Do USMB Republicans really believe Trump is "honest"?

This is an amazing video. Watch it. Point out the lies about Trump. We can research them together.

Please name a single professional politician that IS honest. Name a single person in Washington politics that IS honest. How many politicians do you know personally, know them well enough, that you could attest to whether or not they're honest?

If Trump is dishonest, there's no way of you knowing that without knowing him on a personal basis. Otherwise, you're basing your opinion on news media opinions, which may or may not contain extreme political bias. You can say anything you want to about Trump, or any candidate, or any politician. But the bottom line is unless you know them on a very personal basis, have a relationship with them as friends, neighbors, or some other association with them, you actually know nothing about them other than what you hear and read through various news media.

Who is honest?

False. Their actions always tell you what you need to know. I do not need to know mrs bill on some personal level to know she is a dishonest lying sack of shit. I've seen her actions, they re-enforce her corruption that every sane person sees. Trump is no different. I do not need to know him personally to know that he is saying what people want to hear yet, he has a lifetime of supporting Dems, he was pro-choice forever until he decided to run for potus, he said mrs bill would make a great president, blah, blah, blah. His words NOW say one thing but his actions THEN tell me what I need to know. Has he 'evolved' and changed? I don't believe so, however, if he were to get in and actually do what he has been saying? Well, there are many of us who will eat a slice of "I was wrong" pie. Not holding my breath though.

I can't believe they really think he's honest. As in, you know, truthful.

He's all hyperbole all the time, and he clearly says whatever he thinks will gain him the most favor at any given moment.

Then he and/or his people backtrack on what he said, and say whatever will gain him the most favor at THAT moment.

They hate Hillary, they hate the GOP establishment, and there's Donald. So they're gonna just put up with it.
Me neither. He changes position from speech to speech and sometimes in the same speech. And yet he's "honest"? How do they get there from here?

This is an amazing video. Watch it. Point out the lies about Trump. We can research them together.

Please name a single professional politician that IS honest. Name a single person in Washington politics that IS honest. How many politicians do you know personally, know them well enough, that you could attest to whether or not they're honest?

If Trump is dishonest, there's no way of you knowing that without knowing him on a personal basis. Otherwise, you're basing your opinion on news media opinions, which may or may not contain extreme political bias. You can say anything you want to about Trump, or any candidate, or any politician. But the bottom line is unless you know them on a very personal basis, have a relationship with them as friends, neighbors, or some other association with them, you actually know nothing about them other than what you hear and read through various news media.

Who is honest?

Because the news media records him and then shows it to us.

Or, we can look at court records.

Or we can listen to people interviewed who have harmed by him.

Or you can look at his actions.

You can vote for someone you KNOW is lying to you and then shrug it off as "who is honest"? Really?
I can't remember an honest politician, but in this case, between hillary and Trump? You MUST be joking, Dweeb.
I can't believe they really think he's honest. As in, you know, truthful.

He's all hyperbole all the time, and he clearly says whatever he thinks will gain him the most favor at any given moment.

Then he and/or his people backtrack on what he said, and say whatever will gain him the most favor at THAT moment.

They hate Hillary, they hate the GOP establishment, and there's Donald. So they're gonna just put up with it.
Me neither. He changes position from speech to speech and sometimes in the same speech. And yet he's "honest"? How do they get there from here?

This is an amazing video. Watch it. Point out the lies about Trump. We can research them together.

Please name a single professional politician that IS honest. Name a single person in Washington politics that IS honest. How many politicians do you know personally, know them well enough, that you could attest to whether or not they're honest?

If Trump is dishonest, there's no way of you knowing that without knowing him on a personal basis. Otherwise, you're basing your opinion on news media opinions, which may or may not contain extreme political bias. You can say anything you want to about Trump, or any candidate, or any politician. But the bottom line is unless you know them on a very personal basis, have a relationship with them as friends, neighbors, or some other association with them, you actually know nothing about them other than what you hear and read through various news media.

Who is honest?

Because the news media records him and then shows it to us.

Or, we can look at court records.

Or we can listen to people interviewed who have harmed by him.

Or you can look at his actions.

You can vote for someone you KNOW is lying to you and then shrug it off as "who is honest"? Really?

Who are you voting for?
Typical conservative responses in this thread. Someone has a video that clearly demonstrates what a lying piece of shit Trump is, and then the Trump supporters -- who are incidentally gung ho about Trump -- respond with, "Oh, but all politicians are dishonest. Show me even one honest politician."

Then they go home, put their Trump bumper sticker on their car, wear their "Make America Hate Again" hats, etc.

Fucking worst people ever. ZERO integrity.
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Typical conservative responses in this thread. Someone has a video that clearly demonstrates what a lying piece of shit Trump is, and then the Trump supporters -- who are incidentally gung ho about Trump -- respond with, "Oh, but all politicians are dishonest. Show men even one honest politician."

Then they go home, put their Trump bumper sticker on their car, wear their "Make America Hate Again" hats, etc.

Fucking worst people ever. ZERO integrity.

And who are you voting for?
Typical conservative responses in this thread. Someone has a video that clearly demonstrates what a lying piece of shit Trump is, and then the Trump supporters -- who are incidentally gung ho about Trump -- respond with, "Oh, but all politicians are dishonest. Show men even one honest politician."

Then they go home, put their Trump bumper sticker on their car, wear their "Make America Hate Again" hats, etc.

Fucking worst people ever. ZERO integrity.

And who are you voting for?

Typical conservative responses in this thread. Someone has a video that clearly demonstrates what a lying piece of shit Trump is, and then the Trump supporters -- who are incidentally gung ho about Trump -- respond with, "Oh, but all politicians are dishonest. Show men even one honest politician."

Then they go home, put their Trump bumper sticker on their car, wear their "Make America Hate Again" hats, etc.

Fucking worst people ever. ZERO integrity.

And who are you voting for?

Sure you are.. Take a picture of your ballot.. No one believes your stupidazz.. You'll vote for Helly like all of you swampazz liberals.
Typical conservative responses in this thread. Someone has a video that clearly demonstrates what a lying piece of shit Trump is, and then the Trump supporters -- who are incidentally gung ho about Trump -- respond with, "Oh, but all politicians are dishonest. Show men even one honest politician."

Then they go home, put their Trump bumper sticker on their car, wear their "Make America Hate Again" hats, etc.

Fucking worst people ever. ZERO integrity.

Actually, I'd have to say, half the folks in this thread just don't give a shit anymore, they a SICK of career politicians.

Of course they know Trump lies.

But they have even more proof that Hillary actually breaks the law and gets away with it, causing untold pain and suffering. Why should the law apply to the little people and not the elites?

The other half, sure, they might support Trump, but they are under the delusion that he will make the elites suffer. Maybe he will, maybe he won't.

One thing is sure though, Hillary won't bring change, she will just bring more suffering on the American population.
Typical conservative responses in this thread. Someone has a video that clearly demonstrates what a lying piece of shit Trump is, and then the Trump supporters -- who are incidentally gung ho about Trump -- respond with, "Oh, but all politicians are dishonest. Show men even one honest politician."

Then they go home, put their Trump bumper sticker on their car, wear their "Make America Hate Again" hats, etc.

Fucking worst people ever. ZERO integrity.

And who are you voting for?

Sure you are.. Take a picture of your ballot.. No one believes your stupidazz.. You'll vote for Helly like all of you swampazz liberals.

lol, why would anyone give a fuck about convincing YOU? Your "belief" is totally irrelevant to me, worthless Trump supporter. Fucking zero.
Typical conservative responses in this thread. Someone has a video that clearly demonstrates what a lying piece of shit Trump is, and then the Trump supporters -- who are incidentally gung ho about Trump -- respond with, "Oh, but all politicians are dishonest. Show men even one honest politician."

Then they go home, put their Trump bumper sticker on their car, wear their "Make America Hate Again" hats, etc.

Fucking worst people ever. ZERO integrity.

And who are you voting for?

Sure you are.. Take a picture of your ballot.. No one believes your stupidazz.. You'll vote for Helly like all of you swampazz liberals.

lol, why would anyone give a fuck about convincing YOU? Your "belief" is totally irrelevant to me, worthless Trump supporter. Fucking zero.
Thanks for proving it.. Lying Helly Rotten voter.
Typical conservative responses in this thread. Someone has a video that clearly demonstrates what a lying piece of shit Trump is, and then the Trump supporters -- who are incidentally gung ho about Trump -- respond with, "Oh, but all politicians are dishonest. Show men even one honest politician."

Then they go home, put their Trump bumper sticker on their car, wear their "Make America Hate Again" hats, etc.

Fucking worst people ever. ZERO integrity.

And who are you voting for?


Good luck with that.
Typical conservative responses in this thread. Someone has a video that clearly demonstrates what a lying piece of shit Trump is, and then the Trump supporters -- who are incidentally gung ho about Trump -- respond with, "Oh, but all politicians are dishonest. Show men even one honest politician."

Then they go home, put their Trump bumper sticker on their car, wear their "Make America Hate Again" hats, etc.

Fucking worst people ever. ZERO integrity.

And who are you voting for?

Sure you are.. Take a picture of your ballot.. No one believes your stupidazz.. You'll vote for Helly like all of you swampazz liberals.

lol, why would anyone give a fuck about convincing YOU? Your "belief" is totally irrelevant to me, worthless Trump supporter. Fucking zero.
Thanks for proving it.. Lying Helly Rotten voter.

He just said he is voting for Stein.

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