Zone1 Do those who don't believe in hell surmise that somehow their belief alone will prevent them from that fate (if warranted)?


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
I think, therefore I am. If one wishes there is not consequences in the Afterlife, maybe the thought alone will be enough to prevent one from a horrible outcome after expiring in this world.
Considering that the perception of the individual is the determining factor I doubt there is a Hell unless it is one you are currently experiencing.
I think, therefore I am. If one wishes there is not consequences in the Afterlife, maybe the thought alone will be enough to prevent one from a horrible outcome after expiring in this world.

Maybe the seculars should prove there's no God, heaven, or hell by using their own will to keep themselves from dying.
Belief in an afterlife is a construct: It must exist therefore it exists.

We can all see that life is unfair. Good things happen to bad people and bad things happen to good people. People strive their whole lives to be "good" and end up with bupkis. So there MUST be some reward or punishment "later" to balance the scale.

So "we" invented the concept of justice in the afterlife. I'm certain that belief predates Christianity. The curious thing is that Judaism has no tangible, accepted thoughts on the jews can just adopt what makes them feel best about the situation. See previous paragraph.

But do we REALLY believe that? Our behavior would seem to indicate we don't really believe that a life of virtue will be rewarded and a life of evil will be punished.

All bullshit, illusion, and delusion aside, there is no proof of an afterlife. So maybe we should live as though this is it. Which is what most people do anyway. We are all animals, just like the livestock that are slain every day by butchers. When we're gone, we're gone. If the memory lives on, that's fine, but it doesn't change the reality.
I think, therefore I am. If one wishes there is not consequences in the Afterlife, maybe the thought alone will be enough to prevent one from a horrible outcome after expiring in this world.
It's not just hell, it's the belief that for all the wrongs they have committed in life, they should not and will not be held accountable

It is either that or try to amend the wrongs they have done in the past, as well as try to repent and stop doing what they know is wrong

So just blindly dismissing any possibility of punishment in the afterlife makes them happy and allows them to do whatever the hell they want, so long as they can get away with it in this life.
It's not just hell, it's the belief that for all the wrongs they have committed in life, they should not and will not be held accountable

It is either that or try to amend the wrongs they have done in the past, as well as try to repent and stop doing what they know is wrong

So just blindly dismissing any possibility of punishment in the afterlife makes them happy and allows them to do whatever the hell they want, so long as they can get away with it in this life.
I do tend to over eat.
I think, therefore I am. If one wishes there is not consequences in the Afterlife, maybe the thought alone will be enough to prevent one from a horrible outcome after expiring in this world.
Whose version of hell?

I DONT accept the Catholic/Protestant or even Muzzy version.

I believe you n the Rabbi Yeshua version called the Lake of Fire
Belief in an afterlife is a construct: It must exist therefore it exists.

We can all see that life is unfair. Good things happen to bad people and bad things happen to good people. People strive their whole lives to be "good" and end up with bupkis. So there MUST be some reward or punishment "later" to balance the scale.

So "we" invented the concept of justice in the afterlife. I'm certain that belief predates Christianity. The curious thing is that Judaism has no tangible, accepted thoughts on the jews can just adopt what makes them feel best about the situation. See previous paragraph.

But do we REALLY believe that? Our behavior would seem to indicate we don't really believe that a life of virtue will be rewarded and a life of evil will be punished.

All bullshit, illusion, and delusion aside, there is no proof of an afterlife. So maybe we should live as though this is it. Which is what most people do anyway. We are all animals, just like the livestock that are slain every day by butchers. When we're gone, we're gone. If the memory lives on, that's fine, but it doesn't change the reality.
If there is no after life, then man is truly just an animal and no better.

But scripture says man was special and made in the image of God as he breathed his spirit into him, separating man from the animal kingdom.

If not, then nothing matters in life as Leftists herd us around like animals and treat us how they wish with zero consequences. All of Hitler's problems ended when he pulled that trigger..............................................


Either that or there is no real justice, hence no God of justice.
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But do we REALLY believe that? Our behavior would seem to indicate we don't really believe that a life of virtue will be rewarded and a life of evil will be punished.
In whimsical moments I often reflect on this life being our job interview for the upcoming one. For example, I seem have some talent in taking care of chinchillas (furry rodents). I also have this habit of rescuing worms that are in trouble (struggling to get out of a place that is too hot or too wet). Can you imagine an eternity of worms and rodents? It has me laughing. :)
I get a kick out of people who live after the manner of the world and thenbelieve God will beat em with afew stripes and they'll be saved
But scripture says man was special and made in the image of God as he breathed his spirit into him, separating man from the animal kingdom.

you're just drunk on the book written by the crucifiers -

- what jesus taught ...

Then God said, “Let us make life in our image, in our likeness, the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky the livestock and all the wild animals, and all the creatures that move along the ground.

where in lies humanity ...

all beings on planet earth are equal and with the same ability for remission to the heavenly everlasting ... just not demented desert dwellers.

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