Do We All Have EVIL In Our Heart?

Are We All At Least PARTIALLY Evil in some way?

  • Yes

    Votes: 5 71.4%
  • No

    Votes: 2 28.6%

  • Total voters
Like I said, there are non-Christian's that act much more "Christian like" than some Christian's, there is no doubt.
If you could exact some sort of revenge on people that have done wrong to you, and, you knew you would not be arrested or anything bad would happen to you, you would not do it? Ever?

Wronged? In what way? How about give some examples?

hmmmm maybe cost you your job with lies
broke up your marriage with lies
hurt someone you loved

The first two? Absolutely not.

Hurt someone I loved in what way?


Both can be equally damaging

Emotionally how? You need to give some better examples. :)
If you could exact some sort of revenge on people that have done wrong to you, and, you knew you would not be arrested or anything bad would happen to you, you would not do it? Ever?

Wronged? In what way? How about give some examples?

hmmmm maybe cost you your job with lies
broke up your marriage with lies
hurt someone you loved

The first two? Absolutely not.

Hurt someone I loved in what way?


Both can be equally damaging

Emotionally how? You need to give some better examples. :)

Some people are susceptible to emotional cruelty.
Being put down.
Told they are being selfish for not caring enough.
Told they do everything wrong, can't do things right or never good enough.
This happens a lot to children, but can happen to weak minded adults as well.
I'm not a big revenge person either...
I used to have a lot of evil thoughts as a child/teenager but I was filled with anger and hate.
It took a lot of time to get over that

It's normal for teens to lack empathy. It is because they are still children and children are very selfish and self centered.
Wronged? In what way? How about give some examples?

hmmmm maybe cost you your job with lies
broke up your marriage with lies
hurt someone you loved

The first two? Absolutely not.

Hurt someone I loved in what way?


Both can be equally damaging

Emotionally how? You need to give some better examples. :)

Some people are susceptible to emotional cruelty.
Being put down.
Told they are being selfish for not caring enough.
Told they do everything wrong, can't do things right or never good enough.
This happens a lot to children, but can happen to weak minded adults as well.

Would I want to torture or kill someone for putting me down?? Absolutely not. That is probably a trait of a psychopath.
Wronged? In what way? How about give some examples?

hmmmm maybe cost you your job with lies
broke up your marriage with lies
hurt someone you loved

The first two? Absolutely not.

Hurt someone I loved in what way?


Both can be equally damaging

Emotionally how? You need to give some better examples. :)

Some people are susceptible to emotional cruelty.
Being put down.
Told they are being selfish for not caring enough.
Told they do everything wrong, can't do things right or never good enough.
This happens a lot to children, but can happen to weak minded adults as well.

If someone puts me down all the time (and what they say is not true), then I just wash my hands of that person and have nothing to do with that person anymore. Simple.
hmmmm maybe cost you your job with lies
broke up your marriage with lies
hurt someone you loved

The first two? Absolutely not.

Hurt someone I loved in what way?


Both can be equally damaging

Emotionally how? You need to give some better examples. :)

Some people are susceptible to emotional cruelty.
Being put down.
Told they are being selfish for not caring enough.
Told they do everything wrong, can't do things right or never good enough.
This happens a lot to children, but can happen to weak minded adults as well.

If someone puts me down all the time (and what they say is not true), then I just wash my hands of that person and have nothing to do with that person anymore. Simple.

Well you are a strong minded adult/person! That's a great thing!
Some believe (Christian or not) that marriage means commitment to one person (sexually and emotionally)
Some believe that if both married persons agree to date others, then, if they are not harming anyone else, it's totally moral.

Again, everyone has "A" God. Themselves normally. Sometimes they wills submit self will to the law of the land and/or let their moral compass be guided by the law of the land. EG - it's not OK to be gay, but, now that it's legal, it is now moral.
It isn't moral to me yet I obey the laws for the most part. I don't believe everyone has a god, I know Christians like the phrase. Some people don't give it much thought or don't think god is a puppetmaster. Morality and law are two very different things, legislating morality is dangerous because government is ruled by politics. And politics is ruled by all sorts of things that have little to do with what's best for the people.
If somebody harmed my child, that would be something else entirely. I might then feel compelled to kill that person, BUT I would probably still feel not so great about it after all was said and done.

I imagine someone begging for their life, crying, pleading. I don't know if I could do that, unless I felt myself or my child was in danger from this person.
The first two? Absolutely not.

Hurt someone I loved in what way?


Both can be equally damaging

Emotionally how? You need to give some better examples. :)

Some people are susceptible to emotional cruelty.
Being put down.
Told they are being selfish for not caring enough.
Told they do everything wrong, can't do things right or never good enough.
This happens a lot to children, but can happen to weak minded adults as well.

If someone puts me down all the time (and what they say is not true), then I just wash my hands of that person and have nothing to do with that person anymore. Simple.

Well you are a strong minded adult/person! That's a great thing!

I've been through a LOT of shit in my life. I know myself VERY well because of that.
Some believe (Christian or not) that marriage means commitment to one person (sexually and emotionally)
Some believe that if both married persons agree to date others, then, if they are not harming anyone else, it's totally moral.

Again, everyone has "A" God. Themselves normally. Sometimes they wills submit self will to the law of the land and/or let their moral compass be guided by the law of the land. EG - it's not OK to be gay, but, now that it's legal, it is now moral.
It isn't moral to me yet I obey the laws for the most part. I don't believe everyone has a god, I know Christians like the phrase. Some people don't give it much thought or don't think god is a puppetmaster. Morality and law are two very different things, legislating morality is dangerous because government is ruled by politics. And politics is ruled by all sorts of things that have little to do with what's best for the people.

well by a God meaning, what's most important in your life. You could argue that it's various things, but ultimately, it's someone or something... I could be wrong.
I'm not saying are we all completely evil, but, is there something or some THINGS that are evil in our heart that we hide. Is that true for everyone?

Does admitting your evil make you more evil?

Does acting on the evil also double or triple the evil?

What is your opinion ?
No, because the heart is metaphorically used to describe and emotion.....Which is illogical in it's descriptive use..
Some believe (Christian or not) that marriage means commitment to one person (sexually and emotionally)
Some believe that if both married persons agree to date others, then, if they are not harming anyone else, it's totally moral.

Again, everyone has "A" God. Themselves normally. Sometimes they wills submit self will to the law of the land and/or let their moral compass be guided by the law of the land. EG - it's not OK to be gay, but, now that it's legal, it is now moral.
It isn't moral to me yet I obey the laws for the most part. I don't believe everyone has a god, I know Christians like the phrase. Some people don't give it much thought or don't think god is a puppetmaster. Morality and law are two very different things, legislating morality is dangerous because government is ruled by politics. And politics is ruled by all sorts of things that have little to do with what's best for the people.

well by a God meaning, what's most important in your life. You could argue that it's various things, but ultimately, it's someone or something... I could be wrong.

You are wrong.
I'm not saying are we all completely evil, but, is there something or some THINGS that are evil in our heart that we hide. Is that true for everyone?

Does admitting your evil make you more evil?

Does acting on the evil also double or triple the evil?

What is your opinion ?

All human beings have the capacity for good or bad actions. Evil implies that there is no good in a being. That is counter to teachings of the Buddha that all beings have Buddha nature.

I think there is potential for good in all.
Because I think we are all created in the image of God (my belief).
But to tap into that "goodness" we have to allow him to live within us and guide us, as our Lord.
Only then, can we truly be compassionate and loving to others. Because, God does want us to love him most of all, but, to do that, we also have to love each others. With compassion, forgiveness, understanding and a kind a meek heart. Not with haughty judgmental attitudes.

This is an interesting post......
My parents helped a lot of poor people by building home less centers total of 5. Spread in California and Florida..... When they passed away I took over the responsibilities and added 2 more homeless centers. In 2007 I built a veteran center in Florida dedicated to help veterans which also includes housings. This year I built another veteran center in San Diego county will be operational this June. That depends how fast my staff can hire physical therapist, full time nurses and 4 doctors. This all coming from my own pocket. NO government help.
Several occasions I sent my people to pick up homeless mom ( which always melt my heart ) with their kids in the streets.
Being said........ Despite from what I told you about me. Am I an evil? Or an angel?
Indeed, every last one of us, bar none, not one, has evil in our hearts, in our souls, in every cell of our being.

It is called instinct, selfishness, grasping, and it is all a part of our evolution living on the blue planet where everything eats everything else.

Having said that humans (and I reckon other higher evolved animals, such has parrots, dolphins, whales, apes) can also realize the ground luminosity of being itself.

The great light, the dawn luminosity known as our true being.

The very underlying foundation of existence itself.


And if that is not why we are truly here, then I still say fuck it, better to die in a delusion of light and love than die alone just trying to eat or be eaten.

And so says all of me.



'Evil' is not an absolute. Concepts are all in the mind. The metaphor of 'evil' may serve a purpose. A wise person is careful not to confuse the finger for the moon.
It's probably as simple as this:

We are animals.

We've evolved to being empathetic to one another; however, the cold/selfish killer/survival gene has probably survived in some outlier cases and gave us our varying degrees of narcissists, psychopaths, rapists, schizoids, sociopaths etc.

And each one's severity makes it more or less likely that their environment can exascerbate or tame the condition.

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