Do republican voters even have a solution to healthcare?

Healthcare solution ?
Obama gave us that already no ??

It predictably only needs massive coerced tax increases and obscene premium increases on those forced to pay for others welfare care.

ACA is a hybrid mix of private insurance/providers and government run exchanges, subsidies and regulation.

This solution was spawned by conservatives over a Heritage as an alternative to Clinton single payer plan, it was implemented by Romey in his state (Republican presidential candidate 2012) and finally delivered nationally by Democrats.

So "giving it to us" was a bi-partisan effort, complete with conception, beta-testing and implementation.

It is also certainly not a FINAL solution, but a first major step that has many shortcomings and MUCH to fix and add-on.

Tell us about the "FINAL solution to the health care question"!

That is not borne out by theory, but practice - when our system gives ballpark outcomes and costs to other, more successful systems.

ACA needs to better address certain affordability situations to ENSURE that insurance is affordable for everyone, and put real teeth behind the mandate, so people can't abuse the system by skipping coverage until they are sick.

So, what sort of "real teeth" does your final solution entail?

There also needs to be much added on terms of cost containment and pricing transparency throughout healthcare industry to seriously increase competition. Currently there is no way, or extremely difficult to figure out what any given treatment or surgery will cost you and there is no way to "shop around" for consumers in this industry.

No one gives a shit about what their health care costs. In fact, if a patient is "covered" and the premium is met, they have every incentive to pick the most expensive treatments available. That's central to the problem.

Insurance is the problem, not the solution.

"real teeth" IRS being able to collect mandate tax as any other tax - currently it's a piece of cake to not pay because ACA specifically strips out IRS being able to enforce it and there are tons of exceptions/waivers because again, affordability is not fully addressed.

So, if people refused to buy health insurance from your corporate sponsors, they'd go to jail, eh?

Getting rid of insurance is not possible PERIOD.

It's certainly possible, by that's not really what I'm suggesting. We just need to quit propping up unsustainable insurance schemes with short-sighted government policies. Let health care consumers sort out for themselves how much insurance is really worth. Like a real free market.
you may as well refer to the stone age as an example.

Life expectancy in 1930s was 60 years old, today it is 80 - mostly because we got all this advanced and often expensive medical care.

Truman's "sight setting" doesn't change the reality that we've never had any nationalized healthcare.
The power structure is shitting itself because every other advanced post industrial nation on the planet has better outcomes for less cost and less efficiency, plus a majority of the american popluation supports single payer.
so go live there. We are a developed inoventive country, we lead, we don't follow. you should wise up.

Actually you now trail the rest of the world in many areas, this is but one.
so just quickly, are people looking to go live in those countries or here in the US?
Canadians pay less for US pharmaceutical products than you do padnah, so just quickly, you're blind to your own economic sodomization.

easy to fix, why hasn't congress done it? Could it be that big pharma owns all of them?
We know they hate ACA and the idea of single payer. Does that mean they think our healthcare system was decent before ACA? Are they that stupid? It was definitely a complete joke prior to ACA. It's not like they could point to any objective facts to say otherwise. It makes me wonder what their philosophy is.

Frankly, I don't think they are smart enough to understand healthcare policy, but it would be adorable if they think they have an idea of what's best.

the truth is that before ACA no one in the USA was denied medical treatment. NO ONE.

Yes, if you were uninsured you had to use the ER or some other less convenient location like a free clinic---------------but guess what-------it was free to you and when something is free it doesn't have to be convenient.

there were a couple of problems with the insurance industry that could have been simply fixed with a one page bill/law.

1. insurers must take people with pre-existing conditions at the same rate as healthy people.
2. no lifetime maximum payments in any policy
3. allow the sale of medical insurance across state lines.

Three simple fixes, instead we got 10,000 pages of bullshit that no one even understands and everyone hates.
You are aware of the internet, no? We can all find research on the state of our healthcare system.
you may as well refer to the stone age as an example.

Life expectancy in 1930s was 60 years old, today it is 80 - mostly because we got all this advanced and often expensive medical care.

Truman's "sight setting" doesn't change the reality that we've never had any nationalized healthcare.
The power structure is shitting itself because every other advanced post industrial nation on the planet has better outcomes for less cost and less efficiency, plus a majority of the american popluation supports single payer.
so go live there. We are a developed inoventive country, we lead, we don't follow. you should wise up.

Actually you now trail the rest of the world in many areas, this is but one.
so just quickly, are people looking to go live in those countries or here in the US?
Canadians pay less for US pharmaceutical products than you do padnah, so just quickly, you're blind to your own economic sodomization.
so, I asked you a question and you didn't answer. why?
We know they hate ACA and the idea of single payer. Does that mean they think our healthcare system was decent before ACA? Are they that stupid? It was definitely a complete joke prior to ACA. It's not like they could point to any objective facts to say otherwise. It makes me wonder what their philosophy is.

Frankly, I don't think they are smart enough to understand healthcare policy, but it would be adorable if they think they have an idea of what's best.

Let us buy the kind of coverage we deem suits us best or none at all if we so choose.

Simplest fucking plan there is. The government has no business meddling in my medical business.
The day I apply for government assistance for my medical needs is the day they have a right to control it.
Until then fuck off with your nanny stated daycare bullshit.
And how could you trust the private industry to give you what you want? Before ACA and now, people pay hundreds of dollars per month yet they still have high deductibles. Before ACA, pre-existing conditions were not covered. Seriously, what do you think would be at work behind the scenes that would make this idea of yours viable?

I have news, under the ACA you could pick your own coverage.

That is a blatant lie. You are either lying or one of the stupid Americans that Jonathan Gruber told us about that will believe any Democrat lie.

Under Obamacare you have to take a policy that is dictated by the filthy ass government. The only choice you have is the trade off between deductibles and co payments.

However, that doesn't really mean jackshit because 80% of the people having the Obamacare policies are getting subsidies so it is nothing more than a despicable welfare program.

You're a fucking moron. You can buy your policy anywhere you want.,
Furthermore dumbass, policies you bought before the ACA had government regulations. You always had choices between premiums, deductibles & co-pays.

I laugh my ass off that you were duped by the "Gruber" thing And believing lies is a trademark of a Trump supporter.
The power structure is shitting itself because every other advanced post industrial nation on the planet has better outcomes for less cost and less efficiency, plus a majority of the american popluation supports single payer.
so go live there. We are a developed inoventive country, we lead, we don't follow. you should wise up.

Actually you now trail the rest of the world in many areas, this is but one.
so just quickly, are people looking to go live in those countries or here in the US?
Canadians pay less for US pharmaceutical products than you do padnah, so just quickly, you're blind to your own economic sodomization.

easy to fix, why hasn't congress done it? Could it be that big pharma owns all of them?
Congratulations grasshopper, you're learning
We know they hate ACA and the idea of single payer. Does that mean they think our healthcare system was decent before ACA? Are they that stupid? It was definitely a complete joke prior to ACA. It's not like they could point to any objective facts to say otherwise. It makes me wonder what their philosophy is.

Frankly, I don't think they are smart enough to understand healthcare policy, but it would be adorable if they think they have an idea of what's best.

Let us buy the kind of coverage we deem suits us best or none at all if we so choose.

Simplest fucking plan there is.

The government has no business meddling in my medical business.

Corporations and insurance CEO's do however.

Nope. Not them either.
We know they hate ACA and the idea of single payer. Does that mean they think our healthcare system was decent before ACA? Are they that stupid? It was definitely a complete joke prior to ACA. It's not like they could point to any objective facts to say otherwise. It makes me wonder what their philosophy is.

Frankly, I don't think they are smart enough to understand healthcare policy, but it would be adorable if they think they have an idea of what's best.

Let us buy the kind of coverage we deem suits us best or none at all if we so choose.

Simplest fucking plan there is. The government has no business meddling in my medical business.
The day I apply for government assistance for my medical needs is the day they have a right to control it.
Until then fuck off with your nanny stated daycare bullshit.
And how could you trust the private industry to give you what you want? Before ACA and now, people pay hundreds of dollars per month yet they still have high deductibles. Before ACA, pre-existing conditions were not covered. Seriously, what do you think would be at work behind the scenes that would make this idea of yours viable?
We know they hate ACA and the idea of single payer. Does that mean they think our healthcare system was decent before ACA? Are they that stupid? It was definitely a complete joke prior to ACA. It's not like they could point to any objective facts to say otherwise. It makes me wonder what their philosophy is.

Frankly, I don't think they are smart enough to understand healthcare policy, but it would be adorable if they think they have an idea of what's best.

the truth is that before ACA no one in the USA was denied medical treatment. NO ONE.

Yes, if you were uninsured you had to use the ER or some other less convenient location like a free clinic---------------but guess what-------it was free to you and when something is free it doesn't have to be convenient.

there were a couple of problems with the insurance industry that could have been simply fixed with a one page bill/law.

1. insurers must take people with pre-existing conditions at the same rate as healthy people.
2. no lifetime maximum payments in any policy
3. allow the sale of medical insurance across state lines.

Three simple fixes, instead we got 10,000 pages of bullshit that no one even understands and everyone hates.
You are aware of the internet, no? We can all find research on the state of our healthcare system.

sure can, and much of it is lies. If our system is so terrible why do people come here from all over the world for medical treatment?
We know they hate ACA and the idea of single payer. Does that mean they think our healthcare system was decent before ACA? Are they that stupid? It was definitely a complete joke prior to ACA. It's not like they could point to any objective facts to say otherwise. It makes me wonder what their philosophy is.

Frankly, I don't think they are smart enough to understand healthcare policy, but it would be adorable if they think they have an idea of what's best.

the truth is that before ACA no one in the USA was denied medical treatment. NO ONE.

Yes, if you were uninsured you had to use the ER or some other less convenient location like a free clinic---------------but guess what-------it was free to you and when something is free it doesn't have to be convenient.

there were a couple of problems with the insurance industry that could have been simply fixed with a one page bill/law.

1. insurers must take people with pre-existing conditions at the same rate as healthy people.
2. no lifetime maximum payments in any policy
3. allow the sale of medical insurance across state lines.

Three simple fixes, instead we got 10,000 pages of bullshit that no one even understands and everyone hates.
You are aware of the internet, no? We can all find research on the state of our healthcare system.

sure can, and much of it is lies. If our system is so terrible why do people come here from all over the world for medical treatment?
because they'd die waiting in those countries canada included.
We know they hate ACA and the idea of single payer. Does that mean they think our healthcare system was decent before ACA? Are they that stupid? It was definitely a complete joke prior to ACA. It's not like they could point to any objective facts to say otherwise. It makes me wonder what their philosophy is.

Frankly, I don't think they are smart enough to understand healthcare policy, but it would be adorable if they think they have an idea of what's best.

Let us buy the kind of coverage we deem suits us best or none at all if we so choose.

Simplest fucking plan there is. The government has no business meddling in my medical business.
The day I apply for government assistance for my medical needs is the day they have a right to control it.
Until then fuck off with your nanny stated daycare bullshit.
And how could you trust the private industry to give you what you want? Before ACA and now, people pay hundreds of dollars per month yet they still have high deductibles. Before ACA, pre-existing conditions were not covered. Seriously, what do you think would be at work behind the scenes that would make this idea of yours viable?
My brain.
The power structure is shitting itself because every other advanced post industrial nation on the planet has better outcomes for less cost and less efficiency, plus a majority of the american popluation supports single payer.
so go live there. We are a developed inoventive country, we lead, we don't follow. you should wise up.

Actually you now trail the rest of the world in many areas, this is but one.
so just quickly, are people looking to go live in those countries or here in the US?
Canadians pay less for US pharmaceutical products than you do padnah, so just quickly, you're blind to your own economic sodomization.
so, I asked you a question and you didn't answer. why?

Because you can't acknowledge study data when provided reams of it hon, you're stuck in a myopic perceptual reality prison of your own making; a lost cause as it were. You're just here to fling feces. Good day.
We know they hate ACA and the idea of single payer. Does that mean they think our healthcare system was decent before ACA? Are they that stupid? It was definitely a complete joke prior to ACA. It's not like they could point to any objective facts to say otherwise. It makes me wonder what their philosophy is.

Frankly, I don't think they are smart enough to understand healthcare policy, but it would be adorable if they think they have an idea of what's best.

the truth is that before ACA no one in the USA was denied medical treatment. NO ONE.

Yes, if you were uninsured you had to use the ER or some other less convenient location like a free clinic---------------but guess what-------it was free to you and when something is free it doesn't have to be convenient.

there were a couple of problems with the insurance industry that could have been simply fixed with a one page bill/law.

1. insurers must take people with pre-existing conditions at the same rate as healthy people.
2. no lifetime maximum payments in any policy
3. allow the sale of medical insurance across state lines.

Three simple fixes, instead we got 10,000 pages of bullshit that no one even understands and everyone hates.
You are aware of the internet, no? We can all find research on the state of our healthcare system.

sure can, and much of it is lies. If our system is so terrible why do people come here from all over the world for medical treatment?
because they'd die waiting in those countries canada included.
Pffffffffffffffffffffffft, and they have death panels. You've never lived outside the US have you.
so go live there. We are a developed inoventive country, we lead, we don't follow. you should wise up.

Actually you now trail the rest of the world in many areas, this is but one.
so just quickly, are people looking to go live in those countries or here in the US?
Canadians pay less for US pharmaceutical products than you do padnah, so just quickly, you're blind to your own economic sodomization.
so, I asked you a question and you didn't answer. why?

Because you can't acknowledge study data when provided reams of it hon, you're stuck in a myopic perceptual reality prison of your own making; a lost cause as it were. You're just here to fling feces. Good day.
so no answer eh? just as I thought. again, the US is the most innovative country in the world, we lead we don't follow. why don't you learn something today and go celebrate that victory?
We know they hate ACA and the idea of single payer. Does that mean they think our healthcare system was decent before ACA? Are they that stupid? It was definitely a complete joke prior to ACA. It's not like they could point to any objective facts to say otherwise. It makes me wonder what their philosophy is.

Frankly, I don't think they are smart enough to understand healthcare policy, but it would be adorable if they think they have an idea of what's best.

the truth is that before ACA no one in the USA was denied medical treatment. NO ONE.

Yes, if you were uninsured you had to use the ER or some other less convenient location like a free clinic---------------but guess what-------it was free to you and when something is free it doesn't have to be convenient.

there were a couple of problems with the insurance industry that could have been simply fixed with a one page bill/law.

1. insurers must take people with pre-existing conditions at the same rate as healthy people.
2. no lifetime maximum payments in any policy
3. allow the sale of medical insurance across state lines.

Three simple fixes, instead we got 10,000 pages of bullshit that no one even understands and everyone hates.
You are aware of the internet, no? We can all find research on the state of our healthcare system.

sure can, and much of it is lies. If our system is so terrible why do people come here from all over the world for medical treatment?
because they'd die waiting in those countries canada included.
Pffffffffffffffffffffffft, and they have death panels. You've never lived outside the US have you.
I have the internet, that cool thing where people post stuff in that shows the actual world, not the libs version.
And how could you trust the private industry to give you what you want?

You can't. But you don't have to. If they don't give you what you want, you don't have to buy what they're selling. Government, on the other hand, makes you "an offer you can't refuse".
so go live there. We are a developed inoventive country, we lead, we don't follow. you should wise up.

Actually you now trail the rest of the world in many areas, this is but one.
so just quickly, are people looking to go live in those countries or here in the US?
Canadians pay less for US pharmaceutical products than you do padnah, so just quickly, you're blind to your own economic sodomization.

easy to fix, why hasn't congress done it? Could it be that big pharma owns all of them?
Congratulations grasshopper, you're learning

the question is : are you?
We know they hate ACA and the idea of single payer. Does that mean they think our healthcare system was decent before ACA? Are they that stupid? It was definitely a complete joke prior to ACA. It's not like they could point to any objective facts to say otherwise. It makes me wonder what their philosophy is.

Frankly, I don't think they are smart enough to understand healthcare policy, but it would be adorable if they think they have an idea of what's best.

Let us buy the kind of coverage we deem suits us best or none at all if we so choose.

Simplest fucking plan there is. The government has no business meddling in my medical business.
The day I apply for government assistance for my medical needs is the day they have a right to control it.
Until then fuck off with your nanny stated daycare bullshit.
And how could you trust the private industry to give you what you want? Before ACA and now, people pay hundreds of dollars per month yet they still have high deductibles. Before ACA, pre-existing conditions were not covered. Seriously, what do you think would be at work behind the scenes that would make this idea of yours viable?
My brain.
Yeah, good luck with that.
Seriously, what years are you talking about? Just answer the question.

Would it make a difference? Seriously, I'm not into typing a bunch of stuff you're not even going to read. It's all there in the Wikipedia article. You can find many other sources that outline the history of health care in the US. Basically it started to go downhill after WWII when Truman first set his sights on nationalizing health care. The Cold War, and paranoia over socialism slowed things down a bit, and forced them to "partner" with corporations in their efforts, but it's always been the same goal.

YES, because I'm really not clear on what you are referring to.

Go ahead and just say what period you are talking about. Your resistance to this simple ask is telling.


you may as well refer to the stone age as an example.

Life expectancy in 1930s was 60 years old, today it is 80 - mostly because we got all this advanced and often expensive medical care.

Truman's "sight setting" doesn't change the reality that we've never had any nationalized healthcare.

But that's where we're headed. Uber alles.

But you have to understand that un-constructive politicking Republicans/Conservatives have undertaken over the last 8 years ACCELERATES us towards single payer, because guess what - ACA framework is the last market based effort Democrats will ever sign up for and if Republicans refuse to even try to make this compromise work we really are running out of realistic alternatives to go to.
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