Do viruses get stronger or...


If you deliberately get infected, then you know when to quarantine, for about 6 days, so than pose no risk to anyone else at all.
And even more important, then you will have recovery immunity, which will then end covid entirely once 70% of the population does that.
If enough people do not get covid, then it can not end.

What means you suggest a vaccination of all people with the most dangerous vaccine: the active virus on its own. ... In the moment this could be perhaps really a way brcause the Omicron variation seems to be relativelly harmless. On the other side exists also more harmless vaccines against the Omicron variation. So why to take the risk to become infected without any prevention by a vaccine?
Viruses ALWAYS get weaker. ...

Corona viruses are relativelly harmless. One of them "mutated" = "evolved" to a Corona 2 virus - broke an interspecies barrier and became extremely dangerous for human beings. It caused in the USA for example more killed citizens then all wars of the USA together in the last 200 years had caused. Because evolution has not any direction (also degeneration is evolution) exists not any natural law which could mean "viruses always get weaker" (weaker=more harmless). "Weaker" viruses who don't kill their victims have a better chance for their genetical information 'to survive' for a longer time. But 'to survive' is nothing what's important for a virus. If it would kill all human beings and die out with them then this would be also a totally normal natural process.

PS: Oh by the way: Thanks to everyone who prayed for a good end of this natural catastrophe "covid-19". It's not over yet - but it looks much more better now.
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When covid generally has a 99% survivability rate, why would you go to extreme lengths of living a sterile and germ-free life and being OCD about it? Doesn't being exposed to viruses supposed to create natural immunity, just like 'old school' vaccines, using a dead, weakened sample in the cocktail? Is it then safe practice to shy from the virus with such a high survivability rate? Particularly when a variant gets weaker, but the covid shots made those weakened variants appear to be stronger because the immune system has been compromised. This is where the bureaucrats purvey their bullshit, this is the"psychological twist" that occurs.
Over 50 years ago when I was in nurse's training the teacher I had for infectious diseases said that one day a virus would come along and wipe out most of the population of the world. she said it was only a matter of time because the modern world is much too vulnerable. thank GOD I still haven't lived to see that day yet. Hope I'm long gone before then.
Over 50 years ago when I was in nurse's training the teacher I had for infectious diseases said that one day a virus would come along and wipe out most of the population of the world. she said it was only a matter of time because the modern world is much too vulnerable. thank GOD I still haven't lived to see that day yet. Hope I'm long gone before then.
If you listen to that nutter, Bill Gates, he'll tell you this last plandemic was just the warm-up, there is another coming down the pipeline. It's all engineered. How would he know about the last plandemic? Because he helped mastermind it and he will for the next.


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