Do tax cuts work?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
The reality is YES and the CBO proves it!
So why aren't we aware of it? Because the MSM donated 96% to Hillary, then they spent the next 4 years with 92% negative news about Trump and then donating 90% to Biden in 2020 while ABC,CBS,NBC donated $400 million in advertising time by spending 92% negative, vs. just 8% positive from July 29 through October 20 Broadcast networks deliver 92% negative coverage for Trump, 66% positive for Biden: Study
Also COVID was totally dominating the news because it made Trump look responsible.
And the daily news starting off with USA deaths, cases was constantly pounding Americans that it was Trump's fault!
Tomorrow Randi Weingarten, president of the American Federation of Teachers, testifies as to COVID's causing school closings and "follow the science" was so wrong as more kids are having mental/social problems than actually died from Covid. These "science" followers did seem to realize what I did when in 3/31/20 I started tracking more information then evidently she and all the Trump haters who used Covid to cost our country our freedoms!
Simply put as of 4/25/23 a total of 0.00242% of the 74.3 million kids under 18 died... 1,779! And for that Data from the 2021 Adolescent Behaviors and Experiences Survey (ABES) indicate that 37.1% of U.S. high school students reported poor mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic, with 19.9% considering and 9.0% attempting suicide in the preceding year (1).Oct 14, 2022 Adverse Childhood Experiences During the COVID-19 ....
In 2019, 15.3 million students enrolled in high school (9th to 12th grade)
Consider that 9% attempted suicide... 1,377,000 9th to 12th graders attempted suicide... VS 1,779 deaths under 18!
This is truly the WORST example of politics superseding science. Politics being biased by MSM's totally blowing way out of proportion, encouraging school closings, stopping the economy in 2020! All for simple political hatred of Trump!
FACTS... Trump was only president to donate his 4 year salary of $ 1.6 million to charities!

A lot of tax breaks for corporations began expiring in 2017-2018, a lot of them merely extensions from 2015. There is a lot more, but facts aren't important here, just propaganda paid for by billioniaires and their assorted flunkies in Congress and academia. The GOP is committed to raising taxes on the working and middle class by some 23%, and calling it a 'Fair Tax', so don't expect either Party to pass anything favorable for the majority of Americans.
When some taxes are cut, others are doubled.
Doesn't matter what taxes are done what too..........they all get raised, more taxes are created, and we end up paying nothing BUT taxes on taxes on taxes on taxes on taxes.
A lot of tax breaks for corporations began expiring in 2017-2018, a lot of them merely extensions from 2015. There is a lot more, but facts aren't important here, just propaganda paid for by billioniaires and their assorted flunkies in Congress and academia. The GOP is committed to raising taxes on the working and middle class by some 23%, and calling it a 'Fair Tax', so don't expect either Party to pass anything favorable for the majority of Americans.
YOU are SO wrong! Where is your proof of your statements? ZERO! See this is what stupid people do... they make stupid UNVERIFIABLE statements!
Now for the FACTS!!!

Since 2021, federal revenue as a percent of the economy has been well above the historic average and is estimated by CBO to remain elevated through the next decade. Even in the years directly after the 2017 tax cuts, revenue did not fall below the previous decade’s average of 16.3 percent of GDP.

The projections in Figures 1 and 2 assume Congress does not change current law, in which significant pieces of the 2017 tax cuts expire at the end of 2025, automatically raising taxes on most individuals and businesses by about $2.7 trillion through 2032. In the years before the scheduled tax increases, revenues are still estimated to remain at or above the historic average.

These projections also tell the cautionary tale that tax increases alone cannot cover the rising cost of federal spending. Even after the 2017 tax cuts expire, CBO projects the annual deficit to reach $2.7 trillion in 2033. President Biden’s 2023 budget proposed about $1.7 trillion in new taxes over ten years, about half of which would come from raising the corporate tax rate from 21 percent to 28 percent. Setting aside the economic cost of raising taxes on American employers, even the Biden Administration’s politically unrealistic proposed tax increases would only cover about 8 percent of the CBO’s projected 10‐year deficit.
NOW dummy here is the chart the CBO projects and do you understand what this means???
Of course not! BECAUSE you and your ignorant ILK don't understand a simple analogy!! A rising tide raises all ships!
Do you understand? If you cut taxes then the corporations don't do like dummies like you would do...i.e. bury revenue in the back yard on under their mattresses!
These evil businesses buy more assets, hire more people and again dummies like you have no idea that EVERY AMERICAN EMPLOYER pays into the government 6.2% matching their employee's 6.2% for FICA/MEDICARE! but of course you think that goes to pay SS/Medicare BUT again dummies
like you don't seem to comprehend that all of that money goes in as REVENUE to the government! FACT:
The federal government collects revenue from a variety of sources, including individual income taxes, payroll taxes, corporate income taxes, and excise taxes. It also collects revenue from services like admission to national parks and customs duties.
NOTE the sources... Social Insurance taxes are the 2nd largest, i.e. AGAIN dummies like you obviously don't realize employers pay 6.2% in social taxes!

The reality is YES and the CBO proves it!
So why aren't we aware of it? Because the MSM donated 96% to Hillary, then they spent the next 4 years with 92% negative news about Trump and then donating 90% to Biden in 2020 while ABC,CBS,NBC donated $400 million in advertising time by spending 92% negative, vs. just 8% positive from July 29 through October 20 Broadcast networks deliver 92% negative coverage for Trump, 66% positive for Biden: Study
Also COVID was totally dominating the news because it made Trump look responsible.
And the daily news starting off with USA deaths, cases was constantly pounding Americans that it was Trump's fault!
Tomorrow Randi Weingarten, president of the American Federation of Teachers, testifies as to COVID's causing school closings and "follow the science" was so wrong as more kids are having mental/social problems than actually died from Covid. These "science" followers did seem to realize what I did when in 3/31/20 I started tracking more information then evidently she and all the Trump haters who used Covid to cost our country our freedoms!
Simply put as of 4/25/23 a total of 0.00242% of the 74.3 million kids under 18 died... 1,779! And for that Data from the 2021 Adolescent Behaviors and Experiences Survey (ABES) indicate that 37.1% of U.S. high school students reported poor mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic, with 19.9% considering and 9.0% attempting suicide in the preceding year (1).Oct 14, 2022 Adverse Childhood Experiences During the COVID-19 ....
In 2019, 15.3 million students enrolled in high school (9th to 12th grade)
Consider that 9% attempted suicide... 1,377,000 9th to 12th graders attempted suicide... VS 1,779 deaths under 18!
This is truly the WORST example of politics superseding science. Politics being biased by MSM's totally blowing way out of proportion, encouraging school closings, stopping the economy in 2020! All for simple political hatred of Trump!
FACTS... Trump was only president to donate his 4 year salary of $ 1.6 million to charities!
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when the government has money its 100% wasted,, when the people have it its 100% put back into the economy,,
YOU are SO wrong! Where is your proof of your statements? ZERO! See this is what stupid people do... they make stupid UNVERIFIABLE statements!
Now for the FACTS!!!

Since 2021, federal revenue as a percent of the economy has been well above the historic average and is estimated by CBO to remain elevated through the next decade. Even in the years directly after the 2017 tax cuts, revenue did not fall below the previous decade’s average of 16.3 percent of GDP.

The projections in Figures 1 and 2 assume Congress does not change current law, in which significant pieces of the 2017 tax cuts expire at the end of 2025, automatically raising taxes on most individuals and businesses by about $2.7 trillion through 2032. In the years before the scheduled tax increases, revenues are still estimated to remain at or above the historic average.

These projections also tell the cautionary tale that tax increases alone cannot cover the rising cost of federal spending. Even after the 2017 tax cuts expire, CBO projects the annual deficit to reach $2.7 trillion in 2033. President Biden’s 2023 budget proposed about $1.7 trillion in new taxes over ten years, about half of which would come from raising the corporate tax rate from 21 percent to 28 percent. Setting aside the economic cost of raising taxes on American employers, even the Biden Administration’s politically unrealistic proposed tax increases would only cover about 8 percent of the CBO’s projected 10‐year deficit.
NOW dummy here is the chart the CBO projects and do you understand what this means???
Of course not! BECAUSE you and your ignorant ILK don't understand a simple analogy!! A rising tide raises all ships!
Do you understand? If you cut taxes then the corporations don't do like dummies like you would do...i.e. bury revenue in the back yard on under their mattresses!
These evil businesses buy more assets, hire more people and again dummies like you have no idea that EVERY AMERICAN EMPLOYER pays into the government 6.2% matching their employee's 6.2% for FICA/MEDICARE! but of course you think that goes to pay SS/Medicare BUT again dummies
like you don't seem to comprehend that all of that money goes in as REVENUE to the government! FACT:
The federal government collects revenue from a variety of sources, including individual income taxes, payroll taxes, corporate income taxes, and excise taxes. It also collects revenue from services like admission to national parks and customs duties.
NOTE the sources... Social Insurance taxes are the 2nd largest, i.e. AGAIN dummies like you obviously don't realize employers pay 6.2% in social taxes!
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\lol a lot of noise, and it leaves out, like, a lot of data that show 'tax cuts' had zero to do with the increases, just a lot of blow hard bullshit. If you're stupid and want to believe govt. stats, go ahead and be a suck ass tool. I don't mind.

Foreign investment alone skyrocketed during the period, for just one reason, and that wasn't caused by 'tax cuts', it was instability in nearly all foriegn markets and the rush to dollar denominated assets, and the profit taking and gains that resulted then and is still going on now. There is a lot more, but you're an idiot shill and most sane people can do their own research if they were too stoned to remember the last 5 years or so and all that went with it.

Just admit you don't know squat about anything and just want to LARP on the innernetz as some sort of rightwing nutjob, because you're pissed off about all the extra booze, dope, and porn you could buy if your payroll taxes were zero.
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A lot of tax breaks for corporations began expiring in 2017-2018, a lot of them merely extensions from 2015. There is a lot more, but facts aren't important here, just propaganda paid for by billioniaires and their assorted flunkies in Congress and academia. The GOP is committed to raising taxes on the working and middle class by some 23%, and calling it a 'Fair Tax', so don't expect either Party to pass anything favorable for the majority of Americans.
except Democrats, as always
When some taxes are cut, others are doubled.
Doesn't matter what taxes are done what too..........they all get raised, more taxes are created, and we end up paying nothing BUT taxes on taxes on taxes on taxes on taxes.

It's Fun With Semantics; when an extended delay in paying taxes ends, they pretend it's not a 'tax increase n stuff', along with other nonsense, like Nancy Pelosi and her friends all run out and start new businesses n stuff when they get tax cuts. lol it's just dumbassery on parade. Both ends of the wing nut spectrum lie all day every day.
Tax cuts only work if they're coupled with spending cuts.

If you cut taxes without cutting enough spending you just add money to the deficit, Because the government then has less money to spend and have to borrw it.

This happened under reagan, bush, and Trump. All of them gave massive tax cuts primarily to corporations and the wealthy, But didn't cut spending even a tenth of the amount and they were cutting from taxes.

In general republicans talk about cutting back spending but they hardly ever actually do that. They will cut taxes, But they will only Cut spending for programs that they consider liberal programs. And in many cases, The spending they cut is a drop in the bucket. Compared to the amount of money they are cutting out of the tax pool. Which is ironic since bouncing the budget is A primary tenant of republican politics, But they never actually make moves to do that.
we have to tax the rich again to invest in America again. this trickle down garbage doesn't work except to make the rich ridiculously rich
except Democrats, as always

lol your Uncle Joe passed the largest corporate welfare bills in history, 90% pork, and all they had to do to find some REpublicans to get it passed was hand out a huge tax break to hedge fund managers and an 'accelerated depreciation' scam. Bill Gates got $300 million in Federal cash to start a battery factory for instance. Do you really think Bill Gates needs a free $300 million handout? Nah, nobody does.
The reality is YES and the CBO proves it!
So why aren't we aware of it? Because the MSM donated 96% to Hillary, then they spent the next 4 years with 92% negative news about Trump and then donating 90% to Biden in 2020 while ABC,CBS,NBC donated $400 million in advertising time by spending 92% negative, vs. just 8% positive from July 29 through October 20 Broadcast networks deliver 92% negative coverage for Trump, 66% positive for Biden: Study
Also COVID was totally dominating the news because it made Trump look responsible.
And the daily news starting off with USA deaths, cases was constantly pounding Americans that it was Trump's fault!
Tomorrow Randi Weingarten, president of the American Federation of Teachers, testifies as to COVID's causing school closings and "follow the science" was so wrong as more kids are having mental/social problems than actually died from Covid. These "science" followers did seem to realize what I did when in 3/31/20 I started tracking more information then evidently she and all the Trump haters who used Covid to cost our country our freedoms!
Simply put as of 4/25/23 a total of 0.00242% of the 74.3 million kids under 18 died... 1,779! And for that Data from the 2021 Adolescent Behaviors and Experiences Survey (ABES) indicate that 37.1% of U.S. high school students reported poor mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic, with 19.9% considering and 9.0% attempting suicide in the preceding year (1).Oct 14, 2022 Adverse Childhood Experiences During the COVID-19 ....
In 2019, 15.3 million students enrolled in high school (9th to 12th grade)
Consider that 9% attempted suicide... 1,377,000 9th to 12th graders attempted suicide... VS 1,779 deaths under 18!
This is truly the WORST example of politics superseding science. Politics being biased by MSM's totally blowing way out of proportion, encouraging school closings, stopping the economy in 2020! All for simple political hatred of Trump!
FACTS... Trump was only president to donate his 4 year salary of $ 1.6 million to charities!
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If you don't bother to pay your taxes, as the Bidens failed to claim and pay taxes on the billions of dollars they received from China, Russia, etc..., tax cuts don't matter.
lol your Uncle Joe passed the largest corporate welfare bills in history, 90% pork, and all they had to do to find some REpublicans to get it passed was hand out a huge tax break to hedge fund managers and an 'accelerated depreciation' scam. Bill Gates got $300 million in Federal cash to start a battery factory for instance. Do you really think Bill Gates needs a free $300 million handout? Nah, nobody does.
he also ordered a 15% minimum tax on corporations and everything is working just fine as opposed to when the Republicans get in And every time they have a corrupt deregulation bubble and bust and recession or depression. Not to mention their alternate universe of garbage propaganda
he also ordered a 15% minimum tax on corporations and everything is working just fine as opposed to when the Republicans get in And every time they have a corrupt deregulation bubble and bust and recession or depression. Not to mention their alternate universe of garbage propaganda

lol your Hero Obama presided over the biggest bailout of criminals and swindlers in history.
lol your Uncle Joe passed the largest corporate welfare bills in history, 90% pork, and all they had to do to find some REpublicans to get it passed was hand out a huge tax break to hedge fund managers and an 'accelerated depreciation' scam. Bill Gates got $300 million in Federal cash to start a battery factory for instance. Do you really think Bill Gates needs a free $300 million handout? Nah, nobody does.
You're FOS.
That was Trump, moron.

POLITICO analysis: At $2.3 trillion cost, Trump tax cuts ...​

Politico › story › 2018/02/28 › tax-c...

Feb 28, 2018 — POLITICO's own calculations, working entirely from data in the 2018 and 2019 budgets, indicate that the added revenues generated by the tax cuts ...

Trump signs massive $2.3 trillion coronavirus relief package​

Roll Call › 2020/03/27 › massive-coro...

Mar 27, 2020 — Trump signed the largest fiscal relief measure in U.S. history Friday, just hours after the House cleared the roughly $2.3 trillion package.

Mnuchin is Keeping $500 Billion in Bailout Funds Secret​

Public Citizen › news › keeping-500-billion-i...

Jun 11, 2020 — Note: U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin told Congress Wednesday that the Trump administration intends to keep secret the names of the ...

Trump administration won't say who got $511 billion in ...​

Washington Post › 2020/06/11 › trum...

Jun 11, 2020 — In a reversal from their previous position, the Treasury Department and Small Business Administration say the names and loan amounts of ...

US companies' tax windfall fuels record share buybacks​

AP News › article

Apr 4, 2019 — U.S. corporations spent a record amount buying back their own shares last year, using 2017's tax-cut windfall to reward shareholders rather ...


Americans For Tax Fairness › key-facts-america...

Claims that corporations are sharing a big slice of their huge Trump tax cuts with employees through bonuses and wage hikes are mostly hype, the “Trump Tax ...

'Eye-popping' payouts for CEOs follow Trump's tax cuts​

Politico › story › 2018/07/30 › eye-...

Jul 30, 2018 — Some of the biggest winners from President Donald Trump's new tax law are corporate executives who have reaped gains as their companies buy ...
You're FOS.
That was Trump, moron.

POLITICO analysis: At $2.3 trillion cost, Trump tax cuts ...

View attachment 779797
Politico › story › 2018/02/28 › tax-c...
Feb 28, 2018 — POLITICO's own calculations, working entirely from data in the 2018 and 2019 budgets, indicate that the added revenues generated by the tax cuts ...

Trump signs massive $2.3 trillion coronavirus relief package

View attachment 779799
Roll Call › 2020/03/27 › massive-coro...
Mar 27, 2020 — Trump signed the largest fiscal relief measure in U.S. history Friday, just hours after the House cleared the roughly $2.3 trillion package.

Mnuchin is Keeping $500 Billion in Bailout Funds Secret

View attachment 779800
Public Citizen › news › keeping-500-billion-i...
Jun 11, 2020 — Note: U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin told Congress Wednesday that the Trump administration intends to keep secret the names of the ...

Trump administration won't say who got $511 billion in ...

View attachment 779801
Washington Post › 2020/06/11 › trum...
Jun 11, 2020 — In a reversal from their previous position, the Treasury Department and Small Business Administration say the names and loan amounts of ...

lol Politico ... why not just post rubbish from MAd Cow or Hillary? Dumbass spin doesn't impress. Your usual weak attempts at pretending Democrats aren't corrupt little corporate ass kissers is touching.

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