Do Republicans know their "God", Ronald Reagan gave amnesty to 2.7 million immigrants?



Yep. Reagan did the A-word PolitiFact


Why was it OK for him and not Obama?
The average Republican is too stupid to know, or even care, just how deeply Reagan fucked them. He was an evil bastard. Up until Reagan, I voted more Republican than Democrat - but never again.
This was supposed to be the last deal. I had forgotten about it. But it was supposed to be this and no more.

And there was no doby a quid pro quo that he badly wanted that the democrats in congress held him up for. You make it sound like it was his idea

it's only an "excuse" if you are stupid enough not to know the difference between an Executive Order like Obama is trying; and signing a bill duly passed by congress

but then again many of you ARE that stupid
This was supposed to be the last deal. I had forgotten about it. But it was supposed to be this and no more.

And there was no doby a quid pro quo that he badly wanted that the democrats in congress held him up for. You make it sound like it was his idea
Of course. It was the Democrats fault. Like Iraq and the Bush Tax Cuts. Got it!
It was bullshit at thee time and we all knew it. But it was supposed to end up with actually securing our borders which of course the democrats never helped get done. So now that you think obie is the next Reagan because of amnesty how many more will be let in? What makes you think amnesty is going to get any better this time?
This was supposed to be the last deal. I had forgotten about it. But it was supposed to be this and no more.

And there was no doby a quid pro quo that he badly wanted that the democrats in congress held him up for. You make it sound like it was his idea
Of course. It was the Democrats fault. Like Iraq and the Bush Tax Cuts. Got it!
WTF isn't the democrats fault? They do nothing good so the only option is...
It wasn't the ouch of granting amnesty to almost 3 million, it was the ouch of the 18 million democratic voters they had called kids.
It wasn't the ouch of granting amnesty to almost 3 million, it was the ouch of the 18 million democratic voters they had called kids.

what about the ouch of being an idiot?

Reagan didn't "grant" anything
It wasn't the ouch of granting amnesty to almost 3 million, it was the ouch of the 18 million democratic voters they had called kids.

what about the ouch of being an idiot?

Reagan didn't "grant" anything
“When the Labor Department is forced to relent and let these visitors do this work it is of course all legal. But it makes one wonder about the illegal alien fuss. Are great numbers of our unemployed really victims of the illegal alien invasion or are those illegal tourists actually doing work our own people won’t do? One thing is certain in this hungry world; no regulation or law should be allowed if it results in crops rotting in the field for lack of harvesters.” – Nov. 29, 1977, radio address

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