Do we agree that a fundamental difference between the right and the left is...

My brother is a radical RW retired guy who complains about Democratic spending all the way to his Medicare doctor appointments, and to the drug store to pick up incredibly expense medication for his wife who has MS, and seems to be unaware that baby Bush put RX on Medicare with no offsetting premium increase. He also complains about "Obama phones" which was a law signed by Reagan, and free ER care provided by hospitals to the indigent, also a law signed by Reagan. He is the first to tell you that people would have to take his guns away from his "cold, dead hands", even though he shot himself in the leg, so that could be a correct prophesy.
...which was a law signed by Reagan...

Do presidents sometimes sign off on things that they don't necessarily support, but do so anyway after a negotiation with the other party in order to get bipartisan legislation passed?
The right claims to want less of those things, but they don't practice it.
They can't practice it, because they are pushed by the left (due the leftist antics of using more and more government power inappropriately), to use more and more government power in order to counter the leftist usage of more and more inappropriate government power.
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I think you leftists need to deal with your own oppression olympics, before trying to claim others are acting like victims.

Coming from the side that has the perpetual victim President- that is pretty ironic.
Sorry but Oblammer has been out of office for 3 years now, only brown turd I know who was constantly apologizing for being such a dick.
Some claim to be on the right just like some are Republicans but legislate like leftist Democrats. Still, there are many on the right that oppose government takeover of the health industry and the existence of the Department of Education and government involvement in the student-loan business, etc. Unfortunately, there aren't enough of us.

but these same people have no issue with the DOD getting larger and larger and larger.

Seems the difference is which part of the government they want bigger
Defense is mandated by the Constitution.

The National Endowment for the Arts is not.

Yes, defense is. What we do goes well beyond defense.
The best defense is a good offense. Otherwise you get caught short and your newly-conscripted troops train with wooden rifles. Does WW1 ring a bell?

you continue to make my point for me. The only difference is which parts of the government you want bigger and which parts you want to spend money we do not have on
So you have a president who wants to cut the government and drain the swamp and you have establishment liberals on both sides fighting against him. What is worse is idiots like you who support the establishment pukes.
We have less people on food stamps.
Yeah, not because less people need them, but because repugs made it harder to get.

more of the former, and has been the case for the last 8 years as the food stamp rolls deceased as people went back to work.

Another big difference between left and right; you leftists tend to be shameless fucking liars.

Food Stamps haven't been declining for 8 years. They rose the whole tenure of Potentate Obamugabe. They declined once our competent president, Donald Trump took office.

Under Obama, 10.7 Million More Use Food Stamps—A 32 Percent Jump | Breitbart

You are correct, it has only been 7 years, silly me.

But you are full of shit, they were dropping long before your god came down the golden escalator.

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I accept your surrender
but these same people have no issue with the DOD getting larger and larger and larger.

Seems the difference is which part of the government they want bigger
Defense is mandated by the Constitution.

The National Endowment for the Arts is not.

Yes, defense is. What we do goes well beyond defense.
The best defense is a good offense. Otherwise you get caught short and your newly-conscripted troops train with wooden rifles. Does WW1 ring a bell?

you continue to make my point for me. The only difference is which parts of the government you want bigger and which parts you want to spend money we do not have on
So you have a president who wants to cut the government and drain the swamp and you have establishment liberals on both sides fighting against him. What is worse is idiots like you who support the establishment pukes.

A president that wants to cut the government does not submit the largest budget request in the history of the country.
but these same people have no issue with the DOD getting larger and larger and larger.

Seems the difference is which part of the government they want bigger
Defense is mandated by the Constitution.

The National Endowment for the Arts is not.

Yes, defense is. What we do goes well beyond defense.
The best defense is a good offense. Otherwise you get caught short and your newly-conscripted troops train with wooden rifles. Does WW1 ring a bell?

you continue to make my point for me. The only difference is which parts of the government you want bigger and which parts you want to spend money we do not have on
So you have a president who wants to cut the government and drain the swamp and you have establishment liberals on both sides fighting against him. What is worse is idiots like you who support the establishment pukes.

Pretty sure Johnson was not an establishment puke
Most of the world is comprised of hard-leftists who also happen to hate white people and christian values and you expect them to change into friggin george washington when they set foot on magical American soil?
The left hates "Christian values"?


Donald Trump has amputated your moral legs at the hip, dumbass. You have nothing to stand on. You're on stumps.

Serial adultery, bearing false witness on a daily basis, theft, covetousness. All raised to an art form by the devil's spawn in the White House.

Clean the beam out of your own eye before pointing out the splinter in your neighbor's eye.

Yes, the left legitimately hates Christian values and they make no bones about it.

You tell 'im, sucker!

I guess I could have sat out the election because Trump isn't ideal which would essentially be the same thing as voting for Hillary
Nope. Horrible illogic.

Voting for someone sends the message, "Keep doing what you're doing!"

I refuse to send that message to either of the Democrats Trump or Clinton.

You're not involved in politics
You've told us before
...what the role of government should be in society? Is it accurate to say that left-wing ideology supports more government programs, more government management/oversight and higher taxes wherein right-wing ideology supports having LESS of those things?

Holy shit REALLY?

This was why Buttsoiler ("Rottweiler") left the board in shame and had to change his name to come back --- he tried to sell the mendacious malarkey that the difference between 'right' and 'left' is 'how big the government is".

NO that's NOT what it means AT ALL so no we absolutely DO NOT agree. This is a contemporary fantasy born of the Dumb-Down set designed to obscure political realities.

The left politicians are the wealthy who insulate themselves from the parasitic class by promising them to take things from everyone and give it to them.
They fool you idiots every time.
Hillary hasn't driven her own car in 30 years -- but she's just like you and me.

If she hasn't driven her own car she's NOTHING like me.
Nope. We wouldn't have the debt we currently do if that were true.

So it's your view that the right and the left agree on how many social programs we should have and how much taxes we should pay to support them?

I'm not arguing that the right is fiscally conservative. I am arguing that they generally support less government and less government spending and taxation.

I didn't say that. From my perspective, the only difference between the left and the right is who benefits and who pays the costs. The right is every bit as much about big government as the left.
Thank God we had Republicans writing the budget.

When you Republicans writing the budget and a Republican signing the budget the deficits doubled in less 2 years...why is that?
Trump still had to get 60 votes in the Senate, moron. That means the deadbeat party can hold us up for ransom.
Deficit Donald could have submitted a budget that was as big as Obama's biggest budget.

But he didn't. He hates being second to anyone. He had to top Obama by hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of billions.
Hilarious watching you Leftards pretend to care about the deficit.
Number of threads started by leftists condemning Pelosi’s budget: ZERO
Thank God we had Republicans writing the budget.

When you Republicans writing the budget and a Republican signing the budget the deficits doubled in less 2 years...why is that?
Trump still had to get 60 votes in the Senate, moron. That means the deadbeat party can hold us up for ransom.
Deficit Donald could have submitted a budget that was as big as Obama's biggest budget.

But he didn't. He hates being second to anyone. He had to top Obama by hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of billions.
Hilarious watching you Leftards pretend to care about the deficit.
Number of threads started by leftists condemning Pelosi’s budget: ZERO

can you give us link us to this budget?

The right claims to want less of those things, but they don't practice it.
They can't practice it, because they are pushed by the left (due the leftist antics of using more and more government power inappropriately), to use more and more government power in order to counter the leftist usage of more and more inappropriate government power.
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Only one problem with your meme...more failures in life vote Democrat.
The conflict is between Liberty and Equality.

They are natural enemies---Because there is a natural Inequality in Ability (and Motivation as well). Thus motivated talented persons given the Liberty to go out and do their best---will naturally get ahead and destroy the Equality that the Socialists want.

The Natural Order is directly opposed to the notion of "from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs" (Marx).

As this nonsense can never stand in the long run (and never has)---Force becomes necessary to maintain Socialist Artificial Equality. Force to restrict Liberty.

That's is why these Ignorant Socialists (No Work Free Stuff--Equality) quickly become Communists--they need force to Take Away the property of the Talented and Motivated. That takes Big Government necessary first, and very quickly Totalitarian Government.

Been going on for centuries. It's only new to those educated in public schools in rotting Northern cities run by Democrats for half a century.

This post hits the nail dead square on the head.

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