Do republican voters even have a solution to healthcare?


It is not my fault such a high percentage of Trumpettes & Tea Partiers are racist.

I understand that when it is so inbred into your being that you have trouble recognizing just how racist you are.

You are confused Moon Bat.

Conservatives are not the ones that voted for that racist asshole Obama that attended a church for 20 years that preached hate against Whites and Jews.[/QUOTE
Wow, you are are as duped & stupid as most people think Trump supporters are.

Yep, that black guy is racist & you're not. I get it. Those black folks should just know their place, right racist fuck?
Would it make a difference? Seriously, I'm not into typing a bunch of stuff you're not even going to read. It's all there in the Wikipedia article. You can find many other sources that outline the history of health care in the US. Basically it started to go downhill after WWII when Truman first set his sights on nationalizing health care. The Cold War, and paranoia over socialism slowed things down a bit, and forced them to "partner" with corporations in their efforts, but it's always been the same goal.

YES, because I'm really not clear on what you are referring to.

Go ahead and just say what period you are talking about. Your resistance to this simple ask is telling.


you may as well refer to the stone age as an example.

Life expectancy in 1930s was 60 years old, today it is 80 - mostly because we got all this advanced and often expensive medical care.

Truman's "sight setting" doesn't change the reality that we've never had any nationalized healthcare.

But that's where we're headed. Uber alles.

But you have to understand that un-constructive politicking Republicans/Conservatives have undertaken over the last 8 years ACCELERATES us towards single payer?

You fellas have to learn - NO, is not a viable policy.

which party is saying NO to sitting down and working together to find solutions? Hint: Schumer and Pelosi are their leaders.
We know they hate ACA and the idea of single payer. Does that mean they think our healthcare system was decent before ACA? Are they that stupid? It was definitely a complete joke prior to ACA. It's not like they could point to any objective facts to say otherwise. It makes me wonder what their philosophy is.

Frankly, I don't think they are smart enough to understand healthcare policy, but it would be adorable if they think they have an idea of what's best.

Let us buy the kind of coverage we deem suits us best or none at all if we so choose.

Simplest fucking plan there is. The government has no business meddling in my medical business.
The day I apply for government assistance for my medical needs is the day they have a right to control it.
Until then fuck off with your nanny stated daycare bullshit.
And how could you trust the private industry to give you what you want? Before ACA and now, people pay hundreds of dollars per month yet they still have high deductibles. Before ACA, pre-existing conditions were not covered. Seriously, what do you think would be at work behind the scenes that would make this idea of yours viable?
My brain.
Yeah, good luck with that.
Worked perfectly till Obama fucked it up.

You morons that need to be led around on a leash by the government are an embarrassment to the idea of FREEDOM
But you have to understand that un-constructive politicking Republicans/Conservatives have undertaken over the last 8 years ACCELERATES us towards single payer?

Yep. They're salivating at the prospect of controlling health care.
We know they hate ACA and the idea of single payer. Does that mean they think our healthcare system was decent before ACA? Are they that stupid? It was definitely a complete joke prior to ACA. It's not like they could point to any objective facts to say otherwise. It makes me wonder what their philosophy is.

Frankly, I don't think they are smart enough to understand healthcare policy, but it would be adorable if they think they have an idea of what's best.

Let us buy the kind of coverage we deem suits us best or none at all if we so choose.

Simplest fucking plan there is. The government has no business meddling in my medical business.
The day I apply for government assistance for my medical needs is the day they have a right to control it.
Until then fuck off with your nanny stated daycare bullshit.
And how could you trust the private industry to give you what you want? Before ACA and now, people pay hundreds of dollars per month yet they still have high deductibles. Before ACA, pre-existing conditions were not covered. Seriously, what do you think would be at work behind the scenes that would make this idea of yours viable?
My brain.
Yeah, good luck with that.
Worked perfectly till Obama fucked it up.

You morons that need to be led around on a leash by the government are an embarrassment to the idea of FREEDOM
Dude, no it didn't. It was pretty awful before Obama came along. I don't understand why you people delude yourselves otherwise.
YES, because I'm really not clear on what you are referring to.

Go ahead and just say what period you are talking about. Your resistance to this simple ask is telling.


you may as well refer to the stone age as an example.

Life expectancy in 1930s was 60 years old, today it is 80 - mostly because we got all this advanced and often expensive medical care.

Truman's "sight setting" doesn't change the reality that we've never had any nationalized healthcare.

But that's where we're headed. Uber alles.

But you have to understand that un-constructive politicking Republicans/Conservatives have undertaken over the last 8 years ACCELERATES us towards single payer?

You fellas have to learn - NO, is not a viable policy.

which party is saying NO to sitting down and working together to find solutions? Hint: Schumer and Pelosi are their leaders.

Republicans and Conservatives.

Democrats will work with Republicans if they finally drop their ridiculous REPEAL!!! shtick.

I have news, under the ACA you could pick your own coverage.

That is a blatant lie. You are either lying or one of the stupid Americans that Jonathan Gruber told us about that will believe any Democrat lie.

Under Obamacare you have to take a policy that is dictated by the filthy ass government. The only choice you have is the trade off between deductibles and co payments.

However, that doesn't really mean jackshit because 80% of the people having the Obamacare policies are getting subsidies so it is nothing more than a despicable welfare program.

You're a fucking moron. You can buy your policy anywhere you want.,
Furthermore dumbass, policies you bought before the ACA had government regulations. You always had choices between premiums, deductibles & co-pays.

I laugh my ass off that you were duped by the "Gruber" thing And believing lies is a trademark of a Trump supporter.

You are confused Moon Bat. You are obliviously one of these stupid Americans Jonathan Gruber told us about. Somebody that believes that if you like your plan you can keep your plan and that you will pay $2500 less a year for health care cost.

First of all the oppressive government requires that you have a policy. By itself that is despicable. What ever happen to the concept of Liberty?

Second if you have a really good policy the filthy ass government taxes it. That is even more despicable.

Third of all the goddamn filthy ass government has put all kinds of stupid requirements and medical record keeping into any policy sold in the US. That is despicable.

Forth of all the Obamacare exchange polices are expensive with high premiums, high deductibles and high co payments. That is despicable.

Forth of all the filthy ass government gives subsidies to the shitass welfare queens and the rest of us is paying for it and that is very despicable.

Obamacare was a terrible bill and you Moon Bats were idiiots voting for Obamacare who pushed the damn thing. Are you ever going to pull your head out of your Moon Bat ass?

Let us buy the kind of coverage we deem suits us best or none at all if we so choose.

Simplest fucking plan there is. The government has no business meddling in my medical business.
The day I apply for government assistance for my medical needs is the day they have a right to control it.
Until then fuck off with your nanny stated daycare bullshit.
And how could you trust the private industry to give you what you want? Before ACA and now, people pay hundreds of dollars per month yet they still have high deductibles. Before ACA, pre-existing conditions were not covered. Seriously, what do you think would be at work behind the scenes that would make this idea of yours viable?
My brain.
Yeah, good luck with that.
Worked perfectly till Obama fucked it up.

You morons that need to be led around on a leash by the government are an embarrassment to the idea of FREEDOM
Dude, no it didn't. It was pretty awful before Obama came along. I don't understand why you people delude yourselves otherwise.
what was awful?

you may as well refer to the stone age as an example.

Life expectancy in 1930s was 60 years old, today it is 80 - mostly because we got all this advanced and often expensive medical care.

Truman's "sight setting" doesn't change the reality that we've never had any nationalized healthcare.

But that's where we're headed. Uber alles.

But you have to understand that un-constructive politicking Republicans/Conservatives have undertaken over the last 8 years ACCELERATES us towards single payer?

You fellas have to learn - NO, is not a viable policy.

which party is saying NO to sitting down and working together to find solutions? Hint: Schumer and Pelosi are their leaders.

Republicans and Conservatives.

Democrats will work with Republicans if they finally drop their ridiculous REPEAL!!! shtick.
why? we won. it is up to the dems to come and work with them, not the other way around. you guys are fks.

Let us buy the kind of coverage we deem suits us best or none at all if we so choose.

Simplest fucking plan there is. The government has no business meddling in my medical business.
The day I apply for government assistance for my medical needs is the day they have a right to control it.
Until then fuck off with your nanny stated daycare bullshit.
And how could you trust the private industry to give you what you want? Before ACA and now, people pay hundreds of dollars per month yet they still have high deductibles. Before ACA, pre-existing conditions were not covered. Seriously, what do you think would be at work behind the scenes that would make this idea of yours viable?
My brain.
Yeah, good luck with that.
Worked perfectly till Obama fucked it up.

You morons that need to be led around on a leash by the government are an embarrassment to the idea of FREEDOM
Dude, no it didn't. It was pretty awful before Obama came along. I don't understand why you people delude yourselves otherwise.
Just admit it. Before Obama getting good insurance required using your brain and as a result you were left at a severe disadvantage
But you have to understand that un-constructive politicking Republicans/Conservatives have undertaken over the last 8 years ACCELERATES us towards single payer?

Yep. They're salivating at the prospect of controlling health care.

Stop them - propose something that will work better.

That's what we're trying to do. But it's an uphill battle because so many people are fixated on more of the same.
And how could you trust the private industry to give you what you want? Before ACA and now, people pay hundreds of dollars per month yet they still have high deductibles. Before ACA, pre-existing conditions were not covered. Seriously, what do you think would be at work behind the scenes that would make this idea of yours viable?
My brain.
Yeah, good luck with that.
Worked perfectly till Obama fucked it up.

You morons that need to be led around on a leash by the government are an embarrassment to the idea of FREEDOM
Dude, no it didn't. It was pretty awful before Obama came along. I don't understand why you people delude yourselves otherwise.
what was awful?
We still had High deductibles and high premiums. Before ACA, insurance could deny you for ANY pre-existing conditions. High drug prices were also a reality. I don't understand why you people have yourselves convinced ACA ruined healthcare. It was pretty shitty before Obama whether you like it or not.
you may as well refer to the stone age as an example.

Life expectancy in 1930s was 60 years old, today it is 80 - mostly because we got all this advanced and often expensive medical care.

Truman's "sight setting" doesn't change the reality that we've never had any nationalized healthcare.

But that's where we're headed. Uber alles.

But you have to understand that un-constructive politicking Republicans/Conservatives have undertaken over the last 8 years ACCELERATES us towards single payer?

You fellas have to learn - NO, is not a viable policy.

which party is saying NO to sitting down and working together to find solutions? Hint: Schumer and Pelosi are their leaders.

Republicans and Conservatives.

Democrats will work with Republicans if they finally drop their ridiculous REPEAL!!! shtick.
why? we won. it is up to the dems to come and work with them, not the other way around. you guys are fks.

Yes, you did and now REALITY is setting in that ACA alternatives are way worse and are not palatable to Americans.

It's easy to promise "We will cover everyone and have great healthcare for a fraction of the cost!!" on campaign trail. But now that the rubber is meeting the road suddenly the circus balloons it is made of is not holding up.
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Before Obama getting good insurance required using your brain and as a result you were left at a severe disadvantage

Once again, we have a left wing liar cheering the mandated purchase of overpriced health insurance.

Why don't you move to Cuba where they have a single payer???
My brain.
Yeah, good luck with that.
Worked perfectly till Obama fucked it up.

You morons that need to be led around on a leash by the government are an embarrassment to the idea of FREEDOM
Dude, no it didn't. It was pretty awful before Obama came along. I don't understand why you people delude yourselves otherwise.
what was awful?
We still had High deductibles and high premiums. Before ACA, insurance could deny you for ANY pre-existing conditions. High drug prices were also a reality. I don't understand why you people have yourselves convinced ACA ruined healthcare. It was pretty shitty before Obama whether you like it or not.
The aca ruined insurance not healthcare. The fact that you can't tell the difference between the two is not surprising.
Before Obama getting good insurance required using your brain and as a result you were left at a severe disadvantage

Once again, we have a left wing liar cheering the mandated purchase of overpriced health insurance.

Why don't you move to Cuba where they have a single payer???
Reading hard for you or just the comprehension part?
It was pretty shitty before Obama whether you like it or not.

And O made it even worse by mandating monopoly health insurers to get rich with no checks and balances, just tons of cash poured into the pockets of uber corrupt liars and traitors like Obama, who was nothing but a whore in office.

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