source and parrot fresh new ones.

2. you cannot disprove or discredit anything I've posted, because it is all true, especially the part of you having precisely zero understanding of basic economics...
So basically all you're here to do is prattle on about partisanshithead nonsense and you aren't really interested in anything else.

Have a nice Sabbath my friend, the rest of the advanced post industrial world has figured this all out and enjoys better healthcare outcomes for far less expense and inefficiency; why, Canadians even pay less than you do for US pharmaceuticals.

And there is NO difference in this topic between your parties; reps/"cons" and dems/"libs" when to comes to healthcare in america. Enjoy the "exceptionalism".
i agree. the asinine effort to get back at the other side and have 1 party huddle up is inviting a fight and nothing else. the repubs HATED IT when the dems rolled their shit through and now they can't even do the same back to them cause they're so dysfunctional.

get experts from both sides in a room, remove partisan nametags and figure this shit out. tired of 1 side trying to one-up the other.
Never gonna happen when "both" sides answer to Wall Street, the donor class and lobbyists instead of the people which is why the vote is meaningless. That's why other advanced post industrial societies invest in society (a healthy and educated population) as we extract societal wealth and redistribute it to a relative entitled few.
Remember back in the good old days when America was great and healthcare insurance was part of the employment package?

What happened?

The Liberals found out there were big bucks in getting the welfare queens to vote for them.

They decided to kiss the ass of the welfare queens by making health insurance an entitlement. Despicable, isn't it?

It is not like the welfare queens didn't have free care before. That wasn't good enough for the Democrats. They wanted to take the welfare queens out of the waiting room of the local free clinic and put them in the waiting room of the paying customers. The zeal to establish that entitlement is what screwed up great quality health care in the US.
You should consider turning off your corporate state media and doing your own research. Do you know how? Your antiquated racialized talking points suggest not.
1. you cannot search and find anything that I parroted. Just because you are a birdbrain does not prove everyone else is. Some of us think and ask questions. You never do. You parrot one left wing lie after another, and when those get outed as lies, you go right back to the same source and parrot fresh new ones.

2. you cannot disprove or discredit anything I've posted, because it is all true, especially the part of you having precisely zero understanding of basic economics...
So basically all you're here to do is prattle on about partisanshithead nonsense and you aren't really interested in anything else.

Have a nice Sabbath my friend, the rest of the advanced post industrial world has figured this all out and enjoys better healthcare outcomes for far less expense and inefficiency; why, Canadians even pay less than you do for US pharmaceuticals.

And there is NO difference in this topic between your parties; reps/"cons" and dems/"libs" when to comes to healthcare in america. Enjoy the "exceptionalism".
i agree. the asinine effort to get back at the other side and have 1 party huddle up is inviting a fight and nothing else. the repubs HATED IT when the dems rolled their shit through and now they can't even do the same back to them cause they're so dysfunctional.

get experts from both sides in a room, remove partisan nametags and figure this shit out. tired of 1 side trying to one-up the other.
Never gonna happen when "both" sides answer to Wall Street, the donor class and lobbyists instead of the people which is why the vote is meaningless. That's why other advanced post industrial societies invest in society (a healthy and educated population) as we extract societal wealth and redistribute it to a relative entitled few.
it's never going to happen as long as the left and right continue to think their "differences" are too great to overcome. we've existed just fine for 250 years now suddenly we can't get along anymore?

if we want it to change we can change it. but it's never easy and it's never w/o painpoints from those who wish to keep "status quo".
1. you cannot search and find anything that I parroted. Just because you are a birdbrain does not prove everyone else is. Some of us think and ask questions. You never do. You parrot one left wing lie after another, and when those get outed as lies, you go right back to the same source and parrot fresh new ones.

2. you cannot disprove or discredit anything I've posted, because it is all true, especially the part of you having precisely zero understanding of basic economics...
So basically all you're here to do is prattle on about partisanshithead nonsense and you aren't really interested in anything else.

Have a nice Sabbath my friend, the rest of the advanced post industrial world has figured this all out and enjoys better healthcare outcomes for far less expense and inefficiency; why, Canadians even pay less than you do for US pharmaceuticals.

And there is NO difference in this topic between your parties; reps/"cons" and dems/"libs" when to comes to healthcare in america. Enjoy the "exceptionalism".
i agree. the asinine effort to get back at the other side and have 1 party huddle up is inviting a fight and nothing else. the repubs HATED IT when the dems rolled their shit through and now they can't even do the same back to them cause they're so dysfunctional.

get experts from both sides in a room, remove partisan nametags and figure this shit out. tired of 1 side trying to one-up the other.
Never gonna happen when "both" sides answer to Wall Street, the donor class and lobbyists instead of the people which is why the vote is meaningless. That's why other advanced post industrial societies invest in society (a healthy and educated population) as we extract societal wealth and redistribute it to a relative entitled few.
it's never going to happen as long as the left and right continue to think their "differences" are too great to overcome. we've existed just fine for 250 years now suddenly we can't get along anymore?

if we want it to change we can change it. but it's never easy and it's never w/o painpoints from those who wish to keep "status quo".
The system runs on the masses being directed toward each other's throats and the "left" versus "right" ruse is just part of that.
1. you cannot search and find anything that I parroted. Just because you are a birdbrain does not prove everyone else is. Some of us think and ask questions. You never do. You parrot one left wing lie after another, and when those get outed as lies, you go right back to the same source and parrot fresh new ones.

2. you cannot disprove or discredit anything I've posted, because it is all true, especially the part of you having precisely zero understanding of basic economics...
So basically all you're here to do is prattle on about partisanshithead nonsense and you aren't really interested in anything else.

Have a nice Sabbath my friend, the rest of the advanced post industrial world has figured this all out and enjoys better healthcare outcomes for far less expense and inefficiency; why, Canadians even pay less than you do for US pharmaceuticals.

And there is NO difference in this topic between your parties; reps/"cons" and dems/"libs" when to comes to healthcare in america. Enjoy the "exceptionalism".
i agree. the asinine effort to get back at the other side and have 1 party huddle up is inviting a fight and nothing else. the repubs HATED IT when the dems rolled their shit through and now they can't even do the same back to them cause they're so dysfunctional.

get experts from both sides in a room, remove partisan nametags and figure this shit out. tired of 1 side trying to one-up the other.
Never gonna happen when "both" sides answer to Wall Street, the donor class and lobbyists instead of the people which is why the vote is meaningless. That's why other advanced post industrial societies invest in society (a healthy and educated population) as we extract societal wealth and redistribute it to a relative entitled few.
it's never going to happen as long as the left and right continue to think their "differences" are too great to overcome. we've existed just fine for 250 years now suddenly we can't get along anymore?

if we want it to change we can change it. but it's never easy and it's never w/o painpoints from those who wish to keep "status quo".
The system runs on the masses being directed toward each other's throats and the "left" versus "right" ruse is just part of that.
yea, but it has not been this "viscous" in awhile. it does remind me much of late 60s early 70s so it should pass like all other trends when we have something better, or at least different, to occupy our time.
So basically all you're here to do is prattle on about partisanshithead nonsense and you aren't really interested in anything else.

Have a nice Sabbath my friend, the rest of the advanced post industrial world has figured this all out and enjoys better healthcare outcomes for far less expense and inefficiency; why, Canadians even pay less than you do for US pharmaceuticals.

And there is NO difference in this topic between your parties; reps/"cons" and dems/"libs" when to comes to healthcare in america. Enjoy the "exceptionalism".
i agree. the asinine effort to get back at the other side and have 1 party huddle up is inviting a fight and nothing else. the repubs HATED IT when the dems rolled their shit through and now they can't even do the same back to them cause they're so dysfunctional.

get experts from both sides in a room, remove partisan nametags and figure this shit out. tired of 1 side trying to one-up the other.
Never gonna happen when "both" sides answer to Wall Street, the donor class and lobbyists instead of the people which is why the vote is meaningless. That's why other advanced post industrial societies invest in society (a healthy and educated population) as we extract societal wealth and redistribute it to a relative entitled few.
it's never going to happen as long as the left and right continue to think their "differences" are too great to overcome. we've existed just fine for 250 years now suddenly we can't get along anymore?

if we want it to change we can change it. but it's never easy and it's never w/o painpoints from those who wish to keep "status quo".
The system runs on the masses being directed toward each other's throats and the "left" versus "right" ruse is just part of that.
yea, but it has not been this "viscous" in awhile. it does remind me much of late 60s early 70s so it should pass like all other trends when we have something better, or at least different, to occupy our time.
It is always this way when the power structure get nervous, the system ramps it up and foolish folk respond. The power structure hates a socially aware and politically active public.
Healthcare solution ?
Obama gave us that already no ??

It predictably only needs massive coerced tax increases and obscene premium increases on those forced to pay for others welfare care.

ACA is a hybrid mix of private insurance/providers and government run exchanges, subsidies and regulation.

This solution was spawned by conservatives over a Heritage as an alternative to Clinton single payer plan, it was implemented by Romey in his state (Republican presidential candidate 2012) and finally delivered nationally by Democrats.

So "giving it to us" was a bi-partisan effort, complete with conception, beta-testing and implementation.

It is also certainly not a FINAL solution, but a first major step that has many shortcomings and MUCH to fix and add-on.

Tell us about the "FINAL solution to the health care question"!

That is not borne out by theory, but practice - when our system gives ballpark outcomes and costs to other, more successful systems.

ACA needs to better address certain affordability situations to ENSURE that insurance is affordable for everyone, and put real teeth behind the mandate, so people can't abuse the system by skipping coverage until they are sick.

So, what sort of "real teeth" does your final solution entail?

There also needs to be much added on terms of cost containment and pricing transparency throughout healthcare industry to seriously increase competition. Currently there is no way, or extremely difficult to figure out what any given treatment or surgery will cost you and there is no way to "shop around" for consumers in this industry.

No one gives a shit about what their health care costs. In fact, if a patient is "covered" and the premium is met, they have every incentive to pick the most expensive treatments available. That's central to the problem.

Insurance is the problem, not the solution.
Remember back in the good old days when America was great and healthcare insurance was part of the employment package?

What happened?

The Liberals found out there were big bucks in getting the welfare queens to vote for them.

They decided to kiss the ass of the welfare queens by making health insurance an entitlement. Despicable, isn't it?

It is not like the welfare queens didn't have free care before. That wasn't good enough for the Democrats. They wanted to take the welfare queens out of the waiting room of the local free clinic and put them in the waiting room of the paying customers. The zeal to establish that entitlement is what screwed up great quality health care in the US.
You should consider turning off your corporate state media and doing your own research. Do you know how? Your antiquated racialized talking points suggest not.

It is not radical to know that market based enterprises and liberty can provide goods and services much better than government assholes like Maxine Waters.

Of course when it is market based then the filthy ass welfare greedy queens don't get their free stuff, do they?
Remember back in the good old days when America was great and healthcare insurance was part of the employment package?

What happened?

The Liberals found out there were big bucks in getting the welfare queens to vote for them.

They decided to kiss the ass of the welfare queens by making health insurance an entitlement. Despicable, isn't it?

It is not like the welfare queens didn't have free care before. That wasn't good enough for the Democrats. They wanted to take the welfare queens out of the waiting room of the local free clinic and put them in the waiting room of the paying customers. The zeal to establish that entitlement is what screwed up great quality health care in the US.
You should consider turning off your corporate state media and doing your own research. Do you know how? Your antiquated racialized talking points suggest not.

It is not radical to know that market based enterprises and liberty can provide goods and services much better than government assholes like Maxine Waters.

Of course when it is market based then the filthy ass welfare greedy queens don't get their free stuff, do they?
Wall Street welfare doesn't bother you at all does it.

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