Do Republicans think we can be a country with only one friend? A despot?



Trump has criticized everyone. Republicans, Democrats. Every country we are friends with.

Everyone except:

Vladimir Putin and Russia.

Why is that?

Do Republicans think we can be a country with only one friend? A despot?
  • Definition of despot
  • 2a : a ruler with absolute power and authority <tyrannical despots>b : one exercising power tyrannically : a person exercising absolute power in a brutal or oppressive way <regards the basketball coach as a despot>
Trump has criticized everyone. Republicans, Democrats. Every country we are friends with.

Everyone except:

Vladimir Putin and Russia.

Why is that?

Do Republicans think we can be a country with only one friend? A despot?
  • Definition of despot
  • 2a : a ruler with absolute power and authority <tyrannical despots>b : one exercising power tyrannically : a person exercising absolute power in a brutal or oppressive way <regards the basketball coach as a despot>
[/QUOTE. Leftards need to work on getting the respect of their fellow Americans back before they worry about what other countries think.
Trump has criticized everyone. Republicans, Democrats. Every country we are friends with.

Everyone except:

Vladimir Putin and Russia.

Why is that?

Do Republicans think we can be a country with only one friend? A despot?
  • Definition of despot
  • 2a : a ruler with absolute power and authority <tyrannical despots>b : one exercising power tyrannically : a person exercising absolute power in a brutal or oppressive way <regards the basketball coach as a despot>
Deanie boys lunch time troll thread right on time. ..... :thup:

Who needs a clock with him around. ...... :lol:
Trump has criticized everyone. Republicans, Democrats. Every country we are friends with.

Everyone except:

Vladimir Putin and Russia.

Why is that?

Do Republicans think we can be a country with only one friend? A despot?
  • Definition of despot
  • 2a : a ruler with absolute power and authority <tyrannical despots>b : one exercising power tyrannically : a person exercising absolute power in a brutal or oppressive way <regards the basketball coach as a despot>
Are you sure you are not just being a little weepy because Yemen told us to leave? Well, fuck that shithole.

We still have all of our traditional allies. Hell, many of them rely on us subsidizing them, either directly or indirectly. Who really cost us the goodwill of allies was Obama. He fucked up every foreign relation he touched.

Remember the big summit in China last year? Every leader of the major countries attended. They were all met by Chinese dignitaries at the airport, with red carpets rolled out. All except Obama. He had to depart from Air Force One through the cargo hold. This was an EXTREME diplomatic smite. Yet you are perturbed that Yemen, a hotbed of Islamic terrorism, does not want us there, and that Trump is open to having effective diplomatic relations with Russia. You, sir, are a nut. You are a leftist contrarian with little knowledge on the subject.

Btw, since when is Russia the enemy to the left? Oh yeah, since they hacked Podesta and the DNC. It used to be that the American left was all snuggly with the USSR. Pretty lame.

Obviously, Russia is not our ally in the same way as, say, the U.K. What's more, Trump has said nothing to indicate he is considering doing anything more than being open to considering policy that is mutually advantageous. Are you mentally disturbed? Are you stupid? I mean, Jesus Christ, get a grip, man. Not everything you hear from the media is correct, fact and narrative. You are displaying the mentality of a child.
Isn't the President of Russia democratically elected?

And without any of that controversial electoral college stuff....
Obama was apparently satisfied with the US only have Muslim buddies. He sure kissed enough of their asses.
Deanie boys lunch time troll thread right on time. ..... :thup:

Who needs a clock with him around. ...... :lol:
If all you can do are lame attempts to attack me, then you show everyone what limp dick you truly are.
Don't get made at me just because you've been outclassed. It's not my fault you don't anything of relevance.
Deanie boys lunch time troll thread right on time. ..... :thup:

Who needs a clock with him around. ...... :lol:
If all you can do are lame attempts to attack me, then you show everyone what limp dick you truly are.
Don't get made at me just because you've been outclassed. It's not my fault you don't anything of relevance.

Dude, I am STILL waiting on you to post something "relevant". You are a non-entity here and people laugh their asses off over your angst.
Trump has criticized everyone. Republicans, Democrats. Every country we are friends with.

Everyone except:

Vladimir Putin and Russia.

Why is that?

Do Republicans think we can be a country with only one friend? A despot?
  • Definition of despot
  • 2a : a ruler with absolute power and authority <tyrannical despots>b : one exercising power tyrannically : a person exercising absolute power in a brutal or oppressive way <regards the basketball coach as a despot>
he is kinda like you criticize everyone who doesnt agree with you except.....democrats.....
Obama was apparently satisfied with the US only have Muslim buddies. He sure kissed enough of their asses.
Like Bin Laden? Oh wait, that was the guy Republicans let go.

No matter how Republicans try to smear Obama, it was Republicans who let Bin Laden go to continue to plot against the US. Never forget that.
Conservatives understand the only "Friend" we need is Adam..... "Atom Bomb".
Conservatives understand the only "Friend" we need is Adam..... "Atom Bomb".

You think dropping an atomic bomb anywhere in the northern hemisphere won't affect us here?

Vlad, flips all 25 democrat Senate seats in the 2018 midterm and still enjoys popcorn with no butter

You think dropping an atomic bomb anywhere in the northern hemisphere won't affect us here?

The concept is very simple.... Close and lock the doors of the USA. Turn off the communications networks to the outside world. Make it incredibly clear to foreign governments- ANY attempt by foreign nations or their citizens to interact with the US will be met by nuclear attacks in that nation. Whether the Government knew about those actions or not.

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