Do Republicans hate America?

Republicans and other right wing nuts love themselves and their all too absurd ideas more than they love the nation as a whole; too many of them have very low intellectual and critical thinking skills; all they do is mimic the junk misinformation and disinformation coming from awful people like Rush Limbaugh and all the crackpots on FOX News. What is so tragic is that the vast majority of these low quality people have also been screwed by the economic meltdown produced mostly by Republicans and by truly immoral, greedy capitalists running and ruining the financial system.
Republicans and other right wing nuts love themselves and their all too absurd ideas more than they love the nation as a whole; too many of them have very low intellectual and critical thinking skills; all they do is mimic the junk misinformation and disinformation coming from awful people like Rush Limbaugh and all the crackpots on FOX News. What is so tragic is that the vast majority of these low quality people have also been screwed by the economic meltdown produced mostly by Republicans and by truly immoral, greedy capitalists running and ruining the financial system.

Hmm ... looks like we now have someone on the other side of Willows coin ... same words just replace Republican and right.
Yes, the government is the referree. Corporations work within our governments laws/rules. If they don't, they get a penalty.

Please explain why you think government isn't the referee. Or shouldn't be the ref's/regulators.

I think I explained that quite well after the third quote in my post. Perhaps you skipped that part?

And excuse me? I want to give corporations more clout? I want corporations to butt out of our political process. One person gets one vote. Corporations don't get to vote and our lobbying process is broken.

Corporate clout comes through lobbyist. That is how and why corporations own the government. You're method is not kicking their butts out of government at all. It simply puts the two into more collusion. Give the government control of industry and you only give them more reasons to screw us.

But that doesn't mean Obama will abuse the system as much as the GOP did. The Dems will not be as bad as the GOP was when they were in charge. In fact, I think the Dems are doing a great job so far.

Only time will tell as to Obama's legacy. I pray the best for him. I did not vote for him as I cannot stomach voting for either one of the two parties of liars any longer. If I were forced to vote for him or McCain and had no other choice, I would have chosen Barack Obama. George Bush screwed up big time. I'm not going to argue with you on that. But, the parties are in control and as long as we allow them to control this country both of them are going to screw us.

Did you see this?

Poll: Obama's rating at all-time high

Poll: Obama's rating at all-time high - White House-

No, but I have seen others saying it. I am not so up on polls. I think they can be swayed by the poll-takers, but I can understand why his numbers are high. Honestly, I hope they stay high. It would be good for this country to pull together some.

You'd rather give corporations the power? They don't give a fuck about you. You are an expense to them. If it weren't for liberals, unions and governments, you'd be RABBLE dummy.

You think the government gives a damned about you? That is ridiculous!

OMG, what a fucking fool. I don't know you, and don't want to have to educate you from scratch. If you truly are as dumb as you just posted, thank God people like you are not running the country anymore.

And idiots like you are why the GOP never have to change. They just have to continue saying the things you want to hear and you'll vote for them.

Meanwhile, the Dems have done more good in a month than the GOP did in 8 years and you are sucking on Rush Limpballs cock.

You are a fool. And the person who said your post was good. I'm going to negative rep that retard next. :eusa_shhh:

I can tell from this last piece that you can't handle having your ass handed to you in a discussion. I'm guessing you are 16 at the most without a clue of what it is like in the real world. I'd love to discuss things with you if you actually want to discuss them.

Personally, I don't have a problem with you disagreeing with me. It is not the first time I have disagreed with someone that I later became friends with. And I will be the first to admit that over the last 7 years of roaming these sites that I have learned from a lot of liberals and I have changed my point of view in many things. I'm willing to do so again if a good case is presented. You have not presented a good case, yet.

I think you think way too much of politicians.

I can't stand Rush Limbaugh. He and Sean Hannity have done as much harm or more to this country as Congress has. I fully believe that conservatives and liberals can work together to better this country if we can only get the politicians and pundits out of the way.

Please lets discuss this like adults. I can respect your point of view if we do even if I don't agree with it in the long run.

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Why...aren't you one of the ones that gets back more than you pay in? If so, why are you marching to protect high income from being taxed?

If it means dragging us all down, it's not worth it.

Question for everyone who opposes Obama';s tax plan:

If it *doesn't* drag us down, if the country does better with it, AND you get more money (a tax cut) will you support the policy?

I don't think a libral living in California has much to brag about, the librawls have run you guys right into the shit hole..
Republicans and other right wing nuts love themselves and their all too absurd ideas more than they love the nation as a whole; too many of them have very low intellectual and critical thinking skills; all they do is mimic the junk misinformation and disinformation coming from awful people like Rush Limbaugh and all the crackpots on FOX News. What is so tragic is that the vast majority of these low quality people have also been screwed by the economic meltdown produced mostly by Republicans and by truly immoral, greedy capitalists running and ruining the financial system.

where do you people meet up and get you daily marching orders eerrr hhhmmm talking points?? :lol: KOS or Huffington Post.. you make me laugh my ass off.
Question for everyone who opposes Obama';s tax plan:

If it *doesn't* drag us down, if the country does better with it, AND you get more money (a tax cut) will you support the policy?

Personally, I don't care about a tax cut for me. I am concerned about the Obama Administration's spending habits. I was concerned about the Bush Administration's spending habits. I do not believe this country can survive at the rate we are going.

As for supporting the policy, I have said many times that I think we are spending too much money, but I pray for the success of the plan. We are not going to be paying for this. Our great grandchildren are going to have to pay for it, if America survives.

I pray that the spending bill does bring us out of the economic crisis we are in at the moment. And that doesn't mean we necessarily need to end up a socialist country either.

I hope the plan succeeds. I hope it falls short of the government taking control of industry. I'm not so sure that will happen, look they already have their hooks in finance and healthcare, what is next? President Obama has proven that he is more than happy to take control of every industry that he can get under his control.

Question for you: Do you want the government controlling your employer or your business? Do you want the government determining your wages and schedule? Do you want an impersonal government employee dictating your every career move?


I am in basic research, so you (and me) usuallypay for my paycheck. It has not been a problem to have the government 'determine' my pay (grant monies) in the >20 years that I've been at this. It doesn't dictate my career moves at all, for a while I took a break from research and got a job teaching. Also, there is nothing stopping me (or anyone in science) from getting private funds, and I have worked off of private funds in the past. No one is saying that capitalism stops if government spending in increased.

It's not the bogeyman, for crying out loud. In this particular example, scientific research is an investment. We build better weapons, offer better medicines, lead globally in technology - when we invest in science. That positions us ahead of China, India, and the rest of the world.

Your argument about who pays for it can be turned around: It's not you and me that will benefit most from the investment, it's our kids.

See? the whole thing is a tempest in a teapot.
If it means dragging us all down, it's not worth it.

Question for everyone who opposes Obama';s tax plan:

If it *doesn't* drag us down, if the country does better with it, AND you get more money (a tax cut) will you support the policy?

I don't think a libral living in California has much to brag about, the librawls have run you guys right into the shit hole..

(We are only now trying a tax increase, silly. We'll see what happens.)

And, you didn't answer my question, and I wasn't bragging. SO, if the new tax plan works (America recovers), AND you pay less in taxes, will you support it?
Question for everyone who opposes Obama';s tax plan:

If it *doesn't* drag us down, if the country does better with it, AND you get more money (a tax cut) will you support the policy?

I don't think a libral living in California has much to brag about, the librawls have run you guys right into the shit hole..

(We are only now trying a tax increase, silly. We'll see what happens.)

And, you didn't answer my question, and I wasn't bragging. SO, if the new tax plan works (America recovers), AND you pay less in taxes, will you support it?

it means I have to bail california out, who runs a 42 billion dollar deficit,, you think I should bail you out when you cannot manage your budget.. you want me to support that?????
I am in basic research, so you (and me) usuallypay for my paycheck. It has not been a problem to have the government 'determine' my pay (grant monies) in the >20 years that I've been at this. It doesn't dictate my career moves at all, for a while I took a break from research and got a job teaching. Also, there is nothing stopping me (or anyone in science) from getting private funds, and I have worked off of private funds in the past. No one is saying that capitalism stops if government spending in increased.

It's not the bogeyman, for crying out loud. In this particular example, scientific research is an investment. We build better weapons, offer better medicines, lead globally in technology - when we invest in science. That positions us ahead of China, India, and the rest of the world.

Your argument about who pays for it can be turned around: It's not you and me that will benefit most from the investment, it's our kids.

See? the whole thing is a tempest in a teapot.

When you apply for grant money you are bidding for the job. There is a difference between you applying for grant money and the government controlling your business. You are still your own boss so to speak.

You are absolutely right, no one is saying capitalism stops if spending increases, but the discussion here has migrated to government control of industry. We are not talking about the appropriateness of the spending. We are talking about government control of industry. Being an accountant, I tend to believe we are over spending. I'm supposed to be fiscally conservative. I understand the need to spend. I still believe we have over stepped our limit so to speak.

I support scientific and research spending. But, I think at times we need to cut spending and now is one of those times.

You know if you take California and New York out of the American equation what are you left with ? A bunch of lunatic, religious zealots who believe the earth was created in 6 days about 4000 years ago. Nothing more than dumb, uneducated morons.
You know if you take California and New York out of the American equation what are you left with ? A bunch of lunatic, religious zealots who believe the earth was created in 6 days about 4000 years ago. Nothing more than dumb, uneducated morons.

kinda like ontario, eh?
kinda like ontario, eh?

Cal and NY are much like Ontario and the remainder of the USA reminds me of Newfoundland.


Question for everyone who opposes Obama';s tax plan:

If it *doesn't* drag us down, if the country does better with it, AND you get more money (a tax cut) will you support the policy?

Personally, I don't care about a tax cut for me. I am concerned about the Obama Administration's spending habits. I was concerned about the Bush Administration's spending habits. I do not believe this country can survive at the rate we are going.

As for supporting the policy, I have said many times that I think we are spending too much money, but I pray for the success of the plan. We are not going to be paying for this. Our great grandchildren are going to have to pay for it, if America survives.

I pray that the spending bill does bring us out of the economic crisis we are in at the moment. And that doesn't mean we necessarily need to end up a socialist country either.

I hope the plan succeeds. I hope it falls short of the government taking control of industry. I'm not so sure that will happen, look they already have their hooks in finance and healthcare, what is next? President Obama has proven that he is more than happy to take control of every industry that he can get under his control.

Question for you: Do you want the government controlling your employer or your business? Do you want the government determining your wages and schedule? Do you want an impersonal government employee dictating your every career move?


I am in basic research, so you (and me) usuallypay for my paycheck. It has not been a problem to have the government 'determine' my pay (grant monies) in the >20 years that I've been at this. It doesn't dictate my career moves at all, for a while I took a break from research and got a job teaching. Also, there is nothing stopping me (or anyone in science) from getting private funds, and I have worked off of private funds in the past. No one is saying that capitalism stops if government spending in increased.

It's not the bogeyman, for crying out loud. In this particular example, scientific research is an investment. We build better weapons, offer better medicines, lead globally in technology - when we invest in science. That positions us ahead of China, India, and the rest of the world.

Your argument about who pays for it can be turned around: It's not you and me that will benefit most from the investment, it's our kids.

See? the whole thing is a tempest in a teapot.

Sweetie everything can be turned around it seems as though you have figured out how to stay afloat by using the system..OK for you
the people who have supplied you with private funds are probably those evil businessman. The question is what happens when they are taxed so much they can no longer help you.. The funds they so
generously give you will be controlled by guess who..

Now when those businesses no longer can raise prices to offset for increased taxes they have a decision to make--if they have put enough away for themselfs they will say by by .if not they will join you in applying for grants and such sooner or later it starts over again and the goverment will be asking business people for help..If I'm still alive payback will be very very costly if not so be it.
Being that you guys like quotes for the eliete in your society
Like Letterman and Maher I got a few for you from some guy in the past (one who helped the country maybe not to bright huh)
Words from a AM Patriot

When we get piled upon one another in large cities,as in Europe,
we become as corrupt as europe.

The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not.

It is incumbent on every generation to pay its own debts as it goes.
A principle which if acted on would save one -half the wars of the world.

I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the goverment from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.

My reading of history convinces me that most bad govermentresults from to much goverment.

No free man shall ever be deprived the use of arms.

The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is,as a last resort,to protect themselfs against tyranny in goverment.

The tree of Liberty must be refreshed from time to timr with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas
ahich he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

I believe that banking institions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency,first by inflation,then by deflation,the banks and coroporations that will grow up around the banks will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered..

Thaomas Jefferson said in 1802
You know if you take California and New York out of the American equation what are you left with ? A bunch of lunatic, religious zealots who believe the earth was created in 6 days about 4000 years ago. Nothing more than dumb, uneducated morons.

I suggest you spend a few days driving around California and New York.

Each state has considerable religious conservative populations. It just so happens that the urban centers in each of those states are huge - and overwhelmingly liberal, as is the case with most large cities.

One of the top 5 largest Protestant churches in the nation is based in Orange County California...
Reading through many of these threads it strikes me as somewhat peculiar to see so many self-identified republicans hoping (even praying) that Obama fails miserably and that America is befallen by an economic catastrophe of never-before-seen epic proportions. Isn't the only logical conclusion that they must hate America? What other reason could they have to so desperately hope for Americans to suffer more than we've ever suffered before?


Reading through many of these threads, it strikes me as somewhat peculiar to see so many leftists who are incapable of separating Obama from America.

Write this down somewhere, dumbasses, because I don't want to have to keep repeating myself.

1) Obama is not America.

2) Wanting Obama to fail in his goals is not the same as wanting America to fail.

3) If Obama's goals are bad for America, wanting him to fail in them is actually wanting America to succeed.

4) You might think better if your lips weren't superglued to Obama's asscheek.
Stating that you are against Bush's policies in Iraq, taxes, FISA, spying, etc is not the same as saying that you hope he fails like Rushbo did. And don't tell me that this is semantics, it isn't.

I actually wish he had suceeded and we wouldn't be in the mess we are in. If conservative policies actually worked, I would be for them. I don't think in general that they do.

Actually, opposing Bush's policies and hoping they fail is EXACTLY the same as what Republicans are doing with Obama right now, but I notice you don't equate THAT with rooting for America to fail. Which supports my theory that leftists are dumb enough to think Obama IS America.

No, it's not semantics. It's hypocrisy.
Question for everyone who opposes Obama';s tax plan:

If it *doesn't* drag us down, if the country does better with it, AND you get more money (a tax cut) will you support the policy?

I don't think a libral living in California has much to brag about, the librawls have run you guys right into the shit hole..

(We are only now trying a tax increase, silly. We'll see what happens.)

And, you didn't answer my question, and I wasn't bragging. SO, if the new tax plan works (America recovers), AND you pay less in taxes, will you support it?

I just love it when people propose completely insane, impossible hypotheticals and insist that everyone try to answer them as though they can be taken seriously. "Okay, but IF the moon really WAS made of green cheese, would you use it on your enchiladas or your huevos rancheros?"
You know if you take California and New York out of the American equation what are you left with ? A bunch of lunatic, religious zealots who believe the earth was created in 6 days about 4000 years ago. Nothing more than dumb, uneducated morons.

If you take Canada out of the equation, the average IQ of the continent goes up by 10 points. And please do us all a favor and try it to find out.

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