Do Trump supporters actually believe Trump gives a shit about the Bible?

His dumbass claims it is his “top book”, yet all he could do was fabricate a verse from it when asked on the campaign trail. The only reason why Trump is pushing for Bible study in public schools is because he knows it will score points with his followers. He’s so insecure and petty that he will say anything to keep people liking him.

Trump boosts bills to teach his favorite book — the Bible — in public schools

Trump wants to Make AmeriKKKa White Again, brain wash the masses with 'The Bible' and create the AmeriKKKan Taliban.

In this 'system' women would return to being second class citizens with no rights, just as in Muslim nations.

Be careful what you wish for TrumpTards; you may just get it.
Shut up! What bull chitt. Those stupid white males keep protecting women and need to stop. They have been emasculated and many are getting poorer. People want cable TV to change their rates and rules. Do you notice the are not? Let us choose what stations we want? Instead we get endless progressive socialist bullcrap. So if someone does not want ESPN, MSNBC, CNN and other language stations and more, give them the choice! And to save money on their monthly bills.
No. They don't care. He could be Beelzebub's brother, as long as he has a catchy phrase that pisses the fuck out of dem liburals!

I want a Wall, and better trade deals, and no new Cold War.

That that pisses off libs, is a bonus, not the reason.

But to say you want a wall is so, um vanilla (is that racist?) You need to jazz it up a bit to get the faithful frothing. Something like

"I will build a great wall -- and nobody builds walls better than me, believe me --and I'll build them very inexpensively. I will build a great, great wall on our southern border, and I will make Mexico pay for that wall. Mark my words. "
His dumbass claims it is his “top book”, yet all he could do was fabricate a verse from it when asked on the campaign trail. The only reason why Trump is pushing for Bible study in public schools is because he knows it will score points with his followers. He’s so insecure and petty that he will say anything to keep people liking him.

Trump boosts bills to teach his favorite book — the Bible — in public schools

Trump wants to Make AmeriKKKa White Again, brain wash the masses with 'The Bible' and create the AmeriKKKan Taliban.

In this 'system' women would return to being second class citizens with no rights, just as in Muslim nations.

Be careful what you wish for TrumpTards; you may just get it.

Shove your race baiting up your ass.

oh, get mad, 'cause you know it's true? Trump MAWA!!

Standard leftard assholeness.

Insult someone with a vile insult, and then act like there is something wrong with them, if they get pissed off.

Work fine.

You just have to be a soulless fucktard.

Like you.

Hey look ass hole; you are the one that posted = "Shove your race baiting up your ass."

Then you accuse me of a, "vile insult."

LOL, you really are a stupid fvck.
His dumbass claims it is his “top book”, yet all he could do was fabricate a verse from it when asked on the campaign trail. The only reason why Trump is pushing for Bible study in public schools is because he knows it will score points with his followers. He’s so insecure and petty that he will say anything to keep people liking him.

Trump boosts bills to teach his favorite book — the Bible — in public schools

Trump wants to Make AmeriKKKa White Again, brain wash the masses with 'The Bible' and create the AmeriKKKan Taliban.

In this 'system' women would return to being second class citizens with no rights, just as in Muslim nations.

Be careful what you wish for TrumpTards; you may just get it.
Shut up! What bull chitt. Those stupid white males keep protecting women and need to stop. They have been emasculated and many are getting poorer. People want cable TV to change their rates and rules. Do you notice the are not? Let us choose what stations we want? Instead we get endless progressive socialist bullcrap. So if someone does not want ESPN, MSNBC, CNN and other language stations and more, give them the choice! And to save money on their monthly bills.

We dropped Cox and NETFLIX because of the crap
His dumbass claims it is his “top book”, yet all he could do was fabricate a verse from it when asked on the campaign trail. The only reason why Trump is pushing for Bible study in public schools is because he knows it will score points with his followers. He’s so insecure and petty that he will say anything to keep people liking him.

Trump boosts bills to teach his favorite book — the Bible — in public schools
Again, we knew what we were getting when we voted for President Trump, the guy who said he would "touch women's pussies, because he could" because he was a much better candidate than the one that kept falling down and calling US deplorables, while she flew over most of the US. Shame you fucking MORONS just cant let it go..

That video says it all. They live in an alternative universe and truly honestly are mentally ill.
His dumbass claims it is his “top book”, yet all he could do was fabricate a verse from it when asked on the campaign trail. The only reason why Trump is pushing for Bible study in public schools is because he knows it will score points with his followers. He’s so insecure and petty that he will say anything to keep people liking him.

Trump boosts bills to teach his favorite book — the Bible — in public schools

Trump wants to Make AmeriKKKa White Again, brain wash the masses with 'The Bible' and create the AmeriKKKan Taliban.

In this 'system' women would return to being second class citizens with no rights, just as in Muslim nations.

Be careful what you wish for TrumpTards; you may just get it.
Shut up! What bull chitt. Those stupid white males keep protecting women and need to stop. They have been emasculated and many are getting poorer. People want cable TV to change their rates and rules. Do you notice the are not? Let us choose what stations we want? Instead we get endless progressive socialist bullcrap. So if someone does not want ESPN, MSNBC, CNN and other language stations and more, give them the choice! And to save money on their monthly bills.

So, you are OK with the MAWA Taliban. Great. Enjoy.
About as much as I believe Democrats when they say they care about the poor or working class. All politicians say a lot of stuff to appease their base few if any believe what they are saying and their supporters know it.
His dumbass claims it is his “top book”, yet all he could do was fabricate a verse from it when asked on the campaign trail. The only reason why Trump is pushing for Bible study in public schools is because he knows it will score points with his followers. He’s so insecure and petty that he will say anything to keep people liking him.

Trump boosts bills to teach his favorite book — the Bible — in public schools

Trump wants to Make AmeriKKKa White Again, brain wash the masses with 'The Bible' and create the AmeriKKKan Taliban.

In this 'system' women would return to being second class citizens with no rights, just as in Muslim nations.

Be careful what you wish for TrumpTards; you may just get it.
Shut up! What bull chitt. Those stupid white males keep protecting women and need to stop. They have been emasculated and many are getting poorer. People want cable TV to change their rates and rules. Do you notice the are not? Let us choose what stations we want? Instead we get endless progressive socialist bullcrap. So if someone does not want ESPN, MSNBC, CNN and other language stations and more, give them the choice! And to save money on their monthly bills.

We dropped Cox and NETFLIX because of the crap
I am sorry but here is a lot of people not savvy in this game. It is obvious that lobbyists keep this up. If I could pick 20 stations and cut my bill in half I would do it. There would still be progressive socialist propaganda, but I would ave money.
No. They don't care. He could be Beelzebub's brother, as long as he has a catchy phrase that pisses the fuck out of dem liburals!

I want a Wall, and better trade deals, and no new Cold War.

That that pisses off libs, is a bonus, not the reason.

But to say you want a wall is so, um vanilla (is that racist?) You need to jazz it up a bit to get the faithful frothing. Something like

"I will build a great wall -- and nobody builds walls better than me, believe me --and I'll build them very inexpensively. I will build a great, great wall on our southern border, and I will make Mexico pay for that wall. Mark my words. "

His dumbass claims it is his “top book”, yet all he could do was fabricate a verse from it when asked on the campaign trail. The only reason why Trump is pushing for Bible study in public schools is because he knows it will score points with his followers. He’s so insecure and petty that he will say anything to keep people liking him.

Trump boosts bills to teach his favorite book — the Bible — in public schools

Trump wants to Make AmeriKKKa White Again, brain wash the masses with 'The Bible' and create the AmeriKKKan Taliban.

In this 'system' women would return to being second class citizens with no rights, just as in Muslim nations.

Be careful what you wish for TrumpTards; you may just get it.

Shove your race baiting up your ass.

oh, get mad, 'cause you know it's true? Trump MAWA!!

Standard leftard assholeness.

Insult someone with a vile insult, and then act like there is something wrong with them, if they get pissed off.

Work fine.

You just have to be a soulless fucktard.

Like you.

Hey look ass hole; you are the one that posted = "Shove your race baiting up your ass."

Then you accuse me of a, "vile insult."

LOL, you really are a stupid fvck.

You smeared half of America as being of the Klan. Telling your to shove that up your ass, was not an insult but completely called for.

You should shove it up your ass. It does not belong in the public square.

And it was a vile insult. How are you so stupid that you don't realize that? Are you too lacking in self awareness to know the shit that spews from your face hole?
No. They don't care. He could be Beelzebub's brother, as long as he has a catchy phrase that pisses the fuck out of dem liburals!

I want a Wall, and better trade deals, and no new Cold War.

That that pisses off libs, is a bonus, not the reason.

But to say you want a wall is so, um vanilla (is that racist?) You need to jazz it up a bit to get the faithful frothing. Something like

"I will build a great wall -- and nobody builds walls better than me, believe me --and I'll build them very inexpensively. I will build a great, great wall on our southern border, and I will make Mexico pay for that wall. Mark my words. "



thats not going to happen, Princess.
No. They don't care. He could be Beelzebub's brother, as long as he has a catchy phrase that pisses the fuck out of dem liburals!

I want a Wall, and better trade deals, and no new Cold War.

That that pisses off libs, is a bonus, not the reason.

But to say you want a wall is so, um vanilla (is that racist?) You need to jazz it up a bit to get the faithful frothing. Something like

"I will build a great wall -- and nobody builds walls better than me, believe me --and I'll build them very inexpensively. I will build a great, great wall on our southern border, and I will make Mexico pay for that wall. Mark my words. "

Boy. We already said no. Stop having a tantrum. Its not going to happen.
Trump wants to Make AmeriKKKa White Again, brain wash the masses with 'The Bible' and create the AmeriKKKan Taliban.

In this 'system' women would return to being second class citizens with no rights, just as in Muslim nations.

Be careful what you wish for TrumpTards; you may just get it.

Shove your race baiting up your ass.

oh, get mad, 'cause you know it's true? Trump MAWA!!

Standard leftard assholeness.

Insult someone with a vile insult, and then act like there is something wrong with them, if they get pissed off.

Work fine.

You just have to be a soulless fucktard.

Like you.

Hey look ass hole; you are the one that posted = "Shove your race baiting up your ass."

Then you accuse me of a, "vile insult."

LOL, you really are a stupid fvck.

You smeared half of America as being of the Klan. Telling your to shove that up your ass, was not an insult but completely called for.

You should shove it up your ass. It does not belong in the public square.

And it was a vile insult. How are you so stupid that you don't realize that? Are you too lacking in self awareness to know the shit that spews from your face hole?

You could spew a lot less shit & say a lot more; jus' sayin' :21:

I think your panties might be a tad too tight

His dumbass claims it is his “top book”, yet all he could do was fabricate a verse from it when asked on the campaign trail. The only reason why Trump is pushing for Bible study in public schools is because he knows it will score points with his followers. He’s so insecure and petty that he will say anything to keep people liking him.

Trump boosts bills to teach his favorite book — the Bible — in public schools

Trump wants to Make AmeriKKKa White Again, brain wash the masses with 'The Bible' and create the AmeriKKKan Taliban.

In this 'system' women would return to being second class citizens with no rights, just as in Muslim nations.

Be careful what you wish for TrumpTards; you may just get it.
Shut up! What bull chitt. Those stupid white males keep protecting women and need to stop. They have been emasculated and many are getting poorer. People want cable TV to change their rates and rules. Do you notice the are not? Let us choose what stations we want? Instead we get endless progressive socialist bullcrap. So if someone does not want ESPN, MSNBC, CNN and other language stations and more, give them the choice! And to save money on their monthly bills.

We dropped Cox and NETFLIX because of the crap
I am sorry but here is a lot of people not savvy in this game. It is obvious that lobbyists keep this up. If I could pick 20 stations and cut my bill in half I would do it. There would still be progressive socialist propaganda, but I would ave money.

We cut our cost by 50%
No. They don't care. He could be Beelzebub's brother, as long as he has a catchy phrase that pisses the fuck out of dem liburals!

I want a Wall, and better trade deals, and no new Cold War.

That that pisses off libs, is a bonus, not the reason.

But to say you want a wall is so, um vanilla (is that racist?) You need to jazz it up a bit to get the faithful frothing. Something like

"I will build a great wall -- and nobody builds walls better than me, believe me --and I'll build them very inexpensively. I will build a great, great wall on our southern border, and I will make Mexico pay for that wall. Mark my words. "


His dumbass claims it is his “top book”, yet all he could do was fabricate a verse from it when asked on the campaign trail. The only reason why Trump is pushing for Bible study in public schools is because he knows it will score points with his followers. He’s so insecure and petty that he will say anything to keep people liking him.

Trump boosts bills to teach his favorite book — the Bible — in public schools

President Trump was elected to fight against globalist pigs and the Marxist propagandists of the MSM, Democrats, and EU.

He’s not a perfect man, but he is certainly the best man for the job of saving this country and the world from the evils of Marxism and Islam.
His dumbass claims it is his “top book”, yet all he could do was fabricate a verse from it when asked on the campaign trail. The only reason why Trump is pushing for Bible study in public schools is because he knows it will score points with his followers. He’s so insecure and petty that he will say anything to keep people liking him.

Trump boosts bills to teach his favorite book — the Bible — in public schools

Trump wants to Make AmeriKKKa White Again, brain wash the masses with 'The Bible' and create the AmeriKKKan Taliban.

In this 'system' women would return to being second class citizens with no rights, just as in Muslim nations.

Be careful what you wish for TrumpTards; you may just get it.
Shut up! What bull chitt. Those stupid white males keep protecting women and need to stop. They have been emasculated and many are getting poorer. People want cable TV to change their rates and rules. Do you notice the are not? Let us choose what stations we want? Instead we get endless progressive socialist bullcrap. So if someone does not want ESPN, MSNBC, CNN and other language stations and more, give them the choice! And to save money on their monthly bills.

We dropped Cox and NETFLIX because of the crap
I am sorry but here is a lot of people not savvy in this game. It is obvious that lobbyists keep this up. If I could pick 20 stations and cut my bill in half I would do it. There would still be progressive socialist propaganda, but I would ave money.

We cut our cost by 50%
More power to you. We have Spectrum here. They are nasty. Thye are arrogant and obnoxious.They brought out Brighthouse who we still complained about but would throw you a bone once in a while. There is no compassion for them if the worst happens.
His dumbass claims it is his “top book”, yet all he could do was fabricate a verse from it when asked on the campaign trail. The only reason why Trump is pushing for Bible study in public schools is because he knows it will score points with his followers. He’s so insecure and petty that he will say anything to keep people liking him.

Trump boosts bills to teach his favorite book — the Bible — in public schools

President Trump was elected to fight against globalist pigs and the Marxist propagandists of the MSM, Democrats, and EU.

He’s not a perfect man, but he is certainly the best man for the job of saving this country and the world from the evils of Marxism and Islam.

Exactly! :thup:
His dumbass claims it is his “top book”, yet all he could do was fabricate a verse from it when asked on the campaign trail. The only reason why Trump is pushing for Bible study in public schools is because he knows it will score points with his followers. He’s so insecure and petty that he will say anything to keep people liking him.

Trump boosts bills to teach his favorite book — the Bible — in public schools
He cares as much about the Bible as Obama.

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