Do Republicans care about Conflicts of Interest or is it Good Government now?

So, you feel when a sitting president publicly states he won't release his tax returns,refuses to divest himself from his business and quite blatantly gets protected by congress, the left has no case against him?
When did any of that happen?
So, you feel when a sitting president publicly states he won't release his tax returns,refuses to divest himself from his business and quite blatantly gets protected by congress, the left has no case against him?

No, I don't think anyone has a "right" to see them...It is totally up to the candidate, or sitting President on whether or not they want to show you...They are no bound by law to show you.

We know everything about Clinton's possible conflicts of interests both through voluntary released and deliberately hacked material.

Keep in mind that Hillary, and her people around her including possibly the dumbest women in history ever to hold a position Debbie Wasserman Schultz, with their inattention, allowed themselves to be outed...If they were smarter they wouldn't have had that info in the public domain...

Trump didn't just refuse to release even a fraction of the information we have on Clinton, but congress and I suspect you make it very clear that you are not at all interested to hold this president to the standards of those preceding him, and then when you get called out, you call it whining.

No, I call it whining because it is whining...You're mad because your party chose to run the most unelectable person in history, and you are looking for someone, or something to blame it on instead of looking introspectively, and taking responsibility for trying to foist a criminal upon the American people...Shame on you.

There is a reason presidents are expected to release their tax returns, there's a reason presidents are supposed to put as much distance between themselfs and their business interests. It's not just the ethics themselves but it's also to stop the PERCEPTION of being corrupt, something Trump hasn't done because you and yours have decided that you don't mind a corrupt president as long as he is on the Republican ticket.

That is pure nonsense...Do you have a tissue handy when you type this? Look, If Trump is found guilty of any sort of corruption, then I will stand shoulder to shoulder with you and denounce him. But until then suck it up buttercup. You lost. He doesn't have to release his taxes, and he didn't even have to remove himself from any of his businesses either. He only did that to shut you demanding losers down a little and it didn't do a damned thing in your complaining...So, in retrospect, he should have just told you people to shove it.
Do Republicans care about Conflicts of Interest or is it Good Government now?
Apparently they care about 'em just as much as the Democrats did when the "D" lemming slice was in power, hyper-partisan hypocrisy at it's best. :cool:

"We are all hypocrites. We cannot see ourselves or judge ourselves the way we see and judge others." -- José Emilio Pacheco, Battles in the Desert & Other Stories

You guys have to stop with this everything is like everything else so its ok bullshit
LOL, Who's "you guys"? Do you mean those of us that are not partisan hypocrits?
Ih snowflakes had expressed the same level of concern over conflicts of interest during the Obama administration and with Hillary they would be taken more seriously. Only now that Trump is in office that they seem to have 'found religion'. :p
Do Republicans care about Conflicts of Interest or is it Good Government now?
Apparently they care about 'em just as much as the Democrats did when the "D" lemming slice was in power, hyper-partisan hypocrisy at it's best. :cool:

"We are all hypocrites. We cannot see ourselves or judge ourselves the way we see and judge others." -- José Emilio Pacheco, Battles in the Desert & Other Stories

You guys have to stop with this everything is like everything else so its ok bullshit
LOL, Who's "you guys"? Do you mean those of us that are not partisan hypocrits?

The people who answer to you guys like yourself.
Now that you know that Trump will never release his taxes. Not that he has too but he said he wouldnt because of an audit. Now he's just saying "Ok I lied, and you liked its your fault"

Now that Trump promised to look out for the little guy, of course the appointment of Wall Street guys looked shifty but we were told to wait. Now they are looking at not only letting the shark out of the cage...but this time with lasers on their backs saying "Many of my friends are happy"

Trump also said he would distance himself from his business to take away from the pay to play cloud. When really he only told you he distanced himself but still is the sole beneficiary of his money making schemes.

So have republicans given up on the whole Govt Corrumption angle?

1) You don't quote (what you think is) a paraphrase, Holmes. Sad, another government school product who didn't learn basic punctuation of his own language

2) You asked about corruption but you didn't show any corruption, so what are you talking about?
Do Republicans care about Conflicts of Interest or is it Good Government now?
Apparently they care about 'em just as much as the Democrats did when the "D" lemming slice was in power, hyper-partisan hypocrisy at it's best. :cool:

"We are all hypocrites. We cannot see ourselves or judge ourselves the way we see and judge others." -- José Emilio Pacheco, Battles in the Desert & Other Stories

You guys have to stop with this everything is like everything else so its ok bullshit
LOL, Who's "you guys"? Do you mean those of us that are not partisan hypocrits?

The people who answer to you guys like yourself.
OIC, so according to your theory, "you guys" are those that answer to "you guys" .....:disbelief:

BTW Exactly how many tabs of LSD did you drop this morning?
So, you feel when a sitting president publicly states he won't release his tax returns,refuses to divest himself from his business and quite blatantly gets protected by congress, the left has no case against him?
When did any of that happen?
Trump Has It Both Ways on Congressional Ethics
This is a clear indication that congress isn't willing to watch Trump.

This shows that Conway doesn't think Trump will release his tax returns. So my question is what reasonable expectation do you have that congress will watch Trumps conflicts of interests and what reasonable expectation can you have that he will release his tax returns? Your point seems to be that I can't positively prove my assertions hence they are invalid. I can't prove that I won't be hit by an asteroid either, but I can assert it's highly unlikely.
Now that you know that Trump will never release his taxes. Not that he has too but he said he wouldnt because of an audit. Now he's just saying "Ok I lied, and you liked its your fault"

Now that Trump promised to look out for the little guy, of course the appointment of Wall Street guys looked shifty but we were told to wait. Now they are looking at not only letting the shark out of the cage...but this time with lasers on their backs saying "Many of my friends are happy"

Trump also said he would distance himself from his business to take away from the pay to play cloud. When really he only told you he distanced himself but still is the sole beneficiary of his money making schemes.

So have republicans given up on the whole Govt Corrumption angle?

1) You don't quote (what you think is) a paraphrase, Holmes. Sad, another government school product who didn't learn basic punctuation of his own language

2) You asked about corruption but you didn't show any corruption, so what are you talking about?

When you have nothing else you can always look for improper coma placement :thup: The hard hitting stuff :thup:
Now that you know that Trump will never release his taxes. Not that he has too but he said he wouldnt because of an audit. Now he's just saying "Ok I lied, and you liked its your fault"

Now that Trump promised to look out for the little guy, of course the appointment of Wall Street guys looked shifty but we were told to wait. Now they are looking at not only letting the shark out of the cage...but this time with lasers on their backs saying "Many of my friends are happy"

Trump also said he would distance himself from his business to take away from the pay to play cloud. When really he only told you he distanced himself but still is the sole beneficiary of his money making schemes.

So have republicans given up on the whole Govt Corrumption angle?

1) You don't quote (what you think is) a paraphrase, Holmes. Sad, another government school product who didn't learn basic punctuation of his own language

2) You asked about corruption but you didn't show any corruption, so what are you talking about?

When you have nothing else you can always look for improper coma placement :thup: The hard hitting stuff :thup:

Bull shit. I didn't say anything about commas. This is not a case of a typo, this is a case where you clearly do not know how to use quote marks. And you did it twice in the same post. And you are a liar, you stated that he used those exact words. Think about the term QUOTE marks. You use them when you are QUOTING. Tricky, huh?
Now that you know that Trump will never release his taxes. Not that he has too but he said he wouldnt because of an audit. Now he's just saying "Ok I lied, and you liked its your fault"

Now that Trump promised to look out for the little guy, of course the appointment of Wall Street guys looked shifty but we were told to wait. Now they are looking at not only letting the shark out of the cage...but this time with lasers on their backs saying "Many of my friends are happy"

Trump also said he would distance himself from his business to take away from the pay to play cloud. When really he only told you he distanced himself but still is the sole beneficiary of his money making schemes.

So have republicans given up on the whole Govt Corrumption angle?

1) You don't quote (what you think is) a paraphrase, Holmes. Sad, another government school product who didn't learn basic punctuation of his own language

2) You asked about corruption but you didn't show any corruption, so what are you talking about?

When you have nothing else you can always look for improper coma placement :thup: The hard hitting stuff :thup:

Bull shit. I didn't say anything about commas. This is not a case of a typo, this is a case where you clearly do not know how to use quote marks. And you did it twice in the same post. And you are a liar, you stated that he used those exact words. Think about the term QUOTE marks. You use them when you are QUOTING. Tricky, huh?

Look at this guy hitting the hard stuff. Typos. Good job meathead
Now that you know that Trump will never release his taxes. Not that he has too but he said he wouldnt because of an audit. Now he's just saying "Ok I lied, and you liked its your fault"

Now that Trump promised to look out for the little guy, of course the appointment of Wall Street guys looked shifty but we were told to wait. Now they are looking at not only letting the shark out of the cage...but this time with lasers on their backs saying "Many of my friends are happy"

Trump also said he would distance himself from his business to take away from the pay to play cloud. When really he only told you he distanced himself but still is the sole beneficiary of his money making schemes.

So have republicans given up on the whole Govt Corrumption angle?

1) You don't quote (what you think is) a paraphrase, Holmes. Sad, another government school product who didn't learn basic punctuation of his own language

2) You asked about corruption but you didn't show any corruption, so what are you talking about?

When you have nothing else you can always look for improper coma placement :thup: The hard hitting stuff :thup:

Bull shit. I didn't say anything about commas. This is not a case of a typo, this is a case where you clearly do not know how to use quote marks. And you did it twice in the same post. And you are a liar, you stated that he used those exact words. Think about the term QUOTE marks. You use them when you are QUOTING. Tricky, huh?

Look at this guy hitting the hard stuff. Typos. Good job meathead

Not knowing how to use quote marks is not a "typo," Klown. Another lap around the track for the Kommunist Klown Kar and its driver, KlosedMinded!
So, you feel when a sitting president publicly states he won't release his tax returns,refuses to divest himself from his business and quite blatantly gets protected by congress, the left has no case against him?

No, I don't think anyone has a "right" to see them...It is totally up to the candidate, or sitting President on whether or not they want to show you...They are no bound by law to show you.

We know everything about Clinton's possible conflicts of interests both through voluntary released and deliberately hacked material.

Keep in mind that Hillary, and her people around her including possibly the dumbest women in history ever to hold a position Debbie Wasserman Schultz, with their inattention, allowed themselves to be outed...If they were smarter they wouldn't have had that info in the public domain...

Trump didn't just refuse to release even a fraction of the information we have on Clinton, but congress and I suspect you make it very clear that you are not at all interested to hold this president to the standards of those preceding him, and then when you get called out, you call it whining.

No, I call it whining because it is whining...You're mad because your party chose to run the most unelectable person in history, and you are looking for someone, or something to blame it on instead of looking introspectively, and taking responsibility for trying to foist a criminal upon the American people...Shame on you.

There is a reason presidents are expected to release their tax returns, there's a reason presidents are supposed to put as much distance between themselfs and their business interests. It's not just the ethics themselves but it's also to stop the PERCEPTION of being corrupt, something Trump hasn't done because you and yours have decided that you don't mind a corrupt president as long as he is on the Republican ticket.

That is pure nonsense...Do you have a tissue handy when you type this? Look, If Trump is found guilty of any sort of corruption, then I will stand shoulder to shoulder with you and denounce him. But until then suck it up buttercup. You lost. He doesn't have to release his taxes, and he didn't even have to remove himself from any of his businesses either. He only did that to shut you demanding losers down a little and it didn't do a damned thing in your complaining...So, in retrospect, he should have just told you people to shove it.
No, I don't think anyone has a "right" to see them...It is totally up to the candidate, or sitting President on whether or not they want to show you...They are no bound by law to show you.
You are right there is no law that states it. The reason previous candidates did it because the public demanded it. Because it is the only way to get a reasonably clear idea as to what his possible interest are. For instance who he is indebted to. If he has payed his taxes and where he has his holdings and their worth.

Keep in mind that Hillary, and her people around her including possibly the dumbest women in history ever to hold a position Debbie Wasserman Schultz, with their inattention, allowed themselves to be outed...If they were smarter they wouldn't have had that info in the public domain...
I wasn't aware private e-mails are the public domain? Last time I checked the public domain is what is freely accessible by anyone who wants to know

No, I call it whining because it is whining...You're mad because your party chose to run the most unelectable person in history, and you are looking for someone, or something to blame it on instead of looking introspectively, and taking responsibility for trying to foist a criminal upon the American people...Shame on you.
And yet the FBI has said they aren't recommending prosecuting. As to looking introspectively, I put to you that Trump to any objective standard has said and done way more serious stuff then Hilary ever has and what's more he still is. I don't hate Trump for him being a republican I hate him because he's impulsive, sexist, narcissistic, thin skinned and for the first time in my live the American president is someone who I can actually imagine starting a war on a whim. Especially because I don't see congress making any serious attempt to call him to order. Don't get me wrong I wouldn't like president Pence either, but at least he wouldn't start a war without thinking it through.

That is pure nonsense...Do you have a tissue handy when you type this? Look, If Trump is found guilty of any sort of corruption, then I will stand shoulder to shoulder with you and denounce him. But until then suck it up buttercup. You lost. He doesn't have to release his taxes, and he didn't even have to remove himself from any of his businesses either. He only did that to shut you demanding losers down a little and it didn't do a damned thing in your complaining...So, in retrospect, he should have just told you people to shove it.
Who is supposed to investigate Trump? And no he hasn't removed himself from his business. Donald Trump has kept direct ties to business empire, documents show

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