Do Republicans hate America?


Socialism is what Hussein is all about; HE IS IMPLEMENTING MORE OF IT WITH EACH PASSIGN DAY; Socialism fails... without exception... it has failed or is in the process of failing everywhere it has been tried....



How on Earth can you take it being surrounded by 67 millions enemies to America without doing something about it?

You're not a pussy, are you?

Well that's a foolish question; but given that a fool advanced it, it serves reason...

First, I take 'em one at a time,

Second, I understand that there is no corrleation between the volume of those who embrace a given position and the validity which a given positition may enjoy...

Third, I am doing something about it... I am taking each individual of that mass of enemies, with whom I come into contact and debating the issues; exposing their banal beliefs to be little more than raw idiocy... in this instance; I've conclusively proven your premise to be, as usual, fatally flawed... exposing you as an impotent little gas-bag whose intellectual limitations are such that you've relegated yourself to these drive-by spewings, where the best you can do is to demonstrate fallacious red-herrings...

Now would I prefer that you subversives took a more direct path and provided me with a valid moral justification to end you? Sure... but that's not up to me; in my opinion, you've not crossed the threshold which provides for such a justification to this point, and while it is a 100% certainty that you inevitably will do so, as one who inherently understands the principles involved, I've little choice but to deal with the arguments at this point.

Anything else?


It's good to know you are doing the very best you can.

Forgive me if I'm not impressed because right in your very neighborhood, as you are driving down the street, at the grocery store, everywhere you go there are people who according to you, "voted for a MUSLIM MARXIST" and are "no more an American than OSAMA BIN LADEN" for doing so. According to you all of these people are "the VERY DEFINITION OF A TRAITOR TO THE US."

And the extent of you effort is to "debate" them ... on message boards.

How incredibly impotent and lame of you.
This has all been said before, but we should remember that few people on either side actually hate America. What is frightening, though, is how many people hate their political opponents more than they love America. I like to be right, but I'd rather be wrong than see the nation falter.
Question for everyone who opposes Obama';s tax plan:

If it *doesn't* drag us down, if the country does better with it, AND you get more money (a tax cut) will you support the policy?

Personally, I don't care about a tax cut for me. I am concerned about the Obama Administration's spending habits. I was concerned about the Bush Administration's spending habits. I do not believe this country can survive at the rate we are going.

As for supporting the policy, I have said many times that I think we are spending too much money, but I pray for the success of the plan. We are not going to be paying for this. Our great grandchildren are going to have to pay for it, if America survives.

I pray that the spending bill does bring us out of the economic crisis we are in at the moment. And that doesn't mean we necessarily need to end up a socialist country either.

I hope the plan succeeds. I hope it falls short of the government taking control of industry. I'm not so sure that will happen, look they already have their hooks in finance and healthcare, what is next? President Obama has proven that he is more than happy to take control of every industry that he can get under his control.

Question for you: Do you want the government controlling your employer or your business? Do you want the government determining your wages and schedule? Do you want an impersonal government employee dictating your every career move?

I have to agree with Bobo, here. There were many that thought the auto workers should take a pay cut and there were many here that expressed outrage over Obama saying he was going to limit the salaries of CEOs that took bailout money.

And I'm not going to bother looking for links.

Ah, that might be because the government shouldn't be in charge or have control of mandating anyone's salaries. Why you people are so intent on giving over all of your power to a centralized government will always be a mystery. They know not what they ask for apparently.
I have to agree with Bobo, here. There were many that thought the auto workers should take a pay cut and there were many here that expressed outrage over Obama saying he was going to limit the salaries of CEOs that took bailout money.

And I'm not going to bother looking for links.

Ah, that might be because the government shouldn't be in charge or have control of mandating anyone's salaries. Why you people are so intent on giving over all of your power to a centralized government will always be a mystery. They know not what they ask for apparently.

Yes the government should be in charge. Consider this a sport. It's us vs the corporations. Who's the referee? The government is?

You don't play sports without a ref or rules, so why do you want to take the rules out of business? You don't think you'll get fucked? Think again.

And because it is our government. It serves We the People. When it doesn't serve us, like it didn't under Bush/Delay, then you vote it out. But you can't vote out the CEO of a corporation. And I don't get to pick the BOD of cororations. So screw them having all the power. You do realize our founding fathers warned us about corporations too, don't you? But you right wingers never mention that. Why?

You've been brainwashed by the GOP since Reagan to believe the government is the enemy.

And why you would want to give Corporations the power to manipulate and lower wages is beyond me. Are you a worker or a corporation?

And Bush didn't just say it, he proved it. He proved Government is incompetent, doens't know how to handle money and is the problem.
I have to agree with Bobo, here. There were many that thought the auto workers should take a pay cut and there were many here that expressed outrage over Obama saying he was going to limit the salaries of CEOs that took bailout money.

And I'm not going to bother looking for links.

Ah, that might be because the government shouldn't be in charge or have control of mandating anyone's salaries. Why you people are so intent on giving over all of your power to a centralized government will always be a mystery. They know not what they ask for apparently.

So you don't think government should set the minimum wage?

You probably don't. Thank god people like you are a very small minority.

Just like you guys also want to privatize social security. Do you realize how unpopular that is? Yet you keep trying to push it.
Reading through many of these threads it strikes me as somewhat peculiar to see so many self-identified republicans hoping (even praying) that Obama fails miserably and that America is befallen by an economic catastrophe of never-before-seen epic proportions. Isn't the only logical conclusion that they must hate America? What other reason could they have to so desperately hope for Americans to suffer more than we've ever suffered before?


We hate america? Im republican/conservative and i love america, and the reason i want him to fail is becuase I DONT WANT SOCIALIST POWER HUNGRY LIBERAL DESTROYING MY COUNTRY!! plus we dont have to hope for it to fail, we simply have to wait becuase its going to fail; it is failing. why would i want something so foolish to succeed.
"Both republicans and democrats hate each other so much they forgot America even exists." - Sunnidiot [A rare moment of clarity]
Yes the government should be in charge. Consider this a sport. It's us vs the corporations. Who's the referee? The government is?

You don't play sports without a ref or rules, so why do you want to take the rules out of business? You don't think you'll get fucked? Think again.

This is not a sport. The government is not a referree. In fact, the politicians basically works for the corporations as it is the corporations that fund their campaigns which bring them the votes they need from us so that they can continue spending pork for the corporations... and you want to give the corporations more clout.

And because it is our government. It serves We the People. When it doesn't serve us, like it didn't under Bush/Delay, then you vote it out.

That would be so nice if it were true, but it is not. Sure, Bush is gone and he was a miserable failure, but he was replaced by a successor that is not all that different than he was. We washed one group of poor leaders out and got another and to boot that, Congress is still Congress. Nothing has changed.

But you can't vote out the CEO of a corporation. And I don't get to pick the BOD of cororations. So screw them having all the power. You do realize our founding fathers warned us about corporations too, don't you? But you right wingers never mention that. Why?

Seems to me that our founding fathers were much more concerned with an out of control government than they were corporations. Why do you ignore that?

You've been brainwashed by the GOP since Reagan to believe the government is the enemy.

Hogwash, you have been brainwashed by all the socialists propaganda you appear to be sucking up.

And why you would want to give Corporations the power to manipulate and lower wages is beyond me. Are you a worker or a corporation?

I'd rather give corporations the power because they have the same goals that I have. That is profit. Their profit is based on attracting the best employees they can get and in order to do that they must pay a fair and equitable salary. The government doesn't give a damned what you make. That is why I don't want an impersonal government employee determining my wages.

And Bush didn't just say it, he proved it. He proved Government is incompetent, doens't know how to handle money and is the problem.

Something we can agree on... the government is incompetent. What I don't understand is why if you believe they are incompetent you would grant them control of industry.

Great post Immie, but unfortunately the people you are talking too are apparently incapable of comprehending the basic principles that this country was founded on.
Yes the government should be in charge. Consider this a sport. It's us vs the corporations. Who's the referee? The government is?

You don't play sports without a ref or rules, so why do you want to take the rules out of business? You don't think you'll get fucked? Think again.

This is not a sport. The government is not a referree. In fact, the politicians basically works for the corporations as it is the corporations that fund their campaigns which bring them the votes they need from us so that they can continue spending pork for the corporations... and you want to give the corporations more clout.

And because it is our government. It serves We the People. When it doesn't serve us, like it didn't under Bush/Delay, then you vote it out.

That would be so nice if it were true, but it is not. Sure, Bush is gone and he was a miserable failure, but he was replaced by a successor that is not all that different than he was. We washed one group of poor leaders out and got another and to boot that, Congress is still Congress. Nothing has changed.

Seems to me that our founding fathers were much more concerned with an out of control government than they were corporations. Why do you ignore that?

Hogwash, you have been brainwashed by all the socialists propaganda you appear to be sucking up.

And why you would want to give Corporations the power to manipulate and lower wages is beyond me. Are you a worker or a corporation?

I'd rather give corporations the power because they have the same goals that I have. That is profit. Their profit is based on attracting the best employees they can get and in order to do that they must pay a fair and equitable salary. The government doesn't give a damned what you make. That is why I don't want an impersonal government employee determining my wages.

And Bush didn't just say it, he proved it. He proved Government is incompetent, doens't know how to handle money and is the problem.

Something we can agree on... the government is incompetent. What I don't understand is why if you believe they are incompetent you would grant them control of industry.


Yes, the government is the referree. Corporations work within our governments laws/rules. If they don't, they get a penalty.

Please explain why you think government isn't the referee. Or shouldn't be the ref's/regulators.

And excuse me? I want to give corporations more clout? I want corporations to butt out of our political process. One person gets one vote. Corporations don't get to vote and our lobbying process is broken.

But that doesn't mean Obama will abuse the system as much as the GOP did. The Dems will not be as bad as the GOP was when they were in charge. In fact, I think the Dems are doing a great job so far.

Did you see this?

Poll: Obama's rating at all-time high

Poll: Obama's rating at all-time high - White House-

You'd rather give corporations the power? They don't give a fuck about you. You are an expense to them. If it weren't for liberals, unions and governments, you'd be RABBLE dummy.

OMG, what a fucking fool. I don't know you, and don't want to have to educate you from scratch. If you truly are as dumb as you just posted, thank God people like you are not running the country anymore.

And idiots like you are why the GOP never have to change. They just have to continue saying the things you want to hear and you'll vote for them.

Meanwhile, the Dems have done more good in a month than the GOP did in 8 years and you are sucking on Rush Limpballs cock.

You are a fool. And the person who said your post was good. I'm going to negative rep that retard next. :eusa_shhh:
Great post Immie, but unfortunately the people you are talking too are apparently incapable of comprehending the basic principles that this country was founded on.

Democracy - Not "The Free Market" - Will Save America's Middle Class
by Thom Hartmann

Here are a couple of headlines for those who haven't had the time to study both economics and history:

1. There is no such thing as a "free market."

2. The "middle class" is the creation of government intervention in the marketplace, and won't exist without it (as millions of Americans and Europeans are discovering).

Democracy - Not "The Free Market" - Will Save America's Middle Class
"Both republicans and democrats hate each other so much they forgot America even exists." - Sunnidiot [A rare moment of clarity]

Bullshit! If you are already bashing the Dems, have fun voting GOP or 3rd party in 2012, because they don't have a chance with you.

They've already done so much in less than 2 months.

But don't expect the corporate media to tell you.

And I just posted how Obama cut $40 billion in NO BID contracts, now they are meeting to fix healthcare.

If you think both parties are the same, maybe you should just not vote.

And I don't believe you believe that. If you did, you wouldn't be this interested in politics.
That some on here think that the government is out to 'save' us all from the corporations is as amusing as anything I think I've ever read, and yet pathetic at the same time. Quite an accomplishment. :lol:
"Both republicans and democrats hate each other so much they forgot America even exists." - Sunnidiot [A rare moment of clarity]

Bullshit! If you are already bashing the Dems, have fun voting GOP or 3rd party in 2012, because they don't have a chance with you.

They've already done so much in less than 2 months.

But don't expect the corporate media to tell you.

And I just posted how Obama cut $40 billion in NO BID contracts, now they are meeting to fix healthcare.

If you think both parties are the same, maybe you should just not vote.

And I don't believe you believe that. If you did, you wouldn't be this interested in politics.

except he didn't and hasn't and probably won't.

carry on
"Both republicans and democrats hate each other so much they forgot America even exists." - Sunnidiot [A rare moment of clarity]

Bullshit! If you are already bashing the Dems, have fun voting GOP or 3rd party in 2012, because they don't have a chance with you.

They've already done so much in less than 2 months.

But don't expect the corporate media to tell you.

And I just posted how Obama cut $40 billion in NO BID contracts, now they are meeting to fix healthcare.

If you think both parties are the same, maybe you should just not vote.

And I don't believe you believe that. If you did, you wouldn't be this interested in politics.

Really ... what results have you seen because:

1. We are still in a bad recession with no signs of clearing up.

2. The war many of us were against is STILL going on and our brave soldiers lives are no better when they return than when they are over there.

3. The war criminals on our side are still free. Though who they are is still being debated between parties.

4. Most of our tax money is being used as another bandaid like the last pres did, only this time with tax cuts so they are going to have to get more money from programs most of us already paid into.

5. ... well ... some help here from other non-partisans or smart Reps and Dems would be appreciated.

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