Do viruses get stronger or...

The super-idiot Donald Trump for example suggested to inject disinfectants! Unfortunatelly he is not a scientist - otherwise he had made this experiment with himselve because he had not found any other super-idiot who liked to do so for him ... what's again unfortunatelly also not totally correct: I heard from someone who really did do so. Hope this is not true.

I will never understand why this absurde man got more than only one vote. And whatelse then "No - don't do it. Do not inject disinfectants - this may kill you!" is someone able to say in such a case? And how then reacts Donald Trump? Totally aggressive because any opinion which is not his own opinion hurts the natural law of all Goa'ulds: "You have to be loyal to your god, slave! See: I am also loyal to me - and only to me!"

I guess you took what Trump said seriously? But from a different perspective of the disinfectant that can kill you, so can the covid shots, isn't that a coincidence?
I guess you took what Trump said seriously? But from a different perspective of the disinfectant that can kill you, so can the covid shots, isn't that a coincidence?
So what? There were lots of theories buzzing around Covid at that time. Fauci told us not to worry. Did you forget?
I came on totally other reasons to the same conclusion as the Dalai Lama did do: Every point in this universe is always only in the middle. So let me say: Everyone is favored and loved - but no one is preferred. Never. And perhaps everyone is also always responsible: So stop it to play to be an idiot on whatever deep or high level of idiocy.
Don't you find it odd that those playing Simon says, need shot after shot after shot? Whereas in the old days of vaccines for the disease were just one shot. Crazy little lies about the jabs will protect you ––––– Pfffft. :puke3:
I just got the yearly flu shot. Just 1 shot.
I guess you took what Trump said seriously? But from a different perspective of the disinfectant that can kill you, so can the covid shots, isn't that a coincidence?
What you say is as stupid as this what Donald Trump says - that's the coincidence. Hypothese: Stupidity is psychologically "infectious" and sociopathologically counterproductive for the survival of the own species.
or in the case of covid –––

does the immune system of a covid vaxxed individual weaken so the variant appears stronger and deadlier? A new psychological twist in the fearmongering campaign directed at all that play the covid game of Simon says.

Do Viruses Get Stronger Or Weaker Over Time? Will COVID become a milder flu? Or is it likely to stay deadly?

What are your thoughts?
Oftentimes weaker, if you'll look at past plagues.

Syphilis was a lot deadlier when it first because popular in the 16th Century than it is today.

Although it could also be the built up immunity that people are getting to the virus over time, makes it less and less deadly.

No pandemic virus can survive as a species long term if they kill all of their victims. The virus needs living hosts to flourish.
Haven't been sick. At all.
When it all started, the covid shot rollout here in Australia, I kept a close eye on it.
The first to get it was the elderly. Now if the powers that be wanted to knock off the world's population via these jabs, they wouldn't give any lethal shots to nana and pop, because everyone would smell that shit a mile away and not take it themselves for fear of death from it, because nana and pop died soon after taking them. So the elderly would have been given a very low-level toxicity batch or saline. Their family members would have thought, "well if they survived it, I can take t and be alright too". Wrong.
Were you sick a lot before the jab?
Why does that matter? The measure, from what I read, is people getting sick AFTER the jab. I haven't been sick therefore, my immune system must have been strengthened not weakened. I am not speaking for everyone, just me.

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