Do Republicans hate America?

Yukon does not like truth at all, even when it makes his own side look better.

Indeed. He/She is like all the wingnuts on both sides. They don't even listen to those who want some of both. Um, I think they are called moderate liberals and moderate conservatives, you know, those that actually decide. This time around, it was the liberals, many of those moderates are now very concerned; as were the moderate conservatives with Bush, regarding clinging with Rumsfeld, not communicating with the people, then the bailouts.

It's the wingnuts that are going gangbusters for healthcare; omnibus stimulus, forgive me, recovery; bank bailouts; auto bailouts, simultaneously. It's also the wingnuts calling for impeaching Obama and bringing GW to trial. It's like all want the electorate to be in constant recall mode.


Being POTUS sucks, I'm shocked at those that want to be. Perhaps after this no one will wish to? Hardly. Even a banana republic finds a 'leader.' Woe.
Methinks Annie has a bad case of PMS, Kitty on the other hand is too old...............
Methinks Annie has a bad case of PMS, Kitty on the other hand is too old...............

I'll just say my guess is that KK is way younger than myself. Which is easily enough discerned.
Do GOP members hate America the question should be do Arabs and Muslims hate America.

America's biggest political mistake was establishing Israel, and because of that millions of Arabs and Muslims around the world hate. If the US government felt sorry for the Jews, they should have given them Manhattan Island and renamed it Israel, but no, instead they decided, "Let's make Israel where PALESTINE is and everything will be alright." It's like putting a black family in a KKK community. They were not welcome and still are not welcome.

The GOP doesnt hate America but lots of people do.
Do GOP members hate America the question should be do Arabs and Muslims hate America.

America's biggest political mistake was establishing Israel, and because of that millions of Arabs and Muslims around the world hate. If the US government felt sorry for the Jews, they should have given them Manhattan Island and renamed it Israel, but no, instead they decided, "Let's make Israel where PALESTINE is and everything will be alright." It's like putting a black family in a KKK community. They were not welcome and still are not welcome.

The GOP doesnt hate America but lots of people do.

The feeling is mutual fuckface!
Do GOP members hate America the question should be do Arabs and Muslims hate America.

America's biggest political mistake was establishing Israel, and because of that millions of Arabs and Muslims around the world hate. If the US government felt sorry for the Jews, they should have given them Manhattan Island and renamed it Israel, but no, instead they decided, "Let's make Israel where PALESTINE is and everything will be alright." It's like putting a black family in a KKK community. They were not welcome and still are not welcome.

The GOP doesnt hate America but lots of people do.

Wow ... talk about completely ignorant of facts ...
Yukon does not like truth at all, even when it makes his own side look better.

Indeed. He/She is like all the wingnuts on both sides. They don't even listen to those who want some of both. Um, I think they are called moderate liberals and moderate conservatives, you know, those that actually decide. This time around, it was the liberals, many of those moderates are now very concerned; as were the moderate conservatives with Bush, regarding clinging with Rumsfeld, not communicating with the people, then the bailouts.

It's the wingnuts that are going gangbusters for healthcare; omnibus stimulus, forgive me, recovery; bank bailouts; auto bailouts, simultaneously. It's also the wingnuts calling for impeaching Obama and bringing GW to trial. It's like all want the electorate to be in constant recall mode.


Being POTUS sucks, I'm shocked at those that want to be. Perhaps after this no one will wish to? Hardly. Even a banana republic finds a 'leader.' Woe.

"There is a tragic flaw in our precious Constitution, and I don’t know what can be done to fix it. This is it: Only nut cases want to be president."

-kurt vonnegut
To paraphase the late Sydney Harris anyne willing to crawl though all the crap one has to crawl through in order to become president is almost certainly not worthy of the Job.

To which I'll add an addendum we have mostly the press to thank for this sad state of affairs.
This has all been said before, but we should remember that few people on either side actually hate America. What is frightening, though, is how many people hate their political opponents more than they love America. I like to be right, but I'd rather be wrong than see the nation falter.

Amazingly enough, I actually agree with you on this. I think I'm going to need to go lie down until the shock passes.
(We are only now trying a tax increase, silly. We'll see what happens.)

And, you didn't answer my question, and I wasn't bragging. SO, if the new tax plan works (America recovers), AND you pay less in taxes, will you support it?

I just love it when people propose completely insane, impossible hypotheticals and insist that everyone try to answer them as though they can be taken seriously. "Okay, but IF the moon really WAS made of green cheese, would you use it on your enchiladas or your huevos rancheros?"

No, I wouldn't, because it would cost too much to get to it. :D

The question isn't stupid Ceci, it's getting at whether the opposition is principled or partisan.

I agree with you about how similar the calls for failure are now, compared to Bush. I strongly believe Bush's policies were bad for this country. If they had succeeded, it could set a precedent to continue those policies, which I believe are at odds with what America stands for. I understand the desire for Obama's policies to fail, and I think opposition is patriotic.

No, it's stupid because it asks one to suppose something that's utterly impossible. I see no point in hypothesizing about something that can't be done.

And if you honestly thought Bush's policies were bad for the country, I wouldn't have said you hated America for doing it. I might have said you were an idiot for not agreeing, depending on what they were, but I don't equate the President with the country.
Yukon does not like truth at all, even when it makes his own side look better.

Indeed. He/She is like all the wingnuts on both sides. They don't even listen to those who want some of both. Um, I think they are called moderate liberals and moderate conservatives, you know, those that actually decide. This time around, it was the liberals, many of those moderates are now very concerned; as were the moderate conservatives with Bush, regarding clinging with Rumsfeld, not communicating with the people, then the bailouts.

It's the wingnuts that are going gangbusters for healthcare; omnibus stimulus, forgive me, recovery; bank bailouts; auto bailouts, simultaneously. It's also the wingnuts calling for impeaching Obama and bringing GW to trial. It's like all want the electorate to be in constant recall mode.


Being POTUS sucks, I'm shocked at those that want to be. Perhaps after this no one will wish to? Hardly. Even a banana republic finds a 'leader.' Woe.

"There is a tragic flaw in our precious Constitution, and I don’t know what can be done to fix it. This is it: Only nut cases want to be president."

-kurt vonnegut

That's easy. You draft someone good who's smart enough to need to be dragged into it against his will, a la George Washington.
This has all been said before, but we should remember that few people on either side actually hate America. What is frightening, though, is how many people hate their political opponents more than they love America. I like to be right, but I'd rather be wrong than see the nation falter.

Amazingly enough, I actually agree with you on this. I think I'm going to need to go lie down until the shock passes.

Well, after spending a military career fighting the forces of communism/socialism and witnessing, first hand, the ravages of this dysfunctional socio-economic system, then yes. I would rather see America die and burn in the fires of hell than to ever succumb to those socio-economic philosophies.
Reading through many of these threads it strikes me as somewhat peculiar to see so many self-identified republicans hoping (even praying) that Obama fails miserably and that America is befallen by an economic catastrophe of never-before-seen epic proportions. Isn't the only logical conclusion that they must hate America? What other reason could they have to so desperately hope for Americans to suffer more than we've ever suffered before?


Sometimes the blatant double standard and total hypocrisy of the left takes my breath away. This is one of them.

Liberals OPENLY supported and even DEMANDED that the US deliberately lose a war -many are STILL demanding we hurry up and lose before its too late. Unless you are actually stupid enough to believe deliberately losing a war to a vicious, barbaric and murderous enemy is good for any nation or for any people -THAT is a far better example of people who really do hate this nation than your claptrap that unless we all want Obama to succeed with his political agenda, it means we "hate" this country. Liberals demanded and WANTED what they KNEW was the worst possible outcome for our own country, one this country would suffer horrible consequences for decades to come - as well as the worst possible outcome for 25 million Iraqis condemned to once again exist under the rule of whichever thug was willing to slaughter the most people in the resulting power vacuum. All because they believed that causing the nation to fail would go down as Bush's failure for starting the war. Not THEIR failure for advocating we deliberately lose it. They don't care that regardless of who sits in the White House for years to come afterwards - the nation itself would suffer for it for decades and it would re-energize our enemy like no other course of action possibly could. THAT is cold -but just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the depths liberals are willing to sink. Modern liberals would rather see the nation go down in flames, millions of people suffer the consequences for it for generations to come -as long as it means Democrats might have a greater advantage at the next election. Liberals would rather rule over a nation that is a broken shadow of its former self than see the nation flourish under their political opponents -because it is power modern liberals want over all else in the first place. Not the success of this nation. I'd rather swim with the fishes than be a liberal.

Your problem with your patently false statement is that the vast majority of conservatives love this country far more than ANY political party or ideology. A claim I would never take seriously if coming from a liberal frankly. They were the ones who insisted that their desire to see our COUNTRY fail (as opposed to the political agenda of a President) -was the highest form of "patriotism" instead of the treason it actually was.

I want my COUNTRY to succeed -always. And that comes before all politics, ideology and parties. And because I do, it means I hope Obama and his socialist agenda and intention to turn this country into yet one more imitation of a pale, tired and stagnant Europe -FAILS. That is because I also know for a fact that Obama's agenda -would be disastrous for this country. No ifs, ands or buts about it. Its the reason I didn't vote for this guy in the first place and as slim as this guy's resume was -his socialist agenda was undeniable. The fact the media failed in their job to make sure people were as fully informed about this guy as possible couldn't hide it from those intent on knowing what this man believed. Not a tough choice here for me. I can always support a President, regardless of his party -who loves and cherishes OUR system of government over any other. But Obama isn't one of them.

I love my country, love our system of government over ANY other and want what is best for the nation itself over any political ideology or party. Obama has an agenda I know for a fact would be disaster for the nation and can only increase human misery. Gee, do I really hope Obama SUCCEEDS with that agenda? Are you kidding?

What Obama never told the public what he really meant with his "hopey-changey" message -was that his "hope" for this country was to turn it into just one more dismal, stagnant nation no longer capable of making significant contributions to the world and he intended to fundamentally "change" our economic and government systems in order to do that. As like-minded people already did in Europe. The fact Obama thinks he was given a mandate to do that when he never once informed voters that was what he WOULD do -doesn't mean I have to jump on the Obamaworld bandwagon now. I couldn't vote for the guy BECAUSE of his agenda in the first place. So why on earth would I want to see Obama succeed in inflicting it on us all NOW?

That's bullshit! You don't know shit but the manure you were fed. How many economic calamities have you repaired? I'm pretty sure that if you did know, you wouldn't be spouting your bullshit on a message board. You're no different than anyone else guessing what may happen. Some just hope it fails (your ilk) and some hope it succeeds. :cuckoo:
i am amused by those demanding change within what 3 months or took this country a long time of poor management to get is not the time to debate draining the swamp...somehow this administration and this country need to man up and do what is needed...not try to pass the hard times on to future generations
This has all been said before, but we should remember that few people on either side actually hate America. What is frightening, though, is how many people hate their political opponents more than they love America. I like to be right, but I'd rather be wrong than see the nation falter.

Amazingly enough, I actually agree with you on this. I think I'm going to need to go lie down until the shock passes.

Well, after spending a military career fighting the forces of communism/socialism and witnessing, first hand, the ravages of this dysfunctional socio-economic system, then yes. I would rather see America die and burn in the fires of hell than to ever succumb to those socio-economic philosophies.

And what do you suppose the Pheniox that rises from those ashes will look like Zoom?

Be careful what you wish for.

When empires fall, the governments that rise from them are seldom good ones.

When the Czar fell, Russia got Lenin and Stalin.

When Wilhelm fell, Germany got Hitler.
For them, America is a platform for individual fulfillment. Here is the catch: individual is conceived in the narrowest possible terms. Any notion of "The Public" is seen as "Socialism" (-socialism is anything the government does for the non-wealthy). The Free Market will fix New Orleans levees. The Free Market will effectively control the amount of derivative-based risk it assumes. The Free Market will get us off imported petroleum in the 70s (rather than spending decades making terrorists stronger). The Free Market will keep rivers clean. The Free Market will make Health Care efficient. The Free Market won't bribe Washington in order to increase it's profit margin. We don't need to worry about "The Public Good". Individual Selfishness, driven only by short term profit, is a utopian reflex.

Trust the market.
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