Do viruses get stronger or...

When it all started, the covid shot rollout here in Australia, I kept a close eye on it.
The first to get it was the elderly. Now if the powers that be wanted to knock off the world's population via these jabs, they wouldn't give any lethal shots to nana and pop, because everyone would smell that shit a mile away and not take it themselves for fear of death from it, because nana and pop died soon after taking them. So the elderly would have been given a very low-level toxicity batch or saline. Their family members would have thought, "well if they survived it, I can take t and be alright too". Wrong.
OR....The vaccine boosts the immune system in the elderly who, due to age, have weaker immune systems. Younger folks with normal immune systems get too much of a boost which causes auto immune reactions.
I doubt it very much.
OK, well, doubt your story very much. The fact remains, there was never any need to vax a whole population or to make vaxing mandatory for anyone. The so-called pandemic was nothing but a political ploy orchestrated by Democrat DC elites who wanted to besmirch Trump. Our whole country suffered because of them.
Why does that matter? The measure, from what I read, is people getting sick AFTER the jab. I haven't been sick therefore, my immune system must have been strengthened not weakened. I am not speaking for everyone, just me.
You don’t know why that matters? I see. Liberal science at play. Surprised you thought your supercharged immune system needed a flu shot.
You don’t know why that matters? I see. Liberal science at play. Surprised you thought your supercharged immune system needed a flu shot.
The measure of the jab's efficacy, again was presented in light of those negatively affected and was stated to be because their immune systems were negatively affected. In light of that measure, I said my immune system must have gotten stronger not weaker. I did not mention politics or 'supercharged immune system' or anything like that. That is all you, you are arguing with yourself at this point. :blahblah:
The measure of the jab's efficacy, again was presented in light of those negatively affected and was stated to be because their immune systems were negatively affected. In light of that measure, I said my immune system must have gotten stronger not weaker. I did not mention politics or 'supercharged immune system' or anything like that. That is all you, you are arguing with yourself at this point. :blahblah:
So you have a stronger immune system for taking the covid jabs, and how many have you had so far?

The Trail of Blood From the COVID Jabs

How COVID-19 vaccine can destroy your immune system

For Immediate Release: New Peer-Reviewed Papers Lead Calls for Suspension of Covid-19 Vaccines

Yeah, blah blah these.
Yes, in light of how the argument was presented. I explained that yet you want to push a different argument. I am not here to argue. If you think the jab will kill you DON'T TAKE IT!! Many, Many people have taken it an have NOT gotten sick. Your answer is some conspiracy about saline and all the evidence you have are isolated incidence.s I presented my opinion. I am no threat to you so, back the fuck off.
The measure of the jab's efficacy, again was presented in light of those negatively affected and was stated to be because their immune systems were negatively affected. In light of that measure, I said my immune system must have gotten stronger not weaker. I did not mention politics or 'supercharged immune system' or anything like that. That is all you, you are arguing with yourself at this point. :blahblah:
Wow, this is amazing. OK I will explain the obvious. You can’t say something got stronger without at least two measures - before and after.
Wow, this is amazing. OK I will explain the obvious. You can’t say something got stronger without at least two measures - before and after.
So why was it said that those who got the jab and got sick had their immune systems weakened? It works both ways. Also, I specifically noted that the jab was probably not good for younger folks and explained my reasoning. Older folks are not getting these adverse reactions of younger folks. One poster here has a theory about older folks being administered saline instead of the vax which, IMO is quite a stretch.

There is no "some" when an idiot of pilot crashes an aeroplane directly into a mountain because he thinks it is not suicide to do so. Everyone knows that aeroplanes like the USA fly through mountains with their Boeing quantum tunnel generators for 5 pence and a penny if he is Donald Trump, isn't it?

perhaps, but actions speak louder than words,

I know. I saw the corpses-tents in NY in one of the first waves of covid-19. And I saw the fake New Yorker Donald Trump verbally dancing like Rumpelstiltskin around the fire of his own lies.

what have you done that I haven't? Can you guess that much?

Little boy - when I was 20 I thought I had learned more than three others had forgotten in their lifes. Meanwhile I forgot much more. Your stupid idea everyone is stupid who has not your brainwashed fake opinions is ... exactly ... stupid! Wonderful that you got this on your own and I had nearly nothing to explain.
There is no "some" when an idiot of pilot crashes an aeroplane directly into a mountain because he thinks it is not suicide to do so. Everyone knows that aeroplanes like the USA fly through mountains with their Boeing quantum tunnel generators for 5 pence and a penny if he is Donald Trump, isn't it?

I know. I saw the corpses-tents in NY in one of the first waves of covid-19. And I saw the fake New Yorker Donald Trump verbally dancing like Rumpelstiltskin around the fire of his own lies.

Little boy - when I was 20 I thought I had learned more than three others had forgotten in their lifes. Meanwhile I forgot much more. Your stupid idea everyone is stupid who has not your brainwashed fake opinions is ... exactly ... stupid! Wonderful that you got this on your own and I had nearly nothing to explain.
I've had more than 5 decades on this planet, far from being a little boy!

Anyone with this kind of attitude, yours is one of gullibility. Seeing corpses in tents? Did you ask them how much the crisis actors were being paid to just lie around?

What is brainwashing?

Definition of brainwashing

1: a forcible indoctrination to induce someone to give up basic political, social, or religious beliefs and attitudes and to accept contrasting regimented ideas 2: persuasion by propaganda or salesmanship

So, you watched MSM, Pfauci, Walensky (CDC) talk shit for the duration of the plandemic, hey? Having their propaganda permeate your mind into believing the unbelievable? I didn't, I know you did, so is the one being "brainwashed"? Did you ever do any of your own research or you just played along without question? Oh, you would have fact-checked everything, hey? Didn't engage in any critical thinking skills or common sense, what's that he says? Exactly!
People who tend to use language as you do, have lost the argument because you have nothing more to offer to substantiate your claim but to ridicule and slander. The only stupid one here is you. Alternate perspectives, ones that don't fit your paradigm are nonsense because it hurts your feelings, time to pull up your big boy pants and drink some concrete so you can harden up.
The reality of the situation is that the pandemic was all a big con, to suck as many people into taking the covid shit shots. Just ask Bill Gates, he wanted to depopulate the planet, he said during a TedX presentation back in 2010-12, "with the use of vaccines, we can lower this number". But you wouldn't have known this, because you don't bother with thinking for yourself, hey?

Will start here in your edgamakatshun.

I wasn't forced into what I believe, but I know you were.
I've had more than 5 decades on this planet, far from being a little boy!

I am a little older but you are right. One of the advantages to become older is it that the relative time distance disappears to others who are older.

Anyone with this kind of attitude, yours is one of gullibility.

Gullibility? ... Leichtgläubigkeit? ... A funny English word with a serios German background?

Seeing corpses in tents? Did you ask them how much the crisis actors were being paid to just lie around ...

Now you have fallen off your own horse, gullible Gulliver. Bye bye.

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Now you have fallen off your own horse, gullible Gulliver. Bye bye.
No, I am duct taped to it, the horse that is. I can't fall off it because I did it myself and didn't trust anyone else to do it for me. An analogy directed at critical thinking.

What can you surmise from the following?

Yes, in light of how the argument was presented. I explained that yet you want to push a different argument. I am not here to argue. If you think the jab will kill you DON'T TAKE IT!! Many, Many people have taken it an have NOT gotten sick. Your answer is some conspiracy about saline and all the evidence you have are isolated incidence.s I presented my opinion. I am no threat to you so, back the fuck off.
In the context of the OP, the virus becoming weaker or stronger has been defined by bureaucrats that the covid variants are getting stronger because the participants of the covid jab have had their immune systems weakened. This is why a weak virus becomes a strong one. not that it is physically a stronger one, but the spin told about it and how makes the majority think it's a stronger virus variant when it's not. It's just because the covid shots have compromised the immune systems.

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