Do Republicans believe any of the 19 women that accused Trump of sexual assault?

Republicans discarded and abandoned American values when rhey accepted Trump. They betrayed America when they endorsed Donald Dork.

Donald J. Trump won the primaries in 2016, that's why he got in. The majority of the common people wanted Trump
The current Supreme Court is the most pro-business and anti labor since World War II.

You think kicking illegals out is going to fix things? Not if "they" won't go after illegal employers. Not if they just increase legal immigration before wages go up.

You are happy when Republicans, who always favor the rich, throw you a crumb. That's all Trump has given you was a crumb. The middle class is still disappearing. College is still unaffordable for the masses. People still aren't saving enough. But the rich are even richer.

That's really not true. The Janus Decision is very Pro-Worker, as it allows civil servants an opportunity to either join or not join Big Labor

You mean the decision to not force people who are protected by unions to not pay dues?

This is the problem with right wing nut jobs. They can spin anything. You just took a decision that hurts labor and claimed it to be pro labor. LOL.

Breaking unions doesn't help labor. Since unions went from 35% of our workforce to about 9%, wages have steadily gone down. No coincidence. Free market capitalism didn't create the middle class we all knew and loved. Liberal policies like social security and affordable college did. Things conservatives don't care about.
He has not done the "Worst things imaginable".

He is not a rapist like Bill Clinton almost certainly is, for one thing.

He has not gotten a rapist off like Hillary did.

He certainly has not murdered anyone.
THe worst you could hang on him, reasonable, is sleazy business practices.

No, he appointed a guy who got a pedophile off.

The deal, approved by Acosta while he was serving as Miami’s top federal prosecutor, allowed Epstein ― who was accused of sexually assaulting dozens of underage girls at his Palm Beach mansion ― to avoid federal prosecution and a possible life sentence. The financier ended up serving only 13 months in prison, a large chunk of which was spent in an office as part of a work-release program.

Pelosi said Acosta, who has served as Trump’s labor secretary since 2017, “engaged in an unconscionable agreement” with Epstein ― a deal she noted had been kept secret from his victims.

“This was known by [President Trump] when he appointed him to the Cabinet,” Pelosi added.

Twice removed from a deal, the details and circumstances we don't know?

LIke I said, not nearly the" worst imaginable".

You should be Trump's new PR person. LOL

Put that shit on a bumper sticker. "Trump 2020. Not the worst imaginable"

No one voted for Trump because he has great character. It was his stance on the issues, and his refusal to be cowed by the media, that the voters liked.

Yes Trump said all the right things to con you into voting for him. Now he appointed 2 right wing neocons to the Supreme Court. The middle class, which you belong, is doomed.

How old are you again? And how are you doing saving towards retirement?

The current Supreme Court is the most pro-business and anti labor since World War II.

You think kicking illegals out is going to fix things? Not if "they" won't go after illegal employers. Not if they just increase legal immigration before wages go up.

You are happy when Republicans, who always favor the rich, throw you a crumb. That's all Trump has given you was a crumb. The middle class is still disappearing. College is still unaffordable for the masses. People still aren't saving enough. But the rich are even richer.

You know my stance, generally speaking on the issues. When you know that, and still accuse me of being conned, you are being an ass.

Stop that shit.

I'm in my mid 50s, and I am doing ok when it comes to retirement. I have a sizable mutual fund(s) from past jobs and am paying building equity in a good income producing rental property in a very good renting area.
He has not done the "Worst things imaginable".

He is not a rapist like Bill Clinton almost certainly is, for one thing.

He has not gotten a rapist off like Hillary did.

He certainly has not murdered anyone.
THe worst you could hang on him, reasonable, is sleazy business practices.

No, he appointed a guy who got a pedophile off.

The deal, approved by Acosta while he was serving as Miami’s top federal prosecutor, allowed Epstein ― who was accused of sexually assaulting dozens of underage girls at his Palm Beach mansion ― to avoid federal prosecution and a possible life sentence. The financier ended up serving only 13 months in prison, a large chunk of which was spent in an office as part of a work-release program.

Pelosi said Acosta, who has served as Trump’s labor secretary since 2017, “engaged in an unconscionable agreement” with Epstein ― a deal she noted had been kept secret from his victims.

“This was known by [President Trump] when he appointed him to the Cabinet,” Pelosi added.

Twice removed from a deal, the details and circumstances we don't know?

LIke I said, not nearly the" worst imaginable".

Trump is the master of being twice removed from the deal. For example Trump Resorts doesn't hire illegals. They hire another company and that company hires the illegals.

Wake up. You aren't rich enough to be a Republican. Are you finding that out? Are you realizing you don't save any more now than you did before Trump?

I'm actually saving much more. I was saving 10% of my salary and making less now I'm making more and saving 25%. MAGA for me yes. For you? You poor conservatives need to realize that party don't give a shit about you. They hope the rest of the country turns into people like in the poor red states down south. They don't care that they are poor as dirt they still love Republicans and hate liberals. Meanwhile they couldn't survive without social security and medicare and food stamps.

1. It would be better if Trump has a better history on stuff like the hiring of illegals. He is still better than the scum your dem party put forth, and is likely to put forth coming up.

2. Not giving a shit, is still miles better than the bitter hatred your side has for US.

3. As demonstrated by your anti-Southern bigotry.

I always love to compare Bill Clinton in 1999 to GW Bush

"Between 1999 and 2003, work-site enforcement operations were scaled back 95 percent by the Immigration and Naturalization Service, which subsequently was merged into the Homeland Security Department. The number of employers prosecuted for unlawfully employing immigrants dropped from 182 in 1999 to four in 2003, and fines collected declined from $3.6 million to $212,000, according to federal statistics.

"In 1999, the United States initiated fines against 417 companies. In 2004, it issued fine notices to three."

I also love to point out that on Reagan's watch illegal stopped going home after the fruit picking season was over.

And if I'm not mistaken you guys worshiped Reagan and Bush. So if you were wrong back then, maybe you are wrong now?

During the Reagan years, the Cold War was sucking all the air up.

And yes, GWBush was very bad on illegals. I have repeatedly stated that the GOP is only slightly better than the Dems on this issue.

How many times do I have to say that? I am not the only con who has attacked the GOP on this issue.
Republicans discarded and abandoned American values when rhey accepted Trump. They betrayed America when they endorsed Donald Dork.

Donald J. Trump won the primaries in 2016, that's why he got in. The majority of the common people wanted Trump

Not true he lost the popular vote.

And Trump got the majority of the rich vote. But they need to con poor dummies into voting against their own financial best interests or they'll never win. That's why they promised blue collar they'd toss out illegals and it would raise wages. Only problem is they won't go after illegal employers. Only IF ice catches the workers will anyone get in trouble. And it'll never be the illegal employer who gets caught. They just say they were given fake ID.

And just remember Trump beat all the Republicans too. I just didn't think he'd be an even bigger asshole right win nut job than they would have been. Trump has to reward his base. The evangelicals. And we all knew he was lying when he said people like him would pay higher taxes.
As I watched the Montana speech, I was surprised that Trump would make fun of the MeToo Movement.

Especially since he has been accused of sexually assaulting 19 different women.

Do Republicans think all those 19 women were lying?

Do Republicans think the MeToo movement is a joke?

Women detail sexual allegations against Trump - CNNPolitics

Judge Tells Trump He Can Be Deposed in Summer Zervos Sexual Harassment Suit

Meet 19 women who claim affairs with Trump or accuse him of unwanted advances

Trump fails for the third time to stop the Summer Zervos defamation lawsuit

New York’s highest court rejects Trump’s attempts to stop Zervos defamation suit

So two lawsuits will be moving forward. One is for sexual harassment and the other is for the Trump Foundation, a criminal organization.

Five things to know about the lawsuit against the Trump Foundation

Underwood also referred the case to the Federal Election Commission and Internal Revenue Service, arguing that the agencies should examine the foundation for possible violations of federal election and tax laws.

That means that the current state investigation into the charity could expand to the federal level — and Trump’s own administration could be examining the president and his charity.


So which is worse for Trump? Sexual harassment or using charity to shield a slush fund?
Yes, Republicans think MeToo is a joke
They think women lie about rape

I think its a joke, women are getting everything they want and guys still pay for dinner or they are belittled if they cant. Women need to stand up to men that dress as them and want to paticipate as them, amazes me they dont fight that.

Women lie about rape and harrassment all the time, so no I dont believe all of them. I especially dont believe womem that accuse men of something from years ago once they get famous

So you don't believe Bill Clinton raped Anita Brodderick. Thank you for admitting that.

The rape happened late 70's and she I believe spoke up in 1999.

I have no idea, what I do know is she spoke about it 20 years later and it reeks of political slander.
Trumps accusers didn't come out until he went to run from president.

So no, I don't believe that at all. I believe they didn't want him to be president and tried to smear him.

Some of the women accusing Trump of sexual assault all he did was kiss them during cordial conversation. Clintons accusers accuse of him physical sexual assault. Not kissing. Another one he tried to give her his phone number in his office.

These are not allegations that have much merit. LOL

Besides you mean trump confessing he does this?
Oh and another thing you're wrong about.
-his then-wife Ivana made a rape claim during their 1989 divorce litigation but later recanted that claim; businesswoman Jill Harth sued Trump in 1997 alleging breach of contract while also suing for nonviolent sexual harassment
-Trump, who owned the Miss Universe franchise, which includes both pageants, was accused of going into dressing rooms in 1997, 2000, 2001, and 2006, while contestants were in various stages of undress.
Before he ran.
Donald Trump sexual misconduct allegations - Wikipedia

The Access Hollywood tapes were hidden by NBC and the Bush Family until just a few weeks before the election as a kind of "october surprise". People don't fall for that shit anymore. If it was something serious, they should have brought it up as soon as Trump declared. By the time the AH tapes were unveiled, it was too late to really consider anyone else as it was virtually Election Eve.

Ah so your excuse is. Yes, he said it but because it was released to damage him politically sexual assault is no longer criminal?...; Interesting legal theory.
The current Supreme Court is the most pro-business and anti labor since World War II.

You think kicking illegals out is going to fix things? Not if "they" won't go after illegal employers. Not if they just increase legal immigration before wages go up.

You are happy when Republicans, who always favor the rich, throw you a crumb. That's all Trump has given you was a crumb. The middle class is still disappearing. College is still unaffordable for the masses. People still aren't saving enough. But the rich are even richer.

That's really not true. The Janus Decision is very Pro-Worker, as it allows civil servants an opportunity to either join or not join Big Labor

You mean the decision to not force people who are protected by unions to not pay dues?

This is the problem with right wing nut jobs. They can spin anything. You just took a decision that hurts labor and claimed it to be pro labor. LOL.

Breaking unions doesn't help labor. Since unions went from 35% of our workforce to about 9%, wages have steadily gone down. No coincidence. Free market capitalism didn't create the middle class we all knew and loved. Liberal policies like social security and affordable college did. Things conservatives don't care about.

Actually, the American Middle Class took off in the roaring 20's, when the electronic, radio and automotive ages caught steam. And Unionism was at its nadir.

Since the 1950's when unions were at 35% of the workforce, income and living standards have actually risen to new heights. When I was a kid, we didn't have a/c, in home computers, and only 1 car in the whole house.
No, he appointed a guy who got a pedophile off.

The deal, approved by Acosta while he was serving as Miami’s top federal prosecutor, allowed Epstein ― who was accused of sexually assaulting dozens of underage girls at his Palm Beach mansion ― to avoid federal prosecution and a possible life sentence. The financier ended up serving only 13 months in prison, a large chunk of which was spent in an office as part of a work-release program.

Pelosi said Acosta, who has served as Trump’s labor secretary since 2017, “engaged in an unconscionable agreement” with Epstein ― a deal she noted had been kept secret from his victims.

“This was known by [President Trump] when he appointed him to the Cabinet,” Pelosi added.

Twice removed from a deal, the details and circumstances we don't know?

LIke I said, not nearly the" worst imaginable".

Trump is the master of being twice removed from the deal. For example Trump Resorts doesn't hire illegals. They hire another company and that company hires the illegals.

Wake up. You aren't rich enough to be a Republican. Are you finding that out? Are you realizing you don't save any more now than you did before Trump?

I'm actually saving much more. I was saving 10% of my salary and making less now I'm making more and saving 25%. MAGA for me yes. For you? You poor conservatives need to realize that party don't give a shit about you. They hope the rest of the country turns into people like in the poor red states down south. They don't care that they are poor as dirt they still love Republicans and hate liberals. Meanwhile they couldn't survive without social security and medicare and food stamps.

1. It would be better if Trump has a better history on stuff like the hiring of illegals. He is still better than the scum your dem party put forth, and is likely to put forth coming up.

2. Not giving a shit, is still miles better than the bitter hatred your side has for US.

3. As demonstrated by your anti-Southern bigotry.

I always love to compare Bill Clinton in 1999 to GW Bush

"Between 1999 and 2003, work-site enforcement operations were scaled back 95 percent by the Immigration and Naturalization Service, which subsequently was merged into the Homeland Security Department. The number of employers prosecuted for unlawfully employing immigrants dropped from 182 in 1999 to four in 2003, and fines collected declined from $3.6 million to $212,000, according to federal statistics.

"In 1999, the United States initiated fines against 417 companies. In 2004, it issued fine notices to three."

I also love to point out that on Reagan's watch illegal stopped going home after the fruit picking season was over.

And if I'm not mistaken you guys worshiped Reagan and Bush. So if you were wrong back then, maybe you are wrong now?

During the Reagan years, the Cold War was sucking all the air up.

And yes, GWBush was very bad on illegals. I have repeatedly stated that the GOP is only slightly better than the Dems on this issue.

How many times do I have to say that? I am not the only con who has attacked the GOP on this issue.

And even Trump just recently let his illegals go.
Trumps accusers didn't come out until he went to run from president.

So no, I don't believe that at all. I believe they didn't want him to be president and tried to smear him.

Some of the women accusing Trump of sexual assault all he did was kiss them during cordial conversation. Clintons accusers accuse of him physical sexual assault. Not kissing. Another one he tried to give her his phone number in his office.

These are not allegations that have much merit. LOL

Besides you mean trump confessing he does this?
Oh and another thing you're wrong about.
-his then-wife Ivana made a rape claim during their 1989 divorce litigation but later recanted that claim; businesswoman Jill Harth sued Trump in 1997 alleging breach of contract while also suing for nonviolent sexual harassment
-Trump, who owned the Miss Universe franchise, which includes both pageants, was accused of going into dressing rooms in 1997, 2000, 2001, and 2006, while contestants were in various stages of undress.
Before he ran.
Donald Trump sexual misconduct allegations - Wikipedia

The Access Hollywood tapes were hidden by NBC and the Bush Family until just a few weeks before the election as a kind of "october surprise". People don't fall for that shit anymore. If it was something serious, they should have brought it up as soon as Trump declared. By the time the AH tapes were unveiled, it was too late to really consider anyone else as it was virtually Election Eve.

Ah so your excuse is. Yes, he said it but because it was released to damage him politically sexual assault is no longer criminal?...; Interesting legal theory.

Mr. Trump was just shooting the shit and amusing the Bush Family scion. No one was sexually assaulted during the production of that tape.
Unfortunately, sadly, tragically, there is simply no way to know for sure if a woman has been attacked without solid evidence.

Why is that? Because due to the hyper-politicization of virtually everything, it's reasonable to question people's motives.

That's what happens when a country loses is collective shit, placing "beating" the other "side" above honesty and decency.

What a horrible place we're in.
Twice removed from a deal, the details and circumstances we don't know?

LIke I said, not nearly the" worst imaginable".

Trump is the master of being twice removed from the deal. For example Trump Resorts doesn't hire illegals. They hire another company and that company hires the illegals.

Wake up. You aren't rich enough to be a Republican. Are you finding that out? Are you realizing you don't save any more now than you did before Trump?

I'm actually saving much more. I was saving 10% of my salary and making less now I'm making more and saving 25%. MAGA for me yes. For you? You poor conservatives need to realize that party don't give a shit about you. They hope the rest of the country turns into people like in the poor red states down south. They don't care that they are poor as dirt they still love Republicans and hate liberals. Meanwhile they couldn't survive without social security and medicare and food stamps.

1. It would be better if Trump has a better history on stuff like the hiring of illegals. He is still better than the scum your dem party put forth, and is likely to put forth coming up.

2. Not giving a shit, is still miles better than the bitter hatred your side has for US.

3. As demonstrated by your anti-Southern bigotry.

I always love to compare Bill Clinton in 1999 to GW Bush

"Between 1999 and 2003, work-site enforcement operations were scaled back 95 percent by the Immigration and Naturalization Service, which subsequently was merged into the Homeland Security Department. The number of employers prosecuted for unlawfully employing immigrants dropped from 182 in 1999 to four in 2003, and fines collected declined from $3.6 million to $212,000, according to federal statistics.

"In 1999, the United States initiated fines against 417 companies. In 2004, it issued fine notices to three."

I also love to point out that on Reagan's watch illegal stopped going home after the fruit picking season was over.

And if I'm not mistaken you guys worshiped Reagan and Bush. So if you were wrong back then, maybe you are wrong now?

During the Reagan years, the Cold War was sucking all the air up.

And yes, GWBush was very bad on illegals. I have repeatedly stated that the GOP is only slightly better than the Dems on this issue.

How many times do I have to say that? I am not the only con who has attacked the GOP on this issue.

And even Trump just recently let his illegals go.

What are you leaving out?
Trumps accusers didn't come out until he went to run from president.

So no, I don't believe that at all. I believe they didn't want him to be president and tried to smear him.

Some of the women accusing Trump of sexual assault all he did was kiss them during cordial conversation. Clintons accusers accuse of him physical sexual assault. Not kissing. Another one he tried to give her his phone number in his office.

These are not allegations that have much merit. LOL

Besides you mean trump confessing he does this?
Oh and another thing you're wrong about.
-his then-wife Ivana made a rape claim during their 1989 divorce litigation but later recanted that claim; businesswoman Jill Harth sued Trump in 1997 alleging breach of contract while also suing for nonviolent sexual harassment
-Trump, who owned the Miss Universe franchise, which includes both pageants, was accused of going into dressing rooms in 1997, 2000, 2001, and 2006, while contestants were in various stages of undress.
Before he ran.
Donald Trump sexual misconduct allegations - Wikipedia

The Access Hollywood tapes were hidden by NBC and the Bush Family until just a few weeks before the election as a kind of "october surprise". People don't fall for that shit anymore. If it was something serious, they should have brought it up as soon as Trump declared. By the time the AH tapes were unveiled, it was too late to really consider anyone else as it was virtually Election Eve.

Oh shut up. That was the perfect time to release that tape. And yes, people do care about October surprises. Comey probably handed Trump the election when he came out and repramanded Hillary on national TV.

Trump supporters don't care but Trump is an anomally.

But remember Trump won by getting independents and undecided and the anyone but Hillary votes. He won't get those again and many poor and new/young voters are going to vote him out in 2020 you can believe that.
Republicans discarded and abandoned American values when rhey accepted Trump. They betrayed America when they endorsed Donald Dork.

Says the lefty that hates "American values".
Everyone who dislikes Trump and considers him a scum bag is a lefty or commie to you guys. Meantime, your leader Donald Dork is a confirmed certified prolific compulsive serial liar, admittedly multiple adulterer, admittedly a promiscuous male whore, admittedly a sexual assaulter.
Trumps accusers didn't come out until he went to run from president.

So no, I don't believe that at all. I believe they didn't want him to be president and tried to smear him.

Some of the women accusing Trump of sexual assault all he did was kiss them during cordial conversation. Clintons accusers accuse of him physical sexual assault. Not kissing. Another one he tried to give her his phone number in his office.

These are not allegations that have much merit. LOL

Besides you mean trump confessing he does this?
Oh and another thing you're wrong about.
-his then-wife Ivana made a rape claim during their 1989 divorce litigation but later recanted that claim; businesswoman Jill Harth sued Trump in 1997 alleging breach of contract while also suing for nonviolent sexual harassment
-Trump, who owned the Miss Universe franchise, which includes both pageants, was accused of going into dressing rooms in 1997, 2000, 2001, and 2006, while contestants were in various stages of undress.
Before he ran.
Donald Trump sexual misconduct allegations - Wikipedia

The Access Hollywood tapes were hidden by NBC and the Bush Family until just a few weeks before the election as a kind of "october surprise". People don't fall for that shit anymore. If it was something serious, they should have brought it up as soon as Trump declared. By the time the AH tapes were unveiled, it was too late to really consider anyone else as it was virtually Election Eve.

Oh shut up. That was the perfect time to release that tape. And yes, people do care about October surprises. Comey probably handed Trump the election when he came out and repramanded Hillary on national TV.

Trump supporters don't care but Trump is an anomally.

But remember Trump won by getting independents and undecided and the anyone but Hillary votes. He won't get those again and many poor and new/young voters are going to vote him out in 2020 you can believe that.

Why is October, after the ballots have been printed , the "perfect" time to release the tape?

It give the party no chance to find anyone else if it was a serious offense, so people would have to vote for Trump anyhow.
No, he appointed a guy who got a pedophile off.

The deal, approved by Acosta while he was serving as Miami’s top federal prosecutor, allowed Epstein ― who was accused of sexually assaulting dozens of underage girls at his Palm Beach mansion ― to avoid federal prosecution and a possible life sentence. The financier ended up serving only 13 months in prison, a large chunk of which was spent in an office as part of a work-release program.

Pelosi said Acosta, who has served as Trump’s labor secretary since 2017, “engaged in an unconscionable agreement” with Epstein ― a deal she noted had been kept secret from his victims.

“This was known by [President Trump] when he appointed him to the Cabinet,” Pelosi added.

Twice removed from a deal, the details and circumstances we don't know?

LIke I said, not nearly the" worst imaginable".

You should be Trump's new PR person. LOL

Put that shit on a bumper sticker. "Trump 2020. Not the worst imaginable"

No one voted for Trump because he has great character. It was his stance on the issues, and his refusal to be cowed by the media, that the voters liked.

Yes, he lied. Said he would be a middle class first president. And immediately his first achievements were tax breaks that mostly benefit the rich.

And him saying the media is the enemy is a tactic he uses on the stupid. The media is not the enemy. Demagoguary is.

1. And yet, wages are rising for the working poor and middle class, more than for generations.

2. Sorry buddy. The media is full of liberals, more liberal than you, who hate working class and middle class whites with a fiery passion. They are the enemy of US.

Yes they are rising but you'll see those wages still won't be able to raise a family like back in my dad's day.


The media is not liberal. Hasn't been since the rich bought it all up in the 90's.

Generations? What generations? Maybe one generation. Since the Bush 2000's things have sucked. So you are saying things are better than then? BFD. Oh and I remember Republicans saying the economy was fine and Bush was great all the way up till the Great Recession he caused. Then you denied he caused it.

So now you admit he sucked? Too late. I don't believe or trust a thing any of you say. You won the gullable vote. I'm hoping you don't win them again. Most of them won't vote for Trump again or they won't show up. And people who didn't vote for Hillary won't hate our candidates like they hated her. I'll admit it. She was a very flawed candidate. She never once campaigned in MI, WI or PA. What an idiot. Kamala won't make that mistake.
Republicans discarded and abandoned American values when rhey accepted Trump. They betrayed America when they endorsed Donald Dork.

Says the lefty that hates "American values".
Everyone who dislikes Trump and considers him a scum bag is a lefty or commie to you guys. Meantime, your leader Donald Dork is a confirmed certified prolific compulsive serial liar, admittedly multiple adulterer, admittedly a promiscuous male whore, admittedly a sexual assaulter.

Not at all. Plenty of never trumpers on the Right.

But you, you consider American values to be evul, don't you?
Trumps accusers didn't come out until he went to run from president.

So no, I don't believe that at all. I believe they didn't want him to be president and tried to smear him.

Some of the women accusing Trump of sexual assault all he did was kiss them during cordial conversation. Clintons accusers accuse of him physical sexual assault. Not kissing. Another one he tried to give her his phone number in his office.

These are not allegations that have much merit. LOL

Besides you mean trump confessing he does this?
Oh and another thing you're wrong about.
-his then-wife Ivana made a rape claim during their 1989 divorce litigation but later recanted that claim; businesswoman Jill Harth sued Trump in 1997 alleging breach of contract while also suing for nonviolent sexual harassment
-Trump, who owned the Miss Universe franchise, which includes both pageants, was accused of going into dressing rooms in 1997, 2000, 2001, and 2006, while contestants were in various stages of undress.
Before he ran.
Donald Trump sexual misconduct allegations - Wikipedia

The Access Hollywood tapes were hidden by NBC and the Bush Family until just a few weeks before the election as a kind of "october surprise". People don't fall for that shit anymore. If it was something serious, they should have brought it up as soon as Trump declared. By the time the AH tapes were unveiled, it was too late to really consider anyone else as it was virtually Election Eve.

Oh shut up. That was the perfect time to release that tape. And yes, people do care about October surprises. Comey probably handed Trump the election when he came out and repramanded Hillary on national TV.

Trump supporters don't care but Trump is an anomally.

But remember Trump won by getting independents and undecided and the anyone but Hillary votes. He won't get those again and many poor and new/young voters are going to vote him out in 2020 you can believe that.

Why is October, after the ballots have been printed , the "perfect" time to release the tape?

It give the party no chance to find anyone else if it was a serious offense, so people would have to vote for Trump anyhow.

Or Hillary. Or don't vote at all.

If you like Trump's supreme court picks then you should be happy he won. If you don't, you'll do anything to get him out of office. We can't have another Judge Kav on the Supremes

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