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Do Republicans regret their Iraq fiasco?

"Do Republicans regret their Iraq fiasco?"

Yes, but they'd never admit it, a consequence of their arrogance and hubris, the same arrogance and hubris that resulted in two failed, illegal wars.

The black shyster here has caught a case of ...

From kissing the Obomanations ass so much!
Vigil 10855575
Do you even remember Gulf War I and the PEACE TREATY Iraq signed and continually broke?

Yes. They are called UN Resolutions. In November 2002 Bush agreed to the final UN resolution UNSC 1441. In it Bush agreed to give Hussein final opportunity to comply despite all of the previous violations. Bush ended the inspections, it was not Hussein. When Bush violated 1441 as the inspections were working, it was Bush who violated the final chapter of the peace treaty ultimately in the end on March 17, 2003.
Vigil 10855575
Do you even remember Gulf War I and the PEACE TREATY Iraq signed and continually broke?

Yes. They are called UN Resolutions. In November 2002 Bush agreed to the final UN resolution UNSC 1441. In it Bush agreed to give Hussein final opportunity to comply despite all of the previous violations. Bush ended the inspections, it was not Hussein. When Bush violated 1441 as the inspections were working, it was Bush who violated the final chapter of the peace treaty ultimately in the end on March 17, 2003.

Sue him! You can get the Black Shyster in here to do it for you, Pro Bono!

Vigi 10855606
There was also 550 TONS of Yellowcake in Iraq during the war,

That is the stupidest argument you can make since the IAEA,had the yellowcake locked up and stored under IAEA seal for decades. The UN and Bush Blair and Cheney knew long before the war it was there and where it was exactly. It was checked every year by IAEA inspectors from 1998 through 2002 and they saw that Iraq had not broken the seal or tampered with the UN storage of yellowcake. It was also in the declaration by Iraq. They were in compliance the entire time.

Try to learn something:

The Iraqis already have a large stock of uranium oxide in their inventory

( ) Although the NSC had already removed the uranium reference from the speech, later on October 6, 2002 the CIA sent a second fax to the White House which said, "more on why we recommend removing the sentence about procuring uranium oxide from Africa: Three points (1) The evidence is weak. One of the two mines cited by the source as the location of the uranium oxide is flooded. The other mine cited by the source is under the control of the French authorities. (2) The procurement is not particularly significant to Iraq's nuclear ambitions because the Iraqis already have a large stock of uranium oxide in their inventory. And (3) we have shared points one and two with Congress, telling them that the Africa story is overblown and telling them this is one of the two issues where we differed with the British."

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I'm calling him stupid, as you people called him! There was also 550 TONS of Yellowcake in Iraq during the war, that was sent to Canada about 6 or so years ago....you can go find that story also!

You shouldn't call Bush stupid over this. You are the one that is stupid:

"The Iraqi government decided to get rid of the uranium, which amounted to 550 tonnes, because of its potentially harmful affects on Iraq and the region and because it causes pollution," Dabbagh said on Iraqiya state television late on Sunday.

The Tuwaitha nuclear complex was dismantled after the 1991 Gulf War. But tonnes of nuclear material remained there under the seal of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), until the 2003 U.S.-led invasion of Iraq when it was left unguarded and looted by Iraqi civilians.
it and weep:

Iraq removes uranium left over from Saddam era Reuters
Vigi 10855904
We've discussed this in dozens of threads, so you want to discuss it again... OK, you're just dumb enough to NOT know this shit, Learn a lesson for a change!

Saddam Hussein s Defiance of United Nations Resolutions

Your link predates UNSC Res 1441 from the Bush White House. You are discussing nothing with me until you admit 1441 exists. And Bush does not head the UN. It's was not his place to determine Saddam's compliance with 1441. Keep running from facts. It is what conservatives do best.
Do republicans regret their support of the invasion of Iraq? Why didn't Democrats do enough to stop them? and Then there was
Rdean, wishes saddam was still in power torturing and murdering his people. What a caring liberal.

Watch, ,now as he bends his argument to have it both ways.
Really? We had no reason to invade Iraq. I would take a stable Iraq over this unstable mess Bush created, in a heart beat. And there where no weapons of mass destruction. So where are supposed to go with this bullsh*t?

Bush didn't create it, Obuma's stupid withdrawal from Iraq, left it wide open as Bush had said it would! Apparently many people aren't nuanced enough to know CURRENT HISTORY!!!! Have another cup of Kool Aid, Mary!

Drink the kool aid. Iraq had nothing to do with anything, by invading Iraq we destabilized the area and created a breeding ground for future terrorists, god I hate jihadi Muslim shitheads. But I digress.

By what measure do you use to conclude that Iraq was destablized? I can only assume you perfer Saddam attacking his neighbors. Using WMD on his own people. His sons haveing rape rooms. His firing on our planes defending the no fly zone. Saddam was a threat to peace in the middle east he proved it time an again. That is why NO ME country said anything about us taking out the madman and sons. Only the left wing of America seems to have a love affair with Saddam.

Vigi 10855149
Bush didn't create it, Obuma's stupid withdrawal from Iraq, left it wide open as Bush had said it would!

Did you not hear about the mess that was created by the US invasion in 2003 and still existed in 2009 after Bush left office? Have you forgotten that Bush set the date for all US troops to be out of Iraq by 2012.

ISIS top military hierarchy are mostly Saddam's former generals and high ranking officers. Bush created the mess.
The invasion of Iraq was not necessary, tactically, strategically or whatever. No WMD's. We gave a cause for these daesh "IS" pigs to kill and die for. Shame on us.

I do apprciate your Reader's Digest version of history.

There were weapons of mass destruction and they were used against the Kurds and the Iranians.

What mess was left in Iraq? Radical Islam blowing people to pieces? What would you expect anyone to do about such behavior.

The IRAQ war ended effectively 8 or so years ago, ISIS grew out of Syria/Libya where an actual power vacuum was created by whom? Remember not long ago that ISIS was INVADING Iraq? Doesn't sound home grown to me. And what gave those on 9/11 and other suicide bombers their reasons to kill and die prior to the Iraq war? You do remember 9/11 was before the Iraq war?
Rdean, wishes saddam was still in power torturing and murdering his people. What a caring liberal.

Watch, ,now as he bends his argument to have it both ways.
Really? We had no reason to invade Iraq. I would take a stable Iraq over this unstable mess Bush created, in a heart beat. And there wasn't any weapons of mass destruction. So where are we supposed to go with this bullsh*t?
We had reason, this is old news, really old news. It wouldn't have been necessary if the UN had any teeth. There was wmd there, it's in reports, some likely moved to Syria, which they used (remember obama's red line in the sand?).

We went a long time with Iraq not even being in the news. Now it's daily. obie effed it up like everything else he touches.
Do they? Considering all the damage it's caused. All the American lives lost or destroyed. The financial cost to the country. Do they ever wonder if it was a bad idea?
You forget that the Iraq action passed because democrats supported it too
Vigi 10855904
We've discussed this in dozens of threads, so you want to discuss it again... OK, you're just dumb enough to NOT know this shit, Learn a lesson for a change!

Saddam Hussein s Defiance of United Nations Resolutions

Your link predates UNSC Res 1441 from the Bush White House. You are discussing nothing with me until you admit 1441 exists. And Bush does not head the UN. It's was not his place to determine Saddam's compliance with 1441. Keep running from facts. It is what conservatives do best.
Lying and obfuscating is what liberals do. Bush didn't act unilaterally and Iraq was in violation. The US had justification on a number of issues but it would have been nice if the UN lived up to its' purpose.
Rdean, wishes saddam was still in power torturing and murdering his people. What a caring liberal.

Watch, ,now as he bends his argument to have it both ways.

The owl finds himself unable to answer the OP. "Eureka" he thought, "I will change the subject and also accuse him of something to put him on the defensive"

As he types he nervously wonders if anyone will notice his attempted derailing of the subject

Actually, he is addressing what the people in Iraq had to endure before US Troops were brought in. There was torture chambers, Saddam did use biological weapons on a group of people within his own country. Do you deny these facts? Are you suggesting the people in Iraq enjoyed a better life under the dictator Saddam?

After his death, the Iraqi people have been given an opportunity to establish their own government, They also established their own Constitution, to take their country in a direction people want to see it go by holding elections. Is that a bad accomplishment to see happen for the people in Iraq? Let's see if ClosedCaption is willing to address those issues or simply chooses to criticize users, such as owl, because it is far easier for him to do so than hold an actual discussion on those issues that are brought forth.
The liberal rewrite of historical events continues. Omission of facts is the exact same thing as lying.

Love how they just ignore saddams war crimes and are now actually selling us that he was actually a good guy.

Yes, they now even admit they wish he was still in power murdering and torturing his people.

All while belly aching and crying about sandniggers being water boarded who planned 911. I love how they point out that saddam had nothing to do with 911. These traitorous pieces of shit cry about people who DID plan 911 being made uncomfortable! Who the fuck are they kidding? Themselves and that is it, cause sure as shit will not be able to lie to me.

Fact is after 911 the paradigm shifted on how to deal with terror THREATS! You stupid, naive peacenik morons. Now, they will claim we are using the 911 myth. You stupid fucks. I love too how you dumb fucking left wing pieces of shit believe we can afford to play around with these dirty stink sandniggers considering how devastating a wmd can be. An ounce weaponized anthrax or a little tube of weaponized small pox and it is unreal what could happen. You stupid pieces of shit.

All of you fucking American hating sacks of politically correct lying double talking scumbags can all go fuck yourselves. Take all of your fucking democrat talking point cliches and jam it in your asses until you bleed.
I mostly regret you people voting in obie and losing what was clearly a won war that was making progress to a stable region but you fucked it up.

Obama didn't lose Iraq. Bush did. Bush lost it because he didn't give the Iraqi people the jobs rebuilding their own country. He excluded the Iraqis at every turn.

The the Iraqis were better off under Saddam. They had jobs, food and safety. Under Bush they had no jobs, no food, no money, no infrastructure, and their country was in a shambles. The longer the Americans stayed, the more they were hated.

Saddam Hussein was a Sunni Muslim. His administration persecuted Shiites. The New leadership installed by Bush was Shias who deliberately excluded Sunnis from the new government which caused trouble between the two factions. They persecuted the Sunnis.

There are so many ways that Bush fucked up the whole occupation of Iraq that you can write a handbook on how to alienate a conquered people based on his policies there.

Taking out Saddam Hussein was a huge mistake. As bad as he was, he did maintain stability in the region. When you remove a strongman, it creates a power vacuum in an area where tribalism has been a way of life since before the birth of Christ.

Someone will always try to fill a power vacuum. ISIS is that someone.
I mostly regret you people voting in obie and losing what was clearly a won war that was making progress to a stable region but you fucked it up.

Obama didn't lose Iraq. Bush did. Bush lost it because he didn't give the Iraqi people the jobs rebuilding their own country. He excluded the Iraqis at every turn.

The the Iraqis were better off under Saddam. They had jobs, food and safety. Under Bush they had no jobs, no food, no money, no infrastructure, and their country was in a shambles. The longer the Americans stayed, the more they were hated.

Saddam Hussein was a Sunni Muslim. His administration persecuted Shiites. The New leadership installed by Bush was Shias who deliberately excluded Sunnis from the new government which caused trouble between the two factions. They persecuted the Sunnis.

There are so many ways that Bush fucked up the whole occupation of Iraq that you can write a handbook on how to alienate a conquered people based on his policies there.

Taking out Saddam Hussein was a huge mistake. As bad as he was, he did maintain stability in the region. When you remove a strongman, it creates a power vacuum in an area where tribalism has been a way of life since before the birth of Christ.

Someone will always try to fill a power vacuum. ISIS is that someone.

Men are talking. Don't you have some vacuuming or cooking you need to be doing?
I mostly regret you people voting in obie and losing what was clearly a won war that was making progress to a stable region but you fucked it up.

Obama didn't lose Iraq. Bush did. Bush lost it because he didn't give the Iraqi people the jobs rebuilding their own country. He excluded the Iraqis at every turn.

The the Iraqis were better off under Saddam. They had jobs, food and safety. Under Bush they had no jobs, no food, no money, no infrastructure, and their country was in a shambles. The longer the Americans stayed, the more they were hated.

Saddam Hussein was a Sunni Muslim. His administration persecuted Shiites. The New leadership installed by Bush was Shias who deliberately excluded Sunnis from the new government which caused trouble between the two factions. They persecuted the Sunnis.

There are so many ways that Bush fucked up the whole occupation of Iraq that you can write a handbook on how to alienate a conquered people based on his policies there.

Taking out Saddam Hussein was a huge mistake. As bad as he was, he did maintain stability in the region. When you remove a strongman, it creates a power vacuum in an area where tribalism has been a way of life since before the birth of Christ.

Someone will always try to fill a power vacuum. ISIS is that someone.
Is that you, Marie?

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