Do the board leftists support a $94 trillion dollar green new deal?

If the actual number is 93 trillion, you can be sure that due to government waste that number will actually be 293 trillion.

Then they will continue to blame Trump for the debt.
Actual number is $3 trillion over 10 years.
Oh really.
Even AOC doesn't agree with you. She claims 10 trillion...
So 30 trillion adding that government waste and fraud and we haven't even gotten to that free healthcare and college.
B,b,b,but Donald Trump is running up the debt.:206:

You could tax the rich out of existence and still wouldn't cover the cost of all this pie in the sky spending.
If the actual number is 93 trillion, you can be sure that due to government waste that number will actually be 293 trillion.

Then they will continue to blame Trump for the debt.
Actual number is $3 trillion over 10 years.
Oh really.
Even AOC doesn't agree with you. She claims 10 trillion...
So 30 trillion adding that government waste and fraud and we haven't even gotten to that free healthcare and college.
B,b,b,but Donald Trump is running up the debt.:206:

You could tax the rich out of existence and still wouldn't cover the cost of all this pie in the sky spending.
Even your $30 trillion LIE is nowhere near $94 trillion LIE in the OP!!!!!
Oh really.
Even AOC doesn't agree with you. She claims 10 trillion...
As is so typical of the worthless lying scum POS Right, they tell just enough "truth" to deceive, and then shut up.
Here is the WHOLE truth from YOUR own link, "Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said Wednesday that her ambitious plan to fight climate change, expand the social safety net, and stimulate the economy would cost at least $10 trillion.
Gee that $10 trillion would be split among 3 (THREE) different programs, so the Green New Deal is NOT costing $10 trillion, like you LIED, but assuming the money is split relatively evenly between the 3 (THREE) programs, then it is around the $3 trillion I pointed out.

A half-truth is a whole lie.
- Yiddish Proverb

Beware of the half-truth. You may have gotten hold of the wrong half.
- Seymour Essrog
The original Green New Deal gave us Hydroelectric power. Huge and extremely expensive Dams. Reliable, and feats of engineering.

People did not know of climate. But they knew about pollution. And the TVA as one example worked wonders to bring electricity to the nation.

Any doubts about FDR’s opponents claiming it was too expensive? I am certain they did.

The next one was Nuclear. Again, we did not know from Adam about Climate Change, but we knew Pollution. And big ugly smokestacks belching black smoke into the air.

Nuclear was the promise of the science age. The ability to get power cheaply, cleanly, and safely. I still support nuclear. Because it is able to get power cleanly and safely, if not quite as cheaply as we had hoped. Construction and start up costs are enormous.

Now, All of these programs brought progress and further understanding. Engineering rules were rewritten in both cases. Materials engineering was stressed and had to be improved. Billions of dollars later we have new understandings of science, and a source of power for a couple generations at least.

But now Politics enters into it, as usual. Before the election, one of the laments I offered was that neither side stood for anything. They stood in opposition to the other side.

In other words, if the Republicans came out in favor of Abortions, the Democrats would be opposed almost instantly. If Democrats came out in favor of Guns, the Republicans would be in opposition. We would have gun confiscation across the country in a week.

But we are talking about the Green New Deal. I am sure that some of it is absolute bullshit. I am just as certain that there are parts that will usher in the future the same way that Hydroelectric Dams and Nuclear Power did.

Look at the Shipping Industry. Nobody legislated away the Sailing Ships. They were outpaced and outclassed by Coal fired ships. Coal fired ships have gone the way of the Dodo too. Replaced by Oil Burning, and then Diesel. If you are of the opinion that Diesel power is the end of the technological line and nothing Mankind can do will ever replace it, you’re a fool. One constant in our universe is change.

I don’t know what the future holds. I do know it will be different than the present. But I also know that that change is coming, and we can lead it, or we can be consumed by it.

Clean Energy is a part of that change. Solar, Wind, and even Nuclear have a place in it. As do electric cars. So generally speaking, yes, I support the idea of study and test implementation of new technologies. Because the future depends on us continuing to strive forward, not look backwards.

And here is the last thing. The thing that should get the Republicans on board. If we don’t, then China will take the lead, and then our power will be produced by Chinese Companies, in the good old USA. Might as well cede the country to them now right?
Do I approve the idea of forwarding things like investments into renewable energy? Yes.

Your question is far too broad. What you ask about is a huge undertaking and not anywhere close to passing. It should get introduced into the House and debated. The Senate should get a crack at it and so on and so forth and then we can decide what we support and what we do not.

I do not support things like a carbon tax.
So you do support it then. Thanks for exposing your idiocy.
Do I approve the idea of forwarding things like investments into renewable energy? Yes.

Your question is far too broad. What you ask about is a huge undertaking and not anywhere close to passing. It should get introduced into the House and debated. The Senate should get a crack at it and so on and so forth and then we can decide what we support and what we do not.

I do not support things like a carbon tax.

What's there to debate? It was already debated in the Democrat Party and its a plank in their platform.

If the D's have a majority in both houses of Congress, it will pass. And if there is a Democrat President, it will be signed into law. If the D's don't have majorities in both houses, it will fail or probably not even offered for a vote.

Yes, but I am afraid many who voted for Biden/Harris aren’t aware of this. The left took advantage of a pandemic and an MSM that is in the bag to get their crazy left-wing nut agenda into office. Harris will be running the show in very short order. If Biden is president and they cheat again to win the 2 senate seats in GA, we are completely done and there is no one to blame except gullible, ignorant, childish Democrats.

If Trump had been even a little bit of a decent person he would have won again.

Once again, a horrible reason NOT to vote for a President. Pragmatism matters most. I don’t care if my football coach is a jerk if he wins. Bellicheck comes to mind.

And yet nearly 80 million decided the same.

Belicheck succeeded as a coach. Trump didn't. (other than stopping Hillary from being president)

Really? Pre-COVID the vast majority of people were better off than they were 4 years before.

No, no one was. We are now 27 trillion in debt. Let's say you give someone making $20k a year a $500,000 loan. They will spend and spend and say they are doing great. Until the payments come due.
Total horseshit, as always.
Do I approve the idea of forwarding things like investments into renewable energy? Yes.

Your question is far too broad. What you ask about is a huge undertaking and not anywhere close to passing. It should get introduced into the House and debated. The Senate should get a crack at it and so on and so forth and then we can decide what we support and what we do not.

I do not support things like a carbon tax.

What's there to debate? It was already debated in the Democrat Party and its a plank in their platform.

If the D's have a majority in both houses of Congress, it will pass. And if there is a Democrat President, it will be signed into law. If the D's don't have majorities in both houses, it will fail or probably not even offered for a vote.

Yes, but I am afraid many who voted for Biden/Harris aren’t aware of this. The left took advantage of a pandemic and an MSM that is in the bag to get their crazy left-wing nut agenda into office. Harris will be running the show in very short order. If Biden is president and they cheat again to win the 2 senate seats in GA, we are completely done and there is no one to blame except gullible, ignorant, childish Democrats.

If Trump had been even a little bit of a decent person he would have won again.
How is he not a "decent person?" Does he barbecue little kids for dinner?
Do I approve the idea of forwarding things like investments into renewable energy? Yes.

Your question is far too broad. What you ask about is a huge undertaking and not anywhere close to passing. It should get introduced into the House and debated. The Senate should get a crack at it and so on and so forth and then we can decide what we support and what we do not.

I do not support things like a carbon tax.
What the fuck is "forwarding?" Are you pretending this spending is somehow beneficial to us?
View attachment 414630

Just build a hundred nuclear power plants for about 1% of the new green deal cost.

Problem solved.



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At the moment commercial exploitation of nuclear energy has been going on for about 50 years. In those 50 years we've had 2 major and one serious incident with nuclear energy. The impact of those major ones has made uninhabitable 2600 square km in Ukraine and a few towns in Japan. It seems to me that one major accident once every 15 years or so, considering the impact of those accidents are a major problem on their own.

The Ford Model T was the first mass produced car in History. But to be honest, the cars were complicated to operate, difficult to manage, and death traps if in an accident.

Now, if we were discussing automobile safety today, with all the advances, we would be idiots if we compared the death tolls from the Model T as part of our discussion.

Let’s talk about those nuclear accidents. The Fukushima accident was unprecedented. First, the Reactor was the equivalent of the Model T. Older and more difficult to operate than the more modern designs. It is in all honesty, about a second generation design. We are on the fourth Generation, and looking towards the fifth. Each Generation is safer, more robust, and simpler than the previous Generation. So saying that all cars are death traps because the Ford Model T was, not exactly true today with improved safety designs.

Fukushima was as I said unprecedented. We try to imagine all the things that could happen. We try to imagine them and come up with solutions to those problems. But there are some things we just can’t imagine happening. Flying Jumbo Jets into a Skyscraper. An Earthquake followed immediately by a Tsunami of unprecedented severity is another.

There is actually a design now, tested during the Clinton Administration, where that exact accident can not occur. It fails safe. When it loses power as Fukushima did, it literally shuts down and begins cooling itself down. Again this was tested during the Clinton Administration, and it worked. Even if that design had been deployed, it would not have saved Fukushima, because they would not have replaced a working reactor until it was well and truly worn out.

Chernobyl. Chernobyl had a design flaw that they knew about for years before the accident. Because it was cheaper to produce low grade Uranium, they used Graphite to moderate, or make the Chain Reaction possible. Everyone knew it was a bad design. But it was the Party Line that the design was perfect, because Soviet Society demanded that everyone mouth the party line. Accidents in the Soviet Union were very common. And as Chernobyl unfolded, everyone assumed it was merely another accident like had happened before. It took a full day or more before people started to report the truth, because Truth was feared by the Soviets like Satan is feared by a Christian.

It was a bad design, but it was a cheap design, it did not scale up, in other words making it bigger only made it worse, instead of better. But they scaled it up anyway. No Western Power used that design, because it was considered unsafe. The Soviets and later the Russians modified the design to make it safer. But it would still fail the safety standards of an American or European Design.

Three Mile Island. Stuck Valve, and mistake by the operator.

But what are the benefits from Nuclear Power? The only sustainable power source that does not depend on the weather that produces exactly zero greenhouse gasses. I mean none. It provides this power in a safe and predictable manner. Again, the designs that failed were older designs. Like cars before seatbelts. Not exactly safe for our roads today are they? Well they weren’t safe before either. Now, we have redesigned crumple zones and air bags and even improved seatbelts. We learned, and we improved and we continue to do so every year.

Nuclear Power is the answer to much of what the Green left wants. Only it is an answer that is unpopular. Want to know why it is unpopular? Because the Oil Companies feared nuclear Power in the 1960’s and 1970’s, and created a lot of hype and hysteria, propaganda, about Nuclear. The truth is that Nuclear is far less polluting than any other source except Solar, or Wind, and those are dependent upon the weather. Good to help out and add to the grid, but not exactly what we want to base our future economies on. Not to mention the safety and security of our people.
Why don't these leftists that yell about the evils of global warming caused by capitalism and fossil fuels live like the Amish when they are all perfectly free to?

Why do I even ask?

They are just hypocrites and something that doesn't just seem absurd to them, but they are offended by the notion.
Do I approve the idea of forwarding things like investments into renewable energy? Yes.

Your question is far too broad. What you ask about is a huge undertaking and not anywhere close to passing. It should get introduced into the House and debated. The Senate should get a crack at it and so on and so forth and then we can decide what we support and what we do not.

I do not support things like a carbon tax.
So you do support it then. Thanks for exposing your idiocy.

People sure are bitter right now it seems. Left is right and up is down all because you lost an election.
Do I approve the idea of forwarding things like investments into renewable energy? Yes.

Your question is far too broad. What you ask about is a huge undertaking and not anywhere close to passing. It should get introduced into the House and debated. The Senate should get a crack at it and so on and so forth and then we can decide what we support and what we do not.

I do not support things like a carbon tax.

What's there to debate? It was already debated in the Democrat Party and its a plank in their platform.

If the D's have a majority in both houses of Congress, it will pass. And if there is a Democrat President, it will be signed into law. If the D's don't have majorities in both houses, it will fail or probably not even offered for a vote.

Yes, but I am afraid many who voted for Biden/Harris aren’t aware of this. The left took advantage of a pandemic and an MSM that is in the bag to get their crazy left-wing nut agenda into office. Harris will be running the show in very short order. If Biden is president and they cheat again to win the 2 senate seats in GA, we are completely done and there is no one to blame except gullible, ignorant, childish Democrats.

If Trump had been even a little bit of a decent person he would have won again.
How is he not a "decent person?" Does he barbecue little kids for dinner?

Do I approve the idea of forwarding things like investments into renewable energy? Yes.

Your question is far too broad. What you ask about is a huge undertaking and not anywhere close to passing. It should get introduced into the House and debated. The Senate should get a crack at it and so on and so forth and then we can decide what we support and what we do not.

I do not support things like a carbon tax.
What the fuck is "forwarding?" Are you pretending this spending is somehow beneficial to us?

Yes, investing into renewable energy is beneficial.
Oh really.
Even AOC doesn't agree with you. She claims 10 trillion...
As is so typical of the worthless lying scum POS Right, they tell just enough "truth" to deceive, and then shut up.
Here is the WHOLE truth from YOUR own link, "Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said Wednesday that her ambitious plan to fight climate change, expand the social safety net, and stimulate the economy would cost at least $10 trillion.
Gee that $10 trillion would be split among 3 (THREE) different programs, so the Green New Deal is NOT costing $10 trillion, like you LIED, but assuming the money is split relatively evenly between the 3 (THREE) programs, then it is around the $3 trillion I pointed out.

A half-truth is a whole lie.
- Yiddish Proverb

Beware of the half-truth. You may have gotten hold of the wrong half.
- Seymour Essrog
If you think that all those freebies will only cost three trillion or even 10 trillion, you are a fucking moron.
Then again so is your disgusting hero AOC.
We can't afford any of it.

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