Do Social Security and Medicare represent socialism?

Do Social Security and Medicare represent Socialism?

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I think it's closer to Fascism personally as Medicare Parts "C" and "D" subsidizes the pharmaceutical and insurance corporations so I'd say Beck is wrong.
Fascism/socialism...Two sides of the same totalitarian coin.

The navel contemplating differences are of mere form, largely irrelevant to the dictatorial central planner substance.
Well, point taken although Fascism is more of a marriage between government and corporations;according to Mussolini; and Socialism is where government controls the production of goods and services.
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Willy Messerschmitt gets to put his name on his airplane factories, where Mikoayn and Guervich don't.

In the meantime, both systems feature military dictatorships, authoritarian central economic planning, social stratification via political affiliations, propaganda ministries instead of a free press, slave labor/concentration camps for dissenters and other "undesirables", etcetera....
Well, of course it's Socialistic. What I find strange is that I've never heard a good argument to actually combat the ideology of Socialism.
Well, of course it's Socialistic. What I find strange is that I've never heard a good argument to actually combat the ideology of Socialism.
The arguments you will hear are the navel contemplating kind; i.e. total state ownership of production vs. the given regime allowing "free enterprise" as long as it serves the needs of the state, first and foremost.

That they end up either imploding economically or degenerating into brutal authoritarian police states get poo-poo-ed, under the ever popular refrain of "yeah, but it just wasn't done the right way that time".

You get used to it. ;)
Social Security and Medicare are favored by an overwhelming majority of Americans. Does this make the U. S. a Socialist Nation?

I say it does. But, what say you?
pensions and healthcare for the elderly are not "socialism". What would you prefer the "polar bear option"?
You trying to claim that confiscating over 12% of my pay -at gunpoint if necessary- doesn't have a crowding out effect of other savings/pension competitors, who would vie for that money?
Isn't this money that citizens have paid into these programs?
How is this socialistic?
I paid into social security my entire working life and I now draw social security. It's not a "gift" from the good people of America or the government. I'm just getting back what I paid in. It's not my only means of income in retirement because I planned for my retirement and saved towards that day. The only glitch in my plan was the sudden disability but even with that, I paid my dues and don't feel a bit guilty about collecting social security. To me, social security is nothing more than a retirement plan. A pretty crappy one in reality but never the less, sometimes it's the only retirement income some people have.
You trying to claim that confiscating over 12% of my pay -at gunpoint if necessary- doesn't have a crowding out effect of other savings/pension competitors, who would vie for that money?

Not at that rate and the retirement market history, no. It hasn't crowded anyone out of the market. Is it draconian and a bastardization of "retirement?" Sure. But it's not socialism. It's progressive intrusion.
I paid into social security my entire working life and I now draw social security. It's not a "gift" from the good people of America or the government. I'm just getting back what I paid in. It's not my only means of income in retirement because I planned for my retirement and saved towards that day. The only glitch in my plan was the sudden disability but even with that, I paid my dues and don't feel a bit guilty about collecting social security. To me, social security is nothing more than a retirement plan. A pretty crappy one in reality but never the less, sometimes it's the only retirement income some people have.

Will you send the checks back when you've received all your TMV adjusted contributions?
Social Security and Medicare represent socialism.

--Glenn Beck​

I say Beck is wrong. But, what say you?

Sounds socialist to me. Anything good for Americans is probably socialist oriented. Capitalists go through three stages of life, the young years are preoccupied with socialist programs, the middle years with fear, phobias & taxes, and the later years preoccupied with socialism again.

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