Zone1 Do Souls Exist Prior to Conception?

Many Christians believe souls existed in pre-mortality.

The Mormons have built an entire religion on souls and families linked through the eternities.
I am trying to grasp the existence of souls as separate from our physical bodies. Are souls created at the moment of conception, or do they already exist beforehand? On a biological level, it seems that the penetration of a human egg by a sperm cell is hardly a metaphysical event. On a religious level, however, the Bible says that Jesus (The Word) existed even before Mary became pregnant.

This suggests to me that other souls may exist prior to human conception as well as after physical death. In that case, it seems that these eternal souls might inhabit our bodies only during our lifetimes before being reincarnated in someone else's body. Is this antithetical to Christian or other religious beliefs? If so, please explain.

First, addressing the concept of reincarnation: The God of the Holy Scriptures tells us, Our lives are short in this reality/world (Job 14:1-2). We are simply pilgrims passing through life (1 Cron. 29:15). Life is just a short breath (Ps. 39:5).
Just a morning mist according to James (4:14)

Reincarnation would deny these scriptures as being false, if man's life is lived over and over regardless of what life form it might take. Our days are limited (Job 14:5). Upon death, man's spirit goes back to God who created it. (Eccl. 12:7) it does not get recycled.

In simple terms, the scriptures are clear, "And it is appointed unto men ONCE TO DIE.........BUT AFTER THIS......THE JUDGMENT." -- Hebrews 9:27

The word "soul" in the original Hebrew text (Nephesh)......and (Psuche) in the translated Greek (the universal language of the 1st century), means "a living breathing creature"...i.e, LIFE, ALIVE. God breathed a Soul into Adam, who was created from the elements of the earth (Genesis: 2:7). Thus, Adam's soul did not pre-exist creation

Its confusing to define the difference between Soul and Spirit. The Holy Scriptures tell us that man consists of 3 distinct elements, Body, Soul, and Spirit. (1 Thess. 5:23) The scriptures also tell us that the body is simply a housing vessel for the Soul and Spirit of man. (2 Peter 1:13-14). Soul and Spirit are much more difficult to distinguish than the human body as both are invisible attributes of human life.

The word Spirit in Hebrew (Ruwach and Neshamah) and the Greek literally means "Wind". Such is an analogy for Spirit in the scriptures. You can't see the wind but you know its there because you can feel the effects of its force, just as you can't see a Spirit (as its defined as invisible in scripture (2 Kings 6:17) but we see the effects of the Spirit as it animates the human body.......the scriptures define death as the absence of the spirit. James declares that the body void of Breath or Wind is dead. (James 2:6)

Unlike animals, who also have a soul (life), man's soul has a spirit that is created in the image of God (Genesis 1:21), God does not have a physical body but is inivisble in the plane of existence, God is a Spirit (John 4:24), thus man's spirit is but a reflection of God as it animated the exists as an eternal or immortal entity and goes back to God who created it. (Eccl. 3:21, 12:7)...while the life force of an animal goes back to the dust from which it was created.
I am trying to grasp the existence of souls as separate from our physical bodies. Are souls created at the moment of conception, or do they already exist beforehand? On a biological level, it seems that the penetration of a human egg by a sperm cell is hardly a metaphysical event. On a religious level, however, the Bible says that Jesus (The Word) existed even before Mary became pregnant.

This suggests to me that other souls may exist prior to human conception as well as after physical death. In that case, it seems that these eternal souls might inhabit our bodies only during our lifetimes before being reincarnated in someone else's body. Is this antithetical to Christian or other religious beliefs? If so, please explain.
In the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints we do believe that our spirits existed prior to being born. In fact we believe that we are the literal offspring of God the Father in the spirit (Acts 17:28-29). Below are some verses that indicate that we had a premortal life as spirit children of God:

Premortal Life

The life before earth life. All men and women lived with God as His spirit children before coming to the earth as mortal beings. This is sometimes called the first estate (Abr. 3:26).
  • When God laid the foundations of the earth, all the sons of God shouted for joy, Job 38:4–7.
  • The spirit shall return unto God who gave it, Eccl. 12:7.
  • Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee, Jer. 1:4–5.
  • We are all his offspring, Acts 17:28.
  • God chose us before the foundation of the world, Eph. 1:3–4.
  • We are to be in subjection to the Father of spirits, Heb. 12:9.
  • The angels which kept not their first estate, he hath reserved in everlasting chains, Jude 1:6 (Abr. 3:26).
  • The Devil and his angels were cast out, Rev. 12:9.
  • They were called and prepared from the foundation of the world, Alma 13:3.
  • Christ looked upon the expanse of eternity and hosts of heaven before the world was made, D&C 38:1.
  • Man was also in the beginning with God, D&C 93:29 (Hel. 14:17; D&C 49:17).
  • Noble spirits were chosen in the beginning to be rulers in the Church, D&C 138:53–55.
  • Many received their first lessons in the world of spirits, D&C 138:56.
  • All things were created spiritually before they were on earth, Moses 3:5.
  • I made the world, and men before they were in the flesh, Moses 6:51.
  • Abraham saw the intelligences that were organized before the world was, Abr. 3:21–24.

Revelation 12:7-11 describes the War in Heaven. Those who did not side with Lucifer eventually overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and loved not their lives unto the death. This tells us that those who sided with the Father and His Christ eventually were to overcome Satan by needing the blood of the Lamb or in other words forgiveness of sins while they were in mortality. Loving not your lives unto the death tells us that they who fought valiantly in the War in Heaven were eventually subject to death. Only those who are experiencing a mortal life are in need of the blood of the Lamb and are subject to death. Thus premortal spirits who were valiant in the war in heaven and were found on the side of the Lord were allowed to come to this earth and partake in a mortal life with flesh and bone bodies. Those who sided with Satan were denied the opportunity to receive bodies of flesh and bones and will not be able to live in eternity with resurrected bodies of flesh and bones which is a great blessing from God.
In the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints we do believe that our spirits existed prior to being born. In fact we believe that we are the literal offspring of God the Father in the spirit (Acts 17:28-29). Below are some verses that indicate that we had a premortal life as spirit children of God:

Premortal Life

The life before earth life. All men and women lived with God as His spirit children before coming to the earth as mortal beings. This is sometimes called the first estate (Abr. 3:26).
  • When God laid the foundations of the earth, all the sons of God shouted for joy, Job 38:4–7.
  • The spirit shall return unto God who gave it, Eccl. 12:7.
  • Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee, Jer. 1:4–5.
  • We are all his offspring, Acts 17:28.
  • God chose us before the foundation of the world, Eph. 1:3–4.
  • We are to be in subjection to the Father of spirits, Heb. 12:9.
  • The angels which kept not their first estate, he hath reserved in everlasting chains, Jude 1:6 (Abr. 3:26).
  • The Devil and his angels were cast out, Rev. 12:9.
  • They were called and prepared from the foundation of the world, Alma 13:3.
  • Christ looked upon the expanse of eternity and hosts of heaven before the world was made, D&C 38:1.
  • Man was also in the beginning with God, D&C 93:29 (Hel. 14:17; D&C 49:17).
  • Noble spirits were chosen in the beginning to be rulers in the Church, D&C 138:53–55.
  • Many received their first lessons in the world of spirits, D&C 138:56.
  • All things were created spiritually before they were on earth, Moses 3:5.
  • I made the world, and men before they were in the flesh, Moses 6:51.
  • Abraham saw the intelligences that were organized before the world was, Abr. 3:21–24.

Revelation 12:7-11 describes the War in Heaven. Those who did not side with Lucifer eventually overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and loved not their lives unto the death. This tells us that those who sided with the Father and His Christ eventually were to overcome Satan by needing the blood of the Lamb or in other words forgiveness of sins while they were in mortality. Loving not your lives unto the death tells us that they who fought valiantly in the War in Heaven were eventually subject to death. Only those who are experiencing a mortal life are in need of the blood of the Lamb and are subject to death. Thus premortal spirits who were valiant in the war in heaven and were found on the side of the Lord were allowed to come to this earth and partake in a mortal life with flesh and bone bodies. Those who sided with Satan were denied the opportunity to receive bodies of flesh and bones and will not be able to live in eternity with resurrected bodies of flesh and bones which is a great blessing from God.
Angels were never men, sons of God......and men will never be angels. After reading your first mistranslated scripture (there is no need to read further) from your version of the Holy Bible or the plagiarized Book of Mormon.

"Job 38:4-7".......your cult describes Angels, Spirit Beings as sons of God shouting for glory.......not angels as is the actual translation as addressed by the subject matter and context of this passage of scriptures. Angels are not Sons of God.......angels are created spirit beings, ".....ministering SPIRITS" -- Heb. 1:14.

Angels are foremost described as "messengers" of God. (Heb. 2:2). God created them in numbers to great to count (Heb. 12:22, Rev. 5:11) There are only "2" angels mentioned by Name in the Holy Bible. Example: Michael -- Jude 9. Gabriel -- Luke 1:19.

Some angels refuse to identify themselves by name when asked. -- Genesis 32:29, Judges 13:17-18.

Angels were part of the creation, "For by Him all things were created, in heaven and earth, visible and invisible......" -- Col. 1:16-17 Angels were created with the rest of the world, "..........all His angels: For He commanded and they were created. (Ps. 148:2-5)

Angels are of a higher order than mankind, " was created a little lower than heavenly beings." -- Ps. 8:4-5.

Angels do not marry. (Matthew 22:30). Angels are created with FREE WILL, just like man, and are capable of sinning against God. (2 Peter 2:4)

Angels are not to be worshiped (Rev. 19:10). Angels can be disciples of Satan (Matthew 25:41) There are existing "ranks" among angels. Michael is addressed as an Archangel..... a chief or captain among angels. (Jude 9, Dan. 10:13).

Angels can take on the form man as to not be recognized as angels, but angels are not men. (Dan. 8:15, Heb. 13:2), some have the appearance of soldiers when contacting man (Judges 5:13-15).
Clyde, do you believe in the Rapture.
I believe the word "Rapture" is never mentioned in the Holy Scriptures, therefore Rapture is not a biblical subject. There is no basis for a Rapture doctrine, it is a man made term. The rapture doctrine requires to many returns of Christ Jesus. The proponents of a rapture doctrine have Jesus coming back to earth in order to take the righteous away for 7 years, then they have the Christ returning to earth in order to establish a physical kingdom in Jerusalem. Then at the end of a supposed 1000 year reign on earth they have Him raising the dead and judging them.

God has forbidden any descendant of David to ever rule over a kingdom in Jerusalem (Jesus' lineage goes directly through David) -- Jer. 22:24-30. Matthew and Luke records the lineage of Jesus through His adopted Father and through His Mother's father. Jesus declared that His kingdom, i.e, the kingdom of God was to be established in the 1st century, with some that are standing listening to Jesus preach would not taste of death until the kingdom of God comes with power. (Mark 9:1, Luke 9:27, Matt. 16:28.

Jesus declared that He is king of a Kingdom not of this world.....meaning He reigns over a Spiritual Kingdom (John 18:36)

When Jesus returns He will meet His bride, the church/kingdom of God in the sky at the sound of a trump........and all eyes will see Him. Jesus will execute judgement upon "ALL" the quick and the dead, not a few here and few there. (Jude 14:15) Every eye shall see Him. (Rev. 1:7).

Jesus' words in Matthew 25:31-36 have all nations, the wicked and the righteous being judged at the same time.

After Jesus returns..........ONCE, the kingdom will be returned to the Father, after Jesus has defeated death, with Hades giving up its dead for judgment (Rev. 20:13).....both the righteous asleep and the wicked. Then the kingdom is returned to the Father who had given Jesus a kingdom with all authority in heaven and on earth (Matthew 28:18, 1 Cor. 15:24)

Jerusalem/Israel that Jesus reigns a spiritual kingdom, not a physical kingdom. -- Luke 17:20-22, Romans 2:28-29
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Angels were never men, sons of God......and men will never be angels. After reading your first mistranslated scripture (there is no need to read further) from your version of the Holy Bible or the plagiarized Book of Mormon.

"Job 38:4-7".......your cult describes Angels, Spirit Beings as sons of God shouting for glory.......not angels as is the actual translation as addressed by the subject matter and context of this passage of scriptures. Angels are not Sons of God.......angels are created spirit beings, ".....ministering SPIRITS" -- Heb. 1:14.

Angels are foremost described as "messengers" of God. (Heb. 2:2). God created them in numbers to great to count (Heb. 12:22, Rev. 5:11) There are only "2" angels mentioned by Name in the Holy Bible. Example: Michael -- Jude 9. Gabriel -- Luke 1:19.

Some angels refuse to identify themselves by name when asked. -- Genesis 32:29, Judges 13:17-18.

Angels were part of the creation, "For by Him all things were created, in heaven and earth, visible and invisible......" -- Col. 1:16-17 Angels were created with the rest of the world, "..........all His angels: For He commanded and they were created. (Ps. 148:2-5)

Angels are of a higher order than mankind, " was created a little lower than heavenly beings." -- Ps. 8:4-5.

Angels do not marry. (Matthew 22:30). Angels are created with FREE WILL, just like man, and are capable of sinning against God. (2 Peter 2:4)

Angels are not to be worshiped (Rev. 19:10). Angels can be disciples of Satan (Matthew 25:41) There are existing "ranks" among angels. Michael is addressed as an Archangel..... a chief or captain among angels. (Jude 9, Dan. 10:13).

Angels can take on the form man as to not be recognized as angels, but angels are not men. (Dan. 8:15, Heb. 13:2), some have the appearance of soldiers when contacting man (Judges 5:13-15).


There are two kinds of beings in heaven who are called angels: those who are spirits and those who have bodies of flesh and bone. Angels who are spirits have not yet obtained a body of flesh and bone, or they are spirits who have once had a mortal body and are awaiting resurrection. Angels who have bodies of flesh and bone have either been resurrected from the dead or translated.
There are many references in scripture to the work of angels. Sometimes angels speak with a voice of thunder as they deliver God’s messages (Mosiah 27:11–16). Righteous mortal men may also be called angels (JST, Gen. 19:15 [Appendix]). Some angels serve around the throne of God in heaven (Alma 36:22).
The scriptures also speak of the devil’s angels. These are those spirits who followed Lucifer and were thrust out of God’s presence in the premortal life and cast down to the earth (Rev. 12:1–9; 2 Ne. 9:9, 16; D&C 29:36–37).
  • Jacob saw angels of God ascending and descending, Gen. 28:12.
  • Angels of God met Jacob, Gen. 32:1–2.
  • Gideon saw an angel of the Lord face to face, Judg. 6:22.
  • An angel stretched out his hand upon Jerusalem to destroy it, 2 Sam. 24:16.
  • An angel touched Elijah and said to him, Arise and eat, 1 Kgs. 19:5–7.
  • Daniel saw the angel Gabriel in a vision, Dan. 8:15–16.
  • The angel Michael helped Daniel, Dan. 10:13.
  • The angel Gabriel was sent from God, Luke 1:19, 26–27.
  • The devil’s angels will be reserved in chains unto the judgment, Jude 1:6 (2 Pet. 2:4).
  • People saw angels descending out of heaven, 3 Ne. 17:24.
  • Moroni wrote about the ministering of angels, Moro. 7:25–32.
  • The Aaronic Priesthood holds the keys of the ministering of angels, D&C 13.
  • Moroni, John the Baptist, Peter, James, John, Moses, Elijah, and Elias all ministered to Joseph Smith as angels, D&C 27:5–12.
  • Ye are not able to abide the ministering of angels, D&C 67:13.
  • Michael, the archangel, is Adam, D&C 107:54.
  • Angels are resurrected personages, having bodies of flesh and bones, D&C 129.
  • There are no angels who minister to this earth but those who belong to it, D&C 130:5.
  • Men who do not obey God’s law of eternal marriage neither marry nor are given in marriage but are appointed angels in heaven, D&C 132:16–17.
Doctrine and Covenants 129

Doctrine and Covenants

Instructions given by Joseph Smith the Prophet, at Nauvoo, Illinois, February 9, 1843, making known three grand keys by which the correct nature of ministering angels and spirits may be distinguished.
1–3, There are both resurrected and spirit bodies in heaven; 4–9, Keys are given whereby messengers from beyond the veil may be identified.

1 There are two kinds of beings in heaven, namely: Angels, who are resurrected personages, having bodies of flesh and bones—
2 For instance, Jesus said: Handle me and see, for a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see me have.
3 Secondly: the spirits of just men made perfect, they who are not resurrected, but inherit the same glory.
4 When a messenger comes saying he has a message from God, offer him your hand and request him to shake hands with you.
5 If he be an angel he will do so, and you will feel his hand.
6 If he be the spirit of a just man made perfect he will come in his glory; for that is the only way he can appear—
7 Ask him to shake hands with you, but he will not move, because it is contrary to the order of heaven for a just man to deceive; but he will still deliver his message.
8 If it be the devil as an angel of light, when you ask him to shake hands he will offer you his hand, and you will not feel anything; you may therefore detect him.
9 These are three grand keys whereby you may know whether any administration is from God.
I am trying to grasp the existence of souls as separate from our physical bodies. Are souls created at the moment of conception, or do they already exist beforehand? On a biological level, it seems that the penetration of a human egg by a sperm cell is hardly a metaphysical event. On a religious level, however, the Bible says that Jesus (The Word) existed even before Mary became pregnant.

This suggests to me that other souls may exist prior to human conception as well as after physical death. In that case, it seems that these eternal souls might inhabit our bodies only during our lifetimes before being reincarnated in someone else's body. Is this antithetical to Christian or other religious beliefs? If so, please explain.
The answer is no.

There is no eternal version of you called a soul.
"Man BECAME a living soul"

Eternal life is a GIFT -- Meaning you didn't have it until God GAVE it to you


There are two kinds of beings in heaven who are called angels: those who are spirits and those who have bodies of flesh and bone. Angels who are spirits have not yet obtained a body of flesh and bone, or they are spirits who have once had a mortal body and are awaiting resurrection. Angels who have bodies of flesh and bone have either been resurrected from the dead or translated.
There are many references in scripture to the work of angels. Sometimes angels speak with a voice of thunder as they deliver God’s messages (Mosiah 27:11–16). Righteous mortal men may also be called angels (JST, Gen. 19:15 [Appendix]). Some angels serve around the throne of God in heaven (Alma 36:22).
The scriptures also speak of the devil’s angels. These are those spirits who followed Lucifer and were thrust out of God’s presence in the premortal life and cast down to the earth (Rev. 12:1–9; 2 Ne. 9:9, 16; D&C 29:36–37).
  • Jacob saw angels of God ascending and descending, Gen. 28:12.
  • Angels of God met Jacob, Gen. 32:1–2.
  • Gideon saw an angel of the Lord face to face, Judg. 6:22.
  • An angel stretched out his hand upon Jerusalem to destroy it, 2 Sam. 24:16.
  • An angel touched Elijah and said to him, Arise and eat, 1 Kgs. 19:5–7.
  • Daniel saw the angel Gabriel in a vision, Dan. 8:15–16.
  • The angel Michael helped Daniel, Dan. 10:13.
  • The angel Gabriel was sent from God, Luke 1:19, 26–27.
  • The devil’s angels will be reserved in chains unto the judgment, Jude 1:6 (2 Pet. 2:4).
  • People saw angels descending out of heaven, 3 Ne. 17:24.
  • Moroni wrote about the ministering of angels, Moro. 7:25–32.
  • The Aaronic Priesthood holds the keys of the ministering of angels, D&C 13.
  • Moroni, John the Baptist, Peter, James, John, Moses, Elijah, and Elias all ministered to Joseph Smith as angels, D&C 27:5–12.
  • Ye are not able to abide the ministering of angels, D&C 67:13.
  • Michael, the archangel, is Adam, D&C 107:54.
  • Angels are resurrected personages, having bodies of flesh and bones, D&C 129.
  • There are no angels who minister to this earth but those who belong to it, D&C 130:5.
  • Men who do not obey God’s law of eternal marriage neither marry nor are given in marriage but are appointed angels in heaven, D&C 132:16–17.
False doctrine. Spirit beings (angels are spirit beings -- Heb. 1:13-14 ), have no flesh and bones as you are propagating. Jesus stated as much (Luke 24:39) Again you are confusing symbolic text with literal text. What? Are you suggesting that an angel, literally, stretched out his hands to destroy Jerusalem? -- 2 Sam. 24:16 :huh1: Historical was the Roman Empire that God used to bring judgement upon the sinful nation of Israel, Rome totally destroyed Jerusalem around 70 AD. Jesus Himself stated that this event would be the judgement of God when He compared this event that was to take place in "this very generation" with the prophecy of Daniel (1st century) -- Matthew 24:15 Jesus directly declared, "this is the desolation of abomination spoken of by Daniel" Jesus had warned the Jewish leadership that this generation would not pass until God's judgement would be upon them. (Matthew 24:34, Matthew 23:36)

No passage of scripture contradicts another, as all scripture is inspired of God (i.e, literally meaning, the breath of God) -- 2 Tim. 3:16. If you twist the scriptures to conform to your cults false doctrine, "..........YOU ARE NOT RIGHTLY DIVIDING THE WORD OF TRUTH" -- 2 Tim. 2:15

Your cult claims to have been inspired from Heaven........why then is a great deal of your holy book directly plagiarized from a middle aged antiquated Translation of the Bible.......the King James, error's of transmission included? God inspired the majority of the N.T. in the universal language of the day, "Koine Greek". It makes one wonder why God did not inspire a modern day prophet (Joseph Smith) to record the scripture in the book of Mormon in the modern English of Smith's day? :dunno:

God is not the author of confusion: (1 Cor. 14:33)

The Apostle Peter pegged cults such as the Mormons.....when he stated that some lacked the understanding of an Apostle such as Paul with the unlearned and unstable twisting the scriptures to their own destruction. (2 Peter 3:16)
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While I appreciate the Biblical references in this thread, their various citations and interpretations seem to underscore man's inability to completely understand the divine. The story of three blind men in a room with an elephant may be apropos: The first blind man feels the elephant's leg and describes it to be like a tree; the second blind man describes the nose to be like a snake; and the third blind man describes the tail to be like a rope. All three description are accurate, but no one understands the nature of an elephant.
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While I appreciate the Biblical references in this thread, their various citations and interpretations seem to underscore man's inability to completely understand the divine. The story of three blind men in a room with an elephant may be apropos: The first blind man feels the elephant's leg and describes it to be like a tree; the second blind man describes the nose to be like a snake; and the third blind man describes the tail to be like a rope. All three description are accurate, but no one understands the nature of an elephant.
The scriptures make it clear. God wants everyone to be saved by coming to the knowledge of the truth (1 Tim. 2:4). Where is TRUTH located? "Sanctify them in thy truth..........Your word is truth." -- John 17:17

God is not the author of confusion (1 Cor. 14:33) The scriptures SELF INTERPRET, private interpretation is forbidden, as the saints and holy prophets of God have already interpreted the messages from heaven as inspired by the Holy Spirit of Truth (2 Peter 1:20)

As far as understanding the Word of God: We are told that when we read what is written in the revealed word of God, we may understand it. "Whereby when you read, ye may understand my knowledge in the mystery of Christ." -- Eph. 3:4

More than that, we are COMMANDED to understand the will of God though the revealed word of God (Eph. 5:17), "Wherefore be not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is."

Again: The Holy Scriptures self interpret.

There is no "magic" bullet involved in understanding the word of God. Just as you do in all written forms of communication, you must retain the Subject Matter, the Context, and the actual text of the entire book, chapter and verse. The first passage of scripture contradicts another passage of scripture, as all come from the same source.........."All scripture is inspired from God......i.e, literally meaning God Breathed." -- 2 Tim. 3:16-17. Thus all scripture is good for teaching, instruction, doctrine, that the man of God may be complete (whole).

If you read one passage of scripture to contradict other passages of scripture, "You are not rightly dividing the Word of Truth." -- 2 Tim. 2:15

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