Do some of you people really now understand the violence in schools comes from

Peaceful songs like The End by the Doors?

The killer awoke before dawn, he put his boots on
He took a face from the ancient gallery
And he walked on down the hall
He went into the room where his sister lived, and...then he
Paid a visit to his brother, and then he
He walked on down the hall, and
And he came to a door...and he looked inside
"Father?" "Yes, son." "I want to kill you."
"Mother, I want to..."

Yeah, because Matricide and Patricide are totally passive and loving.

Billy Joe Mcalister jumping off th bridge was rather peaceful, other than the death by suicide on the end.

Seasons in the Sun from the 1970’s. Helter Skelter, the motivation of how many deaths?

Murder by the numbers from The Police, which is pretty much the definition of Ironic. Other songs from the police cover stalking, suicide, and oh yes, teacher student sex.


1962 Johnny Get Angry. Asking the boyfriend to act more like a brute a thug.

Run for your Life by the Beetles, talks about killing a girl who broke up with the guy. Yeah, how peaceful the songs of yesteryear were. /SARCASM

Songs of insanity, songs of violence. Songs of abusing women, songs where they dated obviously too young girls. But hey, it’s rap music, and you don’t like it, so it must be to blame. Pfui again.

I agree! It's because that old time music was novel! It did set the stage for your idiotic rap that every other stanza is about Nigga... killing... shootings!
I don't disagree at all. Those lyrics you quoted WERE inciting! I'm sure Charles Manson took a que from these songs. NO one disputes.
The problem is they are NOW so prolific! Almost ALL songs have some sort of violence involved.
And of course back when those songs were video games to role play killing!
It is the combination of acquiesce by people to lower standards that we are confronted with now.
And so YES those songs were seminal. Were influential. And now look what we have!
Lyrics like these!
Lyrics containing the term: gang-rape

When I was a boy, there was a group including Tipper Gore who would go and read song lyrics to Congress. They were the “Washington Wives” and they objected to lyrics like you quote, in songs.

Bobcat Goldthwait said that his dream was to record an album, and have Tipper Gore reading the lyrics into the record of Congress, so that they would be preserved for all time.

The problem isn’t the words, or the images they conjure. It is never one thing. That is a lesson that air crash investigators learn quickly. It is never one thing. Even the simplest accident has a chain of events that lead to the crash. Even suicidal pilots, it is never one thing.

I could spend the entire evening typing what I think contributing causes were, and in the end besides some time I would manage little. We could eliminate all the lyrics today, and next week, next month, whatever, we would see the same thing. Then we would be left arguing that the absence of lyrics needed more time to take effect. That is what those who argue that gun control works argue. It needs more time, and needs to be bigger.

Eventually we would all be singing you are my sunshine as it was the only song left. The Hokey Pokey would be banned since the word Hokey is in there and that means odd or not right.

It is never one thing though, that is the truth.
If white people can't say the N word, are any of us truly free?
Youre missing the point. He asked her to come up on stage and rap a specific verse that featured the N word multiple times, then when she did it, he humiliated her.

So, in this thread in politics is really about Lamar being an asshole? Not the impression I got from the thread title or the OP. Maybe go back and read it.
Maybe you should go back read the post I quoted because, that was what I responded to. Also, maybe you need to go back and read the OP as well.

Um, yeah, Bodecea was also staying on topic by replying to the OP and then you come along and tell her that's not the point?

Whatever, dude, go float your boat.
So she's on topic when she refers to the Lamar incident that the OP details quite thoroughly, but when I respond I'm off topic? :laugh:

Then for starters when I call someone out for creating bogus reasons for school shootings (The Texas Lt. Governor) then maybe arguing with me over it isn't in your best interest.

Did you not see me put as much blame on the right as I did the left?

Blaming abortion on this is equally (and only equally) as bad as blaming the NRA.

I'm only responding to your reply to me,

And no, the NRA deserves blame as it has fought against any common sense gun control.

Prove your wild ass comment! Please provide the links that show NRA has fought against common sense gun control!

I'll respond to your post but only if you use obnoxiously large bold font.

Most Gun Owners Support Stricter Laws — Even NRA Members
Most Americans in a new poll support stricter gun regulations, with even a majority of National Rifle Association in the survey backing stiffer background checks.

I'm specifically referring to the NRA organization, not gun owners and NRA members. But, you'd have to be kind of a fucking moron not to know that.

Sixty-nine percent of NRA members expressed support for comprehensive background checks. A proposal to implement universal background checks would apply to all gun sales, rather than just purchases made at licensed retailers, according to the Giffords Law Center, a gun control advocacy group.

Yep, we already know that most gun owners and NRA members want these changes, the NRA organization...not so much.

Support for such a measure increases to 78 percent among gun owners who don’t belong to the NRA and to 89 percent for respondents who don’t own a firearm. The poll of 803 American adults was conducted by Monmouth University from March 2-5, weeks after a high school shooting in Parkland, Florida.

So, maybe you should be having a talk with Skeletor?


In the years since Sandy Hook, when 26 were slain in 2012, states have enacted nearly 600 new gun laws.

It is “indisputably true” that there have been far more new laws that loosen gun restrictions than tighten them, said Michael Hammond, the legislative counsel at Gun Owners of America, a Virginia-based “no compromise” gun lobbying organization. The way a state reacts to mass shootings depends on who controls its legislature, he said. And in the case of the states that expanded access to firearms, most were controlled by Republicans.

“If you are in favor of the Second Amendment, grow up with guns, are comfortable with guns, don’t want to see kids turned into sitting ducks, you’re more likely to say the solution is more guns,” Hammond said.

By the NRA’s count, governors since 2013 have enacted 382 “pro-gun” bills — many widely expanding access to firearms.

Governors in Arkansas, Georgia, Idaho, Kansas and Texas, signed bills that would allow people with concealed carry licenses to bring guns onto college campuses, joining seven other states with similar laws.

New laws in at least five states — Maine, Mississippi, Missouri, North Dakota and West Virginia — allow gun owners to carry loaded firearms without a permit or training. So-called permitless carry laws now are in effect in more than 10 states.

After the latest massacre in Florida, Indiana lawmakers are close to making their state the next that allows people to carry guns on church grounds, even if there is a school on church property. Jack Sandlin, the Republican state senator who wrote the bill, said it’s “common sense” to want to pass this kind of legislation after mass shootings.

“People want to know how to protect themselves and protect their families,” Sandlin said. Before being elected to public office, he spent 35 years in law enforcement.

NRA has backed most state gun laws passed since Sandy Hook

Sounds like the NRA is successfully doing what the founding fathers knew all along...i.e. that the states are the laboratories for future laws.
This is what is more logical, more rational approach then a National Federal gun laws.
Each state has a different demographic. The USA is NOT a homogenous country.
Texas is far different than New York or Calif. So why are there attempts to "make a national gun law"??

My god, pull the NRA's dick out of your mouth. For starters the first line of your post is in direct conflict with the rest of it.

But if your point is that the NRA is against common sense gun laws, then I agree.
If white people can't say the N word, are any of us truly free?
Youre missing the point. He asked her to come up on stage and rap a specific verse that featured the N word multiple times, then when she did it, he humiliated her.

So, in this thread in politics is really about Lamar being an asshole? Not the impression I got from the thread title or the OP. Maybe go back and read it.
Maybe you should go back read the post I quoted because, that was what I responded to. Also, maybe you need to go back and read the OP as well.

Um, yeah, Bodecea was also staying on topic by replying to the OP and then you come along and tell her that's not the point?

Whatever, dude, go float your boat.
Bode has never in her entire life posted anything "on topic".

Funny, cuz your post is off topic.
Dude, seriously. There are people on this board like me and MisterBeale that actually do want to solve the problem.

To us this is not Black vs. White, or Republican vs. Democrat, or Conservtard vs. Libtard. It's the life's of our Children and Grand Children at stake.

We researched beyond the NRA, Fox News and CNN to find the solution, and I think the evidence is clear that we have. But trying to get past you partisan hacks, ON BOTH SIDE OF THE DAMN POLITICAL SPECTRUM is near impossible!

I have made enemies on both sides of the gun issue, BUT I DON'T GIVE A FLYING FUCK!

This shit has to end, and we are not looking for a G-DAMN Band aid for a festering wound! It's absurdity in it's highest form.

Then for starters when I call someone out for creating bogus reasons for school shootings (The Texas Lt. Governor) then maybe arguing with me over it isn't in your best interest.
so in other words, you got nothing.

Got nothing? The Lt. Governor of Texas spouted off a bunch of reasons for school shootings, one of them being abortion. My point is he Lt. Governor is a fucking moron sucking off the NRA's teet.

Prove me wrong.
well first you have to tie everyone into the shooting. how is it the NRA is at fault? been asking since Parkland. crickets. And the fact you have no solutions to why they happen. won't even discuss solutions, just ban guns which is about as stupid as anything you think anyone has said. so if you truly wish an honest debate then be honest. don't be an ass.

The NRA blocks any measure for common sense gun control, whether it be age restrictions or requiring gun owners to safely lock their firearms up.

I've never once said that guns have to be banned, you're simply lying about that.

Anyway, what does that have to do with me pointing out the Lt. Governor of Texas is a wingnut sucking at the teet of the NRA when he makes claims like abortion is a cause for school shootings? You replied to me but once again can't back up an argument so you simply change the subject. Not surprising.

Neither of those are common sense gun control.
Will you give it a rest? You are as bad as the "lock the door" nutjob!

According to your own stats, 8,000,000 kids on these drugs and how many school shootings have we had?

If you knew anything about stats, that is called "statistically insignificant".

I know a damn sure more about stats than you obviously do. I am the ONLY PERSON ON THIS BOARD that CORRECTLY CALLED THE ELECTION and backed it up with methodology. POSTING IT ON THE BOARD and taking TON'S OF ABUSE FOR IT PRE-ELECTION. And proving the NATIONAL POLLS WERE CORRECT THE WHOLE TIME!

And I might add, the 2K I made on my stats sure was nice!

Do not preach to me about statistics, K?

Did you even read what you wrote? 8,000,000 children, UNDER THE AGE OF EIGHTEEN, who's brains are not yet FULLY DEVELOPED are taking these "BLACK BOX" warned mind altering drugs AS WE SPEAK. And that doesn't give you pause?

A Black Box warning, issued by the FDA is for the MOST DANGEROUS prescription drugs, and should be only taken by those THAT CAN BE CLOSELY MONITORED and are RESPONSIBLE. Does any of that, to you, describe the nature of a TEENAGER?

Teenagers are notorious for irresponsible behavior, lying and OH MY GOD, DRINKING!

You want statistics, here's one. When giving a dangerous drug, that requires RESPONSIBILITY in its administration, odds are that the less the person has the ability to be responsible, the less likely they will be responsible. FACT! And the truly outrageous part of this whole thing is not that we are giving these to incredibly irresponsible people this single drug, BUT HOW MANY ARE ON A COMBINATION OF THEM AS WELL AS AN ADHD DRUG AS WELL!. So for some, it doesn't just send them into a violent rage, but worse, it heightens their FOCUS.

Now, the question at hand, "do these work and do they help some". The answer is that they likely do, but that only begs the question, is the risk worth the reward? It can only be answered with a question.

If the reward is great enough to allow those under 24 to have access to them, is the risk that some might fly into this rage and shoot up their school worth the risk?

My answer to the question? OH HELL NO!

Where did you get your degrees in medicine and pharmacology from?

Sears and Roebuck?

^^^^^^ I think we just ran into someone on antidepressants if that was your takeaway from this.

I have quoted and posted links, From Oxford University, The FDA, The WHO, The British Journal of Medicine and from many, many Psychologists, and I get a Jake Starkey like from you? Yeah, those dudes as well as GREAT FUCKING BRITON, who, by the way, put huge restrictions on their use, ESPECIALLY WITH TEENS, know less than a G-DAMN school administrator.

The blood of the next school shooting are on your hands, but why would you care? You'll just take a FUCKING PILL to get over it, Right?



If the FDA thinks they are so bad, why aren't they banned? They obviously are not working according to amateur physicians like you.

I don't take anti-depressants, but dealing with idiots like you makes me think maybe I should.

Oh, I think you must be on them because you’re only argument is they can’t be dangerous.

Yet expert after expert after expert says they are, but on the other hand, a school teacher says they aren’t.

Guess who wins that gunfight sheriff?

If you guessed the experts, you would be right.

If you guessed a school teacher, it’s off to the dunce corner with ya!

I am still waiting on the link to your 8,000,000 figure. Come on! It can't be that difficult!
Of all 816 gun owners, 83 percent responded that they supported a criminal background check for everyone who wants to buy a firearm.

For the 196 who said they were NRA members, the poll showed that 72 percent supported background checks.

The margin of error for the NRA sample is 7 percentage points, said Jim Williams, an analyst for Public Policy Polling.

Do majority of NRA members support gun background checks?

We already HAVE background checks, dumbass!

We don't have universal background checks because that requires registration to be even remotely effective, but most people don't know that.
I know a damn sure more about stats than you obviously do. I am the ONLY PERSON ON THIS BOARD that CORRECTLY CALLED THE ELECTION and backed it up with methodology. POSTING IT ON THE BOARD and taking TON'S OF ABUSE FOR IT PRE-ELECTION. And proving the NATIONAL POLLS WERE CORRECT THE WHOLE TIME!

And I might add, the 2K I made on my stats sure was nice!

Do not preach to me about statistics, K?

Did you even read what you wrote? 8,000,000 children, UNDER THE AGE OF EIGHTEEN, who's brains are not yet FULLY DEVELOPED are taking these "BLACK BOX" warned mind altering drugs AS WE SPEAK. And that doesn't give you pause?

A Black Box warning, issued by the FDA is for the MOST DANGEROUS prescription drugs, and should be only taken by those THAT CAN BE CLOSELY MONITORED and are RESPONSIBLE. Does any of that, to you, describe the nature of a TEENAGER?

Teenagers are notorious for irresponsible behavior, lying and OH MY GOD, DRINKING!

You want statistics, here's one. When giving a dangerous drug, that requires RESPONSIBILITY in its administration, odds are that the less the person has the ability to be responsible, the less likely they will be responsible. FACT! And the truly outrageous part of this whole thing is not that we are giving these to incredibly irresponsible people this single drug, BUT HOW MANY ARE ON A COMBINATION OF THEM AS WELL AS AN ADHD DRUG AS WELL!. So for some, it doesn't just send them into a violent rage, but worse, it heightens their FOCUS.

Now, the question at hand, "do these work and do they help some". The answer is that they likely do, but that only begs the question, is the risk worth the reward? It can only be answered with a question.

If the reward is great enough to allow those under 24 to have access to them, is the risk that some might fly into this rage and shoot up their school worth the risk?

My answer to the question? OH HELL NO!

Where did you get your degrees in medicine and pharmacology from?

Sears and Roebuck?

^^^^^^ I think we just ran into someone on antidepressants if that was your takeaway from this.

I have quoted and posted links, From Oxford University, The FDA, The WHO, The British Journal of Medicine and from many, many Psychologists, and I get a Jake Starkey like from you? Yeah, those dudes as well as GREAT FUCKING BRITON, who, by the way, put huge restrictions on their use, ESPECIALLY WITH TEENS, know less than a G-DAMN school administrator.

The blood of the next school shooting are on your hands, but why would you care? You'll just take a FUCKING PILL to get over it, Right?



If the FDA thinks they are so bad, why aren't they banned? They obviously are not working according to amateur physicians like you.

I don't take anti-depressants, but dealing with idiots like you makes me think maybe I should.

Oh, I think you must be on them because you’re only argument is they can’t be dangerous.

Yet expert after expert after expert says they are, but on the other hand, a school teacher says they aren’t.

Guess who wins that gunfight sheriff?

If you guessed the experts, you would be right.

If you guessed a school teacher, it’s off to the dunce corner with ya!

I am still waiting on the link to your 8,000,000 figure. Come on! It can't be that difficult!

You mean this one captain?

Total Number of People Taking Psychiatric Drugs in the United States | Ssri Drugs

A) I'm a big Fan of Fox News
B) I believe Dana Loesch is an excellent and valid spokeswoman.
C) Where is your proof that he left his guns unlocked?

his weapons were unsecured as evidenced by all the dead people :uhoh3:

Roughly 4.6 Million American Kids Live in Homes With Unlocked, Loaded Guns

Roughly 4.6 Million American Kids Live in Homes With Unlocked, Loaded Guns

Where did you get your degrees in medicine and pharmacology from?

Sears and Roebuck?

^^^^^^ I think we just ran into someone on antidepressants if that was your takeaway from this.

I have quoted and posted links, From Oxford University, The FDA, The WHO, The British Journal of Medicine and from many, many Psychologists, and I get a Jake Starkey like from you? Yeah, those dudes as well as GREAT FUCKING BRITON, who, by the way, put huge restrictions on their use, ESPECIALLY WITH TEENS, know less than a G-DAMN school administrator.

The blood of the next school shooting are on your hands, but why would you care? You'll just take a FUCKING PILL to get over it, Right?



If the FDA thinks they are so bad, why aren't they banned? They obviously are not working according to amateur physicians like you.

I don't take anti-depressants, but dealing with idiots like you makes me think maybe I should.

Oh, I think you must be on them because you’re only argument is they can’t be dangerous.

Yet expert after expert after expert says they are, but on the other hand, a school teacher says they aren’t.

Guess who wins that gunfight sheriff?

If you guessed the experts, you would be right.

If you guessed a school teacher, it’s off to the dunce corner with ya!

I am still waiting on the link to your 8,000,000 figure. Come on! It can't be that difficult!

You mean this one captain?

Total Number of People Taking Psychiatric Drugs in the United States | Ssri Drugs



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