Do Republicans know their "God", Ronald Reagan gave amnesty to 2.7 million immigrants?

do you left-wing idiots ever read the sources YOU CITE? or do you think people are stupid??

here is what YOUR OWN SOURCE QUOTES REAGAN AS SAYING BOUT THE BILL..........................

THE PRESIDENT: Georgie Anne, we, believe me, supported the Simpson-Mazzoli bill strongly -- and the bill that came out of the Senate. However, there were things added in in the House side that we felt made it less of a good bill; as a matter of fact, made it a bad bill. And in conference -- we stayed with them in conference all the way to where even Senator Simpson did not want the bill in the manner in which it would come out of the conference committee.


WHO signed that bill again?


do you realize how stupid you look?

of course you dont

I look stupid? No Godly president of mine would have betrayed his party like that. Set the groundwork for Obamacare, successfully pushed for an assault weapons ban, grew the federal government by over 300,000 employees and created two huge new agencies, wanted millionaires to pay more taxes, raised taxes 11 times after embarrassing himself by initially cutting them too low. etc, etc.
"who signed the bill..."
do you REALLY want to go there in a debate with me on President's or Party doing things they are supposedly, were supposedly against?


who extended ALL of the Bush tax cuts; even the ones AT THE TOP BRACKETS, for billionaires

the IRS has decided to allow illegal immigrants who receive social security numbers under the executive amnesty to get checks from the IRS for the earned income tax credit (EITC) for the last three years EVEN IF THEY DIDN’T FILE OR PAY TAXES FOR THOSE YEARS.

President Obama’s new deportation amnesty could grant Social Security numbers to as many as 4 million illegal immigrants, making many of them eligible for tax refunds under the EarnedIncomeTax Credit even for years when they cheated on their taxes, working off the books and refusing to file tax returns.

Just for reference,three years of the EITC, depending on family size, could total up to $18,000. Presumably, the entire amount would not be refundable since in order to earn the max credit you have to make enough money that they will deduct some but many of the folks who will be qualified under the executive amnesty to receive amnesty will also receive a free check for thousands of dollars from Uncle Sam as a “refund” on taxes they never filed nor paid.

Obama s Executive Amnesty is Much Much Worse than You Think RedState

<National Report>Washington, DC–Lacking congressional backing to provide a path to citizenship for the nations 7 to 20 million illegal immigrants, as well as the thousands flooding the Texas border, President Obama is imposing his policies directly on the people through the use of executive orders. Multiple news outlets are reporting of an Executive Order signed this afternoon by President Obama that grants amnesty to illegal immigrants who enroll in Obamacare. - See more at: Executive Order Grants Amnesty to Illegals who Enroll in Obamacare National Report

In a desperate act to save the President’s signature piece of legislation and inflate the already exaggerated number of supposed enrollees, Obama pandered to the Latino community in order to secure what would potentially be a large voting block. Since a majority of Obamacare recipients receive state subsidies already the result is essentially free health insurance for undocumented immigrants as well as a path to citizenship. - See more at: Executive Order Grants Amnesty to Illegals who Enroll in Obamacare National Report

Executive Order Grants Amnesty to Illegals who Enroll in Obamacare National Report

How is Obama justifying this amnesty?

The Office of Legal Counsel memoreleased before Obama's speech cites Obama's Article II Section 3 constitutional duty to "take care that the Laws be faithfully executed" as the source of his power to grant this amnesty.

The memo reasons that since there are 11.3 million illegal immigrants in the country today,
and DHS only has the resources to remove 400,000 illegal immigrants every year, Obama must choose which immigrants to deport and which to ignore. This "prosecutorial discretion" power, the memo claims, allows Obama to choose which illegal immigrants get work permits, which illegal immigrants will continue to be ignored, and which illegal immigrants will be deported.

Under this legal theory, Obama could give all current 11.3 million illegal immigrants work permits and driver's licenses, as long as he kept deporting at least 400,000 illegal border crossers every year.

The Obama administration may be planning to issue 34 million work visas and green cards in coming weeks without the required legal authorization from Americans' elected representatives in Congress, according to a recently uncovered government procurement order.

If 34 million individuals were amnestied the U.S. population would grow by more than a tenth. The U.S. Census Bureau currently estimates the nation's population at a little over 319 million. There is no official count of illegal aliens present in the United States but 11 million is one widely circulated estimate.Some studiesput the figure as high as 38 million.


Obama Prepping Amnesty for 34 Million Frontpage Mag
LOL, so sensitive over immigration they have to bring up thirty years of politics,
what Party has lemmings crying about a war their own Party cast LITERALLY THOUSANDS OF VOTES OVER A DECADE to continue fighting and funding?
what Party has lemmings crying about a war their own Party cast LITERALLY THOUSANDS OF VOTES OVER A DECADE to continue fighting and funding?

Once you open the gates of hell it is very hard to close them. But we still appreciated the $165 billion Reagan put into Social Security.
Yep. Reagan did the A-word PolitiFact


Why was it OK for him and not Obama?

Of course we know dummy. That's how we found out it didn't work.

If Congress had done all that Regean wanted to do it might have worked but since they didn't, it didn't.

And here we have Barry wanting to do the same. Practice doesn't make perfect with immigration and letting illegals stay in America.
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Lol its amazing to me the repubs in this thread can't simply say "ok but he shouldn't have". Instead it's denial or making excuses. St. Reagan can do no wrong!"
Yep. Reagan did the A-word PolitiFact


Why was it OK for him and not Obama?

Obama was suppose to be the "smartest" President ever.
Don't "smart" people learn from the mistakes of others and not repeat them?
Reagan made mistakes. No question. And without securing the border which should have been done FIRST the concept of amnesty should NOT have been done.
Hence the "smartest" president should have learned ... but Obama has NEVER been a smart executive much less Presidential.
He is ONLY capable of campaigning and giving speeches. That's all Obama does and his "actions" have cost America jobs, has destroyed businesses and most importantly has put the country in danger.
So yes the mistake made by Reagan should NOT be repeated by Obama.
Lol its amazing to me the repubs in this thread can't simply say "ok but he shouldn't have". Instead it's denial or making excuses. St. Reagan can do no wrong!"

maybe because you left-wingers are the ones who cant accept the truth/?

you want others to admit truths but you left-wingers are the ones in denial. first of all the OP SAYS Reagan "granted amnesty". He did no such thing, It's not semantics, there is a real difference between an Excutive Order and a bill that became a LAW, the bill being the one passed by Reagan's Democrat-majority congress and handed to Reagan to sign

Now if your point is Reagan wanted it; yes he did. but if that is your point then what he said about what was the intention of the law AS FAR AS REAGAN AND HIS PARTY WERE CONCERNED matters, and that the law morphed into something else IN THE DEMOCRAT-MAJORITY HOUSE. in fact so much reagan called it a "bad bill". but he signed it thinking it was better than nothing.
right-wingers arent ignoring the truth, people like you are

more importantly instead of asking why people cant admit reagan wanted amnesty 30-something years ago isnt it a better question to ask why left-wingers still ranting about reagan as if he was Satan himself, keep going to him to use as an example of what needs to be done TODAY?
Reagan turned california permanently democrat.

That's your opinion.

Despite your opinion Regaen was on of the best presidents this country has ever had.
Why? What was it he did? Besides let hundreds of soldiers die in the middle east for no reason and throw mentally ill people out into the streets. Course, to me, those are bad things.
Reagan turned california permanently democrat.

That's your opinion.

Despite your opinion Regaen was on of the best presidents this country has ever had.
Why? What was it he did? Besides let hundreds of soldiers die in the middle east for no reason and throw mentally ill people out into the streets. Course, to me, those are bad things.
Explain to me how Reagan let hundreds of soldiers die?
Also throwing mentally people in the street?
Reagan took over an economy that saw: The misery index was initiated by economist Arthur Okun, an adviser to President Lyndon Johnson in the 1960's.
It is simply the unemployment rate added to the inflation rate.
The misery index under President Jimmy Carter averaged 16.26, with a high of 20.76 in 1980.
Then President Ronald Reagan took over the index was 17.97, his highest.
If any president had an excuse to blame the previous administration, Reagan did.
Instead the misery index declined to 9.57 at the end of 1988.... a 9.61 points reduction or 53% reduction!!!
So looking at the inflation rate for the highest in history:
1980 annual inflation rate was 13.58% with March 1980 it reach 14.76% .
The unemployment rate was in 1982 9.71% BUT using the Obama standard blame the previous President Carter...
From the highest it declined under Reagan to in 1988 to 5.49% again a nearly 43% drop in unemployment.

So At this point The greatest President was Reagan! Dropped inflation by 50% and unemployment dropped by 40%!
Two simplest measures of "greatness" in the Presidents in my life time.
Reagan turned california permanently democrat.

That's your opinion.

Despite your opinion Regaen was on of the best presidents this country has ever had.
Why? What was it he did? Besides let hundreds of soldiers die in the middle east for no reason and throw mentally ill people out into the streets. Course, to me, those are bad things.
Explain to me how Reagan let hundreds of soldiers die?
Also throwing mentally people in the street?
Reagan took over an economy that saw: The misery index was initiated by economist Arthur Okun, an adviser to President Lyndon Johnson in the 1960's.
It is simply the unemployment rate added to the inflation rate.
The misery index under President Jimmy Carter averaged 16.26, with a high of 20.76 in 1980.
Then President Ronald Reagan took over the index was 17.97, his highest.
If any president had an excuse to blame the previous administration, Reagan did.
Instead the misery index declined to 9.57 at the end of 1988.... a 9.61 points reduction or 53% reduction!!!
So looking at the inflation rate for the highest in history:
1980 annual inflation rate was 13.58% with March 1980 it reach 14.76% .
The unemployment rate was in 1982 9.71% BUT using the Obama standard blame the previous President Carter...
From the highest it declined under Reagan to in 1988 to 5.49% again a nearly 43% drop in unemployment.

So At this point The greatest President was Reagan! Dropped inflation by 50% and unemployment dropped by 40%!
Two simplest measures of "greatness" in the Presidents in my life time.

Yup. He got handed the economy that the Democratic peanut farmer left him.

In short he got left a mess and inflation was through the roof.

Reagan was a great POTUS and its to bad he's not still here and running for office. He'd win in a landslide.

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