Do Republicans believe any of the 19 women that accused Trump of sexual assault?

As I watched the Montana speech, I was surprised that Trump would make fun of the MeToo Movement.

Especially since he has been accused of sexually assaulting 19 different women.

Do Republicans think all those 19 women were lying?

Do Republicans think the MeToo movement is a joke?

Women detail sexual allegations against Trump - CNNPolitics

Judge Tells Trump He Can Be Deposed in Summer Zervos Sexual Harassment Suit

Meet 19 women who claim affairs with Trump or accuse him of unwanted advances

Trump fails for the third time to stop the Summer Zervos defamation lawsuit

New York’s highest court rejects Trump’s attempts to stop Zervos defamation suit

So two lawsuits will be moving forward. One is for sexual harassment and the other is for the Trump Foundation, a criminal organization.

Five things to know about the lawsuit against the Trump Foundation

Underwood also referred the case to the Federal Election Commission and Internal Revenue Service, arguing that the agencies should examine the foundation for possible violations of federal election and tax laws.

That means that the current state investigation into the charity could expand to the federal level — and Trump’s own administration could be examining the president and his charity.


So which is worse for Trump? Sexual harassment or using charity to shield a slush fund?

Considering that President Trump is a well known "germaphobe"..
The Purell presidency: Trump aides learn the president’s real red line
A self-described germaphobe, the 45th president is strictly enforcing proper hygiene inside the White House — and wherever else he goes.
So consider that Trump is a germaphobe explain the below.
Actually....there are more now....No...Repubs don't believe the women. They believe the trumposour. The man lies like he breaths and they still believe him....

They are as delusional as their own Great Leader....Hypocrites that allowed trump to enact a tax cut for the base and allow the deficit to go sky a good economy.

Now I hear that the GOP wants to cut back on SS and Medicare.....cause the Repubs could give a shit about poor people...
Only leftwing idiots believe women never lie about rape. I take that back, not even snowflakes believe that, but they say they do to push their loathsome agenda.
I don't think that anyone has ever claimed that women NEVER lie about rape. IF they have, name them for us.
I firmly believe that those 19 women demonstrate that Democrats will "stand up and lie" when asked to do so....
Trump bragged about sexually assaulting women. He's on tape!

Trump also bragged on air with millions of witnesses that he used to barge into women's dressing rooms to catch them naked, some of whom were underaged.

It's Okay When Trump Does It!™

B-b-b-b-b-b-but Clinton!™

No he did not.

He is not on tape bragging about any such thing.
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As I watched the Montana speech, I was surprised that Trump would make fun of the MeToo Movement.

Especially since he has been accused of sexually assaulting 19 different women.

Do Republicans think all those 19 women were lying?

Do Republicans think the MeToo movement is a joke?

Women detail sexual allegations against Trump - CNNPolitics

Judge Tells Trump He Can Be Deposed in Summer Zervos Sexual Harassment Suit

Meet 19 women who claim affairs with Trump or accuse him of unwanted advances

Trump fails for the third time to stop the Summer Zervos defamation lawsuit

New York’s highest court rejects Trump’s attempts to stop Zervos defamation suit

So two lawsuits will be moving forward. One is for sexual harassment and the other is for the Trump Foundation, a criminal organization.

Five things to know about the lawsuit against the Trump Foundation

Underwood also referred the case to the Federal Election Commission and Internal Revenue Service, arguing that the agencies should examine the foundation for possible violations of federal election and tax laws.

That means that the current state investigation into the charity could expand to the federal level — and Trump’s own administration could be examining the president and his charity.


So which is worse for Trump? Sexual harassment or using charity to shield a slush fund?
Yes, Republicans think MeToo is a joke
They think women lie about rape

They often do.
Yes or more.

IF 19 people accused a woman of being a witch would you believe them?

The reason we have protections such as presumption of innocence is because of the witch hunts and other terrible injustices of the past..

That is not a defense of trump either but a defense of the law which protects us all and which #metoo is trying to negate.
As I watched the Montana speech, I was surprised that Trump would make fun of the MeToo Movement.

Especially since he has been accused of sexually assaulting 19 different women.

Do Republicans think all those 19 women were lying?

Do Republicans think the MeToo movement is a joke?

Women detail sexual allegations against Trump - CNNPolitics

Judge Tells Trump He Can Be Deposed in Summer Zervos Sexual Harassment Suit

Meet 19 women who claim affairs with Trump or accuse him of unwanted advances

Trump fails for the third time to stop the Summer Zervos defamation lawsuit

New York’s highest court rejects Trump’s attempts to stop Zervos defamation suit

So two lawsuits will be moving forward. One is for sexual harassment and the other is for the Trump Foundation, a criminal organization.

Five things to know about the lawsuit against the Trump Foundation

Underwood also referred the case to the Federal Election Commission and Internal Revenue Service, arguing that the agencies should examine the foundation for possible violations of federal election and tax laws.

That means that the current state investigation into the charity could expand to the federal level — and Trump’s own administration could be examining the president and his charity.


So which is worse for Trump? Sexual harassment or using charity to shield a slush fund?

The short answer is "no"

The fact that NONE of these broads came forward before President Trump descended the golden escalator, even though Trump was an A List celebrity whose very name is synonymous with "Deep Pockets", tells be its all bullshit

You would have to be the most blind loyal Trumpbot to believe Trump hasn't done the worst imaginable things in his life. He is a scumbag. He was a scumbag. I used to love it when he went on the Howard Stern show. That's who Donald is. Now add that to wanting to screw his own daughter and his ties to the mob and how daddy got him on third base but he thinks he hit a homerun.

But I give Don credit for what he accomplished. He will be remembered 1000 years from now.
As I watched the Montana speech, I was surprised that Trump would make fun of the MeToo Movement.

Especially since he has been accused of sexually assaulting 19 different women.

Do Republicans think all those 19 women were lying?

Do Republicans think the MeToo movement is a joke?

Women detail sexual allegations against Trump - CNNPolitics

Judge Tells Trump He Can Be Deposed in Summer Zervos Sexual Harassment Suit

Meet 19 women who claim affairs with Trump or accuse him of unwanted advances

Trump fails for the third time to stop the Summer Zervos defamation lawsuit

New York’s highest court rejects Trump’s attempts to stop Zervos defamation suit

So two lawsuits will be moving forward. One is for sexual harassment and the other is for the Trump Foundation, a criminal organization.

Five things to know about the lawsuit against the Trump Foundation

Underwood also referred the case to the Federal Election Commission and Internal Revenue Service, arguing that the agencies should examine the foundation for possible violations of federal election and tax laws.

That means that the current state investigation into the charity could expand to the federal level — and Trump’s own administration could be examining the president and his charity.


So which is worse for Trump? Sexual harassment or using charity to shield a slush fund?

The short answer is "no"

The fact that NONE of these broads came forward before President Trump descended the golden escalator, even though Trump was an A List celebrity whose very name is synonymous with "Deep Pockets", tells be its all bullshit

You would have to be the most blind loyal Trumpbot to believe Trump hasn't done the worst imaginable things in his life. He is a scumbag. He was a scumbag. I used to love it when he went on the Howard Stern show. That's who Donald is. Now add that to wanting to screw his own daughter and his ties to the mob and how daddy got him on third base but he thinks he hit a homerun.

But I give Don credit for what he accomplished. He will be remembered 1000 years from now.

He has not done the "Worst things imaginable".

He is not a rapist like Bill Clinton almost certainly is, for one thing.

He has not gotten a rapist off like Hillary did.

He certainly has not murdered anyone.

THe worst you could hang on him, reasonable, is sleazy business practices.
As I watched the Montana speech, I was surprised that Trump would make fun of the MeToo Movement.

Especially since he has been accused of sexually assaulting 19 different women.

Do Republicans think all those 19 women were lying?

Do Republicans think the MeToo movement is a joke?

Women detail sexual allegations against Trump - CNNPolitics

Judge Tells Trump He Can Be Deposed in Summer Zervos Sexual Harassment Suit

Meet 19 women who claim affairs with Trump or accuse him of unwanted advances

Trump fails for the third time to stop the Summer Zervos defamation lawsuit

New York’s highest court rejects Trump’s attempts to stop Zervos defamation suit

So two lawsuits will be moving forward. One is for sexual harassment and the other is for the Trump Foundation, a criminal organization.

Five things to know about the lawsuit against the Trump Foundation

Underwood also referred the case to the Federal Election Commission and Internal Revenue Service, arguing that the agencies should examine the foundation for possible violations of federal election and tax laws.

That means that the current state investigation into the charity could expand to the federal level — and Trump’s own administration could be examining the president and his charity.


So which is worse for Trump? Sexual harassment or using charity to shield a slush fund?

So...nothing you're back to rehashing stuff you already posted months ago? Gotta suck being you, little buddy!
As I watched the Montana speech, I was surprised that Trump would make fun of the MeToo Movement.

Especially since he has been accused of sexually assaulting 19 different women.

Do Republicans think all those 19 women were lying?

Do Republicans think the MeToo movement is a joke?

Women detail sexual allegations against Trump - CNNPolitics

Judge Tells Trump He Can Be Deposed in Summer Zervos Sexual Harassment Suit

Meet 19 women who claim affairs with Trump or accuse him of unwanted advances

Trump fails for the third time to stop the Summer Zervos defamation lawsuit

New York’s highest court rejects Trump’s attempts to stop Zervos defamation suit

So two lawsuits will be moving forward. One is for sexual harassment and the other is for the Trump Foundation, a criminal organization.

Five things to know about the lawsuit against the Trump Foundation

Underwood also referred the case to the Federal Election Commission and Internal Revenue Service, arguing that the agencies should examine the foundation for possible violations of federal election and tax laws.

That means that the current state investigation into the charity could expand to the federal level — and Trump’s own administration could be examining the president and his charity.


So which is worse for Trump? Sexual harassment or using charity to shield a slush fund?

The short answer is "no"

The fact that NONE of these broads came forward before President Trump descended the golden escalator, even though Trump was an A List celebrity whose very name is synonymous with "Deep Pockets", tells be its all bullshit

You would have to be the most blind loyal Trumpbot to believe Trump hasn't done the worst imaginable things in his life. He is a scumbag. He was a scumbag. I used to love it when he went on the Howard Stern show. That's who Donald is. Now add that to wanting to screw his own daughter and his ties to the mob and how daddy got him on third base but he thinks he hit a homerun.

But I give Don credit for what he accomplished. He will be remembered 1000 years from now.

Mr. Stern's program is what they is called "comedy" and what he and Mr.Trump are called "jokes".

They may be in bad taste, gross or not even funny, but you were entertained by the Stern/Trump routine.
As I watched the Montana speech, I was surprised that Trump would make fun of the MeToo Movement.

Especially since he has been accused of sexually assaulting 19 different women.

Do Republicans think all those 19 women were lying?

Do Republicans think the MeToo movement is a joke?

Women detail sexual allegations against Trump - CNNPolitics

Judge Tells Trump He Can Be Deposed in Summer Zervos Sexual Harassment Suit

Meet 19 women who claim affairs with Trump or accuse him of unwanted advances

Trump fails for the third time to stop the Summer Zervos defamation lawsuit

New York’s highest court rejects Trump’s attempts to stop Zervos defamation suit

So two lawsuits will be moving forward. One is for sexual harassment and the other is for the Trump Foundation, a criminal organization.

Five things to know about the lawsuit against the Trump Foundation

Underwood also referred the case to the Federal Election Commission and Internal Revenue Service, arguing that the agencies should examine the foundation for possible violations of federal election and tax laws.

That means that the current state investigation into the charity could expand to the federal level — and Trump’s own administration could be examining the president and his charity.


So which is worse for Trump? Sexual harassment or using charity to shield a slush fund?

As I watched the Montana speech, I was surprised that Trump would make fun of the MeToo Movement.

Especially since he has been accused of sexually assaulting 19 different women.

Do Republicans think all those 19 women were lying?

Do Republicans think the MeToo movement is a joke?

Women detail sexual allegations against Trump - CNNPolitics

Judge Tells Trump He Can Be Deposed in Summer Zervos Sexual Harassment Suit

Meet 19 women who claim affairs with Trump or accuse him of unwanted advances

Trump fails for the third time to stop the Summer Zervos defamation lawsuit

New York’s highest court rejects Trump’s attempts to stop Zervos defamation suit

So two lawsuits will be moving forward. One is for sexual harassment and the other is for the Trump Foundation, a criminal organization.

Five things to know about the lawsuit against the Trump Foundation

Underwood also referred the case to the Federal Election Commission and Internal Revenue Service, arguing that the agencies should examine the foundation for possible violations of federal election and tax laws.

That means that the current state investigation into the charity could expand to the federal level — and Trump’s own administration could be examining the president and his charity.


So which is worse for Trump? Sexual harassment or using charity to shield a slush fund?

The short answer is "no"

The fact that NONE of these broads came forward before President Trump descended the golden escalator, even though Trump was an A List celebrity whose very name is synonymous with "Deep Pockets", tells be its all bullshit

You would have to be the most blind loyal Trumpbot to believe Trump hasn't done the worst imaginable things in his life. He is a scumbag. He was a scumbag. I used to love it when he went on the Howard Stern show. That's who Donald is. Now add that to wanting to screw his own daughter and his ties to the mob and how daddy got him on third base but he thinks he hit a homerun.

But I give Don credit for what he accomplished. He will be remembered 1000 years from now.

He has not done the "Worst things imaginable".

He is not a rapist like Bill Clinton almost certainly is, for one thing.

He has not gotten a rapist off like Hillary did.

He certainly has not murdered anyone.

THe worst you could hang on him, reasonable, is sleazy business practices.

No, he appointed a guy who got a pedophile off.

The deal, approved by Acosta while he was serving as Miami’s top federal prosecutor, allowed Epstein ― who was accused of sexually assaulting dozens of underage girls at his Palm Beach mansion ― to avoid federal prosecution and a possible life sentence. The financier ended up serving only 13 months in prison, a large chunk of which was spent in an office as part of a work-release program.

Pelosi said Acosta, who has served as Trump’s labor secretary since 2017, “engaged in an unconscionable agreement” with Epstein ― a deal she noted had been kept secret from his victims.

“This was known by [President Trump] when he appointed him to the Cabinet,” Pelosi added.
As I watched the Montana speech, I was surprised that Trump would make fun of the MeToo Movement.

Especially since he has been accused of sexually assaulting 19 different women.

Do Republicans think all those 19 women were lying?

Do Republicans think the MeToo movement is a joke?

Women detail sexual allegations against Trump - CNNPolitics

Judge Tells Trump He Can Be Deposed in Summer Zervos Sexual Harassment Suit

Meet 19 women who claim affairs with Trump or accuse him of unwanted advances

Trump fails for the third time to stop the Summer Zervos defamation lawsuit

New York’s highest court rejects Trump’s attempts to stop Zervos defamation suit

So two lawsuits will be moving forward. One is for sexual harassment and the other is for the Trump Foundation, a criminal organization.

Five things to know about the lawsuit against the Trump Foundation

Underwood also referred the case to the Federal Election Commission and Internal Revenue Service, arguing that the agencies should examine the foundation for possible violations of federal election and tax laws.

That means that the current state investigation into the charity could expand to the federal level — and Trump’s own administration could be examining the president and his charity.


So which is worse for Trump? Sexual harassment or using charity to shield a slush fund?

The short answer is "no"

The fact that NONE of these broads came forward before President Trump descended the golden escalator, even though Trump was an A List celebrity whose very name is synonymous with "Deep Pockets", tells be its all bullshit

You would have to be the most blind loyal Trumpbot to believe Trump hasn't done the worst imaginable things in his life. He is a scumbag. He was a scumbag. I used to love it when he went on the Howard Stern show. That's who Donald is. Now add that to wanting to screw his own daughter and his ties to the mob and how daddy got him on third base but he thinks he hit a homerun.

But I give Don credit for what he accomplished. He will be remembered 1000 years from now.

Mr. Stern's program is what they is called "comedy" and what he and Mr.Trump are called "jokes".

They may be in bad taste, gross or not even funny, but you were entertained by the Stern/Trump routine.

Howard Stern quote, "Trump was one of my best guests because he was so honest".

Not funny. He wasn't his funniest guest ever. This was cocky don long before he was seriously thinking about being president. He didn't give a fuck so he was brutally honest. Said if his daughter wasn't his daughter he'd be dating her. EW.

I know you can explain everything and anything away. You have to with Don.
Who dug up another deantard thread?
Been peaceful without the idiot clogging the board. Why give him attention during his vacation?
As I watched the Montana speech, I was surprised that Trump would make fun of the MeToo Movement.

Especially since he has been accused of sexually assaulting 19 different women.

Do Republicans think all those 19 women were lying?

Do Republicans think the MeToo movement is a joke?

Women detail sexual allegations against Trump - CNNPolitics

Judge Tells Trump He Can Be Deposed in Summer Zervos Sexual Harassment Suit

Meet 19 women who claim affairs with Trump or accuse him of unwanted advances

Trump fails for the third time to stop the Summer Zervos defamation lawsuit

New York’s highest court rejects Trump’s attempts to stop Zervos defamation suit

So two lawsuits will be moving forward. One is for sexual harassment and the other is for the Trump Foundation, a criminal organization.

Five things to know about the lawsuit against the Trump Foundation

Underwood also referred the case to the Federal Election Commission and Internal Revenue Service, arguing that the agencies should examine the foundation for possible violations of federal election and tax laws.

That means that the current state investigation into the charity could expand to the federal level — and Trump’s own administration could be examining the president and his charity.


So which is worse for Trump? Sexual harassment or using charity to shield a slush fund?

The short answer is "no"

The fact that NONE of these broads came forward before President Trump descended the golden escalator, even though Trump was an A List celebrity whose very name is synonymous with "Deep Pockets", tells be its all bullshit

You would have to be the most blind loyal Trumpbot to believe Trump hasn't done the worst imaginable things in his life. He is a scumbag. He was a scumbag. I used to love it when he went on the Howard Stern show. That's who Donald is. Now add that to wanting to screw his own daughter and his ties to the mob and how daddy got him on third base but he thinks he hit a homerun.

But I give Don credit for what he accomplished. He will be remembered 1000 years from now.

He has not done the "Worst things imaginable".

He is not a rapist like Bill Clinton almost certainly is, for one thing.

He has not gotten a rapist off like Hillary did.

He certainly has not murdered anyone.

THe worst you could hang on him, reasonable, is sleazy business practices.

Juanita Broaddrick accused Clinton of raping her in 1978

Trump has a Juanita Broaddrick too. So why do you say Bill almost certainly did but Trump didn't?

You know people have been accusing Trump of raping minors with this Epstein guy in 2016?

Is There Anything to a Lawsuit Accusing Donald Trump of Raping a 13-Year-Old Girl with Bill Clinton’s Billionaire Sex Buddy?

Did Donald Trump and Jeffrey Epstein Rape A 13 Year Old Girl? | National Review

There is an actual lawsuit. Now Trump is great at getting these to disappear but this is long before Trump appointed Acosta who he knew was the attorney behind letting Epstein off.

You sir are such a right wing partisan brainwashed person that you can't even see your ridiculous hypocricy. I know it doesn't matter. You believe Republicans will protect the white race and ban abortion and protect your guns. It doesn't matter what the Republicans do you'll still support them. Let's just hope the American people don't re elect a rapist.
Do liberals believe any of the 10 women who accused Bill Clinton of sexual assault?

The woman who is supposed to be "for women," Hillary, said they were lying after saying that women who are victims of sexual assault have the right to be heard.

I guess not if it's HER husband doing the assaulting.
ten? Really???? List them.

The rape accusation was from a woman who had sworn under oath it never happened.

I think there were two where Clinton exposed himself & asked for sex. Not saying that is a great maneuver but it is not close to groping woman or raping them.

Most if not all came to light after the 96 election. Meaning we don't know how voters would have reacted.

I never voted for Bill Clinton.

Bill Clinton was in court because someone believed those women.

You assfucks voted for Trump knowing that he was scum. You believed Trump who is the biggest liar on the planet.
Who dug up another deantard thread?
Been peaceful without the idiot clogging the board. Why give him attention during his vacation?

The point is, this story was from 2016. Trump's been partying with this pedophile since 1994.

As if Donald Trump didn’t have enough legal problems and bad juju, now he has another headache to deal with: a lawsuit filed yesterday in federal court in New York accusing him (along with billionaire Jeffrey Epstein) of raping a 13 year old girl in 1994 at a party at Epstein’s place.
Who dug up another deantard thread?
Been peaceful without the idiot clogging the board. Why give him attention during his vacation?

The point is, this story was from 2016. Trump's been partying with this pedophile since 1994.

As if Donald Trump didn’t have enough legal problems and bad juju, now he has another headache to deal with: a lawsuit filed yesterday in federal court in New York accusing him (along with billionaire Jeffrey Epstein) of raping a 13 year old girl in 1994 at a party at Epstein’s place.
Predicted demise of Trump #2391.

Its a deantard thread.
Trumps accusers didn't come out until he went to run from president.

So no, I don't believe that at all. I believe they didn't want him to be president and tried to smear him.

Some of the women accusing Trump of sexual assault all he did was kiss them during cordial conversation. Clintons accusers accuse of him physical sexual assault. Not kissing. Another one he tried to give her his phone number in his office.

These are not allegations that have much merit. LOL

Because they wanted people to know what a piece of shit he was. Who knew that would up your support.

List those who accused Clinton of physical assault & please quit pretending Trump's accusations were all about kissing.

Forum List
