Do right wingers actually ‘like’ America?

conservatives are only more likely to donate to charity when you count their local church as a charity.

Their local church does charitable work. The government that takes your money at gunpoint uses it to fund research on the mating habits of albino turtles (whether you like it or not).
Liberals claim to value "diversity" except when it's diversity of opinion.
Ah, the old “you’re intolerant if you’re intolerant of those who are intolerant” argument. Try again. What do you love about this country?
Just in case any FUCKING IDIOTS reading this are curious, I have posted here thousands of times how much I LOVE my great nation.
Their local church does charitable work. The government that takes your money at gunpoint uses it to fund research on the mating habits of albino turtles (whether you like it or not).
Some do
But much of your contribution goes to pay the minister, upkeep on the church, spread the word, religious education

Not necessarily helping the community
Their local church does charitable work.

Most do not. The vast majority of money given to a church stays within the wall of said church.

The government that takes your money at gunpoint uses it to fund research on the mating habits of albino turtles (whether you like it or not).

and pay your salary. Just as worthless it seems
I pay my taxes with patriotic pride knowing I contribute to this great nation. I’m sorry that duty is a burden for you.

Oh shit- LOL!

Can you fart the national anthem?
Well said.

let’s put it this way. Here is what American patriots don’t like about the country some of which is brought to us by left-wing politicians, or nothing is done about it by politicians including Republicans.

The USA in the modern area is inclusive of but not limited to,

-BLM rioting in 2020 resulting in the death of 25 people and injuries of thousands of people, billions of dollars worth of damage. Attack on democracy and government institutions throughout the country.

-Men being able to play on women’s sports teams.

-flash mob looting

- Doubling of home prices and home loan prices rising 3xunder Biden.

- Conservatives including Trump banned for providing their viewpoint on YouTube, Twitter and or Facebook in 2020….while blm/left wing views went unabated

- Record homelessness in the USA under Joe Biden according to the LA times

- the rise of “wokeness” resulting in anti-American hatred. Sports teams like the Cleveland Indians and Washington Redskins renaming their teams not due to popular demand but due to a minority mob.

So far lefties in this thread have attempted to argue against a few points listed above. They’ve ignored some of the other points. what they’ve done is bring up conservatives boycotting something which is entirely different compared to a movie star, comedian, or athlete being fired due not to popular opinion but minority mob threats.

This is a thread about whether you guys actually like this country. Give me some shit you actually like.

You spent a great deal of words complaining about lawlessness when we live in the safest USA ever. You’re impervious to crime facts seemingly.

Not liking your opinion and legally opposing you at the top of our lungs is free speech. You don’t get the right to have your opinion validated, just expressed, and not without consequence.

As far as home prices and homelessness show me an action the right wants to take to alleviate any of it. Citing a problem isn’t leadership, solving it is. America is the land of great leaders from Washington and Lincoln to Obama and Biden solving problems.

Do right wingers actually ‘like’ America?​

They probably like the ideals of the "Old, Traditional" America.
Few probably like the now "Woke" Murika.

But a better question might be....Do Left Wingers actually like LIFE ?
It would appear that if they do, they are not smart enough to hold on to it.
Money and personal gratification seem to be their general life goals.

Yet another Democrat Hard Left City guarantees Death to it's citizens!
Denver cuts funding to Police to pay for illegal immigrant services.
I thought it was fake news, until I searched the Far Left news as well and it was confirmed.

Yep...A LOT OF DEMOCRATS GONNA DIE (I correctly predicted several years ago after Biden was elected.)
The voice of sanity would probably say it's likely one of the only ways for society to self correct it's bad ways.

You know, the death rate among Lefties is soaring like never before. And they are killing themselves and each other.
Tissue please.

DeathToDemocrats - their choice apparently.jpg
Some do
But much of your contribution goes to pay the minister, upkeep on the church, spread the word, religious education
The government spends immeasurably more on all its useless upkeep. When was the last time YOU got off YOUR ass to help anyone in REAL need?

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