Do viruses get stronger or...

or in the case of covid –––

does the immune system of a covid vaxxed individual weaken so the variant appears stronger and deadlier? A new psychological twist in the fearmongering campaign directed at all that play the covid game of Simon says.

Do Viruses Get Stronger Or Weaker Over Time? Will COVID become a milder flu? Or is it likely to stay deadly?

What are your thoughts?
Of all the variance with covid most of them weren't more virulent. But if you were. The problem is when you get one that's more virulent and more easily spread that is the deadly combination that we don't want to see and it's always possible as long as the virus continues to circulate. Unfortunately the modern world facilitates the spread of viruses more than ever. That's why common Sense precautions are the best defense in the long run.
Of all the variance with covid most of them weren't more virulent. But if you were. The problem is when you get one that's more virulent and more easily spread that is the deadly combination that we don't want to see and it's always possible as long as the virus continues to circulate. Unfortunately the modern world facilitates the spread of viruses more than ever. That's why common Sense precautions are the best defense in the long run.
When covid generally has a 99% survivability rate, why would you go to extreme lengths of living a sterile and germ-free life and being OCD about it? Doesn't being exposed to viruses supposed to create natural immunity, just like 'old school' vaccines, using a dead, weakened sample in the cocktail? Is it then safe practice to shy from the virus with such a high survivability rate? Particularly when a variant gets weaker, but the covid shots made those weakened variants appear to be stronger because the immune system has been compromised. This is where the bureaucrats purvey their bullshit, this is the"psychological twist" that occurs.
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or in the case of covid –––

does the immune system of a covid vaxxed individual weaken so the variant appears stronger and deadlier? A new psychological twist in the fearmongering campaign directed at all that play the covid game of Simon says.

Do Viruses Get Stronger Or Weaker Over Time? Will COVID become a milder flu? Or is it likely to stay deadly?

What are your thoughts?

Viruses ALWAYS get weaker.
It is natural selection.
Those that are stronger kill off their hosts too soon, so they do not propagate as well as those who do not kill off their hosts.
No virus has ever gotten more deadly.

But the question may be inappropriate, since covid itself kills no one.
Those that have died after covid infection have been killed by an immune system over reaction, not the virus.
So why was it said that those who got the jab and got sick had their immune systems weakened? It works both ways. Also, I specifically noted that the jab was probably not good for younger folks and explained my reasoning. Older folks are not getting these adverse reactions of younger folks. One poster here has a theory about older folks being administered saline instead of the vax which, IMO is quite a stretch.

Older people are having the same bad reactions to the mRNA injections as the young.
It is just that since they are already as more risk, it was not clear how bad of an idea it was.

The problem for everyone from the mRNA injection is that the injection just contains new programming for the ribosomes in our own cells, to make them start growing spike proteins.
If that is in the arm, no problem.
The cells then are killed by the immune system, and little harm is done.
But the problem is the mRNA injections are much smaller particles than most injections.
So small, that they can migrate into the blood stream, and end up anywhere.
And since the cells they end up in will start to grow spike proteins and be attacked by your immune system, if the mRNA gets to someplace like the heart or brain, you die.
So age has nothing to do with it.
It is just random chance.
Older people are having the same bad reactions to the mRNA injections as the young.
It is just that since they are already as more risk, it was not clear how bad of an idea it was.

The problem for everyone from the mRNA injection is that the injection just contains new programming for the ribosomes in our own cells, to make them start growing spike proteins.
If that is in the arm, no problem.
The cells then are killed by the immune system, and little harm is done.
But the problem is the mRNA injections are much smaller particles than most injections.
So small, that they can migrate into the blood stream, and end up anywhere.
And since the cells they end up in will start to grow spike proteins and be attacked by your immune system, if the mRNA gets to someplace like the heart or brain, you die.
So age has nothing to do with it.
It is just random chance.
Of all the variance with covid most of them weren't more virulent. But if you were. The problem is when you get one that's more virulent and more easily spread that is the deadly combination that we don't want to see and it's always possible as long as the virus continues to circulate. Unfortunately the modern world facilitates the spread of viruses more than ever. That's why common Sense precautions are the best defense in the long run.

No virus has ever gotten more deadly, ever.

There are 2 main "common sense" strategies for dealing with epidemics.
If it is very deadly, then you do full quarantine, with background tracing, and you end any epidemic in about a month.
If it is not very deadly, then you deliberately accelerate infection in order to end it in a couple of months, by achieving herd immunity.

What you NEVER do is violate common sense, by "flattening the curve", since that prevents herd immunity and makes any epidemic last essentially forever.

That was interesting, but did not have enough details to make any sense.
It was saying the stronger immune system response of younger people made for more side effects.
But what makes the mRNA vaccine deadly or not is not dependent upon the strength of the immune system as much as simply where the mRNA instructions are able to migrate to.
It is stays in the arm, then it does not matter how strong your immune reaction is.
And if it gets to your heart, then I would assume everyone's immune system is gong to attack and kill the affected cells. Its not like the immune system can ignore our own cells starting to grow spike proteins?
About all I can think of is that maybe younger people have an immune system that detects, finds, and destroys the mRNA before it gets to any place dangerous, like the heart? If it is detected, found, and destroyed in the blood stream, then it could not kill?
That was interesting, but did not have enough details to make any sense.
It was saying the stronger immune system response of younger people made for more side effects.
But what makes the mRNA vaccine deadly or not is not dependent upon the strength of the immune system as much as simply where the mRNA instructions are able to migrate to.
It is stays in the arm, then it does not matter how strong your immune reaction is.
And if it gets to your heart, then I would assume everyone's immune system is gong to attack and kill the affected cells. Its not like the immune system can ignore our own cells starting to grow spike proteins?
About all I can think of is that maybe younger people have an immune system that detects, finds, and destroys the mRNA before it gets to any place dangerous, like the heart? If it is detected, found, and destroyed in the blood stream, then it could not kill?
Yes, younger immune systems are stronger and the jab may trigger an auto immune response. Younger people did not get Covid to the degree of the elderly and there was no need to promopte vaccinations for them or, IMO, anyone under 65 or 70.
Yes, younger immune systems are stronger and the jab may trigger an auto immune response. Younger people did not get Covid to the degree of the elderly and there was no need to promopte vaccinations for them or, IMO, anyone under 65 or 70.

You say with this words here just simple that you do not see any sense in fighting any virusses as long as you yourselve will not die because of a virus. But what do you really know before it said to you: "Hello, here I am. If I don't kill you - a questions of individual probability and age - bring me to your parents and grandparents. Their chances to die or to be sick for a very very long time will grow".
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Ahh, so you have nothing left in the tank, hey?

I never left anything in any tank. Your "think tank" (ideological fight machine) is in my culture called "Denkfabrik" (an philosophical production place). So you make me tired, that's all. I do not see any sense in your "arguments". It's totally unimportant - if it is not always only counterproductive on its own - who wins with brainwashing methods in a fight of ideologies.

Ich singe um mein Leben

Ich singe um mein Leben
Ich singe, um nicht aufzugeben
Ich mach′ mir selber Mut, ich sing'
Wie als Kind, wenn ich in den dunklen Keller ging
Um meine Angst nicht zuzugeben
Ich singe um mein Leben

Ich fühl′ mich wie der Akrobat
Den hinter den Grimassen
Mitten auf dem gespannten Draht
Die Selbstzweifel erfassen
Einstieg und Ziel gleich fern von mir:
Nach vorn, oder ich scheiter'!
Kein Blick hinab, ich balancier'
Mit einem grimmigen Lächeln weiter

Ich singe um mein Leben
Ich singe, um nicht aufzugeben
Wie Soldaten, die trotzig salutier′n,
Wenn sie in die aussichtslose Schlacht marschier'n
Um die Angst nicht zuzugeben
Ich singe um mein Leben

Manchmal denk′ ich geht alles schief
Wenn mir bei allen Mühen
Mein Schiffchen aus dem Ruder lief
Die Leuchtfeuer verglühen
Dann möcht' ich mich verkriechen, und
Dann will ich nichts erklären
Dann will ich meinen Zottelhund
Und meinen abgeliebten Bären

Ich singe um mein Leben
Ich singe, um nicht aufzugeben
Wie ich leise vor mich hinsummte, um nicht allein
In dem großen, leeren, dunklen Haus zu sein
Um die Angst nicht zuzugeben
Ich singe um mein Leben

Vielleicht ist es Sprachlosigkeit
Aus tiefem Unbehagen
Vielleicht hab′ ich aus alter Zeit
Eine Schuld abzutragen
Vielleicht, weil sich im Widersinn
Freude und Schmerz verbinden,
Muss ich, auch wenn ich glücklich bin
Immer Trauer empfinden

Ich singe um mein Leben
Ich singe, um nicht aufzugeben
Ich mach' mir selber Mut, ich sing′
Wie als Kind, wenn ich in den dunklen Keller ging
Um meine Angst nicht zuzugeben
Ich singe um mein Leben

Reinhard Mey
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I never left anything in any tank
You obviously don't understand the saying, "nothing left in the tank". It's an analogy suggesting that there is no fuel left in your 'petrol tank' you can't continue, can't go on. That's what it means.

"? Brainwashing?" methods?
I've taken my blindfold over twenty years ago, I see through all the bullshit that has and is going on. My perception is razor-sharp. Because of this, you respond as you do.
First of all is it stupid to speak about a "psychological twist in the fearmongering campaign". If someone says to you: "You will die when you will eat poison." - what has this to do with anything else than this message? Same if someone says "All people will die when they will eat a poison". Not this words produce fear - fear is something what you are doing on your own.

So: What is the poison in this case and is such a sentence in a concrete situation right or wrong?

The poison is a virus - and the difference to other forms of poison is that it is a dynamic poison. So we need the logic of time to speak about the risks. ... The virus is able to mutate and this mutations change the population of the virus and our immune systems are able to learn by natural infections with the virus on its own and/or by artificial vaccinations. And in this combination of effects we are now. If the virus will mutate into a 100% deadly form then only a vaccination is something what is able to help. But also vaccinations have risks. The problem: Such values we get for big populations but not for individuals. So we can say for example in 99% it is is better for the complete population to make vaccinations and in 1% is is better to let find the right answer by the own immune system. This numbers are pure fantasy. I do not have any concrete numbers in the moment. In this case 99% of all men and women would make a vaccination - because human beings are reasonable entities who don't play Russians roulette with 99 deadly revolver cartridges and 1 empty cartridge.

In a very special situation are in all this cases people who need to supress their own immune system or are older and have a weak immune system. Such people should speak with a doctor of their confidence. And the rest of the people should listen to the pieces of advice from autorized medical institutions who watch what is happening.

And there are by the way 2 reasons why to use masks: One reason is not to get infected - but the much more important reason is not to infect others.
If you are fat, weak or old you should definitely do everything to protect yourself. Everyone else should just live their life and say F* off to the Covid fear mongers. My wife got Covid 3 weeks ago. By the time she tested herself , I was obviously already exposed so we took zero precautions in the house, neither of us masked and she was coughing her head off for days. She was back to work a week after testing positive and I never got it. I'm not vaxxed she is vaxxed and boosted. We are both in our 60s. Chew on that.
If you are fat, weak or old you should definitely do everything to protect yourself. Everyone else should just live their life and say F* off to the Covid fear mongers. My wife got Covid 3 weeks ago. By the time she tested herself , I was obviously already exposed so we took zero precautions in the house, neither of us masked and she was coughing her head off for days. She was back to work a week after testing positive and I never got it. I'm not vaxxed she is vaxxed and boosted. We are both in our 60s. Chew on that.
You say with this words here just simple that you do not see any sense in fighting any virusses as long as you yourselve will not die because of a virus. But what do you really know before it said to you: "Hello, here I am. If I don't kill you - a questions of individual probability and age - bring me to your parents and grandparents. Their chances to die or to be sick for a very very long time will grow".

If you deliberately get infected, then you know when to quarantine, for about 6 days, so than pose no risk to anyone else at all.
And even more important, then you will have recovery immunity, which will then end covid entirely once 70% of the population does that.
If enough people do not get covid, then it can not end.
I never left anything in any tank. Your "think tank" (ideological fight machine) is in my culture called "Denkfabrik" (an philosophical production place). So you make me tired, that's all. I do not see any sense in your "arguments". It's totally unimportant - if it is not always only counterproductive on its own - who wins with brainwashing methods in a fight of ideologies.

Ich singe um mein Leben

Ich singe um mein Leben
Ich singe, um nicht aufzugeben
Ich mach′ mir selber Mut, ich sing'
Wie als Kind, wenn ich in den dunklen Keller ging
Um meine Angst nicht zuzugeben
Ich singe um mein Leben

Ich fühl′ mich wie der Akrobat
Den hinter den Grimassen
Mitten auf dem gespannten Draht
Die Selbstzweifel erfassen
Einstieg und Ziel gleich fern von mir:
Nach vorn, oder ich scheiter'!
Kein Blick hinab, ich balancier'
Mit einem grimmigen Lächeln weiter

Ich singe um mein Leben
Ich singe, um nicht aufzugeben
Wie Soldaten, die trotzig salutier′n,
Wenn sie in die aussichtslose Schlacht marschier'n
Um die Angst nicht zuzugeben
Ich singe um mein Leben

Manchmal denk′ ich geht alles schief
Wenn mir bei allen Mühen
Mein Schiffchen aus dem Ruder lief
Die Leuchtfeuer verglühen
Dann möcht' ich mich verkriechen, und
Dann will ich nichts erklären
Dann will ich meinen Zottelhund
Und meinen abgeliebten Bären

Ich singe um mein Leben
Ich singe, um nicht aufzugeben
Wie ich leise vor mich hinsummte, um nicht allein
In dem großen, leeren, dunklen Haus zu sein
Um die Angst nicht zuzugeben
Ich singe um mein Leben

Vielleicht ist es Sprachlosigkeit
Aus tiefem Unbehagen
Vielleicht hab′ ich aus alter Zeit
Eine Schuld abzutragen
Vielleicht, weil sich im Widersinn
Freude und Schmerz verbinden,
Muss ich, auch wenn ich glücklich bin
Immer Trauer empfinden

Ich singe um mein Leben
Ich singe, um nicht aufzugeben
Ich mach' mir selber Mut, ich sing′
Wie als Kind, wenn ich in den dunklen Keller ging
Um meine Angst nicht zuzugeben
Ich singe um mein Leben

Reinhard Mey

I sing for my life
I sing so as not to give up
I encourage myself, I sing
like as a child when I went
into the dark cellar Not to admit
my fear I sing for my life

I feel like the acrobat
Behind the grimaces
In the middle of the tensioned wire
The self-doubt grasp
entry and goal immediately far away from me:
Forward, or I fail'!
No look down, I balance'
Continue with a grim smile

I sing for my life
I sing so as not to give
up Like soldiers who defiantly salute when
they march into the hopeless battle'n
To not admit
fear I sing for my life

Sometimes I think everything goes wrong
When I make all my efforts
My boat got out of
hand The beacons
burn up Then I want to hide, and
then I don't want to explain
anything Then I want my shaggy dog
And my beloved bear

I sing for my life
I sing so as not to give
up How I hummed quietly in front of me, so as not to be
In the big, empty, dark house In order not to admit
the fear I sing for my life

Maybe it is speechlessness
Out of deep discomfort
Maybe I have to pay
off a debt from old times
Maybe because joy and pain combine in the absurdity
I must, even if I am
happy Always feel

sadness I sing for my life
I sing so as not to give
up I encourage myself, I sing′
Like as a child, when I went
into the dark cellar Not to admit
my fear I sing for my life

Reinhard Mey
You obviously don't understand the saying, "nothing left in the tank". It's an analogy suggesting that there is no fuel left in your 'petrol tank' you can't continue, can't go on. That's what it means.

"? Brainwashing?" methods?
I've taken my blindfold over twenty years ago, I see through all the bullshit that has and is going on. My perception is razor-sharp. Because of this, you respond as you do.
no comment
If you are fat, weak or old you should definitely do everything to protect yourself.

If you are an US-Amrican and an idiot then you are not shy to show this to anyone else in the world.

Everyone else should just live their life and say F* off to the Covid fear mongers. My wife got Covid 3 weeks ago. By the time she tested herself , I was obviously already exposed so we took zero precautions in the house, neither of us masked and she was coughing her head off for days. She was back to work a week after testing positive and I never got it. I'm not vaxxed she is vaxxed and boosted. We are both in our 60s. Chew on that.

I will never understand how US-Americans take a little piece of time and freeze it to an everlasting fake-truth. Covid is not covid. Covid now is not covid 2 years ago - and what is now no one was able to know 2 years ago and what will be in two month no one is able to know today.

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