Do some of you people really now understand the violence in schools comes from


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
lyrics like these from the Pulitzer Prize winner..Kendrick Lamar!

Kendrick Lamar was forced to step in after the white female fan he invited up on stage at a music festival dropped the N-word three times while rapping along to the star's song.
Kendrick Lamar interrupts white fan after she raps the N-word on stage (WARNING: GRAPHIC LANGUAGE) - NY Daily News
And here are the lyrics that ONLY a black person can "sing"???

"Man down Where you from, nigga?"
"Fuck who you know, where you from, my nigga?"
"Where your grandma stay, huh, my nigga?"
"This m.A.A.d city I run, my nigga"
If Pirus and Crips all got along They'd probably gun me down by the end of this song. Seem like the whole city go against me Every time I'm in the street I hear "Yawk! Yawk! Yawk!
Wake yo punk ass up! It ain't nothin but a Compton thang Chyea
Real simple and plain I'mma teach you some lessons about the street It ain't nothin but a Compton thang
Chyea How we do"

So these lyrics are common and repeated by ALL young people, black/white/asian. Brilliant aren't they?
Thought provoking.
Is it any wonder with lyrics like these encouraging violence and true discrimination BY BLACKS especially,
our schools are growing hotbeds for violence?

What kind of role model is the Pulitzer prize winner Kendrick Lamar for our society?

Where are the uplifting and positive lyrics like these?

I see trees of green, red roses too
I see them bloom for me and you
And I think to myself what a wonderful world
I see skies of blue and clouds of white
The bright blessed day, the dark sacred night
And I think to myself what a wonderful world
The colors of the rainbow so pretty in the sky
Are also on the faces of people going by
I see friends shaking hands saying how do you do
They're really saying I love you
I hear babies crying, I watch them grow
They'll learn much more than I'll never know
And I think to myself what a wonderful world
Yes I think to myself what a wonderful world

Oh and by the way the singer who made this most famous? Black man... Louis Armstrong!

What do you think Mr. Armstrong would say to these lyrics?
Man down Where you from, nigga?" "Fuck who you know, where you from, my nigga?"

SAD... that blacks today are so looked up to in the entertainment industry when the vast majority of their
production is so bleak. So Negative. So Violent!

It is NO surprise that we have this penchant for violence!
If white people can't say the N word, are any of us truly free?


Oh, he’s guilty as sin. Wish he could face prosecution.

Waiting to see though, what prescription drugs the kid was on.

My best guess it was a combination of an SSRI antidepressant, which caused the violent rage, and a stimulant like aderral, that created his intense focus.

If that’s the case, while hanging the Dad, add a couple nooses for the Dr. and the Pharma companies as well

Actually, if we find school counselors has there fingers in pushing these meds, we can include them too

Oh, he’s guilty as sin. Wish he could face prosecution.

Waiting to see though, what prescription drugs the kid was on.

My best guess it was a combination of an SSRI antidepressant, which caused the violent rage, and a stimulant like aderral, that created his intense focus.

If that’s the case, while hanging the Dad, add a couple nooses for the Dr. and the Pharma companies as well

Actually, if we find school counselors has there fingers in pushing these meds, we can include them too

IF he DID leave the guns unlocked. I've yet to after a few minutes search to find out where that aspect is true.
But that also doesn't answer my thread. School violence by a handful truly mentally deranged young men who have grown up on violent music, violent videos/games don't find
any problem is shooting people...after all they spend thousands of hours playing/listening to influences for this behavior.
When we'll we come to the conclusion that people have regarding cigarettes, i.e. that they cause cancer, that the conclusion that listening to violent music, watching violent movies,
playing violent games cause violent actions?

Why would it be so wrong to put a tax such as we've done on cigarettes against these types of "entertainment" that has ANY violent lyrics/music or images and such tax be used
to pay for armed guards in schools and beefing up the security?
A 10% tax on the video games would generate $2.3 billion of the $23.5 billion market.
Take a look at the average American gamer in new survey findings
A 10% tax on violent movies/videos would generate $6.2 Billion from the $62.4 billion spent on movies.
Worldwide Consumers Spent $62.4B On Movies In 2012, Up 2.1%

Nearly $10 billion a year would go a long way to provide secure school environment.

Oh, he’s guilty as sin. Wish he could face prosecution.

Waiting to see though, what prescription drugs the kid was on.

My best guess it was a combination of an SSRI antidepressant, which caused the violent rage, and a stimulant like aderral, that created his intense focus.

If that’s the case, while hanging the Dad, add a couple nooses for the Dr. and the Pharma companies as well

Actually, if we find school counselors has there fingers in pushing these meds, we can include them too

IF he DID leave the guns unlocked. I've yet to after a few minutes search to find out where that aspect is true.
But that also doesn't answer my thread. School violence by a handful truly mentally deranged young men who have grown up on violent music, violent videos/games don't find
any problem is shooting people...after all they spend thousands of hours playing/listening to influences for this behavior.
When we'll we come to the conclusion that people have regarding cigarettes, i.e. that they cause cancer, that the conclusion that listening to violent music, watching violent movies,
playing violent games cause violent actions?

Why would it be so wrong to put a tax such as we've done on cigarettes against these types of "entertainment" that has ANY violent lyrics/music or images and such tax be used
to pay for armed guards in schools and beefing up the security?
A 10% tax on the video games would generate $2.3 billion of the $23.5 billion market.
Take a look at the average American gamer in new survey findings
A 10% tax on violent movies/videos would generate $6.2 Billion from the $62.4 billion spent on movies.
Worldwide Consumers Spent $62.4B On Movies In 2012, Up 2.1%

Nearly $10 billion a year would go a long way to provide secure school environment.

I'm not discounting that they all play a part, but add to that a cocktail mix of prescription medications that:

1. Induces violent behavior, especially in teens, as shown by many studies to raise the risk of violence and suicide by 50% (SSRI class antidepressants now prescribed to 8,000,000 teens)


2. An ADHD drug that increases focus

It, along with the outside influences you state, just creates a recipe for Murder.
Roughly 4.6 Million American Kids Live in Homes With Unlocked, Loaded Guns

I did. Never shot anyone. Never thought about shooting anyone. Never went near the guns.

So did most of my friends. They never shot anyone either, and never talked about wanting to shoot anyone.

Now as to your count. Whence comes it, and how was it arrived at?

Let's assume it's accurate, and one of those kids grabs Daddy's guns and shoots up a school. What connection has the event to the other 4, 599,000?
"Guns locked up can not protect the homeowner when he or she is faced by armed men breaking and entering their home."

SARCASM ALERT The above is the NRA's talking point echoed over and over by some gun owners.

If a gun owner is so paranoid they might invest in a dog, or burglar alarms & outside lighting.
The father is indeed guilty as sin. As is the torture center... err.... public school.

A) I'm a big Fan of Fox News
B) I believe Dana Loesch is an excellent and valid spokeswoman.
C) Where is your proof that he left his guns unlocked?

his weapons were unsecured as evidenced by all the dead people :uhoh3:

Roughly 4.6 Million American Kids Live in Homes With Unlocked, Loaded Guns

Roughly 4.6 Million American Kids Live in Homes With Unlocked, Loaded Guns

That fact has yet to come out. On the nightly news the other night I heard it stated quit clearly that the guns were indeed locked up, but that it was not yet confirmed.
"Guns locked up can not protect the homeowner when he or she is faced by armed men breaking and entering their home."

SARCASM ALERT The above is the NRA's talking point echoed over and over by some gun owners.

If a gun owner is so paranoid they might invest in a dog, or burglar alarms & outside lighting.

And you just took the side of the criminal to make a point. Can't make this shit up no matter how hard you try. It's the homeowners fault he had guns, not the criminal for forced entry, kidnapping and theft.

Good one Wry, excellent post showing your weird kind of bizarre logic.
When the media is in bed with the democrat party you aren't going to get any information except the party line. It wasn't much different in freaking Russia. The media supports the Hollywood decadence and the liberal education system so you can't expect an "investigative reporter" to consider what the hell is wrong with kids who want to murder classmates. It's alleged that the Columbine shooters were doped up on personality altering drugs administered by the school but the media didn't even consider it because it would go against the grain of the Dept of Education and the teachers union. Today's kids witness more lifelike murder, dismemberment and carnage in violent graphic video games and movies than Soldiers did in WW2 but Hollywood is part of the liberal establishment so it's easier to blame the NRA.
the kid in Texas was bullied by Coaches and other students ...

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