Do viruses get stronger or...

Over the last 3 years, we just witnessed a virus becoming weaker through mutations and it was highly transmissible.

If we all would be dead now because a virus killed our whole species then we would not know this and could not discuss about. Perhaps had helped our prayers - who knows? For sure also had helped vaccinations.
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What's your concrete personal problem?
My problem is how many have fallen for the bullshit narratives, and can't see the agenda that is unfolding. Even when "free thinkers" have dodged the barrage of propaganda, ridicule from those who label them as anti-vaxxers because the "free thinkers" know better because they engage in critical thinking and common sense that throws up so many red flags. When evidence is presented and those happily playing along with the Simon says game without questioning, investigating, or quiring anything that played the game will defend the pseudo-science nonsense to the death. That is my problem.
There isn't a consensus on whether they get weaker or stronger as they mutate. If you've been vaccinated, and in particular boosted, your immune system will get weaker, so everything will seem stronger to you.
If we all would be dead now because a virus killed our whole species then we would not know this and could not discuss about. Perhaps had helped our prayers - who knows? For sure also had helped vaccinations.
Interesting how the flu cases miraculously disappeared for two years while the plandemic was happening. Did someone say dodgy PCR tests and bucketloads of false positives? All the corporate news and bureaucratic fearmongering created negative thoughts and emotions on top of a cold or flu and that is what the plandemic was based on.
Death certificates were falsified, and doctors and hospitals incentivised all to push the fearful narrative along.
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We can only go by what we read/watch/listen to. Some a much luckier than others. Some get instant dire results, and for some, it can take a while for symptoms to show up. One other thing is how many shots do you need to be 'immune'? How many shots did people get for chicken/smallpox, 1? The covid jabs have always sat in the distrust corner for me.
Sometimes what we read/watch/listen to gives us short sighted information. That being said, I do understand your POV.
I didn't get the Pfizer vax I got Moderna which, they say, also has problems yet I have not experienced any and neither has anyone I know who got it. I know some other folks that got Covid, got over it and never got vaxxed. They are perfectly fine as well. IMO, Covid was not the existential threat the Democrats made it out to be and was really only threatening to older folks. There was no need to shut down the economy, our schools and blabber about children needing vaccinations.
There are some 'dark horse' medical practitioners that 'give' (*wink*) the covid shots, but are really giving saline, something very benign. This is possibly why you have not suffered like many others do/have.
These are the ones who have dodged the tabloids and other media. You may have one of these docs that gives saline instead of vomit in a vile.
There are some 'dark horse' medical practitioners that 'give' (*wink*) the covid shots, but are really giving saline, something very benign. This is possibly why you have not suffered like many others do/have.
These are the ones who have dodged the tabloids and other media. You may have one of these docs that gives saline instead of vomit in a vile.
I see no proof of saline being substituted in any significant numbers.
Yes. But I'm a German and so only the WHO is common in this case. Nevetheless I'm an admirer of Dr. Fauci because he tried to work r-e-a-s-o-n-a-b-l-e together with Donald Trump.
Trump was bamboozled by Pfauci. Tedros (WHO) is far from being squeaky clean or a medical doctor, so how can he lead and steer the world governments? Because he's a corrupted puppet.

Dr Cover-up: Tedros Adhanom’s controversial journey to the WHO

WHO and China covered Tedros’ past — but what is worrying is how India fell for it

Questions surfacing about the history of WHO’s director Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus

Trump was bamboozled by Pfauci. Tedros (WHO) is far from being squeaky clean or a medical doctor, so how can he lead and steer the world governments? Because he's a corrupted puppet.

Dr Cover-up: Tedros Adhanom’s controversial journey to the WHO

WHO and China covered Tedros’ past — but what is worrying is how India fell for it

Questions surfacing about the history of WHO’s director Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus

Fauci and Birx squeezed out the only real doctor in Trump's Covid task force.....Scott Atlas.
I see no proof of saline being substituted in any significant numbers.
It's already out there. If you look at what the agenda of these covid jabs are for...
see the link to view videos
Do viruses get stronger or...

Then you view the links here,
Do viruses get stronger or...

The Pfizer mRNA vaccine: pharmacokinetics and toxicity

Vaccine batches vary systematically in toxicity and are distributed to unsuspecting Americans by three companies: researcher

The idea behind mass vaccinations is to get as many people to willingly take the shite to depopulate the planet. Why do people that receive the jabs that don't get ill or die, it's because of saline or a very low level of toxicity of the shite shot?


How do any of the listed ingredients assist the immunisation of an individual? None.
Trump was bamboozled by Pfauci ...

The super-idiot Donald Trump for example suggested to inject disinfectants! Unfortunatelly he is not a scientist - otherwise he had made this experiment with himselve because he had not found any other super-idiot who liked to do so for him ... what's again unfortunatelly also not totally correct: I heard from someone who really did do so. Hope this is not true.

I will never understand why this absurde man got more than only one vote. And whatelse then "No - don't do it. Do not inject disinfectants - this may kill you!" is someone able to say in such a case? And how then reacts Donald Trump? Totally aggressive because any opinion which is not his own opinion hurts the natural law of all Goa'ulds: "You have to be loyal to your god, slave! See: I am also loyal to me - and only to me!"

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I came on totally other reasons to the same conclusion as the Dalai Lama did do: Every point in this universe is always only in the middle. So let me say: Everyone is favored and loved - but no one is preferred. Never. And perhaps everyone is also always responsible: So stop it to play to be an idiot on whatever deep or high level of idiocy.
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