Do Trump supporters actually believe Trump gives a shit about the Bible?

His dumbass claims it is his “top book”, yet all he could do was fabricate a verse from it when asked on the campaign trail. The only reason why Trump is pushing for Bible study in public schools is because he knows it will score points with his followers. He’s so insecure and petty that he will say anything to keep people liking him.

Trump boosts bills to teach his favorite book — the Bible — in public schools
Not only do I not know,I don't give a shit!

Trump is taking quite a leap of faith here that the teachers will instruct with good intentions.
Never ASSUME, because when you ASSUME, you make an ASS of U and ME..
He is a fake Christian....just like the fake Christians that votes for him.

Sure, that isn't an overgeneralization. You do know that thee is no religious test for president. I know you hate Christians, but there is no need to make things up.

I AM a Christian. And I know when someone on video says Two Corinthians...he is a FAKE CHISTIAN.

What does the Bible say about homosexuality again?
His dumbass claims it is his “top book”, yet all he could do was fabricate a verse from it when asked on the campaign trail. The only reason why Trump is pushing for Bible study in public schools is because he knows it will score points with his followers. He’s so insecure and petty that he will say anything to keep people liking him.

Trump boosts bills to teach his favorite book — the Bible — in public schools

Trump wants to Make AmeriKKKa White Again, brain wash the masses with 'The Bible' and create the AmeriKKKan Taliban.

In this 'system' women would return to being second class citizens with no rights, just as in Muslim nations.

Be careful what you wish for TrumpTards; you may just get it.
You lost me at Muslim women are second class citizens...
Muslim countries had 8 Muslim women presidents....the only woman than ran for president was called a whore, her husband raped women so did the guy who became the US president.
When and where did these Muslim women rule?
Google it, since the poor US education led you ignorant.
His dumbass claims it is his “top book”, yet all he could do was fabricate a verse from it when asked on the campaign trail. The only reason why Trump is pushing for Bible study in public schools is because he knows it will score points with his followers. He’s so insecure and petty that he will say anything to keep people liking him.

Trump boosts bills to teach his favorite book — the Bible — in public schools

Trump wants to Make AmeriKKKa White Again, brain wash the masses with 'The Bible' and create the AmeriKKKan Taliban.

In this 'system' women would return to being second class citizens with no rights, just as in Muslim nations.

Be careful what you wish for TrumpTards; you may just get it.
You lost me at Muslim women are second class citizens...
Muslim countries had 8 Muslim women presidents....the only woman than ran for president was called a whore, her husband raped women so did the guy who became the US president.
When and where did these Muslim women rule?
Google it, since the poor US education led you ignorant.
Why don’t you just know?
His dumbass claims it is his “top book”, yet all he could do was fabricate a verse from it when asked on the campaign trail. The only reason why Trump is pushing for Bible study in public schools is because he knows it will score points with his followers. He’s so insecure and petty that he will say anything to keep people liking him.

Trump boosts bills to teach his favorite book — the Bible — in public schools
Do you imagine this pussy grabber reads his Bible?
Any so called jesus loving Christian who voted for Trump and still claims he follows christianity, is a charlatan.

I've travelled and met a lot of people from all over the world, and from different faiths....and I came to a conclusion that the so called evangelicals, are the fakest, most hypocrite religious group ever. And here is why.

they claim that they follow Jesus but so far :
They hate non whites.
they hate refugees.
They hate immigrants illegal or not, Jesus wouldn't treat those who fled their countries for a better life like they do.
They hate blacks.
They hate anyone that looks or dresses like Jesus, be it a muslim, a middle easterner or anyone that doesn't dress as they please.
They to give health care to all, but rather hand billions of dollars to the defense branches and their contractors.
They hate diversity.
They hate and belittle their neighbouring countries.
They vote for a lying bully.
And the list goes on.....It puzzles me to this day why they even identify as religious and guardians of morals.
Any so called jesus loving Christian who voted for Trump and still claims he follows christianity, is a charlatan.
Obama said he cared about the Bible and Christians started to be persecuted...
His dumbass claims it is his “top book”, yet all he could do was fabricate a verse from it when asked on the campaign trail. The only reason why Trump is pushing for Bible study in public schools is because he knows it will score points with his followers. He’s so insecure and petty that he will say anything to keep people liking him.

Trump boosts bills to teach his favorite book — the Bible — in public schools

Trump wants to Make AmeriKKKa White Again, brain wash the masses with 'The Bible' and create the AmeriKKKan Taliban.

In this 'system' women would return to being second class citizens with no rights, just as in Muslim nations.

Be careful what you wish for TrumpTards; you may just get it.

Shove your race baiting up your ass.

oh, get mad, 'cause you know it's true? Trump MAWA!!

Standard leftard assholeness.

Insult someone with a vile insult, and then act like there is something wrong with them, if they get pissed off.

Work fine.

You just have to be a soulless fucktard.

Like you.

Hey look ass hole; you are the one that posted = "Shove your race baiting up your ass."

Then you accuse me of a, "vile insult."

LOL, you really are a stupid fvck.

And instead of responding like a person, you double down on your standard lib tactic, that I just called you on.

Making America Great Again, has no racist component, and you are a liar if you say it does.
No. They don't care. He could be Beelzebub's brother, as long as he has a catchy phrase that pisses the fuck out of dem liburals!

I want a Wall, and better trade deals, and no new Cold War.

That that pisses off libs, is a bonus, not the reason.

But to say you want a wall is so, um vanilla (is that racist?) You need to jazz it up a bit to get the faithful frothing. Something like

"I will build a great wall -- and nobody builds walls better than me, believe me --and I'll build them very inexpensively. I will build a great, great wall on our southern border, and I will make Mexico pay for that wall. Mark my words. "



thats not going to happen, Princess.

Maybe, maybe not. If not, the country will suffer as a result. More than it already has.
No. They don't care. He could be Beelzebub's brother, as long as he has a catchy phrase that pisses the fuck out of dem liburals!

I want a Wall, and better trade deals, and no new Cold War.

That that pisses off libs, is a bonus, not the reason.

But to say you want a wall is so, um vanilla (is that racist?) You need to jazz it up a bit to get the faithful frothing. Something like

"I will build a great wall -- and nobody builds walls better than me, believe me --and I'll build them very inexpensively. I will build a great, great wall on our southern border, and I will make Mexico pay for that wall. Mark my words. "

Boy. We already said no. Stop having a tantrum. Its not going to happen.

Make me.
Shove your race baiting up your ass.

oh, get mad, 'cause you know it's true? Trump MAWA!!

Standard leftard assholeness.

Insult someone with a vile insult, and then act like there is something wrong with them, if they get pissed off.

Work fine.

You just have to be a soulless fucktard.

Like you.

Hey look ass hole; you are the one that posted = "Shove your race baiting up your ass."

Then you accuse me of a, "vile insult."

LOL, you really are a stupid fvck.

You smeared half of America as being of the Klan. Telling your to shove that up your ass, was not an insult but completely called for.

You should shove it up your ass. It does not belong in the public square.

And it was a vile insult. How are you so stupid that you don't realize that? Are you too lacking in self awareness to know the shit that spews from your face hole?

You could spew a lot less shit & say a lot more; jus' sayin' :21:

I think your panties might be a tad too tight


I think that being pissed off when some asshole calls me a vile insult, is the correct answer.

You seem to think you have a right to be a complete asshole and get civil treatment in return.
Do Trump supporters actually believe Trump gives a shit about the Bible?

^^^ another feeble attempt by the left to drive a wedge between Trump supporters and the President. We'll just vote for Dem's in the next election who want to abort babies in the 9th month of pregnancy okay. /mocking sarcasm
No. They don't care. He could be Beelzebub's brother, as long as he has a catchy phrase that pisses the fuck out of dem liburals!

I want a Wall, and better trade deals, and no new Cold War.

That that pisses off libs, is a bonus, not the reason.

But to say you want a wall is so, um vanilla (is that racist?) You need to jazz it up a bit to get the faithful frothing. Something like

"I will build a great wall -- and nobody builds walls better than me, believe me --and I'll build them very inexpensively. I will build a great, great wall on our southern border, and I will make Mexico pay for that wall. Mark my words. "



That was always "gravy" for me. They should, but the important thing is to control who and what enters are community.

Only an enemy of the people,would want the rest of the world, full of people that hate US, to have the ability to just walk across the border, unvetted, and unsearched.


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