Do Republicans even realize how much damage they do to the pro-life movement?

The OP is a ransom note: "Pay for my baby or I will kill it!"

A very sick tactic.
The OP is an attempt to ask the fakers to stop making it harder for us to protect our little brothers and sisters from the abortion mills. Nothing more or less.

Why not stop being a busy body meddler and just MYOB?

What would you say if I told you the state should the power to control your reproduction? What if it was YOU who whose very basic right to control your own body was being taken away?

Your body belongs to you and you should have the right to say when you will reproduce. No one should ever have the right to force you to reproduce.


End of discussion.

So says the asshat the thinks government control over your healthcare is ok. You're an idiot.
So says the far left sock puppet... go away, and take your bullshit with you.
The video above probably describes my beliefs the best. Life isn't right nor left. I lean closer right in making sure people survive from conception to birth and closer left in ensuring they have a life worth living afterwards. Honestly it doesn't matter if you die because your mom paid off a doctor to put a spike in your skull or because you just starved in the street when the outcome is the same. It's society's obligation to you as a member to prevent either of these from happening. It's my obligation as your kin to do what's in my power to help in either case.
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The conflict over abortion is not over the issue for legitimate medical reasons. That comprises a small number of abortions in the US. Usually about 5-6% of abortions annually. Very few people have a problem with abortions for medical reasons. For instance I am admately against abortion but have no probelm with it being done for medical reasons.

The number of abortions for rape and incest is usually only about 1%. Pregnancies due to rape and incest are actually very rare.

The major conflict over abortion on demand has to do with killing a child on demand for the sake of convenience and that is where we have the disagreement. Those abortions comprise about 94% of the abortions in the US.

The Liberals always try to define the opposition to abortion in terms of the extreme but in reality the overwhelming number of the murders are performed simply because a confused mother doesn't want the inconvenience of being bothered with the child she conceived and is willing to kill the child rather than be responsible. That is simply the immoral and wrong thing to do. A child's live is more valuable than inconvenience.
I lean closer right in making sure people survive from conception to birth and closer left in ensuring they have a life worth living afterwards. .

All life is worth living, however you are deprived of the opportunity to discover the worth for yourself if someone kills you, aren't you?

The right of a mother (and father) to kill a child because they are inconvenienced by the child should not trump the right of a child to live. At least not in any moral society.
Do you EVER post anything on all the Damage the Democrat party does and has done to our country

everything is Republican this, republican that

you look like a tool
My last post was about the virulently totalitarian Social Justice strain of current leftist thought.

Why not stop being a busy body meddler and just MYOB?

What would you say if I told you the state should the power to control your reproduction? What if it was YOU who whose very basic right to control your own body was being taken away?

Your body belongs to you and you should have the right to say when you will reproduce. No one should ever have the right to force you to reproduce.


End of discussion.
Minding your own business isn't a good idea in the face of any serious human rights violation, be it sex trafficking, the feticide industry, or genocide.

So you're saying you believe the government should have the right and power to force you to reproduce.

Or, are you going to dodge that question?

Are you saying that the govt forced that couple to have unprotected sex?
The OP is a ransom note: "Pay for my baby or I will kill it!"

A very sick tactic.
The OP is an attempt to ask the fakers to stop making it harder for us to protect our little brothers and sisters from the abortion mills. Nothing more or less.

Why not stop being a busy body meddler and just MYOB?

What would you say if I told you the state should the power to control your reproduction? What if it was YOU who whose very basic right to control your own body was being taken away?

Your body belongs to you and you should have the right to say when you will reproduce. No one should ever have the right to force you to reproduce.


End of discussion.
Your body belongs to you and you should have the right to say when you will reproduce. No one should ever have the right to force you to reproduce.


Or live? its sad how people like yourself get all but hurt over your perceived rights,yet blatantly ignore and trivialize the life you are so willing to kill.

Sick empty people,period
Do you EVER post anything on all the Damage the Democrat party does and has done to our country

everything is Republican this, republican that

you look like a tool
My last post was about the virulently totalitarian Social Justice strain of current leftist thought.

Why not stop being a busy body meddler and just MYOB?

What would you say if I told you the state should the power to control your reproduction? What if it was YOU who whose very basic right to control your own body was being taken away?

Your body belongs to you and you should have the right to say when you will reproduce. No one should ever have the right to force you to reproduce.


End of discussion.
Minding your own business isn't a good idea in the face of any serious human rights violation, be it sex trafficking, the feticide industry, or genocide.

So you're saying you believe the government should have the right and power to force you to reproduce.

Or, are you going to dodge that question?

Are you saying that the govt forced that couple to have unprotected sex?

Birth control is covered by insurance and government says everyone must have insurance. There is no more excuse for unprotected sex!
The OP is a ransom note: "Pay for my baby or I will kill it!"

A very sick tactic.
The OP is an attempt to ask the fakers to stop making it harder for us to protect our little brothers and sisters from the abortion mills. Nothing more or less.

Why not stop being a busy body meddler and just MYOB?

What would you say if I told you the state should the power to control your reproduction? What if it was YOU who whose very basic right to control your own body was being taken away?

Your body belongs to you and you should have the right to say when you will reproduce. No one should ever have the right to force you to reproduce.


End of discussion.
Your body belongs to you and you should have the right to say when you will reproduce. No one should ever have the right to force you to reproduce.


Or live? its sad how people like yourself get all but hurt over your perceived rights,yet blatantly ignore and trivialize the life you are so willing to kill.

Sick empty people,period

They won't even acknowledge that what grows inside a woman is a separate human being. They run away from that all the time ... or make dumb assed comments on it.
Birth control is covered by insurance and government says everyone must have insurance. There is no more excuse for unprotected sex!

Excellent point. Now the Moon Bats have no excuse to kill their children because they didn't have access to birth control.
How is the abortion industry any different from ancient cultures that sacrificed their children to pagan gods? God destroyed them for it, as He will destroy us.
One common charge against us is that, for how much we say we care about people before they're born, we completely change our tune and lose any interest in their health, safety, and welfare afterwards. The actual pro-life position would be and is consistent on this. For every actual pro-life proponent holding this position there are hundreds of Republicans defending the death penalty, slashing education and welfare, and trying to provoke unnecessary wars to send the people they save from abortion to fight while hijacking our label.

Another common charge against us is that we only care about fetal people with no regard to the health of the woman carrying them. The actual pro-life position supports all life as having inherent value and worth without discriminating based on sex any more than age. For every actual pro-life proponent holding this position there are hundreds of Republicans trying to shut down women's health clinics, block healthcare, and cut funding for medical research while hijacking our label.

I could go on for days. Instead what I'll do is kindly ask those Republicans doing this to do one of two things: either sit down and stop pretending to be one of us, or start actually caring about human rights even when it clashes with your party ideology. As it stands all you're doing is making us look bad and making it that much easier for the anti-human rights crowd to sucker people into killing babies for their Malthusian bullshit.

So says the far left sock puppet... go away, and take your bullshit with you.

no kidding, it starts a thread and trolls it to death. long winded boring too
The OP is a ransom note: "Pay for my baby or I will kill it!"

A very sick tactic.
The OP is an attempt to ask the fakers to stop making it harder for us to protect our little brothers and sisters from the abortion mills. Nothing more or less.
The contempt you garner is perfectly understandable when you seek to deny women their right to privacy by expanding the size and authority of government at the expense of individual liberty.

“Minding your own business isn't a good idea in the face of any serious human rights violation, be it sex trafficking, the feticide industry, or genocide.”

And here we have an example of the ignorance and hyperbolic demagoguery common to most on the right.
The contempt you garner is perfectly understandable when you seek to deny women their right to privacy by expanding the size and authority of government at the expense of individual liberty.
I dunno about that. Liberals are typically perfectly happy to join us in supporting higher taxes to pay for welfare and nationalized healthcare, smoking bans, tightened gun control, healthy food and drink in schools, strict regulation of heavy industry and the resultant pollution, and other pro-life policies that would limit individual choice to promote life, health, and safety. The specific case of feticide is the one where they suddenly become convinced small government right wing libertarians and the Constitution suddenly transforms from being the eternal rough draft written by racist, sexist, classist white criminals of the rest of their rhetoric to become a static, unchangeable holy text that must never be questioned or interpreted by any but one particular and infallible previous Supreme Court. (Kind of like the infallible Supreme Court that declared blacks not to be people...) I guess this particular lobby is such a dear supporter to them?

And here we have an example of the ignorance and hyperbolic demagoguery common to most on the right.
To be honest a pro-life platform is at once as similar and alien to the right as it is to the left. The right is correct in valuing the life of pre-birth humans and opposing the left's attempts to brand the fact that an industry literally revolves around killing them and selling their remains as research material at best as absolutely anything but what it is. The left is correct in valuing the life of post-birth humans and opposing the right's attempts to use them as slave labor, industrial waste storage, bullet sponges, or target practice.
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