Do Republicans even realize how much damage they do to the pro-life movement?

Pedro de San Patricio

Gold Member
Feb 14, 2015
One common charge against us is that, for how much we say we care about people before they're born, we completely change our tune and lose any interest in their health, safety, and welfare afterwards. The actual pro-life position would be and is consistent on this. For every actual pro-life proponent holding this position there are hundreds of Republicans defending the death penalty, slashing education and welfare, and trying to provoke unnecessary wars to send the people they save from abortion to fight while hijacking our label.

Another common charge against us is that we only care about fetal people with no regard to the health of the woman carrying them. The actual pro-life position supports all life as having inherent value and worth without discriminating based on sex any more than age. For every actual pro-life proponent holding this position there are hundreds of Republicans trying to shut down women's health clinics, block healthcare, and cut funding for medical research while hijacking our label.

I could go on for days. Instead what I'll do is kindly ask those Republicans doing this to do one of two things: either sit down and stop pretending to be one of us, or start actually caring about human rights even when it clashes with your party ideology. As it stands all you're doing is making us look bad and making it that much easier for the anti-human rights crowd to sucker people into killing babies for their Malthusian bullshit.
The OP is a ransom note: "Pay for my baby or I will kill it!"

A very sick tactic.
At 50 I don't give a crap anymore if a liberal wants to kill her baby in the womb

Good one less liberal voter

Between her and god
The OP is a ransom note: "Pay for my baby or I will kill it!"

A very sick tactic.
The OP is an attempt to ask the fakers to stop making it harder for us to protect our little brothers and sisters from the abortion mills. Nothing more or less.
Do you EVER post anything on all the Damage the Democrat party does and has done to our country

everything is Republican this, republican that

you look like a tool
The OP is a ransom note: "Pay for my baby or I will kill it!"

A very sick tactic.
The OP is an attempt to ask the fakers to stop making it harder for us to protect our little brothers and sisters from the abortion mills. Nothing more or less.

Why not stop being a busy body meddler and just MYOB?

What would you say if I told you the state should the power to control your reproduction? What if it was YOU who whose very basic right to control your own body was being taken away?

Your body belongs to you and you should have the right to say when you will reproduce. No one should ever have the right to force you to reproduce.


End of discussion.
Do you EVER post anything on all the Damage the Democrat party does and has done to our country

everything is Republican this, republican that

you look like a tool
My last post was about the virulently totalitarian Social Justice strain of current leftist thought.

Why not stop being a busy body meddler and just MYOB?

What would you say if I told you the state should the power to control your reproduction? What if it was YOU who whose very basic right to control your own body was being taken away?

Your body belongs to you and you should have the right to say when you will reproduce. No one should ever have the right to force you to reproduce.


End of discussion.
Minding your own business isn't a good idea in the face of any serious human rights violation, be it sex trafficking, the feticide industry, or genocide.
If the republican party didn't care about the unborn who would? What person in their right mind would condone turning a full term baby around in the birth canal to cause a breach birth and then stabbing it in the back of the head and sucking it's brain out with a Frankenstein machine and then call it "human rights"?
If the republican party didn't care about the unborn who would?
The pro-life movement as a whole. We're secular. We're not aligned to any party, though individual proponents may be found in any of them. We count quite a few women in our leadership roles. Here are some good places to start:
Pro-Life Humanists About Pro-Life Humanists - Pro-Life Humanists
Students for Life

What person in their right mind would condone turning a full term baby around in the birth canal to cause a breach birth and then stabbing it in the back of the head and sucking it's brain out with a Frankenstein machine and then call it "human rights"?
One who isn't aware of what's going on, or has a vague idea but hasn't actually seen it firsthand. There's a reason the industry and its bought politicians and interest groups are trying so hard to oppose ultrasound technology or even speaking about the child as anything but a "potential human" at best, if not a parasite or tumor.
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One common charge against us is that, for how much we say we care about people before they're born, we completely change our tune and lose any interest in their health, safety, and welfare afterwards. The actual pro-life position would be and is consistent on this. For every actual pro-life proponent holding this position there are hundreds of Republicans defending the death penalty, slashing education and welfare, and trying to provoke unnecessary wars to send the people they save from abortion to fight while hijacking our label.

Another common charge against us is that we only care about fetal people with no regard to the health of the woman carrying them. The actual pro-life position supports all life as having inherent value and worth without discriminating based on sex any more than age. For every actual pro-life proponent holding this position there are hundreds of Republicans trying to shut down women's health clinics, block healthcare, and cut funding for medical research while hijacking our label.

I could go on for days. Instead what I'll do is kindly ask those Republicans doing this to do one of two things: either sit down and stop pretending to be one of us, or start actually caring about human rights even when it clashes with your party ideology. As it stands all you're doing is making us look bad and making it that much easier for the anti-human rights crowd to sucker people into killing babies for their Malthusian bullshit.
Do Republicans even realize how much damage they do to the pro-life movement?

I don't know, but do they realize the damage they've done to this country over the past half century or so? That's the question.

P.S. ---- Democrats are just as guilty.
Do you EVER post anything on all the Damage the Democrat party does and has done to our country

everything is Republican this, republican that

you look like a tool
My last post was about the virulently totalitarian Social Justice strain of current leftist thought.

Why not stop being a busy body meddler and just MYOB?

What would you say if I told you the state should the power to control your reproduction? What if it was YOU who whose very basic right to control your own body was being taken away?

Your body belongs to you and you should have the right to say when you will reproduce. No one should ever have the right to force you to reproduce.


End of discussion.
Minding your own business isn't a good idea in the face of any serious human rights violation, be it sex trafficking, the feticide industry, or genocide.

So you're saying you believe the government should have the right and power to force you to reproduce.

Or, are you going to dodge that question?
The OP is a ransom note: "Pay for my baby or I will kill it!"

A very sick tactic.
The OP is an attempt to ask the fakers to stop making it harder for us to protect our little brothers and sisters from the abortion mills. Nothing more or less.

Why not stop being a busy body meddler and just MYOB?

What would you say if I told you the state should the power to control your reproduction? What if it was YOU who whose very basic right to control your own body was being taken away?

Your body belongs to you and you should have the right to say when you will reproduce. No one should ever have the right to force you to reproduce.


End of discussion.

The body inside a woman's body is not her body.
So you're saying you believe the government should have the right and power to force you to reproduce.

Or, are you going to dodge that question?
You seem not to have understood what I said. If you don't want to reproduce then don't. Nobody is making you. Hell, if I had my way, you could get sterilized at any hospital free of charge if you so chose. The issue is when you've already created another human and later decide to chemically burn them to death, tear them apart, and throw them in the dumpster or sell their remains as medical waste.
The OP is a ransom note: "Pay for my baby or I will kill it!"

A very sick tactic.
The OP is an attempt to ask the fakers to stop making it harder for us to protect our little brothers and sisters from the abortion mills. Nothing more or less.

Why not stop being a busy body meddler and just MYOB?

What would you say if I told you the state should the power to control your reproduction? What if it was YOU who whose very basic right to control your own body was being taken away?

Your body belongs to you and you should have the right to say when you will reproduce. No one should ever have the right to force you to reproduce.


End of discussion.

The body inside a woman's body is not her body.

That's a matter of opinion but either way, it does not negate her utterly sovereign right to control her own body.

So you're saying you believe the government should have the right and power to force you to reproduce.

Or, are you going to dodge that question?
You seem not to have understood what I said. If you don't want to reproduce then don't. Nobody is making you. Hell, if I had my way, you could get sterilized at any hospital free of charge if you so chose. The issue is when you've already created another human and later decide to chemically burn them to death, tear them apart, and throw them in the dumpster or sell their remains as medical waste.

So you're saying you believe the government should have the right and power to force you to reproduce.

Or, are you going to dodge that question?
So you're saying you believe the government should have the right and power to force you to reproduce.

Or, are you going to dodge that question?
You seem not to have understood what I said. If you don't want to reproduce then don't. Nobody is making you. Hell, if I had my way, you could get sterilized at any hospital free of charge if you so chose. The issue is when you've already created another human and later decide to chemically burn them to death, tear them apart, and throw them in the dumpster or sell their remains as medical waste.

So you're saying you believe the government should have the right and power to force you to reproduce.

Or, are you going to dodge that question?
You essentially told me "my body my choice so mind your own business". I told you minding your own business is wrong when it means overlooking human rights abuses. You asked me if I was saying that the government should have the right to force people to reproduce. I said that nobody has the right to force you to reproduce and the problem arises only after reproduction has occurred and you decided to kill the result of that reproduction, which I would call your child but frankly I don't have time for a three hour argument over semantics. You reiterated your question. I'm reiterating my answer, because I've already answered it. I bolded the relevant text.
One common charge against us is that, for how much we say we care about people before they're born, we completely change our tune and lose any interest in their health, safety, and welfare afterwards. The actual pro-life position would be and is consistent on this. For every actual pro-life proponent holding this position there are hundreds of Republicans defending the death penalty, slashing education and welfare, and trying to provoke unnecessary wars to send the people they save from abortion to fight while hijacking our label.

Another common charge against us is that we only care about fetal people with no regard to the health of the woman carrying them. The actual pro-life position supports all life as having inherent value and worth without discriminating based on sex any more than age. For every actual pro-life proponent holding this position there are hundreds of Republicans trying to shut down women's health clinics, block healthcare, and cut funding for medical research while hijacking our label.

I could go on for days. Instead what I'll do is kindly ask those Republicans doing this to do one of two things: either sit down and stop pretending to be one of us, or start actually caring about human rights even when it clashes with your party ideology. As it stands all you're doing is making us look bad and making it that much easier for the anti-human rights crowd to sucker people into killing babies for their Malthusian bullshit.

So says the far left sock puppet... go away, and take your bullshit with you.

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