Do the board leftists support a $94 trillion dollar green new deal?

Do I approve the idea of forwarding things like investments into renewable energy? Yes.

Your question is far too broad. What you ask about is a huge undertaking and not anywhere close to passing. It should get introduced into the House and debated. The Senate should get a crack at it and so on and so forth and then we can decide what we support and what we do not.

I do not support things like a carbon tax.
I have no problem with renewable energy investment but it should not be funded by the Government. Giving companies that invest tax breaks would be a better option.

The government is never going to be hands off. You can make your argument but it's unattainable right now. Even Trump spent spent spent.

So we would be far better off spending on energy than billions on war. Did we elect someone that will do that? Not likely.

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