Do we agree that a fundamental difference between the right and the left is...

...what the role of government should be in society? Is it accurate to say that left-wing ideology supports more government programs, more government management/oversight and higher taxes wherein right-wing ideology supports having LESS of those things?
In general you are correct but there are a few exceptions. The Right promotes larger government intervention when it comes to issues of national security, foreign affairs, marriage and abortion rights.
...there's lots of right wing folks getting abortions too.

You have no idea how many "right wing folks" are getting abortions. It sure as Hell isn't the right that wants to fund Planned Parenthood and fund abortions in other countries.
Golfing Gator

Show me the prominent members of the right that support taking people's taxes to pay for the healthcare of foreigners living here illegally.
I can show you a lot of pseudocons on this forum who believe we should all pay higher tax rates and borrow trillions in order to give tax credits, deductions, and exemptions to corporations.

Much easier to find leftists who want to give handouts to illegal aliens for literally no reason.
The net cost of illegal immigrants is about $50 billion a year.

The net cost of tax expenditures is $1.4 TRILLION a year.

You should be asking yourself why your bigoted overlords have you focused on the wrong thing. But we all know you won't.
The net cost of illegal immigrants is actually more than $120 billion/year. That's only the cost in government programs. It doesn't even consider the cost in lower wages and jobs take from American citizens.
You repug business owners should stop hiring them then.
Well, the repugs do love deregulation, which lead to banks doing subprime loans, junk bonds, etc.

You're basically a rhetorical clown. A troll. All you've done in this thread is spew endless nonsense.
As we move forward in time, the most glaring difference to me is that the right believes in the sovereignty of the Nation state while the left does not.
it is always someone else's fault, your god can never do wrong.

Your criticism perpetually flows in one direction. You're not objective.

is there anyone in this thread from the left trying to pretend they are not free spending liberals like you are trying to do?
Yes. You are trying to pretend you aren't a free spending liberal.

You are so cute when you try so hard.
The right claims to want less of those things, but they don't practice it.
We have less people on food stamps.
Yeah, not because less people need them, but because repugs made it harder to get.

more of the former, and has been the case for the last 8 years as the food stamp rolls deceased as people went back to work.

Another big difference between left and right; you leftists tend to be shameless fucking liars.

Food Stamps haven't been declining for 8 years. They rose the whole tenure of Potentate Obamugabe. They declined once our competent president, Donald Trump took office.

Under Obama, 10.7 Million More Use Food Stamps—A 32 Percent Jump | Breitbart
...what the role of government should be in society? Is it accurate to say that left-wing ideology supports more government programs, more government management/oversight and higher taxes wherein right-wing ideology supports having LESS of those things?

It's a false paradigm.


The so-called left and right in D.C. are like peas in a pod.

The more relevant question is what is the fundamental difference betwen pro-constitutionalists and anti-constitutionalists? More clearly, what is the fundamental difference between patriots and tyrants?
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The right claims to want less of those things, but they don't practice it.
We have less people on food stamps.
Yeah, not because less people need them, but because repugs made it harder to get.

more of the former, and has been the case for the last 8 years as the food stamp rolls deceased as people went back to work.

Another big difference between left and right; you leftists tend to be shameless fucking liars.

Food Stamps haven't been declining for 8 years. They rose the whole tenure of Potentate Obamugabe. They declined once our competent president, Donald Trump took office.

Under Obama, 10.7 Million More Use Food Stamps—A 32 Percent Jump | Breitbart

You are correct, it has only been 7 years, silly me.

But you are full of shit, they were dropping long before your god came down the golden escalator.

The right claims to want less of those things, but they don't practice it.
We have less people on food stamps.
Yeah, not because less people need them, but because repugs made it harder to get.

more of the former, and has been the case for the last 8 years as the food stamp rolls deceased as people went back to work.

Another big difference between left and right; you leftists tend to be shameless fucking liars.

Food Stamps haven't been declining for 8 years. They rose the whole tenure of Potentate Obamugabe. They declined once our competent president, Donald Trump took office.

Under Obama, 10.7 Million More Use Food Stamps—A 32 Percent Jump | Breitbart

You are correct, it has only been 7 years, silly me.

But you are full of shit, they were dropping long before your god came down the golden escalator.

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