Do republican voters even have a solution to healthcare?

It's not a false parallel as to the point I was trying to make. Conservatives don't want to pay for other people's healthcare, but they are already beneficiaries of other people's tax revenue. The socialist aspect of single payer wouid be no different than the broad government programs we already have such as infrastructure.

What I said about children being the most on food stamps was inaccurate. What i meant to say is that most people on food stamps are dependents.

This article breaks it down:

Who Uses Food Stamps? Millions of Children - NBC News

45% of those on food stamps are children.
An additional 20% are those who are disabled and those over 60 years old.

And it's good to hear from you too Pumpkin!

This is so painfully dumb... My eyes bleed when I read it.

Why not just accept the fact that you made a really stupid analogy? Roads are mostly and sometimes more than paid by gas taxes. In fact, those who own cars will usually pay more than their share of taxes to all the usual regressive causes.

Even if this wasn't so I have no idea what you are getting at? Privatize the roads? I have no problem with that, but it's completely outside the topic which was HEALTH CARE, moron.
lol hold on, so you are unaware of the many examples of infrastructure? It goes well beyond triads. Also, even if it were all paid for with gas taxes, you are still - you know - paying taxes.

You keep getting more and more retarded every post. Your whole argument was that car owners do not pay for the roads and thus get a "free ride" with other people's money - that is false.

Only thing left is accepting that you were full of shit, and that no free shit of any kind should be provided for you, or any able-bodied American.
This isn't hard to grasp. Your yearly tax contribution is a tiny faction of the overall budget of infrastructure that's already underfunded. In addition, a good portion of your revenue doesn't go to government services you benefit from. That means someone else is paying for your shit. A single payer healthcare system works the SAME way. We're just adding another program to the budget. And yeah, to pay for it, everyone's taxes across the board would go up, but that wouid replace private insurance premiums. It could also be paid for by cutting our ridiculous defense budget that you repubs love so much.

Please, take an IQ test, I bet the reading you would get is "not pass".

Of course my car tax contribution isn't supposed to pay for EVERYONE'S roads. It only pays for MY SHARE of the bill. Your single payer health care on the other hand, is supposed to take my premiums and pay the bill of others with it, especially profit hungry government employees.

You must have fluked math... at first grade.
You do realize that your health insurance company takes your premiums & pays other people's health bills, right?

Same with your auto & home insurance.

In single payer, the government acts as insurer.

I guess that makes you like foolish, doesn't it.
We know they hate ACA and the idea of single payer. Does that mean they think our healthcare system was decent before ACA? Are they that stupid? It was definitely a complete joke prior to ACA. It's not like they could point to any objective facts to say otherwise. It makes me wonder what their philosophy is.

Frankly, I don't think they are smart enough to understand healthcare policy, but it would be adorable if they think they have an idea of what's best.

A solution to health care? What does this even mean? That's like asking if we have a solution to hamburgers.... God you people are dumber than a sack of broken doorknobs.
No, but libertarians do.

1. end the mandate to buy overpriced monopoly health insurance
2. expand medical savings account
3 repeal W's socialization of Senior Drugs
4. Dramatically cut/hack/gut MediCare and MedicAid
5. make individuals accountable for their own health
6. cover only catastrophic injury for uninsured
7 force the medical profession to respond to a FREE MARKET by CUTTING PRICES on BASIC SERVICES or lose business/money
8. new law - anyone busted for filing a deliberately false health care claim to Uncle Sam gets the firing squad and total asset forfeiture

This will result in healthcare un-affordable to about 1/2 the country and un/under-insured rates shooting through the roof.

And WHO will cover the catastrophic injuries and chronic illnesses for the 40+% uninsured?

This is not a real solution, this is a pie in the sky ideology.
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It is not a Republican solution because at the end of the day they are Democrat Light but the only real solution is to get the filthy ass government out of the business of regulating health care. No regulations and no health care subsidies is the only sane course.
Great. because we can certainly trust health corporations not to fuck us over.

You assholes with your government interference BS are just plain dumber than shit.

Do know why we have so many regulations? Because corporate America finds new ways to fuck you over.

My God, shove that confederate flag up your racist ass.
It is not a Republican solution because at the end of the day they are Democrat Light but the only real solution is to get the filthy ass government out of the business of regulating health care. No regulations and no health care subsidies is the only sane course.
Great. because we can certainly trust health corporations not to fuck us over.

You assholes with your government interference BS are just plain dumber than shit.

Do know why we have so many regulations? Because corporate America finds new ways to fuck you over.

My God, shove that confederate flag up your racist ass.

Racist????? Is that your answer to everything?
No, but libertarians do.

1. end the mandate to buy overpriced monopoly health insurance
2. expand medical savings account
3 repeal W's socialization of Senior Drugs
4. Dramatically cut/hack/gut MediCare and MedicAid
5. make individuals accountable for their own health
6. cover only catastrophic injury for uninsured
7 force the medical profession to respond to a FREE MARKET by CUTTING PRICES on BASIC SERVICES or lose business/money
8. new law - anyone busted for filing a deliberately false health care claim to Uncle Sam gets the firing squad and total asset forfeiture
lol and how would any of those ideas guarantee the consumer affordable healthcare?

Why the fuck is it anyone else's responsibility to guarantee you or anyone else anything? Why isn't is your place to do for you and others to do for themselves?

Because the purpose of government is to make other people do what you want them to do, right?

Only to those unwilling to do for themselves what they should be doing for themselves.
By nuanced you must mean illogical, stupid perspective.

USA is 20 trillions in debt and has a other 120 trillions in unfunded liabilities, your idea is a fairy-tale either way. We can't even pay for the old government free shit stupidity, let alone for any new "brilliant ideas". There is some "nuance" for you.

If you wonder how well this government system would work, you need to do no more than look at how the old programs are run. A disaster in every front. Free market voluntary solutions guarantee the best outcomes, frothing for free shit at everyone else's expense gets no one anywhere.
Read my last reply to Pumpkin and you'll realize how dumb you'll feel for putting so much blind faith in the free
It does go a bit over my head how someone manages to be this STUPID. Also me not wanting to forcibly take or "redistribute" the work of others, absolutely makes me superior and more manly. (Only a girly wimp would want that).

Anyway, nothing in what you said refutes anything what I said. Free market is superior in running everything, including health care. Of course, the liberals have destroyed the free market in health care, which is why it's as bad as it is (although, America has the best care in the world).

Once again, the only reason you oppose the great free market, is because you want free shit taken from other people. There is zero evidence that you have any clue on how to provide efficient anything to anyone. That would be all.
The free market is what we had before ACA- ridiculous costs, scams, cutoffs and 45k dying of no insurance a year..

That's taking point data from 2009 aimed to push for CommieCare.

What data shows today, now that everyone is forced to have a healthcare insurance?
That's over, btw, no more mandate. Data shows improvement, despite sabotage. A start.

If you claim that data shows improvement, where is the data?

It's not that I don't trust you, but... actually, I don't trust you, so how about you post the data that shows improvement for the period in between start of CommieCare to the "end of mandate".
No, but libertarians do.

1. end the mandate to buy overpriced monopoly health insurance
2. expand medical savings account
3 repeal W's socialization of Senior Drugs
4. Dramatically cut/hack/gut MediCare and MedicAid
5. make individuals accountable for their own health
6. cover only catastrophic injury for uninsured
7 force the medical profession to respond to a FREE MARKET by CUTTING PRICES on BASIC SERVICES or lose business/money
8. new law - anyone busted for filing a deliberately false health care claim to Uncle Sam gets the firing squad and total asset forfeiture

This will result in healthcare un-affordable to about 1/2 the country and un/under-insured rates shooting through the roof.

And WHO will cover the catastrophic injuries and chronic illnesses for the 40+% uninsured?

This is not a real solution, this is a pie in the sky ideology.

It's really not. It's just basic reason.
It is not a Republican solution because at the end of the day they are Democrat Light but the only real solution is to get the filthy ass government out of the business of regulating health care. No regulations and no health care subsidies is the only sane course.
Great. because we can certainly trust health corporations not to fuck us over.

You assholes with your government interference BS are just plain dumber than shit.

Do know why we have so many regulations? Because corporate America finds new ways to fuck you over.

My God, shove that confederate flag up your racist ass.

Racist????? Is that your answer to everything?
It is not my fault such a high percentage of Trumpettes & Tea Partiers are racist.

I understand that when it is so inbred into your being that you have trouble recognizing just how racist you are.
This is so painfully dumb... My eyes bleed when I read it.

Why not just accept the fact that you made a really stupid analogy? Roads are mostly and sometimes more than paid by gas taxes. In fact, those who own cars will usually pay more than their share of taxes to all the usual regressive causes.

Even if this wasn't so I have no idea what you are getting at? Privatize the roads? I have no problem with that, but it's completely outside the topic which was HEALTH CARE, moron.
lol hold on, so you are unaware of the many examples of infrastructure? It goes well beyond triads. Also, even if it were all paid for with gas taxes, you are still - you know - paying taxes.

You keep getting more and more retarded every post. Your whole argument was that car owners do not pay for the roads and thus get a "free ride" with other people's money - that is false.

Only thing left is accepting that you were full of shit, and that no free shit of any kind should be provided for you, or any able-bodied American.
This isn't hard to grasp. Your yearly tax contribution is a tiny faction of the overall budget of infrastructure that's already underfunded. In addition, a good portion of your revenue doesn't go to government services you benefit from. That means someone else is paying for your shit. A single payer healthcare system works the SAME way. We're just adding another program to the budget. And yeah, to pay for it, everyone's taxes across the board would go up, but that wouid replace private insurance premiums. It could also be paid for by cutting our ridiculous defense budget that you repubs love so much.

Please, take an IQ test, I bet the reading you would get is "not pass".

Of course my car tax contribution isn't supposed to pay for EVERYONE'S roads. It only pays for MY SHARE of the bill. Your single payer health care on the other hand, is supposed to take my premiums and pay the bill of others with it, especially profit hungry government employees.

You must have fluked math... at first grade.
You do realize that your health insurance company takes your premiums & pays other people's health bills, right?

Same with your auto & home insurance.

In single payer, the government acts as insurer.

I guess that makes you like foolish, doesn't it.

In single payer, the government takes taxes and pays for other people's health bills, right? What about those that don't pay the taxes? Currently, people that use food stamps don't pay the taxes that fund them.

There's one big difference in the way it's done now and what you support the government doing. If someone doesn't contribute to the health insurance pot you so much want the government to control, do they still get the care? My insurance company doesn't pay claims on me unless I actually pay into the pot from which they draw and if I'm not paying into that company's pot, they aren't using my money to pay for others.
It is not a Republican solution because at the end of the day they are Democrat Light but the only real solution is to get the filthy ass government out of the business of regulating health care. No regulations and no health care subsidies is the only sane course.
Great. because we can certainly trust health corporations not to fuck us over.

You assholes with your government interference BS are just plain dumber than shit.

Do know why we have so many regulations? Because corporate America finds new ways to fuck you over.

My God, shove that confederate flag up your racist ass.

Racist????? Is that your answer to everything?
It is not my fault such a high percentage of Trumpettes & Tea Partiers are racist.

I understand that when it is so inbred into your being that you have trouble recognizing just how racist you are.

I understand that when you can't defend what you support, the automatic go to is "racist". If that's all you have, you have nothing. Since that's all you use, it's proof you have nothing.
It is not a Republican solution because at the end of the day they are Democrat Light but the only real solution is to get the filthy ass government out of the business of regulating health care. No regulations and no health care subsidies is the only sane course.
Great. because we can certainly trust health corporations not to fuck us over.

You assholes with your government interference BS are just plain dumber than shit.

Do know why we have so many regulations? Because corporate America finds new ways to fuck you over.

My God, shove that confederate flag up your racist ass.

My family has been covered by what you call health corporations for years. Never been fucked over.
It is not a Republican solution because at the end of the day they are Democrat Light but the only real solution is to get the filthy ass government out of the business of regulating health care. No regulations and no health care subsidies is the only sane course.
Great. because we can certainly trust health corporations not to fuck us over.

You assholes with your government interference BS are just plain dumber than shit.

Do know why we have so many regulations? Because corporate America finds new ways to fuck you over.

My God, shove that confederate flag up your racist ass.

I fly several flags of the Confederacy. If you want them shoved, if you're man enough, get to shoving.
It is not a Republican solution because at the end of the day they are Democrat Light but the only real solution is to get the filthy ass government out of the business of regulating health care. No regulations and no health care subsidies is the only sane course.
Great. because we can certainly trust health corporations not to fuck us over.

You assholes with your government interference BS are just plain dumber than shit.

Do know why we have so many regulations? Because corporate America finds new ways to fuck you over.

My God, shove that confederate flag up your racist ass.

Racist????? Is that your answer to everything?
It is not my fault such a high percentage of Trumpettes & Tea Partiers are racist.

I understand that when it is so inbred into your being that you have trouble recognizing just how racist you are.

You're a moron... nothing in hist post, or mine, is in any way racist. You're intellectually bankrupt.
No, but libertarians do.

1. end the mandate to buy overpriced monopoly health insurance
2. expand medical savings account
3 repeal W's socialization of Senior Drugs
4. Dramatically cut/hack/gut MediCare and MedicAid
5. make individuals accountable for their own health
6. cover only catastrophic injury for uninsured
7 force the medical profession to respond to a FREE MARKET by CUTTING PRICES on BASIC SERVICES or lose business/money
8. new law - anyone busted for filing a deliberately false health care claim to Uncle Sam gets the firing squad and total asset forfeiture
lol and how would any of those ideas guarantee the consumer affordable healthcare?
and there it is the guarantee statement. healthcare is not a right duffous. that is a subsidy, and that list states very clearly get rid of that. what part is it that you don't understand about that? Why not let charities take care of the poor like they had for hundreds of years? why do you wish to impose on others your moral feelings? I know, you can't answer that.
No, but libertarians do.

1. end the mandate to buy overpriced monopoly health insurance
2. expand medical savings account
3 repeal W's socialization of Senior Drugs
4. Dramatically cut/hack/gut MediCare and MedicAid
5. make individuals accountable for their own health
6. cover only catastrophic injury for uninsured
7 force the medical profession to respond to a FREE MARKET by CUTTING PRICES on BASIC SERVICES or lose business/money
8. new law - anyone busted for filing a deliberately false health care claim to Uncle Sam gets the firing squad and total asset forfeiture

This will result in healthcare un-affordable to about 1/2 the country and un/under-insured rates shooting through the roof.

And WHO will cover the catastrophic injuries and chronic illnesses for the 40+% uninsured?

This is not a real solution, this is a pie in the sky ideology.

It's really not. It's just basic reason.

Well the basic HISTORY AND PRACTICE of healthcare in modern world show that THIS DOESN'T WORK.

And for that reason, not a single developed country in the world uses it.
In single payer, the government takes taxes and pays for other people's health bills, right? What about those that don't pay the taxes? Currently, people that use food stamps don't pay the taxes that fund them.

umm they also currently get Medicaid.
No, but libertarians do.

1. end the mandate to buy overpriced monopoly health insurance
2. expand medical savings account
3 repeal W's socialization of Senior Drugs
4. Dramatically cut/hack/gut MediCare and MedicAid
5. make individuals accountable for their own health
6. cover only catastrophic injury for uninsured
7 force the medical profession to respond to a FREE MARKET by CUTTING PRICES on BASIC SERVICES or lose business/money
8. new law - anyone busted for filing a deliberately false health care claim to Uncle Sam gets the firing squad and total asset forfeiture

This will result in healthcare un-affordable to about 1/2 the country and un/under-insured rates shooting through the roof.

And WHO will cover the catastrophic injuries and chronic illnesses for the 40+% uninsured?

This is not a real solution, this is a pie in the sky ideology.

It's really not. It's just basic reason.

Well the basic HISTORY AND PRACTICE of healthcare in modern world show that THIS DOESN'T WORK.

And for that reason, not a single developed country in the world uses it.

HORSESHIT. You've been brainwashed. Do some reading and get back to me.
It is not a Republican solution because at the end of the day they are Democrat Light but the only real solution is to get the filthy ass government out of the business of regulating health care. No regulations and no health care subsidies is the only sane course.
Great. because we can certainly trust health corporations not to fuck us over.

You assholes with your government interference BS are just plain dumber than shit.

Do know why we have so many regulations? Because corporate America finds new ways to fuck you over.

My God, shove that confederate flag up your racist ass.

You are really confused about this aren't you?

I trust my health care to the free market to provide the best services for the lowest competitive price a whole lot more than I trust some bureaucrat asshole, who doesn't give a shit about anything, and whose boss is a corrupt politician elected by special interest groups.

The government doesn't give a shit about you and the tremendous failures of Obamacare and the poor treatment our veterans are getting in the VA hospital are great examples.
It is not a Republican solution because at the end of the day they are Democrat Light but the only real solution is to get the filthy ass government out of the business of regulating health care. No regulations and no health care subsidies is the only sane course.
Great. because we can certainly trust health corporations not to fuck us over.

You assholes with your government interference BS are just plain dumber than shit.

Do know why we have so many regulations? Because corporate America finds new ways to fuck you over.

My God, shove that confederate flag up your racist ass.

Racist????? Is that your answer to everything?
It is not my fault such a high percentage of Trumpettes & Tea Partiers are racist.

I understand that when it is so inbred into your being that you have trouble recognizing just how racist you are.

I understand that when you can't defend what you support, the automatic go to is "racist". If that's all you have, you have nothing. Since that's all you use, it's proof you have nothing.
Calling a black man "boy" is a racisl slur.

How is that for proof.

How many Trumpettes supported the use of that slur by ignoring it?

How many are crying " OMG OMG That's not racist" as giving racist fucks like you cover.

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