Zone1 Do Souls Exist Prior to Conception?

Simple enough..........find one instance in the N.T where anyone was conveyed into the KINGDOM/CHURCH without being baptized in water. "ONE".:deal: The thief on the cross?:huh1: Jesus (God Incarnate) personally saved this person before the N.T. covenant went into effect when Jesus declared, "It is finished". (John 19:30) Unless you are claiming that Jesus will vacate His throne in Heaven and come to personally save must obey the covenant of Christ in order to enter the spiritual kingdom of God....i.e, the N.T. church. Which would make you SPECIAL........while the Apostle declares, "God has no respect of person..........." -- Acts 10:34

Peter.......who preached the first gospel sermon under the terms of the N.T. covenant used the keys Jesus declared he was given in Matthew 16, "Whatsoever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven......" -- Matthew 16:19, 18:18

In other words.........the apostles were to establish doctrine for the N.T. church/kingdom of God through divine inspiration that came directly from Jesus in Heaven in the form of a "helper"....i.e, the Holy Spirit of Truth (John 14:16-17), a helper that the WORLD cannot receive. Jesus promised that He would communicate with the Apostles after His death and ascension in order to bring remembrance of the things Jesus taught them (John 14:26)

Did Peter use those "keys" to open the door to the Kingdom of God? Yes......on the day of Pentecost after the death, burial, resurrection and ascension of Jesus, who was taken upon into Heaven accompanied by Angels (Acts 1:9-11).....the Holy Spirit with power fell upon the Apostles......the Jews gathered there to hear Peter speak, who shamed them for killing the
Christ...asked Peter "What shall we do........" Peter used the keys given to an Apostle of Christ to bind on earth that which is bound in heaven.........Peter declared, "Repent and be baptized EVERYONE OF the name of Jesus Christ.....and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit." -- Acts 2:37-38 Receive a gift from the Holy
Spirit of Truth......being guided into ALL TRUTH. (John 16:13-15).

There can be no more revelations if the first century Apostles and Disciples of Christ were guided into ALL TRUTH as declared in Jude 3, ".....the faith is ONCE DELIVERED" confirmed by Peter who declared that through the knowledge provided by Jesus Christ, ".... has given us ALL THINGS THAT PERTAIN TO LIFE AND GODLINESS....." -- 2 Peter 1:1-4

I declare.....based upon these simple revelations found in the Holy Scriptures that cults which were established Hundreds of years after ALL TRUTH was presented by the Apostles of Christ in the first be fakes and con artists.......with their antichrist doctrines. Mormons, JWs........Islam, the RCC.......the list is long. Supposed Christian TV evangelicals who preach prosperity only.........God loves you, but send your money to MY can find me at a mega church that does nothing but entertain and tickle the ears of the gullible.....while I laugh all the way to the bank with my TAX FREE millions of dollars.................
With the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, we are not a new church. We are the restored church that Jesus set up 2,000 years ago. Everything came from Heaven and established through prophets and apostles as you would expect.Therefore your conclusion is false and invented by Satan. That’s because what originally was sealed on earth was lost by the early Church that eventually became the RCC and Greek Orthodox Church. As that scripture you wrote, the authority was lost on earth and therefore lost in Heaven. Therefore, a restoration is necessary and happened from 1820 to the present.
The only thing that Christ finished was his purpose. Mainly, the atonement. However, he still had to be resurrected. That saving ordinance was good until the apostasy and the people lost that authority which was on the earth. Fortunately, it’s been restored.
And, as I already agreed Mr. Brain dead, baptism is essential for entrance into the exalted celestial glory in heaven. But not the lower levels. And baptism and all saving and exalted ordinations must be by those with authority. Since the RCC lost it and all churches that came from that church, no baptism since the last apostle was taken from mortality is valid. None. That’s why again the restoration is so important. This includes baptism and all ordinances are performed for the dead in case they accept the true gospel and Jesus Christ. 1Cor. 15:29
With the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, we are not a new church. We are the restored church that Jesus set up 2,000 years ago. Everything came from Heaven and established through prophets and apostles as you would expect.Therefore your conclusion is false and invented by Satan. That’s because what originally was sealed on earth was lost by the early Church that eventually became the RCC and Greek Orthodox Church. As that scripture you wrote, the authority was lost on earth and therefore lost in Heaven. Therefore, a restoration is necessary and happened from 1820 to the present.
The only thing that Christ finished was his purpose. Mainly, the atonement. However, he still had to be resurrected. That saving ordinance was good until the apostasy and the people lost that authority which was on the earth. Fortunately, it’s been restored.
And, as I already agreed Mr. Brain dead, baptism is essential for entrance into the exalted celestial glory in heaven. But not the lower levels. And baptism and all saving and exalted ordinations must be by those with authority. Since the RCC lost it and all churches that came from that church, no baptism since the last apostle was taken from mortality is valid. None. That’s why again the restoration is so important. This includes baptism and all ordinances are performed for the dead in case they accept the true gospel and Jesus Christ. 1Cor. 15:29
Again........I ask, and if you can provide, I will convert to Mormonism.........objectively demonstrate the works of a true Apostle of Christ........heal the handicapped from birth, heal the blind, resurrect the dead, heal by the laying on of hands. Simply provide the evidence that Modern Apostles of Christ exist, as a disciple of Christ and a Christian, I am commanded to Test all things and judge truthfully. (1 Thess. 5:21)

Not a new church with "MORE" revelations after "All Truth" has been delivered to the saints of the 1st century, after the "Perfect Law of Liberty" was delivered once for all? (John 16:13, James 1:25, Jude 3) Let's do a little 2nd grade math. 1830 - 100 = :huh1: nope.....nothing new here. Question? How can All Truth, Perfection, and ONCE added unto without making the Holy Spirit of Truth a liar?

Nor did the Apostle Peter declare that God had inspired everything required through the revelation of Jesus Christ....that Pertains to Life and the 1st century. -- 2 Peter 1:3-10. Nor did Paul declare, that the scriptures as existed in the first century was good enough for, "........doctrine, reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: that the man of God may be perfect (complete/whole), thoroughly furnished into all good works." -- 2 Tim. 3:16-17

Its not like Joseph Smith Jr. plagiarized anything from an antiquated old English style translation........hundreds of year after its translation, of course the Book of Mormon didn't steal a single passage from the King James translation and declare it came as a New Revelation from heaven :deal:

I guess YOUR gOD.......does not possess the intelligence to inspire American English in an American English Speaking socieity in 1830..even thou He inspired the majority of the N.T in the universal language of the 1st century........Greek. Your gOD didn't learn a thing over that 1700 year gap did He? :dunno: Why did'nt one of your (wink, wink) modern day Apostles exercise the supernatural sign of an Apostle, speaking in a new unlearned tongue.....and translate the book of mormon into American English? Just say'n.............:lastword1: This seems Confusing.......yet, the God of the Holy Scriptures inspired this passage, "For God is not the author of CONFUSION...." -- 1Cor. 14:33
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Again........I ask, and if you can provide, I will convert to Mormonism.........objectively demonstrate the works of a true Apostle of Christ........heal the handicapped from birth, heal the blind, resurrect the dead, heal by the laying on of hands. Simply provide the evidence that Modern Apostles of Christ exist, as a disciple of Christ and a Christian, I am commanded to Test all things and judge truthfully. (1 Thess. 5:21)

Not a new church with "MORE" revelations after "All Truth" has been delivered to the saints of the 1st century, after the "Perfect Law of Liberty" was delivered once for all? (John 16:13, James 1:25, Jude 3) Let's do a little 2nd grade math. 1830 - 100 = :huh1: nope.....nothing new here. Question? How can All Truth, Perfection, and ONCE added unto without making the Holy Spirit of Truth a liar?

Nor did the Apostle Peter declare that God had inspired everything required through the revelation of Jesus Christ....that Pertains to Life and the 1st century. -- 2 Peter 1:3-10. Nor did Paul declare, that the scriptures as existed in the first century was good enough for, "........doctrine, reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: that the man of God may be perfect (complete/whole), thoroughly furnished into all good works." -- 2 Tim. 3:16-17

Its not like Joseph Smith Jr. plagiarized anything from an antiquated old English style translation........hundreds of year after its translation, of course the Book of Mormon didn't steal a single passage from the King James translation and declare it came as a New Revelation from heaven :deal:

I guess YOUR gOD.......does not possess the intelligence to inspire American English in an American English Speaking socieity in 1830..even thou He inspired the majority of the N.T in the universal language of the 1st century........Greek. Your gOD didn't learn a thing over that 1700 year gap did He? :dunno: Why did'nt one of your (wink, wink) modern day Apostles exercise the supernatural sign of an Apostle, speaking in a new unlearned tongue.....and translate the book of mormon into American English? Just say'n.............:lastword1: This seems Confusing.......yet, the God of the Holy Scriptures inspired this passage, "For God is not the author of CONFUSION...." -- 1Cor. 14:33
Can you provide an example of each of the apostles in the New Testament and exact account of healing, casting out devils…? No you cannot. We have many accounts of apostles doing all those things. We also have the Priesthood conferred on others from the apostles on down to those including myself. I have healed the sick and also other great healings. I’ve been a part of such things. There are large amounts of writings of the history of the restored church that you will find these things as well. Enjoy!

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