Do the board leftists support a $94 trillion dollar green new deal?

Do I approve the idea of forwarding things like investments into renewable energy? Yes.

Your question is far too broad. What you ask about is a huge undertaking and not anywhere close to passing. It should get introduced into the House and debated. The Senate should get a crack at it and so on and so forth and then we can decide what we support and what we do not.

I do not support things like a carbon tax.

What's there to debate? It was already debated in the Democrat Party and its a plank in their platform.

If the D's have a majority in both houses of Congress, it will pass. And if there is a Democrat President, it will be signed into law. If the D's don't have majorities in both houses, it will fail or probably not even offered for a vote.

Yes, but I am afraid many who voted for Biden/Harris aren’t aware of this. The left took advantage of a pandemic and an MSM that is in the bag to get their crazy left-wing nut agenda into office. Harris will be running the show in very short order. If Biden is president and they cheat again to win the 2 senate seats in GA, we are completely done and there is no one to blame except gullible, ignorant, childish Democrats.

If Trump had been even a little bit of a decent person he would have won again.
Sensitive little queers.
So we should destroy the environment in the approved New Green Deal way by putting up wind mills and solar panels that take up a lot more land
I can see 3 wind mills from where I'm sitting, each takes up about the size of a decent size housing plot. Solar is even simpler. each of us can simply put some up their roof.
nd have a high removal cost due to the hazardous materials they contain.
I'm sorry to tell you, but nearly all products we use today contain quantities of hazardous materials, everything from cell phones to tv's to the cars we drive. The removal cost of the hazardous materials doesn't seem any hindrance to it's use, why is it a problem with solar cells and windmills? Not to mention that the cost of removing those materials that are often recycled pale in comparison to the cost of removing spend fuel rods that have to be stored for in some cases hundreds of thousands of years ( a time scale that makes doing so an effort in futility) in order to be rendered harmless.
At least with my method we still have $93 trillion to spend on hazardous waste cleanup.
That sentence would mean something if. One, someone could explain to me where that number comes from?
Two, someone can explain to me why only the cost of a entire new industry with all it's attended benefits like job creation and profit from producing it, is considered?
Three, someone can explain to me why the cost of not reacting and global sea levels rising and increased droughts, forest fires, etc., etc. seems to be conveniently NOT considered?

It's not so much the disposal as the damage that mining rare earth elements causes.

Doesn't it seem a bit shortsighted to pin our future electrical power needs on rare earths that are difficult to mine and have horrid environmental impact?

It seems a little contradictory to "save the planet" by using materials that create toxic sludge dumps.
Depends on what the alternatives are. If there's a clean source of energy that hasn't have any environmental cost associated to manufacturing I haven't heard about it. Until we do, the completely not contradictory way of thinking about it, would be the form of energy that has the least environmental cost.
View attachment 414630

Just build a hundred nuclear power plants for about 1% of the new green deal cost.

Problem solved.



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At the moment commercial exploitation of nuclear energy has been going on for about 50 years. In those 50 years we've had 2 major and one serious incident with nuclear energy. The impact of those major ones has made uninhabitable 2600 square km in Ukraine and a few towns in Japan. It seems to me that one major accident once every 15 years or so, considering the impact of those accidents are a major problem on their own.

Chernobyl was only a disaster because of typical communist crappy reactor design and construction.
Climate crisis could kill off great tits, scientists warn.


The Campaign To Get Country Boys To Support Combating the "Climate Crisis".
How many does it take to generate the power a nuclear plant supplies?

Feel free to put them in your back yard.
True, although one windmill can provide power for about 300 households. Doesn't seem all that prohibitive.

Then they should be able to generate just as much power as those nuclear power plants and the New Green Deal only needs one trillion dollars.

The materials used to make windmills and solar panels is highly hazardous and/or nonrecyclable (wind mill blades).
I beg to differ. Recycling of wind turbine blades - Appropedia: The sustainability wiki

My sources say otherwise.

How much waste is going to be generated from your new green deal projects in comparison to nuclear when compared to power generated? I bet there's millions of tons more.
True, on the other hand I rather get rid of copper and composites material than spend uranium fuel rods.

I already addressed this.

I can get rid of radioactive waste by placing it in subduction zones. You know where the tectonic plates go down into the earth and will take whatever is on them with them.
Great idea. Lets make a construction designed to hold tons of highly radioactive materials in a place that by definition is earthquake sensitive. You do realize that that's the manner how stuff is "taken" with it right? We are talking a process of inches a year


Cost savings of not investing $94 trillion on your New Green Deal.
Answers nothing. How exactly is this number calculated? What's the time frame? Just consider how high that number is. You are trying to claim that anyone is suggesting to spend 94 000 BILLION dollars on wind and solar power.

That's what the OP states it will cost. Learn to read.

Nuclear power plants generate jobs too.
Sure they do. And yet I'm not trying to make the argument that nuclear power can create jobs. I was asking why green power creating jobs is NOT being considered.

Then obviously the jobs created by nuclear power are a better investment than the extra $93 trillion you think you need to spend on your New Green Deal agenda.

The climate has always changed. There was an ice age just ten thousand years ago. Didn't someone tell you that in school?

There was a warming period just a thousand years ago also. Did you know they were growing grapes in Greenland then?
A few thousand years ago they where growing grapes in Greenland? A few thousand years ago agriculture was hardly discovered. If you would say grapes grew in Greenland I would believe you.

When you learn to read we'll come back to this.

The climate has always changed. Climate though has never changed so quickly, nor has the climate changing happened in a world that has 7.8 billion people in it, or have those 7.8 billion people been both the cause and are in a position to influence the severity of that climate change.

I don't see any proof of that.

It also is not answering my question. Why is the attended cost of the consequences of doing nothing not considered. Both in human and raw economics?

The economics of the situation is addressed building nuclear power plants will only cost 1% of what your New Green Deal costs.



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If the actual number is 93 trillion, you can be sure that due to government waste that number will actually be 293 trillion.

Then they will continue to blame Trump for the debt.
If the actual number is 93 trillion, you can be sure that due to government waste that number will actually be 293 trillion.

Then they will continue to blame Trump for the debt.
Climate Scientists log more air miles than any other group of scientists. So I don't want to hear another damn word about my rather negligible carbon footprint.
Where does $94,000,000,000,000 come from?

Given that it’s 5x the economy, that number seems a tad bit off.
I quote the Democrats who have been mentioning features of the GND...
Rebuilding every structure and all infrastructure in the US to take advantage of solar power.
If the actual number is 93 trillion, you can be sure that due to government waste that number will actually be 293 trillion.

Then they will continue to blame Trump for the debt.
Climate Scientists log more air miles than any other group of scientists. So I don't want to hear another damn word about my rather negligible carbon footprint.
The Obama's modest cabin on Martha's Vineyard...

Burning more carbons and wasting more resources than a small town. Not too worried about sea levels either.

Hypocrites gotta hypocrite.

I will enjoy my Hemi Jeep without an ounce of guilt.
If the actual number is 93 trillion, you can be sure that due to government waste that number will actually be 293 trillion.

Then they will continue to blame Trump for the debt.

Due to the ambitious projects that the New Green Deal encompasses, they just aren't going to get down, regardless of the money spent. Retrofitting every structure in America for "green compliance"?, it just isn't going to be done and can't be done.

Sort of the the California High Speed Rail System. They will be fortunate if they complete the distance between Merced and Fresno by 2050.
If the actual number is 93 trillion, you can be sure that due to government waste that number will actually be 293 trillion.

Then they will continue to blame Trump for the debt.
Actual number is $3 trillion over 10 years.
If the actual number is 93 trillion, you can be sure that due to government waste that number will actually be 293 trillion.

Then they will continue to blame Trump for the debt.
Actual number is $3 trillion over 10 years.
Rebuilding every structure and all infrastructure in the US to take advantage of solar power.
Sounds like a bargain.
Let's open up that Southern Border and get to work!
Where does $94,000,000,000,000 come from?

Given that it’s 5x the economy, that number seems a tad bit off.
I quote the Democrats who have been mentioning features of the GND...
Rebuilding every structure and all infrastructure in the US to take advantage of solar power.
Gee. Solar doesn't work at night, to the surprise of Californians experiencing blackouts.

If the actual number is 93 trillion, you can be sure that due to government waste that number will actually be 293 trillion.

Then they will continue to blame Trump for the debt.
Climate Scientists log more air miles than any other group of scientists. So I don't want to hear another damn word about my rather negligible carbon footprint.
The Obama's modest cabin on Martha's Vineyard...View attachment 414956
Burning more carbons and wasting more resources than a small town. Not too worried about sea levels either.

Hypocrites gotta hypocrite.

I will enjoy my Hemi Jeep without an ounce of guilt.
You get indulgences if you spout commie horseshit with a powerful sense of conviction.
Where does $94,000,000,000,000 come from?

Given that it’s 5x the economy, that number seems a tad bit off.
I quote the Democrats who have been mentioning features of the GND...
Rebuilding every structure and all infrastructure in the US to take advantage of solar power.
Gee. Solar doesn't work at night, to the surprise of Californians experiencing blackouts.

View attachment 414967
They need mice Business Visas to run the electric treadmills.

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