Do Trump supporters actually believe Trump gives a shit about the Bible?

His dumbass claims it is his “top book”, yet all he could do was fabricate a verse from it when asked on the campaign trail. The only reason why Trump is pushing for Bible study in public schools is because he knows it will score points with his followers. He’s so insecure and petty that he will say anything to keep people liking him.

Trump boosts bills to teach his favorite book — the Bible — in public schools
Trumps favorite verse..

It is easier for a Camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a wealthy man to enter the kingdom of heaven
He is a fake Christian....just like the fake Christians that votes for him.

Sure, that isn't an overgeneralization. You do know that thee is no religious test for president. I know you hate Christians, but there is no need to make things up.

I AM a Christian. And I know when someone on video says Two Corinthians...he is a FAKE CHISTIAN.
My degree is in religion from a Christian university and I say that you are a fake Christian. See how that works.....
Trump is taking quite a leap of faith here that the teachers will instruct with good intentions.
No he isn't. The next time trump forms an articulate thought like that will be the first time in a long time. He is merely looking for praise and applause. And that is all.
His dumbass claims it is his “top book”, yet all he could do was fabricate a verse from it when asked on the campaign trail. The only reason why Trump is pushing for Bible study in public schools is because he knows it will score points with his followers. He’s so insecure and petty that he will say anything to keep people liking him.

Trump boosts bills to teach his favorite book — the Bible — in public schools
Let’s murder a newborn!
Its just that so few are.
Oh, no doubt. And fewer every day. Thank goodness.
And death and carnage expands. Heartless in total compassion as people are numbed and taxation increases to support the godless religion of progressive socialism. The religion that promotes total ways of living with no responsible ways of paying for it. I do not resent your views. I understand it because there are ignorant azzes. However I believe my total taxes as a peon would be at least a third less and more if your party was not as corrupted.
And death and carnage expands.
Except, there is absolutely no correlation there, and you just made that up.

And recent history shows us the Jesus party is more fiscally irresponsible. And it's not even close, really.
The last cut to the gold standard was in approximately 1971. the changeover to progressive socialism happened around then. Fiscal responsibility expanded massively as God died. The printing of money expanded like climbing a mountain. Look it up. Look up fiscal irresponsible ways. Don't let the stock market collapse...

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