Zone1 Do Souls Exist Prior to Conception?

This is the RELIGION Forum. I quoted Scripture on the topic. If you don't accept it, you don't belong here. Perhaps the Atheist Forum is better suited to you
Yes I know it's the religion forum, and yes I guess your quote is scripture from some book. I don't accept scripture as evidence based. Telling me where I belong is so parochial ( 1): relating to a church parish - 2): having a limited or narrow outlook or scope.). Why would you suggest I belong in an Atheist forum? You believe that because I am a non believer that I am an atheist? Again - parochial.
All religions and beliefs, or...?
Not the religion of Atheism.

I gave the Direct scripture from the Jewish Christian Bible. The devil in you forces you to argue rather than offer another answer.

Troll again and I'll add you to the ignore list. I'm done with atheists pissing on threads.
Yes I know it's the religion forum, and yes I guess your quote is scripture from some book. I don't accept scripture as evidence based. Telling me where I belong is so parochial ( 1): relating to a church parish - 2): having a limited or narrow outlook or scope.). Why would you suggest I belong in an Atheist forum? You believe that because I am a non believer that I am an atheist? Again - parochial.
Off to ignore you go. This is the RELIGION FORUM.

If you have ANOTHER opinion, state it and give your authoritative source. MINE is the Christian Bible.
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Not the religion of Atheism.

I gave the Direct scripture from the Jewish Christian Bible. The devil in you forces you to argue rather than offer another answer.

Troll again and I'll add you to the ignore list. I'm done with atheists pissing on threads.
Jewish Christian Bible? Is there such a thing?

I wonder what Jews think of you using them as a shield for your beliefs against other human beings
I am trying to grasp the existence of souls as separate from our physical bodies. Are souls created at the moment of conception, or do they already exist beforehand? On a biological level, it seems that the penetration of a human egg by a sperm cell is hardly a metaphysical event. On a religious level, however, the Bible says that Jesus (The Word) existed even before Mary became pregnant.

This suggests to me that other souls may exist prior to human conception as well as after physical death. In that case, it seems that these eternal souls might inhabit our bodies only during our lifetimes before being reincarnated in someone else's body. Is this antithetical to Christian or other religious beliefs? If so, please explain.
We are all a legion of dna bits inherited from those who went before us. All those bits of information live on through us and we pass them on to our offspring. That could be the definition of souls.
Interesting question. I agree with those here who said it doesn't exist beforehand, I think it begins at conception.

That said... IIRC, I'm pretty sure there's a scripture in the bible that talks about how God thought about us before the foundation of the world. So although we didn't exist then, it seems at the very least we were a thought in God's mind.

I like this quote:

“You don’t have a soul. You are a Soul. You have a body.”
While I appreciate the Biblical references in this thread, their various citations and interpretations seem to underscore man's inability to completely understand the divine. The story of three blind men in a room with an elephant may be apropos: The first blind man feels the elephant's leg and describes it to be like a tree; the second blind man describes the nose to be like a snake; and the third blind man describes the tail to be like a rope. All three description are accurate, but no one understands the nature of an elephant.
God doesn't leave you in the dark. He is very clear. If you don't believe in the God of the Bible, then I can understand you not really knowing. But if you really SEEK GOD, He won't leave you in the dark.
God doesn't leave you in the dark. He is very clear. If you don't believe in the God of the Bible, then I can understand you not really knowing. But if you really SEEK GOD, He won't leave you in the dark.
God created DNA
We are all a legion of dna bits inherited from those who went before us. All those bits of information live on through us and we pass them on to our offspring. That could be the definition of souls.
Where did the first "soul" come from? Circular Logic. When a child is conceived, its produces a totally "unique" DNA signature, different from both parents, there is no other DNA on earth that matches a developing human soul/life....there is only "1". That's why human children in the womb are becoming an endangered species.

Soul simply, living. Even the Holy Scriptures declare that the "life" of the flesh is in the Blood (Lev. 17:11) Animals have Souls, but only Man has the capacity to reason right from wrong and consider their mortality through the decisions they make......that which animates or produces life/soul is called a Spirit. The Word of God tells us that man consists of "3" entities, a body, a soul, and a spirit. (1 Thess. 5:23)

Morality does not exist in nature, its transcendent to mankind, something cannot evolve if it does not exist. Science cannot define where that Spirit comes from or where it goes at death, physical science simply states that energy cannot be created or destroyed (The human body is antimated by electrochemical energy, and its been proven that the human body at rest can produce about 100 watts of energy), once that energy leaves the body, death and decay follow. The question then becomes........what does that energy change into, it cannot be destroyed?

.....Science cannot reproduce life through the method they declare that life originated......from dead matter. Life can only be reproduced through pre-existing life, of the same species.
God created DNA
Yes, but a soul is not DNA. It is a living, conscience, sentient being.

"Man, BECAME a living soul." It nowhere says Man was "given" a soul apart from his physical life.

On the contrary, it also says, "the SOUL that sins, it shall DIE."

This is not the teaching of paganized "Christianity" but it is BIBLICAL.
Yes, but a soul is not DNA. It is a living, conscience, sentient being.

"Man, BECAME a living soul." It nowhere says Man was "given" a soul apart from his physical life.

On the contrary, it also says, "the SOUL that sins, it shall DIE."

This is not the teaching of paganized "Christianity" but it is BIBLICAL.
DNA is what makes up human beings and is not 'given' it resides in every cell of our bodies. It includes the code for every human that existed before the current being. Seems like a soul to me.
I have no answer. But it made me wonder if maybe souls are formed based on the genetic contribution of the mother and father. Not only would it differ between the one father and a different mother, but it would differ between the one spermatozoa that made it to the ovum vs any of the other spermatozoa in that particular emission.

But the theory may not hold up. I’m thinking identical twins have separate souls.
I am trying to grasp the existence of souls as separate from our physical bodies. Are souls created at the moment of conception, or do they already exist beforehand? On a biological level, it seems that the penetration of a human egg by a sperm cell is hardly a metaphysical event. On a religious level, however, the Bible says that Jesus (The Word) existed even before Mary became pregnant.

This suggests to me that other souls may exist prior to human conception as well as after physical death. In that case, it seems that these eternal souls might inhabit our bodies only during our lifetimes before being reincarnated in someone else's body. Is this antithetical to Christian or other religious beliefs? If so, please explain.
Actually the Hebrew word for soul( nephesh) translates-that which breathes.
Gen 2:7--God formed man out of dust from the ground and to blow into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man came to be a living soul)----not has a living soul.
This "That's why human children in the womb are becoming an endangered species" is not the stupidest but certainly the goofiest statement of the day.
Genesis 2:7
7 And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

The phrase "and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life" is God's way of saying that he placed Adam's spirit within his body made of dust. This caused Adam to become a living soul. "Soul" in this instance refers to the totality of Adam. His body and spirit are his "soul".

When we die, the spirit will return unto God while the body will return unto the dust from which it came to await the resurrection.

Ecclesiastes 12:7
7 Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.
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I am trying to grasp the existence of souls as separate from our physical bodies. Are souls created at the moment of conception, or do they already exist beforehand? On a biological level, it seems that the penetration of a human egg by a sperm cell is hardly a metaphysical event. On a religious level, however, the Bible says that Jesus (The Word) existed even before Mary became pregnant.

This suggests to me that other souls may exist prior to human conception as well as after physical death. In that case, it seems that these eternal souls might inhabit our bodies only during our lifetimes before being reincarnated in someone else's body. Is this antithetical to Christian or other religious beliefs? If so, please explain.
The truth is that anyone who answers that question is simply speculating. We don't know if we existed before we were conceived in this life, nor do we know what occurs to our memories and identity after bodily death. It's all conjecture, whether it's an atheist-materialist claiming there's nothing after we die or a theist-religionist asserting that we become Casper the friendly ghost. Here is a YouTube playlist that presents some of the available evidence for the existence of spirits:

(You need to go to YouTube by clicking on the above link in order to see all of the videos on the playlist.)

Are those entities disembodied human beings? Are they demons? Are they ETs? We don't know. It's interesting, but we simply don't know for sure. The only way to know if there's life after bodily death is by dying and attending your funeral. When you're standing next to your lifeless corpse in the casket you will know that there is indeed survival after bodily death.
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