Do we agree that a fundamental difference between the right and the left is...

Aaaaaaaaanyhoo. My point has been more than made and confirmed by the pseudocons.

Massive overspending is really cool and okay if you paste an R after your name, even if just about everything you do exposes your inner far left liberal. That "R" is all that matters to make big government spending okay.
No, that isn't the end of the "illegal aliens steal American jobs" argument. Only an imbecile imagines that because things are good now, the illegal aliens aren't hurting us.

The deficit is irrelevant to the illegal alien problem, moron.

Mass immigration is a one way ticket to a one party america ruled by the socialist left.
Democrats claim illegal aliens never vote...but every Democrat candidate is promising illegals something.

If illegals don't vote, why are Democrats trying to buy their votes?
False Dichotomy.
Horseshit. What good does it do for Mr. and Mrs. American Citizen to have their tax money taken away to give illegals free healthcare?
What good does it do for Mr. and Mrs. American Citizen to have $1.4 trillion a year spent on tax expenditures which are paid for by higher tax rates on them and massive borrowing?
Answer my question.

Oh, wait, you can't. No one can.
Aaaaaaaaanyhoo. My point has been more than made and confirmed by the pseudocons.

Massive overspending is really cool and okay if you paste an R after your name, even if just about everything you do exposes your inner far left liberal. That "R" is all that matters to make big government spending okay.
When you start complaining about Dim spending, perhaps someone will listen to you. Otherwise, shut the fuck up.
...what the role of government should be in society? Is it accurate to say that left-wing ideology supports more government programs, more government management/oversight and higher taxes wherein right-wing ideology supports having LESS of those things?
I don't know about the right having less government programs. Maybe different ones. They seem to like those police state types of programs. They gave us the FBI, TSA, DHS, DEA, EPA and Patriot Act.

The left has been more about social welfare programs like Social Security, Medicare, child labor laws, workplace safety programs, food stamps, housing programs, anti-discrimination laws, etc.
...what the role of government should be in society? Is it accurate to say that left-wing ideology supports more government programs, more government management/oversight and higher taxes wherein right-wing ideology supports having LESS of those things?
I don't know about the right having less government programs. Maybe different ones. They seem to like those police state types of programs. They gave us the FBI, TSA, DHS, DEA, EPA and Patriot Act.

The left has been more about social welfare programs like Social Security, Medicare, child labor laws, workplace safety programs, food stamps, housing programs, anti-discrimination laws, etc.

You listed 6 agencies out of the thousands that infest this Republic.
Exactly. They feed you a bunch of bullshit about how they don't want those things, yet they pass legislation that regulates what you can and can't do with your own body.

Your baby's body is your baby's body, not yours. In any event, please don't hijack my thread. If you want to discuss abortion, start your own.
So your baby belongs to the state.
No, the right wants the same amount of spending as the left, they just do not want to pay for it.

The left wants more social programs the right wants more tanks and ships and planes.

In the end the government is bigger and our debt grows even faster.

Are you aware than in the last 365 days we added 1.3 trillion dollars to our deficit...during a booming economy.

Yes, I am aware of our deficit. However, there is no political will in Washington or among the people to rein in spending. Cutting spending means cutting programs, and that's a non-starter.

Defense spending isn't a social program. Favoring a strong national defense is not akin to favoring massive government programs and spending.

Please show me all of the prominent members of "the right" that support nationalizing our nation's healthcare system. I'll wait.
Obamacare and the individual mandate was practically boilerplate from the Heritage foundation.
We're at full employement, remember? Trumpies brag about it every day.

So much for the "wetbax steel our jobz!" argument.

The deficit was DECREASING when the GOP took over. Trump has more than doubled it to a trillion dollars. Even if I stipulate your bullshit $120 billion a year claim, that still leaves $880 billion of massive overspending by Trump.

So much for the "because Mexicans" bullshit.
No, that isn't the end of the "illegal aliens steal American jobs" argument. Only an imbecile imagines that because things are good now, the illegal aliens aren't hurting us.

The deficit is irrelevant to the illegal alien problem, moron.

Mass immigration is a one way ticket to a one party america ruled by the socialist left.
We've had mass immigration since our Founding, dumbass. Your ancestors were immigrants.

Quintessential left wing talking point right there. Just ignore literal decades of statistics proving that your precious latin american immigrants overwhelmingly choose to vote left.
As I explained above, the Right totally screwed the pooch with immigrants.

Immigrants are hard working, deeply religious, and family oriented. They are a natural fit for the GOP.

But instead, bigoted dumb fucks like you spit in their faces and run them off.

Even GWB who pandered hard to Hispanics only won 40% of their vote. Hardly impressive for a demographic that is supposedly a perfect fit.
yet people claiming to be conservative vote for them every election...weird

Many times, people vote for whom they believe is the lesser of two evils.

and the result has been 23 trillion dollars in debt and climbing.

perhaps it is time for a change from that stupid way of voting...remember...when you vote for the lesser of two evils, they are still evil.
Vote for Cthulhu the next time.
Better to vote GOP and get candidates who believe in half your views than vote Democrat and get candidates who hate you and everything you believe.


How many leftists have slammed evangelicals for supporting Trump? Are they supposed to support the baby-murdering abortionists of the Godless left?
Lame. First of all, there's lots of right wing folks getting abortions too. Secondly, most people on the left identify as Christian. Not every church is a bunch of rabid fetus waving crazies.
...what the role of government should be in society? Is it accurate to say that left-wing ideology supports more government programs, more government management/oversight and higher taxes wherein right-wing ideology supports having LESS of those things?
No, this is not what the fundamental difference is. The fundamental difference between lefties and righties is how each side feels about who pays for what. Righties want to pay their own way, lefties want somebody else to pay.
BS. The right just continues to borrow and spend.
Who actually represents Conservatives these days?
Certainly not the Republican's become a cult.
Better to vote GOP and get candidates who believe in half your views than vote Democrat and get candidates who hate you and everything you believe.


How many leftists have slammed evangelicals for supporting Trump? Are they supposed to support the baby-murdering abortionists of the Godless left?
liberals: conservatives are all stupid and racist

liberals: i just dont understand why more conservatives dont support us
conservatives: The left are a bunch of shiftless bums, minorities, and scum who want free shit.
conservatives: I just don't understand why more minorities don't support us.
‘The left’ (whatever that’s supposed to be) is pragmatic with regard to government: there are things government does well and things government does poorly; what works best is when the public and private sectors work together.

Really? Is the federal government good at the home-mortgage business? Wasn't it the government that crashed the 2008 economy?

How about the federal government being in the student-loan business? Isn't it true that their involvement has enabled tuition costs to skyrocket? And what is the default rate, 20%?

You call all of that successful governance in action?
Well, the repugs do love deregulation, which lead to banks doing subprime loans, junk bonds, etc.
The left has been more about social welfare programs like Social Security, Medicare, child labor laws, workplace safety programs, food stamps, housing programs, anti-discrimination laws, etc.

The left also supports the Department of Education, government involvement in the home-mortgage business, the student-loan business and all sorts of other programs. So, yes, the left supports more government, more government programs, more government spending and more taxation to pay for it all.
‘The left’ (whatever that’s supposed to be) is pragmatic with regard to government: there are things government does well and things government does poorly; what works best is when the public and private sectors work together.

Really? Is the federal government good at the home-mortgage business? Wasn't it the government that crashed the 2008 economy?

How about the federal government being in the student-loan business? Isn't it true that their involvement has enabled tuition costs to skyrocket? And what is the default rate, 20%?

You call all of that successful governance in action?
Well, the repugs do love deregulation, which lead to banks doing subprime loans, junk bonds, etc.
There was no deregulation before the subprime mortgage debacle, shit for brains.
Ronald Reagan and the EMTALA law passed in 1986.

Do you think it was their intent to pay for the healthcare of 23+ MILLION illegals?

I take it that you SUPPORT making average Americans pay for the healthcare of foreigners, right?

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