Do Republicans think we can be a country with only one friend? A despot?

Trump has criticized everyone. Republicans, Democrats. Every country we are friends with.

Everyone except:

Vladimir Putin and Russia.

Why is that?

Do Republicans think we can be a country with only one friend? A despot?
  • Definition of despot
  • 2a : a ruler with absolute power and authority <tyrannical despots>b : one exercising power tyrannically : a person exercising absolute power in a brutal or oppressive way <regards the basketball coach as a despot>

Your timing is hilarious. You are seriously going to argue this while the president is literally plating golf with the prime minister of Japan? And the day after the courts said he couldn't implement his temporary immigration ban when he clearly has authority to do so?

These two things literally disprove your two main points. He isn't a despot. He isn't only friends with Russia.

This is as ridiculous as the global warming speeches during a blizzard.
Obama was apparently satisfied with the US only have Muslim buddies. He sure kissed enough of their asses.
Like Bin Laden? Oh wait, that was the guy Republicans let go.

No matter how Republicans try to smear Obama, it was Republicans who let Bin Laden go to continue to plot against the US. Never forget that.

When did Republicans have Osama and let him go? I think you are talking about Clinton.
Since we still have numerous strong allies the OP's inane assertions are direct lies.

It highlights his ignorance.

Why anyone wants to remain ignorant like that is beyond me. Learning and growing is an awesome part of life
Since we still have numerous strong allies the OP's inane assertions are direct lies.

or some?
Numerous and all over the planet. Or did you think that the face of American diplomacy changed overnight because you don't like the current CiC. Of course you did.

Not to mention our relations with Israel and the UK, to name a few, have gotten better since we no longer have a president hostile to then
Trump has criticized everyone. Republicans, Democrats. Every country we are friends with.

Everyone except:

Vladimir Putin and Russia.

Why is that?

Do Republicans think we can be a country with only one friend? A despot?
  • Definition of despot
  • 2a : a ruler with absolute power and authority <tyrannical despots>b : one exercising power tyrannically : a person exercising absolute power in a brutal or oppressive way <regards the basketball coach as a despot>

Your timing is hilarious. You are seriously going to argue this while the president is literally plating golf with the prime minister of Japan? And the day after the courts said he couldn't implement his temporary immigration ban when he clearly has authority to do so?

These two things literally disprove your two main points. He isn't a despot. He isn't only friends with Russia.

This is as ridiculous as the global warming speeches during a blizzard.

Please note rdean ignored this as expected
Snowflake Drama Queen gibberish. But i'll play along anyway. The answer is 'Yes.' We can and will be a country. Movin on...

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