Do Republicans hate America?

Reading through many of these threads it strikes me as somewhat peculiar to see so many self-identified republicans hoping (even praying) that Obama fails miserably and that America is befallen by an economic catastrophe of never-before-seen epic proportions. Isn't the only logical conclusion that they must hate America? What other reason could they have to so desperately hope for Americans to suffer more than we've ever suffered before?


Republicans and Conservatives in general hate everything that is related to Liberalism. They hate it so much that they are even hoping and praying that Obama fails. Hatred is the Conservative mantra.

You leftwingnuts hate in general everything that is related to liberalism. You wouldn't know what liberal meant if a dictionary bounced off your gourd and landed on the floor open to the definition.
The GOP = tax cuts for the wealthy = DEBT for Americans = DEMOCRATS elected to clean up the GOP mess.

= Dems = spending country into a black hole = debt for Americans that makes anything Republicans did look like piggybank change = Republicans elected to clean up Dem mess.

Idiot. How many centuries does the pattern have to repeat itself before YOU get a fucking clue?
To paraphrase Limbaugh and to go one step further:

It is the heighth of patriotism to hope that Mr. Obama fails in his attempt to convert the United States of America into the Socialist State of America. It is patriotic because in his attempt to do this he will destroy and bankrupt the last bastion of freedom in the world.
The GOP = tax cuts for the wealthy = DEBT for Americans = DEMOCRATS elected to clean up the GOP mess.
Don't you have any shame at all? Oh wait you don't, you're a Canadian Moron.

Parroting the same shit over and over doesn't make it accurate. Just makes you mindless.

Like we give a fuck what a Canadian Moron thinks anyway. Without us on your southern border, there's no telling what your country would be.

Fixed that for you.:eusa_angel:
We frequently read posts dripping with smug contempt when Americans who are suffering are discussed.

Some Republican supporters claim to love America, but they surely hate a lot of Americans.

And I wrong?

Go back and you'll see how often such contempt was expressed.

And you never read anything like that contempt written by people who do not describe themselves either as Republicans, conseravitives or libertarians.


My thoery is that these folks feel that since they're doing okay, they get to jeer at those who aren't.

You telling me those are good Americans who love their country?

I beg to differ,

America isn't a land mass it's the people on it.

Hate them, and you hate America.

Are you saying the exact same element doesn't exist on the left? I beg to differ.
You know if you take California and New York out of the American equation what are you left with ? A bunch of lunatic, religious zealots who believe the earth was created in 6 days about 4000 years ago. Nothing more than dumb, uneducated morons.

I'm trying to figure out how to respond to your ignorant post -given the fact I know I have a whole lot more education and life experience than you do.

Let's put it this way. I got this email a few days ago and permission to copy and disseminate it in any form I wish. Its a request for a divorce agreement and written by a law student. (Which isn't me since I have very little respect for attorneys over all because I think they are over represented in this country and WAY over represented in government.) It was meant for Americans but I have no problem including you know-nothing-but-convinced-you-know-more-than-any-previous-generation-that-ever-lived-and-you-think-you-personally-somehow-saw-the-light-even-though-you-are-ignorant-of-history-and-ridicule-those-who-came-before-you liberal whacko Canadians. You pretty much know a relatively small area each of Canada, California and New York but feel quite confident about making all sorts of far-reaching pronouncements about everyone else in an area involving many times the land mass as well as many times the number of people. I can't imagine what it would take before I assumed that kind of arrogance but I'm pretty sure it involves subtracting your IQ from your level of narcissism to be able to have the arrogance to post it.

But here is the divorce decree:

Dear American liberals, leftists, social progressives, socialists, Marxists and Obama supporters, et al:

We have stuck together since the late 1950's, but the whole of this latest election process has made me realize that I want a divorce. I know, we tolerated each other for many years for the sake of future generations but, sadly, this relationship has run its course. Our two ideological sides of America cannot and will not ever agree on what is right so, let's just end it on friendly terms. We can smile and chalk it up to irreconcilable differences and go our own way.

Here is a model separation agreement:

Our two groups can equitably divide up the country by landmass each taking a portion. That will be the difficult part but, I am sure our two sides can come to a friendly agreement. After that, it should be relatively easy! Our respective representatives can effortlessly divide other assets since both sides have such distinct and disparate tastes.

We don't like redistributive taxes so you can keep them. You are welcome to the liberal judges and the ACLU. Since you hate guns and war, we'll take our firearms, the cops, the NRA and the military. You can keep Oprah, Michael Moore and Rosie O'Donnell (you are, however, responsible for finding a bio-diesel vehicle big enough to move all three of them).

We'll keep the capitalism, greedy corporations, pharmaceutical companies, Wal-Mart and Wall Street. You can have your beloved homeless, homeboys, hippies and illegal aliens. We'll keep the hot Alaskan hockey moms, greedy CEO's and rednecks. We'll keep the Bibles and give you NBC and Hollywood.

You can make nice with Iran and Palestine and we'll retain the right to invade and hammer places that threaten us. You can have the peaceniks and war protesters. When our allies or our way of life are under assault, we'll help provide them security.

We'll keep our Judeo-Christian values. You are welcome to Islam, Scientology, Humanism and Shirley McClain. You can also have the U.N. but, we will no longer be paying the bill.

We'll keep the SUVs, pickup trucks and oversized luxury cars. You can take every Subaru station wagon you can find.

You can give everyone healthcare if you can find any practicing doctors. We'll continue to believe that no one has a right to the services of another human being and the fact that others chose a career you didn't doesn't change that just because you really, really value that service. We will still believe there is no right to the services of another human being and will never be a right. We'll keep The Battle Hymn of the Republic and the National Anthem. I'm sure you'll be happy to substitute Imagine, I'd Like to Teach the World to Sing, Kumbaya or We Are the World.

We'll practice trickle down economics and you can give trickle up poverty your best shot. Since it often so offends you, we'll keep our history, our name and our flag. I would never be so crude as to suggest that it will take less than 3 decades before you come begging for our help in some way or another. But I am willing to take side bets on that.

John J. Wall
Law Student and American

PS. Please take Barbra Streisand and Jane Fonda with you.
I don't think a libral living in California has much to brag about, the librawls have run you guys right into the shit hole..

(We are only now trying a tax increase, silly. We'll see what happens.)

And, you didn't answer my question, and I wasn't bragging. SO, if the new tax plan works (America recovers), AND you pay less in taxes, will you support it?

I just love it when people propose completely insane, impossible hypotheticals and insist that everyone try to answer them as though they can be taken seriously. "Okay, but IF the moon really WAS made of green cheese, would you use it on your enchiladas or your huevos rancheros?"

No, I wouldn't, because it would cost too much to get to it. :D

The question isn't stupid Ceci, it's getting at whether the opposition is principled or partisan.

I agree with you about how similar the calls for failure are now, compared to Bush. I strongly believe Bush's policies were bad for this country. If they had succeeded, it could set a precedent to continue those policies, which I believe are at odds with what America stands for. I understand the desire for Obama's policies to fail, and I think opposition is patriotic.
We frequently read posts dripping with smug contempt when Americans who are suffering are discussed.

Some Republican supporters claim to love America, but they surely hate a lot of Americans.

And I wrong?

Go back and you'll see how often such contempt was expressed.

And you never read anything like that contempt written by people who do not describe themselves either as Republicans, conseravitives or libertarians.


My thoery is that these folks feel that since they're doing okay, they get to jeer at those who aren't.

You telling me those are good Americans who love their country?

I beg to differ,

America isn't a land mass it's the people on it.

Hate them, and you hate America.

Are you saying the exact same element doesn't exist on the left? I beg to differ.

ACtually that classist contempt DOES exist in the lofty leadership regions of many so called liberal organizations, Gunny.

I've complained about it on this board, quite often.

But I was referring to the posters here, wasn't I?

And HERE what we have read, often, is a complete and very callous disregard for those who are not making it in America.

Now until the stock market crashed, as the workers pain became the investor pain, those people who expressed such contempt for the working classes, though everything was A-Okay, didn't they?

What we are seeing right now, and what I suspect we will continue to see is that those marginally well off people who indentified with the SUPERWEALTHY, are going to find their working class affiliation as they are systematically fleeced of their affluence through the crash of the economy.

What these class-confused people are finally going to understand is that when our Ship of State goes down?

There won't be room enough for THEM on the economic lifeYacht that the masters will be sailing off in.

They will discover, as America's working class has been discovering for the last few decades --- one industrial sector at a time -- that they were merely servants, and as such, they were only ON THE TEAM, as long as they were useful tools of the master class.

In many ways, despite the pain that this is causing us, this awaking of the social consciouness of the formerly slightly more afflluent classes in America might be beneficial to our society overall.

I truly long for the time when your average Republican Partisan, and your average Democratic Partisan understands that they were NEVER really on the teams they thought they were on.

It's happening to many of us RIGHT NOW.

We've seen examples of it as our resident self-proclaiming, so-called conservatives protested that BUSH IS A LIBERAL.

And, I suspect you suspect, just as I suspect, a shitload of DEMS are ALSO going to become aware that they are NOT of THAT team, either.

I HOPE I'm wrong about that, and Obama's plan actually works. But like my conservative chums on this board, I have my doubts that the PLAN really can work.

And if it doesn't?

Molly, bar the door! editec will have to, once again, take up gun ownership.

I've been reluctant to own a gun because as you know, I'm a stoner, and the police like to bust us so they can confiscate our guns and claim that since we have guns we must drug dealers (that's no shit, you know..that's the law)

But if things get too weird, well...I'll want to stand tall with my neighbors to help defend whatever's left of our civilization, too.
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Who has more influence of legislation?

those that voted for the congressmen or those that LOBBY the congressment with their money?

We know the washington real estate market boomed on k street less than a decade ago...with lobbyists moving in....

There is no way that the majority of legislation, especially tax policies and tax codes that have been added or modified have been done, becasue they help the every day person trying to make it...

Money is power to influence....there is no other way to describe OF COURSE there is a huge advantage to those with money and the willingness to use it to influence congress to favor themselves and their own needs...

60% of America takes no tax deductions, they do not itemize, they file through the short form...YET, our internal revenue tax code is more than 9 feet tall if printed on paper and stacked....

who do you think all of these tax write offs and amendments to the original code were for...?
The GOP = tax cuts for the wealthy = DEBT for Americans = DEMOCRATS elected to clean up the GOP mess.

= Dems = spending country into a black hole = debt for Americans that makes anything Republicans did look like piggybank change = Republicans elected to clean up Dem mess.

Idiot. How many centuries does the pattern have to repeat itself before YOU get a fucking clue?

Reagan and Bush are responsible for 90% of the National Debt.

The reason we are having to spend now is that Phil Gramm snuck an amendment into a spending bill on the day before Christmas recess in 1999 that deregulated the financial industry. This allowed the derivatives that destroyed the world economy.
Bush, Junior is repsonsible for 100 % of the debt. When Junior was put into office by the USSC the finances of the USA were is surplus.
Well, I don't know about New Yawk,, but if we took California out of the equation we could clear ourselves of at least 42 Billion dollars in debt instantaneously .. It would be miraculous wouldn't it?
Well Yukon thanks for cluing me into the fact that this board has in common with the one I left to come here it's very own cluelessly stupid Canadian, who couldn't find his butt with both hands after some one ahd been kicking it for fifteen minutes.
Seriously, you believe that? Okay .... um ... stop drinking to.


You really are quite handicapped with respect to economic reality. The Congressional Budget Office estimates Bush, Junior’s ten year deficit at $2.3 trillion, a breathtaking shortfall from the $5.6 trillion surplus he inherited from Clinton. But as with the yearly number, this one ignores the Bush, Junior omission of some $2.4 trillion. When this is added back in, Bush, Junior’s ten year deficit leaps to $4.7 trillion, $10.3 trillion short of Clinton’s number.

Kitty, give your head a shake, the GOP are a destructive force, they are a Party of fools, old men, and racial bigots. Remember Kitty that according to the GOP women are chatels with no free will.
Okay ... um ... Jr. spent some money ... kinda like the new Dems are now.

Here's the reality ... real Republicans hate government control. Real Democrats hate oppression ... what you see today are the wingnuts who just hate anything opposing them, on BOTH sides. Kinda like you. I bet you don't even listen to what the Republicans offer much less propose, and many of their ideals would benefit the country just as many Democrat ideals would benefit the "little guy'. All of one is not good no matter who you root for more, period. Yukon, you are no better than the Republican wingnuts who won't consider Democrat ideals just because a Democrat says them.
Pathetic yet predictable..............

Okay ... um ... Jr. spent some money ... kinda like the new Dems are now.

Here's the reality ... real Republicans hate government control. Real Democrats hate oppression ... what you see today are the wingnuts who just hate anything opposing them, on BOTH sides. Kinda like you. I bet you don't even listen to what the Republicans offer much less propose, and many of their ideals would benefit the country just as many Democrat ideals would benefit the "little guy'. All of one is not good no matter who you root for more, period. Yukon, you are no better than the Republican wingnuts who won't consider Democrat ideals just because a Democrat says them.

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