Do Republicans believe any of the 19 women that accused Trump of sexual assault?

As I watched the Montana speech, I was surprised that Trump would make fun of the MeToo Movement.

Especially since he has been accused of sexually assaulting 19 different women.

Do Republicans think all those 19 women were lying?

Do Republicans think the MeToo movement is a joke?

Women detail sexual allegations against Trump - CNNPolitics

Judge Tells Trump He Can Be Deposed in Summer Zervos Sexual Harassment Suit

Meet 19 women who claim affairs with Trump or accuse him of unwanted advances

Trump fails for the third time to stop the Summer Zervos defamation lawsuit

New York’s highest court rejects Trump’s attempts to stop Zervos defamation suit

So two lawsuits will be moving forward. One is for sexual harassment and the other is for the Trump Foundation, a criminal organization.

Five things to know about the lawsuit against the Trump Foundation

Underwood also referred the case to the Federal Election Commission and Internal Revenue Service, arguing that the agencies should examine the foundation for possible violations of federal election and tax laws.

That means that the current state investigation into the charity could expand to the federal level — and Trump’s own administration could be examining the president and his charity.


So which is worse for Trump? Sexual harassment or using charity to shield a slush fund?

The short answer is "no"

The fact that NONE of these broads came forward before President Trump descended the golden escalator, even though Trump was an A List celebrity whose very name is synonymous with "Deep Pockets", tells be its all bullshit

You would have to be the most blind loyal Trumpbot to believe Trump hasn't done the worst imaginable things in his life. He is a scumbag. He was a scumbag. I used to love it when he went on the Howard Stern show. That's who Donald is. Now add that to wanting to screw his own daughter and his ties to the mob and how daddy got him on third base but he thinks he hit a homerun.

But I give Don credit for what he accomplished. He will be remembered 1000 years from now.

He has not done the "Worst things imaginable".

He is not a rapist like Bill Clinton almost certainly is, for one thing.

He has not gotten a rapist off like Hillary did.

He certainly has not murdered anyone.

THe worst you could hang on him, reasonable, is sleazy business practices.

Rumors had circulated about Broaddrick's allegation for years and it had been recorded in a letter prepared by a Republican rival of Clinton's around 1991, but she refused to speak to news media until 1999. In a sworn statement in 1997 with the placeholder name"Jane Doe #5",[1] Broaddrick filed an affidavit with Paula Jones' lawyers stating there were unfounded rumors and stories circulating "that Mr. Clinton had made unwelcome sexual advances toward me in the late seventies. ... These allegations are untrue".[2] She then recanted that statement to investigators of potential misconduct by Clinton led by Kenneth Starr, while insisting at the time that Clinton had not pressured or bribed her in any way. Starr declined to further investigate the issue, and mentioned it only in a footnote of his final report.

So no Clinton didn't "almost certainly" rape anyone. And Trump has had women file suit against him for raping them. What's the difference? I'm sure you'll find little differences but not big ones. Not enough to believe Trump isn't a rapist but Bill is. You're just being bias af.
Trumps accusers didn't come out until he went to run from president.

So no, I don't believe that at all. I believe they didn't want him to be president and tried to smear him.

Some of the women accusing Trump of sexual assault all he did was kiss them during cordial conversation. Clintons accusers accuse of him physical sexual assault. Not kissing. Another one he tried to give her his phone number in his office.

These are not allegations that have much merit. LOL

Bill Clinton supposedly raped Brodderick in 1978 or something like that. She didn't speak out till when? Hypocrites.
The rape of the 13-year-old girl in Epstein's house by Trump has gained acceptance.
Who dug up another deantard thread?
Been peaceful without the idiot clogging the board. Why give him attention during his vacation?

The point is, this story was from 2016. Trump's been partying with this pedophile since 1994.

As if Donald Trump didn’t have enough legal problems and bad juju, now he has another headache to deal with: a lawsuit filed yesterday in federal court in New York accusing him (along with billionaire Jeffrey Epstein) of raping a 13 year old girl in 1994 at a party at Epstein’s place.
Predicted demise of Trump #2391.

Its a deantard thread.
Well he is on his way to being a 1 term president. What did the diplomat in England say about Don? You Republicans just will never see how bad this guy is. Sure for rich guys like me the economy is booming but you middle class schmucks are still struggling to save/live.

Britain's man in the US says Trump is 'inept': Leaked secret cables from ambassador say the President is 'uniquely dysfunctional and his career could end in disgrace'

Yea I know you will blow off what he says but imagine if your boy Putin said this. Then you would care. Or the Saudi Prince. Those are Trump's buddies. He's a good judge of character that Trump is. Look at how many criminals and sleeze he has appointed and praised and later said bad things about. Like Rex Tillerson.

Trump said “I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy. He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.” - Donald Trump, 2002

The rape of the 13-year-old girl in Epstein's house by Trump has gained acceptance.
“I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy. He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.” - Donald Trump, 2002
The "conservatives" only believe women who accuse non-conservative men of sexual misconduct and all men who accuse other men of sexual misconduct. Long before this Epstein episode, trump and other men, like moore in Alabama, were accused by several people, but, oh, the people who they accused are "conservatives" and are, thus, blameless.
As I watched the Montana speech, I was surprised that Trump would make fun of the MeToo Movement.

Especially since he has been accused of sexually assaulting 19 different women.

Do Republicans think all those 19 women were lying?

Do Republicans think the MeToo movement is a joke?

Women detail sexual allegations against Trump - CNNPolitics

Judge Tells Trump He Can Be Deposed in Summer Zervos Sexual Harassment Suit

Meet 19 women who claim affairs with Trump or accuse him of unwanted advances

Trump fails for the third time to stop the Summer Zervos defamation lawsuit

New York’s highest court rejects Trump’s attempts to stop Zervos defamation suit

So two lawsuits will be moving forward. One is for sexual harassment and the other is for the Trump Foundation, a criminal organization.

Five things to know about the lawsuit against the Trump Foundation

Underwood also referred the case to the Federal Election Commission and Internal Revenue Service, arguing that the agencies should examine the foundation for possible violations of federal election and tax laws.

That means that the current state investigation into the charity could expand to the federal level — and Trump’s own administration could be examining the president and his charity.


So which is worse for Trump? Sexual harassment or using charity to shield a slush fund?
Yes, Republicans think MeToo is a joke
They think women lie about rape

I think its a joke, women are getting everything they want and guys still pay for dinner or they are belittled if they cant. Women need to stand up to men that dress as them and want to paticipate as them, amazes me they dont fight that.

Women lie about rape and harrassment all the time, so no I dont believe all of them. I especially dont believe womem that accuse men of something from years ago once they get famous
As I watched the Montana speech, I was surprised that Trump would make fun of the MeToo Movement.

Especially since he has been accused of sexually assaulting 19 different women.

Do Republicans think all those 19 women were lying?

Do Republicans think the MeToo movement is a joke?

Women detail sexual allegations against Trump - CNNPolitics

Judge Tells Trump He Can Be Deposed in Summer Zervos Sexual Harassment Suit

Meet 19 women who claim affairs with Trump or accuse him of unwanted advances

Trump fails for the third time to stop the Summer Zervos defamation lawsuit

New York’s highest court rejects Trump’s attempts to stop Zervos defamation suit

So two lawsuits will be moving forward. One is for sexual harassment and the other is for the Trump Foundation, a criminal organization.

Five things to know about the lawsuit against the Trump Foundation

Underwood also referred the case to the Federal Election Commission and Internal Revenue Service, arguing that the agencies should examine the foundation for possible violations of federal election and tax laws.

That means that the current state investigation into the charity could expand to the federal level — and Trump’s own administration could be examining the president and his charity.


So which is worse for Trump? Sexual harassment or using charity to shield a slush fund?

The short answer is "no"

The fact that NONE of these broads came forward before President Trump descended the golden escalator, even though Trump was an A List celebrity whose very name is synonymous with "Deep Pockets", tells be its all bullshit

You would have to be the most blind loyal Trumpbot to believe Trump hasn't done the worst imaginable things in his life. He is a scumbag. He was a scumbag. I used to love it when he went on the Howard Stern show. That's who Donald is. Now add that to wanting to screw his own daughter and his ties to the mob and how daddy got him on third base but he thinks he hit a homerun.

But I give Don credit for what he accomplished. He will be remembered 1000 years from now.

Mr. Stern's program is what they is called "comedy" and what he and Mr.Trump are called "jokes".

They may be in bad taste, gross or not even funny, but you were entertained by the Stern/Trump routine.

How do you trust Trump's judgement?

Trump Attacks “Dumb as a Rock” Rex Tillerson, Whom He Once Praised for His “Vast Experience”
The president once touted his former Secretary of State as the “most prepared” person for job.

The "conservatives" only believe women who accuse non-conservative men of sexual misconduct and all men who accuse other men of sexual misconduct. Long before this Epstein episode, trump and other men, like moore in Alabama, were accused by several people, but, oh, the people who they accused are "conservatives" and are, thus, blameless.

It's like global warming. The scientists are lying. NASA is lying. The liberals are lying. The Democrats are lying. The corporation who make money going green are lying. All the other countries in the world are in on it too. It's a right wing conspiracy theory that they actually believe.
It's not the corporations who pollute the most, the lobbyists who represent them or the Republicans who are lying about global warming. No way. Impossible to even fathom.
As I watched the Montana speech, I was surprised that Trump would make fun of the MeToo Movement.

Especially since he has been accused of sexually assaulting 19 different women.

Do Republicans think all those 19 women were lying?

Do Republicans think the MeToo movement is a joke?

Women detail sexual allegations against Trump - CNNPolitics

Judge Tells Trump He Can Be Deposed in Summer Zervos Sexual Harassment Suit

Meet 19 women who claim affairs with Trump or accuse him of unwanted advances

Trump fails for the third time to stop the Summer Zervos defamation lawsuit

New York’s highest court rejects Trump’s attempts to stop Zervos defamation suit

So two lawsuits will be moving forward. One is for sexual harassment and the other is for the Trump Foundation, a criminal organization.

Five things to know about the lawsuit against the Trump Foundation

Underwood also referred the case to the Federal Election Commission and Internal Revenue Service, arguing that the agencies should examine the foundation for possible violations of federal election and tax laws.

That means that the current state investigation into the charity could expand to the federal level — and Trump’s own administration could be examining the president and his charity.


So which is worse for Trump? Sexual harassment or using charity to shield a slush fund?
Yes, Republicans think MeToo is a joke
They think women lie about rape

I think its a joke, women are getting everything they want and guys still pay for dinner or they are belittled if they cant. Women need to stand up to men that dress as them and want to paticipate as them, amazes me they dont fight that.

Women lie about rape and harrassment all the time, so no I dont believe all of them. I especially dont believe womem that accuse men of something from years ago once they get famous

So you don't believe Bill Clinton raped Anita Brodderick. Thank you for admitting that.

The rape happened late 70's and she I believe spoke up in 1999.
Who dug up another deantard thread?
Been peaceful without the idiot clogging the board. Why give him attention during his vacation?

The point is, this story was from 2016. Trump's been partying with this pedophile since 1994.

As if Donald Trump didn’t have enough legal problems and bad juju, now he has another headache to deal with: a lawsuit filed yesterday in federal court in New York accusing him (along with billionaire Jeffrey Epstein) of raping a 13 year old girl in 1994 at a party at Epstein’s place.
Predicted demise of Trump #2391.

Its a deantard thread.
Well he is on his way to being a 1 term president. What did the diplomat in England say about Don? You Republicans just will never see how bad this guy is. Sure for rich guys like me the economy is booming but you middle class schmucks are still struggling to save/live.

Britain's man in the US says Trump is 'inept': Leaked secret cables from ambassador say the President is 'uniquely dysfunctional and his career could end in disgrace'

Yea I know you will blow off what he says but imagine if your boy Putin said this. Then you would care. Or the Saudi Prince. Those are Trump's buddies. He's a good judge of character that Trump is. Look at how many criminals and sleeze he has appointed and praised and later said bad things about. Like Rex Tillerson.

Trump said “I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy. He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.” - Donald Trump, 2002
The zealots on both sides here including you are literally tripping over each other trying to pin it on the other side.

Its rather pathetic and sad. None of you care about victims, just political points.
You get zero points.
As I watched the Montana speech, I was surprised that Trump would make fun of the MeToo Movement.

Especially since he has been accused of sexually assaulting 19 different women.

Do Republicans think all those 19 women were lying?

Do Republicans think the MeToo movement is a joke?

Women detail sexual allegations against Trump - CNNPolitics

Judge Tells Trump He Can Be Deposed in Summer Zervos Sexual Harassment Suit

Meet 19 women who claim affairs with Trump or accuse him of unwanted advances

Trump fails for the third time to stop the Summer Zervos defamation lawsuit

New York’s highest court rejects Trump’s attempts to stop Zervos defamation suit

So two lawsuits will be moving forward. One is for sexual harassment and the other is for the Trump Foundation, a criminal organization.

Five things to know about the lawsuit against the Trump Foundation

Underwood also referred the case to the Federal Election Commission and Internal Revenue Service, arguing that the agencies should examine the foundation for possible violations of federal election and tax laws.

That means that the current state investigation into the charity could expand to the federal level — and Trump’s own administration could be examining the president and his charity.


So which is worse for Trump? Sexual harassment or using charity to shield a slush fund?
I believe Trump Grabbed you by your DemoSexual Pussy and you are Butt Hurt.

Cuomo and Clinton are going to jail for their Kiddie Orgies they had with Epstein, so go butt hurt over that.

Literally thousands of victims with REAL PROOF.....not this phony #MeToo bullshit.
trump supporters don't care. FOX could air him grabbing a woman's crotch....and his base DOES NOT CARE!

The term is "Morally Bankrupt." The vast majority of white evangelicals no longer care about morals in the WH. When Clinton was mattered.

But with trump....THEY DO NOT CARE!

FOX could air him grabbing a woman's crotch...

Unfortunately for Dems, there is no such footage, but rather just a verbal spot on THE HOWARD STERN show....

Spoken word by Trump = horrible

Rape by Bill Clinton = A-OK
As I watched the Montana speech, I was surprised that Trump would make fun of the MeToo Movement.

Especially since he has been accused of sexually assaulting 19 different women.

Do Republicans think all those 19 women were lying?

Do Republicans think the MeToo movement is a joke?

Women detail sexual allegations against Trump - CNNPolitics

Judge Tells Trump He Can Be Deposed in Summer Zervos Sexual Harassment Suit

Meet 19 women who claim affairs with Trump or accuse him of unwanted advances

Trump fails for the third time to stop the Summer Zervos defamation lawsuit

New York’s highest court rejects Trump’s attempts to stop Zervos defamation suit

So two lawsuits will be moving forward. One is for sexual harassment and the other is for the Trump Foundation, a criminal organization.

Five things to know about the lawsuit against the Trump Foundation

Underwood also referred the case to the Federal Election Commission and Internal Revenue Service, arguing that the agencies should examine the foundation for possible violations of federal election and tax laws.

That means that the current state investigation into the charity could expand to the federal level — and Trump’s own administration could be examining the president and his charity.


So which is worse for Trump? Sexual harassment or using charity to shield a slush fund?

The short answer is "no"

The fact that NONE of these broads came forward before President Trump descended the golden escalator, even though Trump was an A List celebrity whose very name is synonymous with "Deep Pockets", tells be its all bullshit

You would have to be the most blind loyal Trumpbot to believe Trump hasn't done the worst imaginable things in his life. He is a scumbag. He was a scumbag. I used to love it when he went on the Howard Stern show. That's who Donald is. Now add that to wanting to screw his own daughter and his ties to the mob and how daddy got him on third base but he thinks he hit a homerun.

But I give Don credit for what he accomplished. He will be remembered 1000 years from now.

He has not done the "Worst things imaginable".

He is not a rapist like Bill Clinton almost certainly is, for one thing.

He has not gotten a rapist off like Hillary did.

He certainly has not murdered anyone.
THe worst you could hang on him, reasonable, is sleazy business practices.

No, he appointed a guy who got a pedophile off.

The deal, approved by Acosta while he was serving as Miami’s top federal prosecutor, allowed Epstein ― who was accused of sexually assaulting dozens of underage girls at his Palm Beach mansion ― to avoid federal prosecution and a possible life sentence. The financier ended up serving only 13 months in prison, a large chunk of which was spent in an office as part of a work-release program.

Pelosi said Acosta, who has served as Trump’s labor secretary since 2017, “engaged in an unconscionable agreement” with Epstein ― a deal she noted had been kept secret from his victims.

“This was known by [President Trump] when he appointed him to the Cabinet,” Pelosi added.

Twice removed from a deal, the details and circumstances we don't know?

LIke I said, not nearly the" worst imaginable".
Who dug up another deantard thread?
Been peaceful without the idiot clogging the board. Why give him attention during his vacation?

The point is, this story was from 2016. Trump's been partying with this pedophile since 1994.

As if Donald Trump didn’t have enough legal problems and bad juju, now he has another headache to deal with: a lawsuit filed yesterday in federal court in New York accusing him (along with billionaire Jeffrey Epstein) of raping a 13 year old girl in 1994 at a party at Epstein’s place.
Predicted demise of Trump #2391.

Its a deantard thread.
Well he is on his way to being a 1 term president. What did the diplomat in England say about Don? You Republicans just will never see how bad this guy is. Sure for rich guys like me the economy is booming but you middle class schmucks are still struggling to save/live.

Britain's man in the US says Trump is 'inept': Leaked secret cables from ambassador say the President is 'uniquely dysfunctional and his career could end in disgrace'

Yea I know you will blow off what he says but imagine if your boy Putin said this. Then you would care. Or the Saudi Prince. Those are Trump's buddies. He's a good judge of character that Trump is. Look at how many criminals and sleeze he has appointed and praised and later said bad things about. Like Rex Tillerson.

Trump said “I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy. He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.” - Donald Trump, 2002
The zealots on both sides here including you are literally tripping over each other trying to pin it on the other side.

Its rather pathetic and sad. None of you care about victims, just political points.
You get zero points.

I bet you lean right. Because this is usually the reply we get when someone on the right gets busted. "They all do it" is usually what you guys say or "they're all just as bad"

Then don't vote. If there is no clear difference between the parties stay home.
As I watched the Montana speech, I was surprised that Trump would make fun of the MeToo Movement.

Especially since he has been accused of sexually assaulting 19 different women.

Do Republicans think all those 19 women were lying?

Do Republicans think the MeToo movement is a joke?

Women detail sexual allegations against Trump - CNNPolitics

Judge Tells Trump He Can Be Deposed in Summer Zervos Sexual Harassment Suit

Meet 19 women who claim affairs with Trump or accuse him of unwanted advances

Trump fails for the third time to stop the Summer Zervos defamation lawsuit

New York’s highest court rejects Trump’s attempts to stop Zervos defamation suit

So two lawsuits will be moving forward. One is for sexual harassment and the other is for the Trump Foundation, a criminal organization.

Five things to know about the lawsuit against the Trump Foundation

Underwood also referred the case to the Federal Election Commission and Internal Revenue Service, arguing that the agencies should examine the foundation for possible violations of federal election and tax laws.

That means that the current state investigation into the charity could expand to the federal level — and Trump’s own administration could be examining the president and his charity.


So which is worse for Trump? Sexual harassment or using charity to shield a slush fund?

The short answer is "no"

The fact that NONE of these broads came forward before President Trump descended the golden escalator, even though Trump was an A List celebrity whose very name is synonymous with "Deep Pockets", tells be its all bullshit

You would have to be the most blind loyal Trumpbot to believe Trump hasn't done the worst imaginable things in his life. He is a scumbag. He was a scumbag. I used to love it when he went on the Howard Stern show. That's who Donald is. Now add that to wanting to screw his own daughter and his ties to the mob and how daddy got him on third base but he thinks he hit a homerun.

But I give Don credit for what he accomplished. He will be remembered 1000 years from now.

He has not done the "Worst things imaginable".

He is not a rapist like Bill Clinton almost certainly is, for one thing.

He has not gotten a rapist off like Hillary did.

He certainly has not murdered anyone.
THe worst you could hang on him, reasonable, is sleazy business practices.

No, he appointed a guy who got a pedophile off.

The deal, approved by Acosta while he was serving as Miami’s top federal prosecutor, allowed Epstein ― who was accused of sexually assaulting dozens of underage girls at his Palm Beach mansion ― to avoid federal prosecution and a possible life sentence. The financier ended up serving only 13 months in prison, a large chunk of which was spent in an office as part of a work-release program.

Pelosi said Acosta, who has served as Trump’s labor secretary since 2017, “engaged in an unconscionable agreement” with Epstein ― a deal she noted had been kept secret from his victims.

“This was known by [President Trump] when he appointed him to the Cabinet,” Pelosi added.

Twice removed from a deal, the details and circumstances we don't know?

LIke I said, not nearly the" worst imaginable".

You should be Trump's new PR person. LOL

Put that shit on a bumper sticker. "Trump 2020. Not the worst imaginable"
As I watched the Montana speech, I was surprised that Trump would make fun of the MeToo Movement.

Especially since he has been accused of sexually assaulting 19 different women.

Do Republicans think all those 19 women were lying?

Do Republicans think the MeToo movement is a joke?

Women detail sexual allegations against Trump - CNNPolitics

Judge Tells Trump He Can Be Deposed in Summer Zervos Sexual Harassment Suit

Meet 19 women who claim affairs with Trump or accuse him of unwanted advances

Trump fails for the third time to stop the Summer Zervos defamation lawsuit

New York’s highest court rejects Trump’s attempts to stop Zervos defamation suit

So two lawsuits will be moving forward. One is for sexual harassment and the other is for the Trump Foundation, a criminal organization.

Five things to know about the lawsuit against the Trump Foundation

Underwood also referred the case to the Federal Election Commission and Internal Revenue Service, arguing that the agencies should examine the foundation for possible violations of federal election and tax laws.

That means that the current state investigation into the charity could expand to the federal level — and Trump’s own administration could be examining the president and his charity.


So which is worse for Trump? Sexual harassment or using charity to shield a slush fund?

The short answer is "no"

The fact that NONE of these broads came forward before President Trump descended the golden escalator, even though Trump was an A List celebrity whose very name is synonymous with "Deep Pockets", tells be its all bullshit

You would have to be the most blind loyal Trumpbot to believe Trump hasn't done the worst imaginable things in his life. He is a scumbag. He was a scumbag. I used to love it when he went on the Howard Stern show. That's who Donald is. Now add that to wanting to screw his own daughter and his ties to the mob and how daddy got him on third base but he thinks he hit a homerun.

But I give Don credit for what he accomplished. He will be remembered 1000 years from now.

He has not done the "Worst things imaginable".

He is not a rapist like Bill Clinton almost certainly is, for one thing.

He has not gotten a rapist off like Hillary did.

He certainly has not murdered anyone.
THe worst you could hang on him, reasonable, is sleazy business practices.

No, he appointed a guy who got a pedophile off.

The deal, approved by Acosta while he was serving as Miami’s top federal prosecutor, allowed Epstein ― who was accused of sexually assaulting dozens of underage girls at his Palm Beach mansion ― to avoid federal prosecution and a possible life sentence. The financier ended up serving only 13 months in prison, a large chunk of which was spent in an office as part of a work-release program.

Pelosi said Acosta, who has served as Trump’s labor secretary since 2017, “engaged in an unconscionable agreement” with Epstein ― a deal she noted had been kept secret from his victims.

“This was known by [President Trump] when he appointed him to the Cabinet,” Pelosi added.

Twice removed from a deal, the details and circumstances we don't know?

LIke I said, not nearly the" worst imaginable".

Trump is the master of being twice removed from the deal. For example Trump Resorts doesn't hire illegals. They hire another company and that company hires the illegals.

Wake up. You aren't rich enough to be a Republican. Are you finding that out? Are you realizing you don't save any more now than you did before Trump?

I'm actually saving much more. I was saving 10% of my salary and making less now I'm making more and saving 25%. MAGA for me yes. For you? You poor conservatives need to realize that party don't give a shit about you. They hope the rest of the country turns into people like in the poor red states down south. They don't care that they are poor as dirt they still love Republicans and hate liberals. Meanwhile they couldn't survive without social security and medicare and food stamps.
I'm actually saving much more. I was saving 10% of my salary and making less now I'm making more and saving 25%. MAGA for me yes. For you? You poor conservatives need to realize that party don't give a shit about you. They hope the rest of the country turns into people like in the poor red states down south. They don't care that they are poor as dirt they still love Republicans and hate liberals. Meanwhile they couldn't survive without social security and medicare and food stamps.

Southern states were dirt poor when they were solidly Liberal. In recent decades, its been changing as the region becomes conservative. Remember , Slick WIlly was gov of Arkansas, and the Gores ran Tennessee as well as the Carters running Georgia.

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