Do republican voters even have a solution to healthcare?

Remember back in the good old days when America was great and healthcare insurance was part of the employment package?

What happened?

I remember the good old days when if something happened to someone their automatic response wasn't for the government to fix it for them.

As for my employer providing coverage as part of my employment package, they do.
We know they hate ACA and the idea of single payer. Does that mean they think our healthcare system was decent before ACA? Are they that stupid? It was definitely a complete joke prior to ACA. It's not like they could point to any objective facts to say otherwise. It makes me wonder what their philosophy is.

Frankly, I don't think they are smart enough to understand healthcare policy, but it would be adorable if they think they have an idea of what's best.
Repeal Obamacare. Get federal government out of the health care business.
In single payer, the government takes taxes and pays for other people's health bills, right? What about those that don't pay the taxes? Currently, people that use food stamps don't pay the taxes that fund them.

umm they also currently get Medicaid.

Which is proof of what I said. Those getting it aren't paying into the pot from which they draw. Same with food stamps, welfare, school lunch program in my state, and any other social welfare program.

Right, but single payer does not change that, because it already IS.

Sorry, under single payer, there will be those that get covered that don't fund the pot which would be used to cover them. That has to stop.

Except there already are people that are covered that don't fund the pot.

You are being unrealistic if you think Americans will ever allow that to stop, ever allow elderly and poor to not get healthcare they need.

Why shouldn't that stop? Can you go to a car dealer, drive a car off the lot, and expect someone else to make the payments?
Reading hard for you or just the comprehension part?

Obviously finding Cuba on a map is too difficult for you. Just go to Florida and swim SE...

Your gun is misfiring.
He's one of the people who is so wrapped up in partisan hate that if he isn't smart enough to figure what you mean he just defaults to asinine you're a leftist insults.
They lack the most important things for critical debate, comprehension & critical thinking. But they have insults in spades
Repeal Obamacare.

AT LEAST repeal the MANDATE to buy overpriced monopoly health insurance....

The post 1998 GOP cannot even to that, because the post 1998 GOP only cares about one thing = ISRAEL

This is what I'm talking about lol. The thread is about health insurance and this moron brings up Israel.
Now if I was as stupid as he is I would call him a leftist Muslim sympathizer. But since I'm not I'll just call him what he is, a DUMBFUCK
My brain.
Yeah, good luck with that.
Worked perfectly till Obama fucked it up.

You morons that need to be led around on a leash by the government are an embarrassment to the idea of FREEDOM
Dude, no it didn't. It was pretty awful before Obama came along. I don't understand why you people delude yourselves otherwise.
what was awful?
We still had High deductibles and high premiums. Before ACA, insurance could deny you for ANY pre-existing conditions. High drug prices were also a reality. I don't understand why you people have yourselves convinced ACA ruined healthcare. It was pretty shitty before Obama whether you like it or not.

Prior to Obamacare, my premiums for me through my employer were ZERO. The max out of pocket I would pay in a year was $750. What little medication I take was $4/month for generic and $25/month if generic wasn't available.

Since Obamacare went into effect, I now pay a portion of my premium, the max out of pocket went up to $1000, and my portion for medicine is $10 and $35, respectively.
The thread is about health insurance and this moron brings up Israel.

Typical distortion. The GOP is supposed to be a libertarian and fiscally conservative party. Indeed, it was W's Chief Justice at the Supreme Court that "found" the "right" of the state to force the people to buy overpriced monopoly health insurance, because John ROBERTS is a "Christian conservative" not a JDAAC big government traitor...

People should see the post 1998 GOP for what it is.... incapable of cutting any spending or curtailing big government in any way... because it is 100% sold out to this monster...
Does this reply mean you never use any private services, not paid at other people's expense?

What a complete moron.
Lol what? Man this reply makes you look dumb. Why wouldn't I use private service? I never said I had a problem with private industry. You on the other hand are a hypocrite who claims to hate "free shit" yet you take advantage of it everyday.

Great, then start using private health care services and stop moaning for free shit like a 5-year old.
lol I already do and always have you doofus. Millions of people still can't afford it. Obviously that matters.

Those millions have no right to ride my wallet, sorry to inform you. How much have you donated to help these millions by the way?

Go get a job like the rest of responsible adults.
Lol you cons love to say "get a job!", dont you? It makes you feel manly and superior every time, I'm sure. The reality, of course, is that liberals tend to have higher education degrees and do in fact have jobs. I have a full time job. I get private health insurance through my job. You pretend otherwise because it makes you feel better about your own insecurities.

Regardless of my situation, single payer is still the solution.

Single payer in theory is awesome. In practice, it's the VA.
This is so painfully dumb... My eyes bleed when I read it.

Why not just accept the fact that you made a really stupid analogy? Roads are mostly and sometimes more than paid by gas taxes. In fact, those who own cars will usually pay more than their share of taxes to all the usual regressive causes.

Even if this wasn't so I have no idea what you are getting at? Privatize the roads? I have no problem with that, but it's completely outside the topic which was HEALTH CARE, moron.
lol hold on, so you are unaware of the many examples of infrastructure? It goes well beyond triads. Also, even if it were all paid for with gas taxes, you are still - you know - paying taxes.

You keep getting more and more retarded every post. Your whole argument was that car owners do not pay for the roads and thus get a "free ride" with other people's money - that is false.

Only thing left is accepting that you were full of shit, and that no free shit of any kind should be provided for you, or any able-bodied American.
This isn't hard to grasp. Your yearly tax contribution is a tiny faction of the overall budget of infrastructure that's already underfunded. In addition, a good portion of your revenue doesn't go to government services you benefit from. That means someone else is paying for your shit. A single payer healthcare system works the SAME way. We're just adding another program to the budget. And yeah, to pay for it, everyone's taxes across the board would go up, but that wouid replace private insurance premiums. It could also be paid for by cutting our ridiculous defense budget that you repubs love so much.

Please, take an IQ test, I bet the reading you would get is "not pass".

Of course my car tax contribution isn't supposed to pay for EVERYONE'S roads. It only pays for MY SHARE of the bill. Your single payer health care on the other hand, is supposed to take my premiums and pay the bill of others with it, especially profit hungry government employees.

You must have fluked math... at first grade.
You do realize that your health insurance company takes your premiums & pays other people's health bills, right?

Same with your auto & home insurance.

In single payer, the government acts as insurer.

I guess that makes you like foolish, doesn't it.
You do realize that your health insurance company takes your premiums, invests it, and pays health bills when they have to, right? I mean, you do know that their goal is to simply break even (they target a 3% income in order to have a safety cushion), but are not concerned (much) about medical costs, since increasing premiums (see Obamacare) means they have more money to invest, thus increasing their profit margin.

In single payer, the government does not have the ability to invest, and thus cannot accept loss in the premiums vs payout paradigm. Their only alternative to recover negative income is to raise the price of the service (??) they provide.

I guess that makes you feel foolish, doesn't it?
No, but libertarians do.

1. end the mandate to buy overpriced monopoly health insurance
2. expand medical savings account
3 repeal W's socialization of Senior Drugs
4. Dramatically cut/hack/gut MediCare and MedicAid
5. make individuals accountable for their own health
6. cover only catastrophic injury for uninsured
7 force the medical profession to respond to a FREE MARKET by CUTTING PRICES on BASIC SERVICES or lose business/money
8. new law - anyone busted for filing a deliberately false health care claim to Uncle Sam gets the firing squad and total asset forfeiture

This will result in healthcare un-affordable to about 1/2 the country and un/under-insured rates shooting through the roof.

And WHO will cover the catastrophic injuries and chronic illnesses for the 40+% uninsured?

This is not a real solution, this is a pie in the sky ideology.
So .... you really don't understand health insurance, huh?
umm they also currently get Medicaid.

Which is proof of what I said. Those getting it aren't paying into the pot from which they draw. Same with food stamps, welfare, school lunch program in my state, and any other social welfare program.

Right, but single payer does not change that, because it already IS.

Sorry, under single payer, there will be those that get covered that don't fund the pot which would be used to cover them. That has to stop.

Except there already are people that are covered that don't fund the pot.

You are being unrealistic if you think Americans will ever allow that to stop, ever allow elderly and poor to not get healthcare they need.

Why shouldn't that stop? Can you go to a car dealer, drive a car off the lot, and expect someone else to make the payments?

Because heart surgery is just like getting a car?

Come on man, you have to get back down to earth, Americans will never accept a system where people can't get medical help they need because they can't pay for it.

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