Do Republicans as a whole understand what is science and what is religion?


Diamond Member
Aug 10, 2009
I am often not sure.

Repuiblicans on at least know science is only "science." Like the jury's still out on whether science is scientific that it needs to be put in quotes until tha gets decided as with their piece on sex-ed.

The Science of Sex Education - Brent Bozell - Page 1
I took Sex Education when I was in High School. Mostly they refuted nonsense that ignorant people repeated. Like a woman being raped can't get pregnant because her body shuts down so the rape isn't legitimate.

Gingrey defense of Akin s rape comments misses the mark PolitiFact Georgia

That birth control prevents pregnancy and the transmission of disease. That a Coke douche will prevent pregnancy. That girls can't get pregnant if they are on top. That "pulling out" works.

How the egg is fertilized. How the fetus grows. Sex education let the schools give the "talk" parents felt uncomfortable giving. Now a days, Republicans want their children to stay as ignorant as possible. The think ignorance keeps children "safe" and "pure". It worked for Sarah Palin.
I'm cool with science and evolution. Not much of a Religion person. I think you know that by now.

What confuses me is why do Liberals' science-oriented minds suddenly shut down when it comes to hydrocarbons? :dunno:
I am often not sure.


The real issue here is the perception of the Republican party as being completely overwhelmed by Christian fundamentalists. Republicans, in general, know very well the difference between religion and science. Literal interpreters of the Bible, well...not so much. But there is nothing I can do as a Republican about a literalist aligning themselves with the GOP except slap my forehead and point out that they do not represent the majority of the party to whomever will listen...which is usually not very many people..

To some degree, Republicans only have themselves to blame because the extremist minority is also the most active wing of the party thus they draw more attention from media and political candidates alike. Those Republicans who do not subscribe to that nonsense need to get off our collective asses and do a better job setting the record straight. The same, of course, can be said for the Democrats, but that's not who this thread is directed at.
Just a quick follow up, Republican candidates are forced to pander to the ultra-conservative and extremist wing because there are organizations like the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) where candidates are forced to go and kiss the conservative ass. At those conferences they say to candidates "we want to hear what you have to say and you had better damned well pound a strong conservative angle or there will be hell to pay". The liberals have their versions of the same, of course. Both have a right to have their positions heard and have candidates speak to their issues. Candidates know that there is organized power behind those organizations on both sides, so they have no choice but to pay them lip service.

Now, where is the Democratic and/or Republican Moderate Political Action Conference where candidates must pander to the middle and the moderates say to candidates "we want to hear what you have to say and you had better not get goofy on us or there will be hell to pay"? Well, to my knowledge, they don't exist. So who gets the pandering and the media? The extreme wings of both parties. What does that do to public perception? It creates the perception of extreme political positions. What does that do to political polarization? It enhances it.

So who is to blame? We, the moderates on both sides, are because we don't demand that our candidates speak to our views like the extremists do.
I'm cool with science and evolution. Not much of a Religion person. I think you know that by now.

What confuses me is why do Liberals' science-oriented minds suddenly shut down when it comes to hydrocarbons? :dunno:
That's doesn't make any sense. Care to explain?
I am often not sure.


The real issue here is the perception of the Republican party as being completely overwhelmed by Christian fundamentalists. Republicans, in general, know very well the difference between religion and science. Literal interpreters of the Bible, well...not so much. But there is nothing I can do as a Republican about a literalist aligning themselves with the GOP except slap my forehead and point out that they do not represent the majority of the party to whomever will listen...which is usually not very many people..

To some degree, Republicans only have themselves to blame because the extremist minority is also the most active wing of the party thus they draw more attention from media and political candidates alike. Those Republicans who do not subscribe to that nonsense need to get off our collective asses and do a better job setting the record straight. The same, of course, can be said for the Democrats, but that's not who this thread is directed at.
It can't be said of Democrats because Democrats are a coalition party. You don't have a few crazies that run the entire party like with the GOP. You have factions with individual leaders who have managed, for the most part, to work together.
It can't be said of Democrats because Democrats are a coalition party. You don't have a few crazies that run the entire party like with the GOP. You have factions with individual leaders who have managed, for the most part, to work together.

I am not sure the irony of YOU making this claim can be understated.
I'm cool with science and evolution. Not much of a Religion person. I think you know that by now.

What confuses me is why do Liberals' science-oriented minds suddenly shut down when it comes to hydrocarbons? :dunno:
That's doesn't make any sense. Care to explain?

Actually it makes perfect sense for those who have the ability to connect the dots from A to B. No wonder all your posts are copy and pastes from propaganda websites. To understand his point, you have to have the capacity for independent thought.
It can't be said of Democrats because Democrats are a coalition party. You don't have a few crazies that run the entire party like with the GOP. You have factions with individual leaders who have managed, for the most part, to work together.

I am not sure the irony of YOU making this claim can be understated.
Why? It's the truth. You don't really think the GOP is a coalition, do you? Being 90% white?
I'm cool with science and evolution. Not much of a Religion person. I think you know that by now.

What confuses me is why do Liberals' science-oriented minds suddenly shut down when it comes to hydrocarbons? :dunno:
That's doesn't make any sense. Care to explain?

Actually it makes perfect sense for those who have the ability to connect the dots from A to B. No wonder all your posts are copy and pastes from propaganda websites. To understand his point, you have to have the capacity for independent thought.
You're stupid. Propaganda websites like "The Christian Science Monitor" and "Fox" and "USA Today" and "Time" and "CNN" and "The Hill" and "Scientific American" and "Manufacturing Today" on and on?

Republicans are such tards that anything they don't want to believe, they say it comes from a Propaganda Website. I admit, Fox is a propaganda website, but I still use it if they tell the truth. Which, of course, for Fox, is quite rare.
well this thread shouldn't be in 'ethics'

the moment rDean posted it should have immediately been sent to the rubber room. There is the Midas Touch where everything you touch turns to gold. I think rDean has the Charles Manson touch. Everything he touches turns to crazy.

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