Do the board leftists support a $94 trillion dollar green new deal?

obviously pknopp thinks the suffering of millions in Venezuela is funny.

I'm telling you wise people, these people are SICK. Let them rule your country at your own peril.

They won’t see it. They aren’t unique. They are just as gullible as others in the world who have fallen victim. Cubans voted for Trump in Florida. Wanna know why? They know first hand where the policies of the Democrats lead. They have experienced it. They aren’t spoiled and naive like Democrats in the US.
obviously pknopp thinks the suffering of millions in Venezuela is funny.

I'm telling you wise people, these people are SICK. Let them rule your country at your own peril.

The same claims were made about Obama during a time fracking boomed and he approved a ton of offshore wells.

I'm laughing at you.

Maybe you are right. Biden is for sale so it is possible he can be bought to support fracking. I guess that would be a dirty deal we may have to make.
Do I approve the idea of forwarding things like investments into renewable energy? Yes.

Your question is far too broad. What you ask about is a huge undertaking and not anywhere close to passing. It should get introduced into the House and debated. The Senate should get a crack at it and so on and so forth and then we can decide what we support and what we do not.

I do not support things like a carbon tax.

What's there to debate? It was already debated in the Democrat Party and its a plank in their platform.

If the D's have a majority in both houses of Congress, it will pass. And if there is a Democrat President, it will be signed into law. If the D's don't have majorities in both houses, it will fail or probably not even offered for a vote.

Yes, but I am afraid many who voted for Biden/Harris aren’t aware of this. The left took advantage of a pandemic and an MSM that is in the bag to get their crazy left-wing nut agenda into office. Harris will be running the show in very short order. If Biden is president and they cheat again to win the 2 senate seats in GA, we are completely done and there is no one to blame except gullible, ignorant, childish Democrats.

If Trump had been even a little bit of a decent person he would have won again.

Once again, a horrible reason NOT to vote for a President. Pragmatism matters most. I don’t care if my football coach is a jerk if he wins. Bellicheck comes to mind.

And yet nearly 80 million decided the same.

Belicheck succeeded as a coach. Trump didn't. (other than stopping Hillary from being president)
The race isn't over. And Trump brought the people of the United States time. Four precious years to make or not make a decision that will forever change the nation. Trump was the United States that still moved left. Biden is the globalist government that will tax us to pay for the planet.

How about we start with our 27 trillion deficit?

Its up to Sleepy Joe to address and pay that off. If Biden will be ruling America next year, we'll see how the liberal fiscal hawks respond.

Probably the same way Trump did.

Trump was literally crucified over borrowing money for the Corona Panic.

The libs now will have a chance to do the right thing, and I will be keeping an eye on them, making sure that they pay off the debt.
So we should destroy the environment in the approved New Green Deal way by putting up wind mills and solar panels that take up a lot more land
I can see 3 wind mills from where I'm sitting, each takes up about the size of a decent size housing plot. Solar is even simpler. each of us can simply put some up their roof.
nd have a high removal cost due to the hazardous materials they contain.
I'm sorry to tell you, but nearly all products we use today contain quantities of hazardous materials, everything from cell phones to tv's to the cars we drive. The removal cost of the hazardous materials doesn't seem any hindrance to it's use, why is it a problem with solar cells and windmills? Not to mention that the cost of removing those materials that are often recycled pale in comparison to the cost of removing spend fuel rods that have to be stored for in some cases hundreds of thousands of years ( a time scale that makes doing so an effort in futility) in order to be rendered harmless.
At least with my method we still have $93 trillion to spend on hazardous waste cleanup.
That sentence would mean something if. One, someone could explain to me where that number comes from?
Two, someone can explain to me why only the cost of a entire new industry with all it's attended benefits like job creation and profit from producing it, is considered?
Three, someone can explain to me why the cost of not reacting and global sea levels rising and increased droughts, forest fires, etc., etc. seems to be conveniently NOT considered?
obviously pknopp thinks the suffering of millions in Venezuela is funny.

I'm telling you wise people, these people are SICK. Let them rule your country at your own peril.

They won’t see it. They aren’t unique. They are just as gullible as others in the world who have fallen victim. Cubans voted for Trump in Florida. Wanna know why? They know first hand where the policies of the Democrats lead. They have experienced it. They aren’t spoiled and naive like Democrats in the US.
Cubans simply fall for right wing Hoaxes easier. The rest of us know better.
Do I approve the idea of forwarding things like investments into renewable energy? Yes.

Your question is far too broad. What you ask about is a huge undertaking and not anywhere close to passing. It should get introduced into the House and debated. The Senate should get a crack at it and so on and so forth and then we can decide what we support and what we do not.

I do not support things like a carbon tax.

What's there to debate? It was already debated in the Democrat Party and its a plank in their platform.

If the D's have a majority in both houses of Congress, it will pass. And if there is a Democrat President, it will be signed into law. If the D's don't have majorities in both houses, it will fail or probably not even offered for a vote.

Yes, but I am afraid many who voted for Biden/Harris aren’t aware of this. The left took advantage of a pandemic and an MSM that is in the bag to get their crazy left-wing nut agenda into office. Harris will be running the show in very short order. If Biden is president and they cheat again to win the 2 senate seats in GA, we are completely done and there is no one to blame except gullible, ignorant, childish Democrats.

If Trump had been even a little bit of a decent person he would have won again.

Once again, a horrible reason NOT to vote for a President. Pragmatism matters most. I don’t care if my football coach is a jerk if he wins. Bellicheck comes to mind.

And yet nearly 80 million decided the same.

Belicheck succeeded as a coach. Trump didn't. (other than stopping Hillary from being president)
The race isn't over. And Trump brought the people of the United States time. Four precious years to make or not make a decision that will forever change the nation. Trump was the United States that still moved left. Biden is the globalist government that will tax us to pay for the planet.

How about we start with our 27 trillion deficit?

Its up to Sleepy Joe to address and pay that off. If Biden will be ruling America next year, we'll see how the liberal fiscal hawks respond.

Probably the same way Trump did.

Trump was literally crucified over borrowing money for the Corona Panic.

The libs now will have a chance to do the right thing, and I will be keeping an eye on them, making sure that they pay off the debt.

I doubt they will. In four years we will probably be $30 trillion plus in debt.
obviously pknopp thinks the suffering of millions in Venezuela is funny.

I'm telling you wise people, these people are SICK. Let them rule your country at your own peril.

The same claims were made about Obama during a time fracking boomed and he approved a ton of offshore wells.

I'm laughing at you.

Wow. This is completely unrelated to the suffering of Venezuelans .
Perhaps what you're saying is "I don't give a shit about people suffering under socialism....because I still think it's the best system, regardless of overwhelming proof otherwise."
obviously pknopp thinks the suffering of millions in Venezuela is funny.

I'm telling you wise people, these people are SICK. Let them rule your country at your own peril.

The same claims were made about Obama during a time fracking boomed and he approved a ton of offshore wells.

I'm laughing at you.

Wow. This is completely unrelated to the suffering of Venezuelans .
Perhaps what you're saying is "I don't give a shit about people suffering under socialism....because I still think it's the best system, regardless of overwhelming proof otherwise."

They are suffering under corrupt leadership. Something we have long suffered under with the only difference being we can print, print, print but that is not going to last forever.
obviously pknopp thinks the suffering of millions in Venezuela is funny.

I'm telling you wise people, these people are SICK. Let them rule your country at your own peril.

They won’t see it. They aren’t unique. They are just as gullible as others in the world who have fallen victim. Cubans voted for Trump in Florida. Wanna know why? They know first hand where the policies of the Democrats lead. They have experienced it. They aren’t spoiled and naive like Democrats in the US.
Cubans simply fall for right wing Hoaxes easier. The rest of us know better.

Perhaps Cubans have been through dealing with the effects of Dictators.....and know well what Socialism ultimately brings
And would stomp your ignorant ass into the ground for your stupidity and insults.
obviously pknopp thinks the suffering of millions in Venezuela is funny.

I'm telling you wise people, these people are SICK. Let them rule your country at your own peril.

The same claims were made about Obama during a time fracking boomed and he approved a ton of offshore wells.

I'm laughing at you.

Wow. This is completely unrelated to the suffering of Venezuelans .
Perhaps what you're saying is "I don't give a shit about people suffering under socialism....because I still think it's the best system, regardless of overwhelming proof otherwise."

They are suffering under corrupt leadership. Something we have long suffered under with the only difference being we can print, print, print but that is not going to last forever.

Exactly....LEFTIST "leadership" chosen by ignorant people who were tricked into voting for corrupt Elites such as maduro or biden
Do I approve the idea of forwarding things like investments into renewable energy? Yes.

Your question is far too broad. What you ask about is a huge undertaking and not anywhere close to passing. It should get introduced into the House and debated. The Senate should get a crack at it and so on and so forth and then we can decide what we support and what we do not.

I do not support things like a carbon tax.

What's there to debate? It was already debated in the Democrat Party and its a plank in their platform.

If the D's have a majority in both houses of Congress, it will pass. And if there is a Democrat President, it will be signed into law. If the D's don't have majorities in both houses, it will fail or probably not even offered for a vote.

Yes, but I am afraid many who voted for Biden/Harris aren’t aware of this. The left took advantage of a pandemic and an MSM that is in the bag to get their crazy left-wing nut agenda into office. Harris will be running the show in very short order. If Biden is president and they cheat again to win the 2 senate seats in GA, we are completely done and there is no one to blame except gullible, ignorant, childish Democrats.

If Trump had been even a little bit of a decent person he would have won again.

Once again, a horrible reason NOT to vote for a President. Pragmatism matters most. I don’t care if my football coach is a jerk if he wins. Bellicheck comes to mind.

And yet nearly 80 million decided the same.

Belicheck succeeded as a coach. Trump didn't. (other than stopping Hillary from being president)
The race isn't over. And Trump brought the people of the United States time. Four precious years to make or not make a decision that will forever change the nation. Trump was the United States that still moved left. Biden is the globalist government that will tax us to pay for the planet.

How about we start with our 27 trillion deficit?

Its up to Sleepy Joe to address and pay that off. If Biden will be ruling America next year, we'll see how the liberal fiscal hawks respond.

Probably the same way Trump did.

Trump was literally crucified over borrowing money for the Corona Panic.

The libs now will have a chance to do the right thing, and I will be keeping an eye on them, making sure that they pay off the debt.

The Election is not yet decided.

You have already conceded
obviously pknopp thinks the suffering of millions in Venezuela is funny.

I'm telling you wise people, these people are SICK. Let them rule your country at your own peril.

The same claims were made about Obama during a time fracking boomed and he approved a ton of offshore wells.

I'm laughing at you.

Wow. This is completely unrelated to the suffering of Venezuelans .
Perhaps what you're saying is "I don't give a shit about people suffering under socialism....because I still think it's the best system, regardless of overwhelming proof otherwise."

They are suffering under corrupt leadership. Something we have long suffered under with the only difference being we can print, print, print but that is not going to last forever.

Exactly....LEFTIST "leadership" chosen by ignorant people who were tricked into voting for corrupt Elites such as maduro or biden

Donald J. Trump Pays Court-Ordered $2 Million For Illegally Using Trump Foundation Funds | New York State Attorney General

Defendant pleads guilty in Rudy Giuliani associates' case

Do I approve the idea of forwarding things like investments into renewable energy? Yes.

Your question is far too broad. What you ask about is a huge undertaking and not anywhere close to passing. It should get introduced into the House and debated. The Senate should get a crack at it and so on and so forth and then we can decide what we support and what we do not.

I do not support things like a carbon tax.

What's there to debate? It was already debated in the Democrat Party and its a plank in their platform.

If the D's have a majority in both houses of Congress, it will pass. And if there is a Democrat President, it will be signed into law. If the D's don't have majorities in both houses, it will fail or probably not even offered for a vote.

Yes, but I am afraid many who voted for Biden/Harris aren’t aware of this. The left took advantage of a pandemic and an MSM that is in the bag to get their crazy left-wing nut agenda into office. Harris will be running the show in very short order. If Biden is president and they cheat again to win the 2 senate seats in GA, we are completely done and there is no one to blame except gullible, ignorant, childish Democrats.

If Trump had been even a little bit of a decent person he would have won again.

Once again, a horrible reason NOT to vote for a President. Pragmatism matters most. I don’t care if my football coach is a jerk if he wins. Bellicheck comes to mind.

And yet nearly 80 million decided the same.

Belicheck succeeded as a coach. Trump didn't. (other than stopping Hillary from being president)
The race isn't over. And Trump brought the people of the United States time. Four precious years to make or not make a decision that will forever change the nation. Trump was the United States that still moved left. Biden is the globalist government that will tax us to pay for the planet.

How about we start with our 27 trillion deficit?

Its up to Sleepy Joe to address and pay that off. If Biden will be ruling America next year, we'll see how the liberal fiscal hawks respond.

Probably the same way Trump did.

Trump was literally crucified over borrowing money for the Corona Panic.

The libs now will have a chance to do the right thing, and I will be keeping an eye on them, making sure that they pay off the debt.

Everything they accuse others of, is precisely what they are guilty of. Everything.

They use blacks as political pawns and all they are is cannon fodder for cultural marxists agenda. Therefore, they are racists who mentally enslaved black Americans. Have to hand it to them. They actually have their negro multi millionaires like oprah and lebron think things are bad for them while chiding down at middle conservatives from their 30k square foot homes.


Todays stupid college know it all marxist stooge who yell about fossil fuels and THE global warming, are the biggest consumers of fossil fuels in the history of the world.

They supposedly support gay rights and hate the only ME country that doesn't execute gays for being gay.

They are metoo losers and would gleefully vote for slick willy no matter how fat Juanita Broderick's lip was from the white bill.

Yes, the black Bill they hated and sent to prison while they worship the white bill, even though the white bill is guilty of the same crimes.
Last edited:
Do I approve the idea of forwarding things like investments into renewable energy? Yes.

Your question is far too broad. What you ask about is a huge undertaking and not anywhere close to passing. It should get introduced into the House and debated. The Senate should get a crack at it and so on and so forth and then we can decide what we support and what we do not.

I do not support things like a carbon tax.

What's there to debate? It was already debated in the Democrat Party and its a plank in their platform.

If the D's have a majority in both houses of Congress, it will pass. And if there is a Democrat President, it will be signed into law. If the D's don't have majorities in both houses, it will fail or probably not even offered for a vote.

Yes, but I am afraid many who voted for Biden/Harris aren’t aware of this. The left took advantage of a pandemic and an MSM that is in the bag to get their crazy left-wing nut agenda into office. Harris will be running the show in very short order. If Biden is president and they cheat again to win the 2 senate seats in GA, we are completely done and there is no one to blame except gullible, ignorant, childish Democrats.

If Trump had been even a little bit of a decent person he would have won again.

Once again, a horrible reason NOT to vote for a President. Pragmatism matters most. I don’t care if my football coach is a jerk if he wins. Bellicheck comes to mind.

And yet nearly 80 million decided the same.

Belicheck succeeded as a coach. Trump didn't. (other than stopping Hillary from being president)
The race isn't over. And Trump brought the people of the United States time. Four precious years to make or not make a decision that will forever change the nation. Trump was the United States that still moved left. Biden is the globalist government that will tax us to pay for the planet.

How about we start with our 27 trillion deficit?

Its up to Sleepy Joe to address and pay that off. If Biden will be ruling America next year, we'll see how the liberal fiscal hawks respond.

Probably the same way Trump did.

Trump was literally crucified over borrowing money for the Corona Panic.

The libs now will have a chance to do the right thing, and I will be keeping an eye on them, making sure that they pay off the debt.

Everything they accuse others, is precisely what they are guilty of. Everything.

They use blacks as political pawns and all they are is cannon fodder for cultural marxists agenda. Therefore, they are racists who mentally enslaved black Americans. Have to hand it to them. They actually have their negro multi millionaires like oprah and lebron think things are bad for them while chiding down at middle conservatives from their 30k square foot homes.

View attachment 414658

They aren't arguing it's bad for them. They are acknowledging that it's bad for others.

Not everything has to be about you.
Change is inevitable you old dinosaurs will and can't stop innovation from evolving.


Because that is EXACTLY what dumbass leftists screaming for socialism said in Venezuela

Before the nation collapse and now everyone is suffering in desperation

But let me guess, you people keep telling yourselves....."But ...But....THIS TIME IT Will BE DIFFERENT !!!

Yeah, your definition of "progress" and "innovation", but your 10 watt bulb is just too dim to figure it all out.
That is what whalers screamed also...So did horse traders.
Do I approve the idea of forwarding things like investments into renewable energy? Yes.

Your question is far too broad. What you ask about is a huge undertaking and not anywhere close to passing. It should get introduced into the House and debated. The Senate should get a crack at it and so on and so forth and then we can decide what we support and what we do not.

I do not support things like a carbon tax.
The OP didn't ask if it would pass or not. The question implies "Do you support the Green new deal?"
Do I approve the idea of forwarding things like investments into renewable energy? Yes.

Your question is far too broad. What you ask about is a huge undertaking and not anywhere close to passing. It should get introduced into the House and debated. The Senate should get a crack at it and so on and so forth and then we can decide what we support and what we do not.

I do not support things like a carbon tax.

What's there to debate? It was already debated in the Democrat Party and its a plank in their platform.

If the D's have a majority in both houses of Congress, it will pass. And if there is a Democrat President, it will be signed into law. If the D's don't have majorities in both houses, it will fail or probably not even offered for a vote.

The Democrats had the White House, Senate and House in large numbers and barely were able to pass Obamacare. As presented it will not pass even if the Democrats pick up the Senate. A Senator like Manchin doesn't vote to support it as presented and there will be others.

Obamacare was passed during a previous era where it took 60 votes to advance legislation in the Senate. That will be changing if the D's take control.

Further, the Republicans have a groups of "reach across the aisle" types who would love to stick it to the Deplorable Chumps- Romney, Sasse, Collins, Murkowski- looking for their revenge.
Do I approve the idea of forwarding things like investments into renewable energy? Yes.

Your question is far too broad. What you ask about is a huge undertaking and not anywhere close to passing. It should get introduced into the House and debated. The Senate should get a crack at it and so on and so forth and then we can decide what we support and what we do not.

I do not support things like a carbon tax.

What's there to debate? It was already debated in the Democrat Party and its a plank in their platform.

If the D's have a majority in both houses of Congress, it will pass. And if there is a Democrat President, it will be signed into law. If the D's don't have majorities in both houses, it will fail or probably not even offered for a vote.

Yes, but I am afraid many who voted for Biden/Harris aren’t aware of this. The left took advantage of a pandemic and an MSM that is in the bag to get their crazy left-wing nut agenda into office. Harris will be running the show in very short order. If Biden is president and they cheat again to win the 2 senate seats in GA, we are completely done and there is no one to blame except gullible, ignorant, childish Democrats.

If Trump had been even a little bit of a decent person he would have won again.

Once again, a horrible reason NOT to vote for a President. Pragmatism matters most. I don’t care if my football coach is a jerk if he wins. Bellicheck comes to mind.

And yet nearly 80 million decided the same.

Belicheck succeeded as a coach. Trump didn't. (other than stopping Hillary from being president)
The race isn't over. And Trump brought the people of the United States time. Four precious years to make or not make a decision that will forever change the nation. Trump was the United States that still moved left. Biden is the globalist government that will tax us to pay for the planet.

How about we start with our 27 trillion deficit?

Its up to Sleepy Joe to address and pay that off. If Biden will be ruling America next year, we'll see how the liberal fiscal hawks respond.

Probably the same way Trump did.

Trump was literally crucified over borrowing money for the Corona Panic.

The libs now will have a chance to do the right thing, and I will be keeping an eye on them, making sure that they pay off the debt.

Everything they accuse others, is precisely what they are guilty of. Everything.

They use blacks as political pawns and all they are is cannon fodder for cultural marxists agenda. Therefore, they are racists who mentally enslaved black Americans. Have to hand it to them. They actually have their negro multi millionaires like oprah and lebron think things are bad for them while chiding down at middle conservatives from their 30k square foot homes.

View attachment 414658
If you listen to a jock and think they are serious you really do need yer head examined.
Do I approve the idea of forwarding things like investments into renewable energy? Yes.

Your question is far too broad. What you ask about is a huge undertaking and not anywhere close to passing. It should get introduced into the House and debated. The Senate should get a crack at it and so on and so forth and then we can decide what we support and what we do not.

I do not support things like a carbon tax.
The OP didn't ask if it would pass or not. The question implies "Do you support the Green new deal?"

And I answered that. Some of it I do and some of it I do not but it's not something I'm going to worry much about right now until we get to the end and have a real thing.
So we should destroy the environment in the approved New Green Deal way by putting up wind mills and solar panels that take up a lot more land
I can see 3 wind mills from where I'm sitting, each takes up about the size of a decent size housing plot. Solar is even simpler. each of us can simply put some up their roof.

How many does it take to generate the power a nuclear plant supplies?

Feel free to put them in your back yard.

nd have a high removal cost due to the hazardous materials they contain.
I'm sorry to tell you, but nearly all products we use today contain quantities of hazardous materials, everything from cell phones to tv's to the cars we drive. The removal cost of the hazardous materials doesn't seem any hindrance to it's use, why is it a problem with solar cells and windmills? Not to mention that the cost of removing those materials that are often recycled pale in comparison to the cost of removing spend fuel rods that have to be stored for in some cases hundreds of thousands of years ( a time scale that makes doing so an effort in futility) in order to be rendered harmless.

The materials used to make windmills and solar panels is highly hazardous and/or nonrecyclable (wind mill blades).

How much waste is going to be generated from your new green deal projects in comparison to nuclear when compared to power generated? I bet there's millions of tons more.

I can get rid of radioactive waste by placing it in subduction zones. You know where the tectonic plates go down into the earth and will take whatever is on them with them.

At least with my method we still have $93 trillion to spend on hazardous waste cleanup.
That sentence would mean something if. One, someone could explain to me where that number comes from?

Cost savings of not investing $94 trillion on your New Green Deal.

Two, someone can explain to me why only the cost of a entire new industry with all it's attended benefits like job creation and profit from producing it, is considered?

Nuclear power plants generate jobs too.

Three, someone can explain to me why the cost of not reacting and global sea levels rising and increased droughts, forest fires, etc., etc. seems to be conveniently NOT considered?

The climate has always changed. There was an ice age just ten thousand years ago. Didn't someone tell you that in school?

There was a warming period just a thousand years ago also. Did you know they were growing grapes in Greenland then?




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