Do Studies Show That Gun Control Laws Work?

And where with strict firearm controls the firearm homicide rate is a fraction of that of the US. Just how fucking dumb and ignorant do you want to pretend to be?
Wrong again.

Strict gun laws did not reduce the murder rate in the UK to a lower rate than it was before all their gun laws and gun bans were passed.
CDC stats show Americans used a gun in self defense 1 million times a year.
The murder rate in the UK is about what it was in 1950 before all their draconian gun laws were passed.
They already had draconian gun laws in the 80s, when their firearm homicide rate was still a fraction of that of the US. Your snivelling is exactly that of tobacco lobbyists pretending lung cancer had nothing to do with cigarettes, it was merely a correlation.
They already had draconian gun laws in the 80s, when their firearm homicide rate was still a fraction of that of the US. Your snivelling is exactly that of tobacco lobbyists pretending lung cancer had nothing to do with cigarettes, it was merely a correlation.

If gun control laws lowered murder rates then the murder rate in the UK should be LOWER than it was BEFORE all those laws were passed and it is not.

That is a fact not a correlation.

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If gun control laws lowered murder rates then the murder rate in the UK should be LOWER than it was BEFORE all those laws were passed and it is not.
They had already lowered firearm homicide rates in the UK drastically below those in the US. Why do you keep talking about murder rather than firearm homicide?
Around 50% of US homicides are committed with handguns.
Yet, your heroes in DC keep pounding away that "assault rifles" are the ultimate evil. Ban them, wait a beat or two then repeat the script to ban handguns. Uh... NO...
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I see. You want to be that fucking dumb and ignorant.

Well, no surprise from the murder capital of the developed world.
You have no scientific data that gun laws are the reason for the differences in murder rates between two different countries.

The murder rate in the US is around 5 per 100K . Most of those murders are related to crime and illegal drugs. The vast majority of murders take place in small well defined areas in the poorest, shittiest most crime and poverty ridden areas of just a handful of our largest cities.

These murder occur because the fucking government does not want to stop them not because law abiding citizens own firearms.

But you like the other dipshit foreigners who come here and whine about the US don't know these things because you are utterly ignorant of the facts.

There are far many more variables that contribute to murder rates than just gun laws but simplistic morons like you can't understand that.
Yet, your heroes in DC keep pounding away that "assault rifles" are the ultimate evil. Ban them, wait a beat or two then repeat the script to ban handguns. Uh... NO...
Not my heroes. If they were, handguns would already be severely restricted.
Not my heroes. If they were, handguns would already be severely restricted.
You don't live here so your opinion is less than irrelevant when it comes to our laws and our government.
Except the incontrovertible experience of all the other developed nations, obvious for all to see except those who will not.
And you have not proven with any scientific data that it is gun laws and only gun laws that makes the difference between the murder rates

I know it doesn't because if it did CA would not have a murder rate that is 6 times higher than NH and CA would not lead the country in mass shootings by a wide margin

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